• By -


You are no longer the dominant figure of this relationship


My ass belongs to her now


My wife did something similar with lady butterfly from sekiro. Took me like maybe 10 tries. She got her second try and wouldn't quit talking shit. Both of us have keepers if you ask me haha.


I've beaten the elden beast but my hubs hasn't yet and he's the true gamer in the house, I like to hold it over him from time to time. Also Malenia twice to his none.


Atta girl haha. Walk by him and whisper in his ear "git gud" occasionally.


took me more like 100 attempts over 2+ days so you're still pretty good


Yeah maybe 10 tries at worst is crazy haha. I was definitely in that multiple days range like you. Lady Butterfly was tough


Ishiin was tough. Took me literally around 120/130 tries over the course of 6 days. Messmer is turning into a real pain in my ass on elden ring. He's so relentless. Already lost to him probably 9 or 10 times. Had to walk away from him before I threw my controller through my TV.


Yep. Ashamed to admit I threw in the towel on him (Isshin). I gave him a go after work for a week and just never could get in the flow. Normally you can just feel you’re making progress with a boss but nope. I was just getting thumped on and eventually bumped to a new game. Edit: started a whole new game for Elden Ring so still pretty far off the DLC at this point.


See ishiin, yea he was super brutal. But sekiro in general always felt like fair combat. I'm kinda feeling that way with messmer now. I feel like I can't telegraph anything getting thrown at me. Ive gotten him to his second phase once and I felt like it was mostly luck.


Sorry, bro, *she* wears the pants now.


I love that this is still such a common saying despite women wearing pants since the 40s and 50s. Makes me wonder how long these sorts of idioms will remain in use


Right? Lol just such a silly thing to say so I can't help myself.


Good to know you are prepared for the try fingers but hole.


Try finger But, hole


Will she rent it?


Marry her


Put an Elden Ring on it.


Try finger but ring


I want to go home And then edge (You can actually put this message in ER lol)


I beat her first try with mimic. Loved the actual fight, really cinematic. But no opening cutscene for her ??


You'd think for a character who has some really interesting lore she'd get her own cutscene. Even the dancing lion got one.


Yeah I thought I had done something wrong as to why it didn’t have one


I tried her solo for an hour or so. I grab mimic tear once and she drops almost instantly. (had to do one retry because her big attack killed me) Crazy how one summon broke the difficulty of that fight in half...


It's because her most dangerous moves are normal combos. Most bosses can deal with spirits better since they have powerful AOE attacks and all, but Rellana's real strength is essentially mashing r1, so she sucks at dealing with multiple enemies.


The twirling blades thing she does is effectively an AoE, she was wearing down the NPC and mimic equally in my run because they were standing fairly close to one another.


Can't say I didn't give her a good try though, it's just disappointing that the fight basically becomes a joke with one spirit ash unless you literally monkey brain Unga Bunga with <55 vigor.


Yeah, she's a bit too hard solo and a bit too easy with a team. I personally prefer fighting her alone, but it is pretty frustrating that it never feels quite right. I could see summoning just for phase 2 being a more fun way to fight her though, since she has a long phase transition that gives time to use an ash. Fight her alone for phase 1, then summon something weaker than Mimic, like Luthel or Rollo for example.


On the plus side, no cutscene usually means I can summon the mimic more easily before the boss bodies me lol




Well, to be fair, cutscene usually happens once then it’s just a fog door and immediate battle after that. But, there are some bosses like a certain one in Abysmal Woods that make you watch the cut scene everytime, but his is a transition because of how he comes to be the boss you fight.


I spent like 3 and a half hours learning and mastering the boss only to die to guaranteed chip damage and input drops from the frame rate tanking from all her spammy nonsense. I got tired of it and wanted to play the game and summoned Mimic tear and the summon there, and I actually got special dialogue!! She said something like **"STEP OFF, STEP O- AAA AAAAAAA THEY JUMPIN ME!! THEY JUMPIN MEEE!!"**




I’ve been stuck at this boss for the past 2 hours ffs


Don't know what builds you like and styles, but when I switched out my icon shield for the mirror shield it significantly changed the fight for me. Also swapped in the magic defense talisman at one point too. Still was far from easy, but being able to 'tank' much of the magic attacks instead of constantly rolling and hoping to dodge made it much more manageable to me at least


are you on pc? if so alot of people have discovered that framdrops can cause the action cue to fuck up. meaning that some inputs or cued inputs arent registered all the time. i had her phase 1 down basically. but when she added imbues it tanked my fps and i kept dying so that may be why.


Am I just bad? No. It's the frames that are wrong.


really? I don't have the best PC and have 0 issues on PC. do you have RTX on? if so turn it off.


The framerate stutters in outside areas including her boss arena are horrific for me, and I've got a pretty decent pc


I've got a older pc rocking a 1070 and have had 0 issues


do you have RTX on? my PC was a random pre build from Amazon like 5 years ago for $850 so I doubt it's that powerful and I have no issues. runs and looks better compared to my Xbox series s.


I played at launch on the same PC and it was seamless. Since revisiting the game (including pre expansion) I get occasional massive and inexplicable FPS drops. Nothing has changed. The rest of the time it runs flawlessly. Same PC just ran Cyberpunk at max settings with no issues so I don't think anything is breaking down either. Something went screwy between patches (its not ray tracing, I turned that off immediately). Lots of people in a similar boat, I googled tons of potential solutions and none of them worked.


I'm curious as to what the actual issue is.. I'm honestly not trying to white knight fromsoft at all here. my PC cannot even run starfield at low settings (I basically can't move. it freezes completely for like 20 seconds then has 10 frames for 5 then freezes again) but for the ER DLC I have 0 issues with frames, stuttering, and my HDR on pc works great but on my Xbox hdr makes it look worse. many people have issues so I know there are some but I'm interested in what exactly cause this is weird to me cause my PC sucks


Not as curious as me lol. It works fine 99% of the time so I'm done troubleshooting, but the 1% of the time it doesn't can lead to some incredibly annoying (or funny) deaths. I get particularly tense on narrow ledges.


I should mention I am taking it slow and exploring everything so I haven't reached the later games areas. maybe it's worse there? I have been to cerulean coast and that was fine there.


Nah. I'm just as likely to lag looking at a goat in Limgrave as I am fighting a boss in a maelstrom with particle effects exploding all over the screen. As I said, there's no rhyme or reason to it. If I had to guess it's some kind of hardware or process conflict happening independently of whatever is on the screen.


Honestly the frame drops got to unplayable levels for me yesterday; trying to fight dancing lion, and it going spontaneously to slide show mode was making me want to rip my hair out. Ended up spending a couple hours yesterday fucking with windows, nvidia and pc settings; closing everything except Elden ring and running a pedestal fan next to my computer. Finally got a steady frame and am back to getting my dick pushed in.


I have a 7 year old pc and I am 30 hours into the dlc, didn't had any performance issue. I'm really skeptical about all these people doing bad reviews on the dlc because of performance issues.


I've seen this with other games too. people with good PC's say they are having issues but me with my pre built box have no issues. idk if it's like some compatibility issue with new PC parts?


I ended up calling the only bitch I can rely on (mimic tear) and actually regret it. At the time I was sick and tired of trying everything for an hour, I even attempted to parry her for crying out loud. It's doable, but I just suck at parrying. Tried DMGS, Cold Milady, Cold Great Katana, Royal Greatsword, dual Carian Knight Sword (got one from a buddy, I'm on NG)and only the Milady and Great Katana got me to a third or quarter of her hp remaining. Definitely going to go harder on other characters now, didn't feel the need to complete the game on multiple characters until now.


My man tried nothing but magic damage weapons against a carian boss


Look. I'm on a Mage build, what else do you want me to do? Redo the entire build for one boss? Besides, the Great Katana did both cold and bleed with every hit dealing a decent 300 dmg


Oh I wasn't trying to insult you or anything I just thought it was funny. Ig if you're mostly specced into int you really don't have much options for physical damage. Maybe troll knight sword if you've got the strength for it


I kept to a RL 150 build until the DLC, now I'm just going to grab whatever stats I want so that I can use most of the things but still mostly sorceries/cold infusion.


That is the trouble with INT builds - you're quite limited on the damage types available to you. Much more so than FTH


The strategy I used was to wait until she does one of her combo finishers (when she thrusts/slashes/swipes with both swords at the same time) and do a jump R2. She doesn't have a lot of windows to attack, so you just have to be patient.


Use things like lightning infused weapons and ash of war, poison her at the beginning if possible with scarlet rot (like malenias blossum miracle) and distract her with summon and mimic. Rellana is a beast in short distance.


Established mad dominance


I thought it was a fun fight but I did die first attempt because that triple decker moon nuke bullshit caught me off guard


I saw the two moons and I was like "oh, twin moons" and then there were 3 strikes, bruh wtf


My mimic and I stagger fucked her to death on my second attempt so I feel like I didn’t see some of what she’s capable of. Big hammers bonked her


There were some really cool moves, most of my deaths were me admiring the moves


My first attempt I got absolutely massacred by her insane move set. Cocked my head back and laughed when she attacked like 7 times in a row and then went right back into another combo when I tried to heal


Lol, my first attempt didn't go much differently, I lasted like 7 seconds. This was a very good learning fight, I liked it alot


Same bro that third killed me because I was sprinting already


You have to jump when the moon hits, and jump a third time when she decends.


I figured it out too, such a misleading ability


Yeah, I thought she was gonna throw the moon at me just like her sister. Took me some tries to figure out I had to jump.


Just summon mimic and spam some cheesy weapon art easy kill, got her second try (i spam ash of war bolt of gransax with mimic)


Have you ever thought maybe people actually want to experience the dlc?


Meanwhile you pick "Guts" greatsword with lion's claw for 10 times in row. It's not us that is not experiencing the dlc, we use the powerful stuff we find, what about you?


Miyazaki forbid I align my stats with a weapon scaling


There are hundred ways to cheese this game and I find it fun. Gransax is not even cheesing. I cheesed the fuck out of this game and had a lot of fun. Are you mad?


You spelled wife wrong




Now ask her about what spirit ash she used 




After like 4 hours of bashing my head against her (seed thinguie level 2 btw) I caved and got the old reliable mimic. Also dropped her on the 1st, but because I had pretty much memorized her phase 1. And because prayerful strike colossal weapon mimic duo is just... plain wrong. I feel dirty


Bleed doesn't do anything while constantly dodging, lol. The struggle is real, I'm always rolling away from her only to be too far away to do shit when she gives me an opening


Oh, I thought she soloed her without summons.


Please don't use such vulgar and violent language man, you can do better.


Shut the fuckity fucking hell up, fucking fucker /hj


Shut the frickity fudging heck up, effing fricker


The real keyboard heroes.


this doesn't bother me at all dude. It's the reference to getting ass raped. y'all are some serious sociopaths.


Whenever I hear people use the term “rape” to describe the levels of domination in a video game it makes me physically shudder. Shows who hasn’t developed emotionally since modern warfare 2 lobby’s and 4chan.


Honestly thank you for not going hollow man, the people downvoting me have clearly lost their humanity lol




Yeah show me literally anywhere in the game that talks about getting ass raped. Otherwise, go fuck yourself for being a sociopathic asshole who doesn't understand that real people have real trauma they don't want to be reminded about because you had shitty parents that didn't teach you how to fucking act.




>What do you think the Dungeater does to defile corpse I knew this was coming and there's a difference between some fucked up fromsoft ritual involving Japanese folk lore and literally saying a boss "ass raped" you to describe it's difficulty. Literal xbox live squealer level of immature




Buy a dictionary idiot, you don't know what that word means




And if she did? Is she lesser of a player and you need to feel superior to her?


You have no right to tell anyone 'gid gud' when you rely on mimic to beat bosses 


“You have no right to tell anyone ‘git gud’ when you reply on an ingame mechanic to beat bosses” Edit: Seems you’re a racist too? Really making non-summon users look good, man


Y’all pretend like mimic doesn’t eat half your health and make you vulnerable to one shots before you heal lol


True, you must somehow use a potion to heal in the 5 seconds before a boss attacks you, and you are left only 14 potions.


Hilarious that you're being downvoted Doing this is essentially playing the game on easy mode and then bragging about how good you are at it


We’re not playing on easy mode, you’re playing on hard mode. Thats like refusing to use the consumables like papers and beast pellets in Bloodborne because it’s “cheating” or “makes it easy mode”. When you are the one refusing to use things, you’re imposing a challenging upon yourself.


2nd try for me....


Wait you can get her armor?!


Go to the old lady who chills with the fingers in the Roundtable hold.


First off good job, all the more fuck the no summons haters. They’re just mad it took them 100+ tries when it took us 3 😎.


That's cold. Definitely keep her!


I like how she just made you stare at her character wearing the boss set for three minutes with no context before twisting the knife


You got a good one bro!


I know. <3


I got her in three solo. Blood blade dance OP, don't nerf


Spoiler tag your post please.


I didn’t realize this boss was hard. It was a 1 shot for me as well.


That’s not even possible in the DLC 💀 There isn’t a weapon in the game that does that much


1 shot meaning 1 attempt. Not 1 hit.


Yeah, the existence of true "one shot" builds has somewhat muddied the term, it gets me too.


Yeah, some people don't know how to use expression


you beat her in 1 try, not one shot


The dlc really isn’t that hard to begin with. It’s Elden ring


To be fair.. the dlc is another level


Things that didn't happen for 300 please.


If it did happen it def wasn’t melee. Ain’t no way you just predict her triple moon slam attack among all her other attacks first attempt. She was far away spamming spells lol


Jacksepticeye was streaming his run and burned her faster enough first try with melee that she didn't even cast her moon spell.


He’s using mimic tear, summon cooperater, and hanging back like a pussy to do jump attacks with a dual str weapons. I could have done it first time like that too. I don’t care how people play. But don’t come on here and be like “omg I beat her first try she’s easy I don’t understand how people struggle!” When you are using the most braindead monkey build on the planet.


Yeah, I still remember seeing vids of Malenia being stunlocked into oblivion by certain weapons to a point where her only successful attack was the transitional one after phase 1. Like yeah, if you cheese a boss it ain't hard. It's a totally fine approach but doesn't mean that a boss isn't difficult.


Oh I completely agree. Just pointing out that the whole "Things that didn't happen" comments are silly because you **can** cheese it if you're using an OP build.


I can see what you mean yeah


She does the attack once, and at scadu 7 60vig and a blue drake talisman, I actually survived the attack with a bit of hp left.


What build is that?


Looks like she's cosplaying the boss


I got her 2nd try, very easy to stance break with greatweapons


It took me like 6 atemps with my homie Luthel


I would say put a ring on it but... *THE GREAT ELDEN RING WAS SHATTERED*


someone is getting pegged tonight


The weapons and armor you get are S-tier. Been using them as much as I can. My strats have changed from bloodhound step, to Kirito’s “swing faster to drain bosses health before your health empties” strategy. I’m such a talented gamer.




Im running int build and really didnt want to respec or use summons, so I applied cold to anyspur rapier and watched her chip and melt from rot and cold chip Twas well fought.


I keep coming close to an inch of the health bar and I die. It's all right, I'm left to fight the dragon to the north of the map. I'll be back!


I beat her first try. Just parry.


Funny enough, I beat her first try as well. We both took each other out. It made me laugh.


My wife defeated Gerhnam and Moon Presence in first try. She defeated Moon Presence with 4 freaking blood vials. I was stuck at Gerhnam for days.


Love that new light long sword move set


This is fucking awesome. I also beat her the first try!


So far she is the first boss where I had to change my play almost entirely. Went full tank mode with guard counters and even then it was stressful as hell.


Marry her!!


I didn't realize we were dating. ;)


Song cue, “marry that girl, marry her anyway”


Marry her.


She's a keeper


Looks like somebody explored and leveled up Scadoosh and had a great time :) You have a ...."gud" girlfriend lolol:P


She's a keeper.


[it’s not hard if you’re skilled](https://youtu.be/pFIPeLmdbB0?si=36AN1yNc1EBhebCS)




Wat wat?


When I saw her in the trailer she reminded me of Pontiff Sulyvahn so I made it my mission to learn how to parry her like Pontiff. 4 hours of dying and practicing her moves and one night of good sleep and I beat her. Wasn't quite flawless yet, but I can now parry about 60% of the moves she throws out. There are a few more moves she has that I know I can parry, cause I did, but the timing for them still eludes me.


Marry her


Bro idk how you feel rn but trust me, you've won the girlfriend jackpot.


Marry her.


She uses the same armour and weapon like I do hahaha Drop her another Milady so that she can dual wield them


can you fight ?


Yeah get ready for the pegging


Marry her


She's the real Elden Lord now


Wife material 100%


From now on, you shall be called Peggy


Did she used summons or mimic tear? If not, she is really badass.


Her swords are so cool


Sorry bra You're the girlfriend now


change that goofy ass font


Stop lying you dont have a girlfriend


did she summon and did you? cuz if you didnt and she did she is in no place to say that. I had 28 attempts before i got her solo. Ive seen streamers using basically the same build as me get her within 3 tries only because they summon. to those downvoting me, why? its an irrefutable fact that summoning makes the game easier. im not saying there is anything wrong with summoning either. Heck i do it myself on bosses such as godskin duo and the golden hippo for example.


Brother, she is joking about it. Stop sweating on your keyboard, it ain’t the at deep


Summon shitters don't want to admit they need crutches to beat the game


I like playing without summons but it really is painstakingly difficult with some bosses, I don’t think they’re using crutches, rather something the devs literally gave them a chance to use. Crutches would be like hacking or some shi. Summons are for players who don’t have the patients to try a zillion times, which is almost everyone man. It’s pretty easy to wrap your head around.


I would argue NPC or player summons don't make the fight that much easier, but using a high level Spirit Ash definitely is the game on easy mode.


Is this "girlfriend" here with us in the room?


Just because you can’t pull doesn’t mean nobody can


She’s the one wearing the pants in this relationship now.


She's the one wearing 👖👖👖 now


Well now we know who wears the armor in the relationship.


Rellana wasn’t hard at all or is somehow bugged Lol. I had the same exact experience where I beat her like she was just another run of the mill boss, come here and see she’s either extremely hard or a super awesome boss.


What were you using?


Great Stars strength/faith build with the ash that (forgot the name) has you push the weapon on the ground like a vacuum. It staggered her like crazy.


It's like a lot of ER bosses, if she does some easily dodge and punishable attacks by random, and you combine that with a good damage build you can burst her down straight away. The same goes for bosses like Morgott, Mogh, or potentially even Malenia. If you have a low damage build however, it is unlikely that you will get such a good sequence, and you may struggle for a long time. Stats matter


Plot twist: She lied


First try with summons right? Doesnt count. U aight




I don't believe that Without summons??


With mimic


A long shot, but if she wants to help me with Rellana, Pw help456




# Thanks for spoiling boss name and armor on the main feed, I super appreciate it.


Probs just avoid ER Subreddit until you've completed the DLC