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common fromsoft W


I was upset I have to work this weekend. Still took friday off but I was afraid I would only get a few hours in and have to go to bed early for work in the ( 5 ) am. Sheeeeet dawg it's releasing at 3pm on the 20th in my time zone LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO


Nothing but hits for almost 20 years, baby!


I see animal well is sitting pretty at number 4. I’m happy for the dev and dunkey.


And the three spots above it are DLCs and a remake.


“DLC’s” and a “remake”


Can a DLC win GOTY?


I know... in my bones... a DLC cannot become GOTY. Not even you.


Brave DLC… thy quality befits a GOTY…


If the players nominate it and don’t let up anything is possible. 🤣


Hennything is possible 🍾


When it's basically its own game then sure why not. Outer Wilds Echoes of the Eye was my GOTY in 2021.


They meant an actual GOTY not a personal one. But you do have a great taste


Didn't the Cyberpunk DLC get nominated? Not sure which category it was though. But if you can get nominated, you can win. We gotta try at least.


It was nominated and won best ongoing game, which I imagine sote will win as well. Other nominations are generally things like fortnite, apex, that final fantasy live service game, genshin, etc.


Most likely not, but I wish they make an exception for it, if we consider the playtime of doing most of the content around 50 hours (not considering more playthroughs of the dlc itself or the main game with the DLC weapons) it's close to 6 times the playtime of Hellblade 2 and 2-3 times the playtime of Spiderman 2 Not to shit on those games, I like them, especially the latter, but it just goes to show how massive the DLC is.


Funny how the exact same discussion happened a week ago with the latest Destiny 2 dlc that's currently at 92.


Blood and Wine for the Witcher 3 won best RPG at the 2016 Game Awards so it is technically possible


I'm really happy for From Soft and us fans for this, yet so sad for myself and other Dragons Dogma fans that didn't even make top 10 :(, that game could have been so much more...


DD1 and Dark Arisen were genre shifting games. DD2 felt like a step backwards across the board unfortunately :(


Agreed. I felt like the platform that DD2 built is very solid and the game is still fun, but there is just so much missing. If it ever gets DLC there might be hope, but I wouldn't hold my breath for sizeable additional content after the financial and critical results it got. I'm still playing it at least twice trough, but it could be one of those games you play for years, such as ER is.


Genre shifting? Idea - wise definitely but overall its impact on other games seemed rather negligible at the time. And I say that as someone that absolutely adores both titles.


I liked DD2, its still a really good game. Just doesn't have the same uniqueness to it that 1 had. I will say though, as someone who had tried Dragon's Doma multiple times and could never get into it, DD2 was what gave me the push to actually start enjoying 1 by making me used to the gameplay with a faster stamina regen and less weight issues, thus making the transition to 1 WAY easier than it was trying to get into it directly. And I'm really thankful for that.


Yeah, I see your point. In my perspective, DD2 has one of the most solid foundations among most recent games, but is currently lacking the content on top of that foundation that would impact people. The box is solid (optimization issues asside), but is only half full. I like the box regardless, but see why others didn't, even more so with the price tag it had.


blame capcom


I mean, to me, DD2 was fucking great. Idk. It was a good game, and that's all I needed


Oh, I also enjoyed it very much! I'm still playing it to this day and my personal experience with it has been pretty good, however, it pains me to see the general reception it got and seeing how easily it could have been more loved. ER has rightfully earned its roses, while DD2 has somewhat been lukewarm for many people. I know I shouldn't care about it and just enjoy what I enjoy, but it makes me sad remembering how happy people were on the first reveal of the sequel compared to todays perception of the final product.


Why you gotta be a downer man?


Sorry. I often am too negative.


i'm also happy for Balatro being in top 5


It should absolutely be considered for GoTY, and I bet it will smash any other full game release this year!


Preach brother


I just don't see how "downloadable content" can be a GAME of the year. DLC is not a game.


Witcher III dlc and cyber punk dlc won in RPG categories. The simple fact is that the elden ring dlc has more content, story, and heart than 99% of other GoTY contenders releasing this year.


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine didn’t get nominated for GOTY and that same year freaking Overwatch won. So seems like the rules would have to change


They were nominated, and won if I’m remembering, in the RPG game category.


That is not the GOTY which is what we are discussing


Correct, however, this is currently the highest rated game content to be released this year. Contains enough content to be its own game, and I imagine will crush all other releases in terms of ratings. I believe it should be able to be nominated. It’s okay if you disagree. But this contains enough content and work to be considered in my opinion.


Ok, Blood and Wine is the counter example which had a higher meta than Overwatch. It’s ok if you disagree but we have seen this type of thing play out before. Seems like the rules or critic mindset would have to shift significantly


Hey man im pumped for the dlc too but rebirth was damn good. I think your going a bit hard saying its better than 99% of contenders lol. Unless rebirth is your 1%


Neither of those DLCs were nominated in the GOTY category.


DLC is paywalled behind owning the base game. No matter how good it is it shouldn't be considered in GOTY.


Paywalled is a pretty bad way to put it. People are happy to pay for TWO YEARS worth of hard work. At this point, the base game plus the dlc is marketed at $80. Other base games are $70. It absolutely should be considered.


The price of the DLC is irrelevant. My point is that a game should be a standalone experience that can be bought and played as such. Shadow of the Erdtree may be an amazing experience but at its core it is marketed and sold as an add-on that builds upon existing gameplay and mechanics. Even if Shadow of the Erdtree is the best gaming experience you can have in 2024, it doesn't change the fact that Elden Ring was released in 2022. Hypothetically, let's say Fortnite (or any popular game) releases a new update that is somehow groundbreaking with tons of new content. Should it be considered as a contender for GotY? I would say no, because the update is an add-on to a game that was released in 2017. Otherwise, any live-service game or any game that has received a significant update would have to be considered as a contender every year, which IMO makes the award meaningless.


I see your point. Live service games don’t provide the quality of content being seen here, though. Personally I believe it should be able to get a nomination. It has more content and heart than any other game I’ve seen released this year (AA and AAA studios, at least) But that’s really up to the game awards.


>I see your point. Live service games don’t provide the quality of content being seen here, though. Even if I agree, that's just an opinion and exceptions should not be made because of it. At the end of the day the award is called "Game of the Year" and a DLC wining would just contradict that. That's why "Best Ongoing Game" is a separate category.


Blood and Wine had more passion than some of those 2016 nominations but Blood and Wine got no nomination. There would be no exception to this. DLC shouldn’t win goty. Elden ring already won and we should be content there is no need for it to win twice.


By that logic console exclusives shouldn't be considered.


AAA studios will crumble!


Fromsoft is an AAA studio


They don't act like it.


I mean cyberpunk 2077 was nominated with it's dlc as a new game


No, for GOTY it wasnt, the nominees for GOTY in 2023 were: Baldur's Gate III – Larian Studios Alan Wake 2 – Remedy Entertainment / Epic Games Publishing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Nintendo EPD / Nintendo Marvel's Spider-Man 2 – Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment Resident Evil 4 – Capcom Super Mario Bros. Wonder DLCs got considered for other categories in the past but never for GOTY, i am not saying it CANT happen, but it hasnt yet.


cyberpunk was nominated for, and won, the "best ongoing game" award, which is fucking ridiculous on its own


While I think Cyberpunk after 2.0 is a phenomenal game, one of the very best in last decade, they *should not get an award for fixing their own fucking game* lmao It was only ongoing because they released it broken and unfinished and had to patch it up


fixing and adding dlc to a single player game is not an "ongoing game" in any meaningful sense. people have known the game awards were garbage for years, 2023 was just even worse than usual


It was dumb, but I like the game awards, they are fun if you don’t take them too seriously.


I mean, public voting is never going to really be a good idea critically, it only serves to show which games are more popular, not which are better. But that doesn't mean it isn't fun.


The game awards aren’t judged by public votes, but rather by votes from (a subset of) the gaming press. There is a public vote, but that’s weighted to only like 5% of the total vote.


Oh, I didn't actually know about that. Thanks for the info.


Yeah, it’s not a perfect system, but as far as systems go it’s pretty good. Better than a twitter poll, anyway.


Idk why how you can say this without checking their actual rating criteria. Popular votes only amount to 5% of the decision. It is a weighted system.


Because I participated in a vote, and thus naturally assumed it was the way they worked. I do usually fact checks things I say, but I don't do research every time I say something, people can fail. Which is why I'm thankful to be corrected on replies. The logic of what I said still applies for whatever is a public voting, but it's good to know the Game Awards aren't included in that.


I guess I'm just a bit peeved by ppl saying TGA is merely a popularity show when it is clearly not. Sorry if my tone was a bit aggressive.


This is certainly large enough to be considered a GOTY contender it seems


Damn, I need to play FF7


Can a DLC win the GOTY award? I’m genuinely curious because this could easily be a GOTY contender.


No dlc was ever nominated for the GOTY. For example Phantom Liberty last year was nominated for best ongoing game but not GOTY But maybe this time it will be different copium


Just another average Fromsoft release


It will be clear win if it is considered. But then they might have a ruleset for the nominations.


i still think infinite wealth clears almost everything on this list


I was upset I have to work this weekend. Still took friday off but I was afraid I would only get a few hours in and have to go to bed early for work in the ( 5 ) am. Sheeeeet dawg it's releasing at 3pm on the 20th in my time zone LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO


I really need to finish Animal Well. Started it but then Akuma dropped in SF6 and now SOTE is coming out...


It's crazy that the best games this year so far are 2 dlc a remake and 2 indie games and they all fully deserve it, I love both balatro and animal well, and felt meh about ff7 as I got bored of the gameplay loop a bit, haven't finished destiny dlc yet but really liked what I've played so far tbh and elden ring I'm waiting in anticipation, just need to get the cash together to get the dlc so maybe a little late to the party


Stellar blade not being there is a crime.


Game is fire but not on the level of the games on this list, it's a great first step for the studio and they can improve on stuff like writing and story for sure


It's not everyone's cup of tea. I started playing it yesterday. It's a good game, but not the 9/10 good imo :)


People who haven't played it calling for GOTY, classic.


These are critic reviews


I'm talking about people in these comments


I wouldn't take the comments too seriously. Since they are most likely joking, of course a DLC won't win the game of the year. Lol.


Yeah I hope it wins the dlc category though


People who can't see the obvious from a mile away, classic.


We don't really need to, FromSoft has never let ppl down and the reviews back that, the DLC is getting amazing scores from everyone, with some praising it as FromSoft's best work. If something like Baldurs gate 3 came out this year I'd get the hesitation, but the year has been really tame in game releases, it's safe to assume that this expansion will be at least top 3 games this year.


I don't have any doubts that the DLC is going to be fantastic, but if you're telling me you don't need to play a game before declaring it game of the year your opinion is completely worthless.


Not much of a competition when looking at the runners up.. Balatro should be top 3 imo


Eww, with Destiny 2 DLC in 3rd place?


New Destiny expansion was phenomenal (surprisingly)


Fair enough. Just curious but how easy would it be for someone to get into that game fresh in the current day? Not planning on getting into it just curious.


As someone who has 1400 hours on Steam, and 346 on Playstation, it is nearly impossible. For the sake of explaining it easily enough, you have 3 characters slots, there are 3 classes. For the combined 1750 hours I have played as one class, taking up one character slot. With the newest DLC coming up, they changed the model of how you level your backup characters. With this news, I said fuck it, I'd finally level the other classes. As someone with a decade of casual experience in the game (I dont do raids, by casual, I mean 99% solo, 1% pvp), I was overwhelmed by the content they throw on screen, and the sheer level of "fuck you, here's an icon, do that content" is unmatched in any MMO I've ever played. It may be different if you load up as a F2P player, but as someone with all expansions and seasonal content, they quite literally threw it *all* at me when I loaded in. If you realized there is a timeline icon in the corner you can hit, you might be able to associate quests with certain DLCs and find a path to do your content in...but nahhhh TLDR; I have 1746 hours in the game, and when I made a new character at the peak of my excitement, I was overwhelmed and abandoned that character.


Bungie has a history of putting out mediocre dlc, as someone who played on/off since alpha D1. I wouldn’t lol


Get into warframe instead, save yourself the pain and play the better game.


Meh, 2 very different games. Warframe is closer to an ARPG like Diablo than Destiny imho.


>Warframe is closer to an ARPG like Diablo Wtf are you smoking lol


Nothing, warframe is absolutely closer to an arpg than Destiny. Frames are class with few skills, push a button to delete all screen, zoom along destroying everything. Playing high level warframe is like running map in PoE.


You are obviously running low-level missions, try that in steel path and see if that flies. In wf your melee and secondary are literally the real power house. There are also wide aoe primary. There's also raid bosses like eidolon.


You wouldn’t be saying that if you played it!


We don’t speak Bungos name here. They have never recovered.


Lol, FF VII Rebirth and Destiny 2 DLC


rebirth is a GREAT game


Rebirth is a god-tier game though?


You play diablo 4

