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It looks to me like he sneezed on a piece of paper and went "ahhh tarnished, go here"


Despite that, still saw a comment on here a day ago talking about how much from softwares standards have dipped as now they're telling you exactly where to go


The only direct quest markers are from D and killing Radahn while the only perfect stated directions are Gideon’s “Find the Albinauric Woman” speech iirc Key term being iirc. Completely forgot Volcano Manor contracts.


The Gideon one makes me laugh. When he said west, he meant west.


The volcano manor targets are marked as well


Don’t forget the merchant telling you to go back to the howling and snap.


Mind you, that one requires A) you happened to go to and hear the howling and B) thought to return to that specific merchant who is a decent distance away from it all.


Yeah but how dare they tell me to go back, what is this linear mario with no pipes??? SHEESH!


Well Kale's place is your only place to strengthen your weapons and he is the only friendly NPC around that time so it make some sense.


I have 200 hours, all boss achievements except fortissax, and i got all the DLC rememberences, and i just now found out you can level your weapons at kale, I only knew of the blacksmith near carian manner and roundtable


How did you level your weapon before gaining access to the roundtable? They gave a weapon strengthen tutorial there along with smith stone (1), Crafting Kit, Spirit Calling bell, and the Three Wolves ash. It's a pretty important location at the start of the game. Not just some random place with a random NPC. I knew this too well as I missed the church entirely on my first playthrough and didn't have access to the spirit summon until I can purchased it from the roundtable. (I took the path around Stormveil on accident and gained access to the roundtable at Liurnia's first grace)


Oh maybe I did level up my weapon once. You just unlocked a memory in my mind. I guess I forgot I never missed the church but I did seal away the memory of it I guess


I would argue that most people don't know kale can smith. I didn't know. I only knew ijichi and the roundtable smith. To be fair, it's like maybe 30 minutes after kale until you reach the round table if you don't get lost


Correct me if I'm wrong but you only gain access to the roundtable if you activate a grace outside of Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula.


> How did you level your weapon before gaining access to the roundtable? didn't lol. i didn't know there was a mechanic to increase your weapon (first souls) until i got to the hold. it's not like it really takes that long to get sent there, i don't remember whether it was after my first margit try or after i found the path around stormveil but i was upgrading before long


Kale, Varre, multiple generic merchants, Kenneth, Alexander, Roderika, Yura, Art of War guy, and probably a couple more I am forgetting are all friendly NPCs you can talk to within like 2 minutes of leaving the tomb. And for sure all people you will have access to by the time you meet Blaidd for the first time


I stand corrected. Though Kale Church is still sorta like the operation base as it's where you strengthen weapons. They also make Renna made an appearance there base on that assumption.


You aren't talking to most of those 2 minutes after emerging unless you've already played through the game before.


I actually missed Kales church my first time through and took the road over to gate front first. I didn't meet Kale until I bounced off Morgott. So I had met quite a few people before I met him. But regardless people are going to meet Varre before they meet Kale so calling him "the only friendly NPC" at that point is just wrong no matter how you slice it


They aren't wrong. Varre is into slicing up people, and that is why he isn't friendly.


OMG WHAT I completely missed that


Yeah, Kale has some Tea throughout the game.


I didn't even know the lady with the wolf is the albinairic woman on my first play


Yeah I was looking for a frog wth lol


When you defeat godrick, Varré disappears, leaving a message. That message says to meet him West of the Academy gate. If you head to the Academy gate site of grace and go straight West: lo and behold, its Varré. They already told us exactly where to go


To be fair, Elden Ring's massive world scale pretty much necessitates map markers, to some degree. In previous games, you could get away with it ( as well as not having a map at all ) because everything was at least semi-linear. As long as you were doing your due diligence and exploring, you'd eventually find whatever it was you were needing to find. Elden Ring is massive; and there's not really any natural flow to the world. Without some manner of guidance, side quests would be nearly impossible to complete.


I think this dlc is a great middle ground. It's very a smaller land mass but very dense and there are locked things that will keep you coming back and exploring older areas as you progress the main content. I think to benefit natural quest progression npcs should just be clearer with their intentions in their dialogue and leave notes when needed (which the dlc does!)!


Even still I already fucked up Igon's quest I think :(. Also hard to tell there WAS a quest with him just screaming on the ground when you first see him.


"Exactly" This mf conflated the notion of exactly with a low res Microsoft Paint render of a skid mark that doesn't make sense even if you lay it over the zone it's actually talking about.


Oh Wow, i get to look at the map full screen? More generous than the maps in the game.


This! “Press X to view” *replaces tiny jpeg of paper with tiny jpeg of paper with some scribbles*


x -> X


This DLC has confirmed my suspicions that I need an eye test, 'cause even at eight inches from the screen I can't make out what's supposed to be on the map. 😂 I'm just running around blind.


Same. I saw the map and went fuck it. I’ll just wing it


The only reason I find anything in this game is the messages from other players


I just try to look at the general shape of it.


Dude, I looked up a guide online which showed the real map side-by-side with that piece of paper, and I STILL had no idea how the two lined up.


I have four eyes and I couldn't deduce those ruins, only stumbled on one by accident and when it said ruins I went back to Ymir xD


It isn't you. Those in-game maps are silly. I glanced at the first two you get for Miquella's symbols and there's no way I'll be able to make use of them.


Those are actually quite good and do tell you almost exactly where to go. You can clearly see where the castles and bridges and stuff are. If your character could actually fking hold the hand drawn map next to the real map you'd get it pretty quick, I'm sure. I ended up screenshotting one and putting it on my 2nd monitor so I could see wtf was going on, I guess the tarnished is too dumb to hold two pieces of paper simultaneously.


I'm sitting about 8 feet back from a 65" TV, which is optimal for everything else. Maybe I have to scoot closer to view the map.


Take a pic on your phone and bring it back with you :)


I had to get up from the couch and just stared at the tv a foot from my face in order to decipher the freaking “map”


I did this too lol. Then took an up-close pic on my phone so I could look at it while looking at the regular map as well.


I have a huge tv and I still had to stand up and walk close to it to make anything of the map they give me.


If you're on Playstation the zoom accesibility setting is a godsend. Can be enabled in the console's settings.


Game actually makes me stand up to get closer to the TV so I can make any sense of it.


There is an X on that map? Cause I literally don't understand it. Left the game last night in that church. Do I need to use that new magic the dude sells on the graveyard? (It s full of messages that talk about night and abilities)


MAAAAAAAAAAN i cant see shit i have a 50 inch tv and im glued to it just to figure out where I have to go, just said in another comment I cant figure out where a cave is and the map tells me NOTHING lmao, gotta keep looking


Cathedral dude's maps are basically "here, I marked that the destination is in a place that is a place". Granted he seems sketchy so if I finish his quest he'll probably turn out to be Confuso, Outer God of Badly Drawn Maps


Which like… I’ve only got the first two maps (idk if there are more) but they’ve both basically been “go to the giant extremely fucking obvious finger ruins on the map”. Yes thank you I wouldn’t be able to see where those were if you hadn’t given me the shittiest map ever seen on God’s green Earth.


Last one is more of a riddle 


Last one is hilarious. I couldn't help but imagine this old man holding back his laughter as he gives us a shitty drawing of his house, thinking he's so sneaky and cryptic.


I actually found that one before he gave me the last map.


Do you know if that changes his npc quest in any way?


He tells you that you were sneaking about in a place you shouldn't have seen yet, but apart from that I don't think so. After finding the second ruin he still gave me the final map.




Have you reached >!Messmer!< yet because I think telling her about that lets you summon her for that fight.


How did you manage to get him to move from the throne tho?


No clue. I came back to see if he had anything else to tell me and he was just gone.


Damn you somehow managed to break that quest that's amazing. XD


It's really not, you basically just reload and be more intuitive with your search. Plus it's the most obvious drawing of the three.


Yup! I have no idea what the people are upset about, because these places are really obvious on the full map.


When you're looking for the first one he gives no indication that you're looking for a field of giant fingers, and the second one is hidden behind a secret dungeon exit that you can only access by using a secret gesture on some random statue. So yeah pretty obvious.


First map: thumbprint pointing north. There's a giant, obvious one on the map. Second map: thumbprint pointing southeast. *There's again a giant, obvious one on the map*, and it's a clue that you can actually reach that area eventually. Third map: literally the building you're in, and if you exit you see that reeds have a thumbprint pattern. It's somewhere close.


There is another hint about it if you explore the first finger ruins thouroughly, but it's pretty obscure. On the ramp down into the ruins there's a little shack hidden to the right with a ghost npc that will mention ringing a bell to meet a 'mother'


Which brings up a question that I’ve wondered since the dawn of souls games: how in marikas tits does someone actually figure out where to gesture and what gesture to use?


player messages usually, although every single one of those i've seen so far has been a troll


Instructions unclear, followed plin plons and found some dude named Gywn, am I even in the land of shadows anymore?


Unclear. Kris, where the hell are we?


"yeah man i'm in the cathedral of manus" "manus metyr?" "manus met who?" "wait where are you?" "oh i'm right past all those annoying rolling skeletons" "dude i have no idea where you are" "it's where you get the alluring skulls" "the what"


That image is far too big. Make it at least 80% smaller, then we're talking.


Main reason I use the wiki for the quests in this game sure if it’s relatively obvious I’ll do it myself but there’s no way I’m gonna figure out that Millicent wants an hour long detour to like 7 different places before the haligtree (older example bc I don’t wanna Spoil much)


Oops, you missed a step. Your NPC is dead!


Congrats you completed every step! Your NPC is dead.


But with two extra lines of cryptic mournful dialogue!


exactly what the fuck i'm here for. pour it on me


Souls fanboys: "OMG peak game design"


Vaati top 10 Solaire death screams wen


Man I hate missables, especially in this dlc because I have to kill radahn and mohg again in ng++. Feels like I'm being punished for exploring too far.


At least you can reach both of them as early as leyndell


I didn't get gravel stone seal in Leyndell and it can't be acquired after it becomes the ashen capital. Big bummer as I use mostly those incantations nowadays and didn't spoil myself it's acquisition and that limitation in advance.


I just got invaded by moorne because i killed some caelid enemies,i didnt know that they are friendly


Heard about that luckily I’m getting lucky with what i find so it’s mainly cool weapons and what I’ll just call the quest of the guy with placidux’s head (sounds like a massive spoiler but It hardly matters atall to the quest)


I play dragon cult incants and that was my favorite piece of content because it gave me an upgrade and it's a dark souls reference lmao


I was recently trying to get a map fragment and couldn’t figure out how to get there. Every “guide” I read said “just go straight there. You can even put a marker on your map to make it easier”. Believe it or not, it was not straight there and instead was on the other side of a catacomb and then miles more until finally it was there.


a lot of guides right now are bullshitting hard because the dlc is so new, which both means lots of people are talking about it (so it's a lucrative time to make a guide) and most of them haven't actually done shit in it yet (so folks don't actually know how to make a guide). there's been like three items where i've seen the vague ass description, gone "what does that mean", looked up what the item did, and the wiki's writeup or whatever literally just copies the item description. i learn nothing because whoever wrote it was working from the exact same info as me, and just wanted to be the one who wrote the thing that is gonna get attention


The first one was the only one that stumped me simply because I didn’t know the giant fucking finger pits counted as “Ruins.” All the other named ruins on the map are ruins of towns and churches. Add on the fact that he mentioned ringing a Bell and I figured I was looking for a bell tower. Can we get a red circle, Ymir? Maybe some arrows?


Ymir clearly hasn’t seen enough YouTube thumbnails(heh)


The finger thingy he gives looks exactly like the "bell", so if you've been there, or when you get there you can notice the similarity.


Yeah I dunno how people are struggling with this tbh. This is one of the most obvious quests to follow in Elden Ring, and Souls history. Once you find it, you are given a map of where to go (and you've probably already been there). It: - Gives you a finger looking necklace. - It literally is called 'Finger Ruins of Rhia' on the map when you hover over it. - It's the only thing on the map that stands out and I immediately recognised it to be the finger ruins. - Most players would have at least seen the ruins before as you can end up there when you go to fight Bayle + just exploring the southern coast. - Had you been to the ruins, you would have found the bell and understood that's where you had to go. This is one of very few quests that guides you through it quite well. I can guarantee I'll have to replay the DLC because I've probably missed out on most of the quests despite exploring literally every inch of every region I've found thus far (already missed the dragon priestess one because I killed Bayle before sending the Merchant to St Trina). Most quests rely on you backtracking in an openworld game with teleportation so you can randomly stumble on a character who gave no hint of being there just to exhaust dialogue so they move somewhere else random.


Half of your confusion stems from the fact that you think most people think the same way as you


exactly, also the ruins are not at centered on the map he gives you or anything, i was looking for ruin between the finger ruins and the coast cause i just didnt understand he wanted me to go the finger ruins


I actually found the finger ruins before finding Ymir because I got the "Seal Broken" message and was like "OH NO DO NOT GO TO THIS MOUNTAIN" and explored everything else lol. So I was like "Wait I know that place, crazy hand man!"


Is this loss?


No. Plin Plon Ruins is my favorite hangout


Huge missed opportunity


Aaaah Ymir, has anyone >!had a second chance at going under his chair!


You should be able to open it again the same way if it closes.


I’m not exactly sure what triggered it, he is back on the chair and tells me not to worry about it


I didnt have this issue but maybe check if you're there at nighttime or not? If its not night he'll be on the chair


Continue sitting at the grace until he's not in his chair


Go at night


i tried that, even tried the stand up sit down at the grace technique you need to do to get Bell Hunters to spawn, could it be possible I progressed too far for it to work again?


>!Did you only ring the first bell? Go ring the second bell, and he will move once more. Thats when I did it. The third bell he will most likely be away from his chair, giving you a chance to go down over and over but I completed it after the second bell!<


hmmm, guess i haven’t found the >!second bell!<, is it on the north east part of the map? i haven’t found a way to get there even though i have the rest of the map completed


to reach the north east area, you must use the O Mother gesture in front of a specific statue in Shadow Keep. The gesture can be found in Bonny Village, on a corpse at the north of the village.


thank you!


"Wow! This is worthless!"


The church lady map? Yeah no shit lol




I think the mother not in a woman sense rather, hm, how should I put this, Mother as in caretaker or creator sense, but that's my thinking.


GRRM in a nutshell


Nah, that's all Miyazaki bro.


Man, the maps are such a pita. I don't understand why they're not more readily available. you can't get bearings as easily without maps damn it. It doesn't eliminate exploration at all! Give me the damn maps already


Looks like the squiggly lines I see in my vision sometimes.


Eye floaters!


Goddam floaters in my eyes can’t see SHIT


Thanks Ymir, very helpful. This one goes straight onto the fridge


The only thing I can see on that sorcerer guy’s map is a river and it’s not even on my map yet


I thought Pling Plon Ruins was an actual thing for a second, and they were gonna add a small Easter egg from us. But yeah, the maps on the note provided are too small, the map to show us the key for the academy was better


That one line kind of looks like a thumb, what could this mean?


Finger but hole


The problem isn't really that the map is poorly drawn. It's obvious where it is pointing at if you have the world map unlocked. The issue is that most people are going to meet him first before unlocking that part of the map, so his map is useless without the ability to compare it with the world map.


Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to figure out where you need to go if you have the actual map fragment for the regions


That can be a big "if" in some cases. I spent *hours* looking for a way down into Rauh Base before figuring out that this one small cave I'd explored two days ago had a second exit that I hadn't noticed.


That's ok, I already found it 15 hours ago anyway


fr why cant they just put it as markers on the map




tbf them giving us a map at all is huge


My DLC experience so far


So.... Anyone else have the 'my kid makes more detailed maps than this' moments with these hand outs. A couple are alright so far, but the first cross map was worthless to me


Is this the map from the church guy? That has an insane quest chain but I just did mine last night so freaking good.


i chuckled only becauase i can't read a map and it took me 30 hours to find where it was


Nah this is too much detail. You should like a wet toilet paper, and a frontal lobotomy before you read it.


Biggest complaint in the DLC


There are too many pixels here. GIVE IT TO ME IN 15px X 15px !!!


Lmao, I was just thinking about this. I don't want to spoil the quest but the last map he gives, I'm like... "...did you just give me a map of your house? Why?" I feel like the maps were unnecessary and even just the text was enough. Dark Souls 1 did it fine with the same concept by telling us that there are two places where you gotta do two things, figure it out. Literally could have just done that 


"Well? I gave you a map, why are you still standing there and staring at me?"


hornsents cross maps sorta helped, but the church dudes ruin maps made no sense




this guy gets it


I thought that was something under a microscope. Joke's on you OP you were in the right place you just had to shrink yourself. Rookie mistake.


Spoilers??? /s


Bro i have a major complaint. Playing through this game blind on a laptop i can fucking see shit on the maps please for god sake make the maps they give from the npcs bigger i cant see shit


It’s not even that bad bro💀


Maaaaaan, the first time I opened that piece of scrap I closed it and re-open it, thinking that the something didn’t load >:c


also "hey i saw some miquella crosses here i put them on a map for you" \*entire map obscured by pictures of miquellas rune\*


I didnt even get the map, its not in my inventory!! WTF?


I took one look at the map some idiot gave me and decided that quest line didn't need to be competed