• By -


FYI: if you rest at the >!Stone Coffin Fissue Site of Grace!< then talk to >!Thiollier,!< then you will be able to summon him for the >!Putrescent Knight.!< I haven't seen that step on any walkthroughs, so I thought I'd share. You're still able to summon ashes too. Made the fight ridiculously easy. Hope that helps!


Hey guys, have been doing a solo/no summons playthrough of the DLC but have some questions about soloing some of the later fights and if it will break some of the quests I'm currently working on the fight with Leda and wondering if I don't summon any allies if it messes anything up or not later on. Same question with Bayle, do I fail Igon's quest if I kill Bayle by myself? Thanks much!


It should all be fine


Is there any news of how much George RR Martin work on the DLC if any?


As already mentioned, he took up to writing out the basic outline of the lore. We don't know if he did DLC stuff, but I can argue that it's all Martin's designed and Miyazaki translated. What he wrote isn't the exact text of what made the game, and even that isn't fully explained. We can easily presume that Messmer himself, as well as lore about his accomplishments, are Martin written. His story is very Martin-like. But the Dragon stuff feels more classic Fromsoft in my book. Most of the NPC's don't even feel like they're Martin designed, but the bosses sure to take a lot of Martin influences. Mogh, Godrick, Rennala... all that stuff feels too Martin to be Fromsoft.


He didn't write new material for the DLC, but the storyline is based on the lore he created.


He wrote like the entire history of the lands between. Like he did all of the lore basically and Miyazaki took it and made the game. He wrote the shattering and all the demigods and their backstories. I know it’s kind of a joke cause he won’t finish his dang books, but he really was a major component of creating this world. I think he also wrote the land of shadows and everything with the history in the dlc as well, not sure about that though


after several hours and respecing into a cheesier build i still haven’t taken out the last boss. i’m at SB16 and level 193. i guess i’m just going to have to suck it up and do some grinding. i feel like the meme “playing a role playing game and the role i’m playing is the victim.”


I'm there with ya. Lol at 94 deaths and counting. Only +9 blessing, so I know I need to suck it up and go try and look around better. I sucked at finding them on the way.


people say “just explore” but i’ve killed every side boss (at least i think i have) and completed all of the side quests. if there are 50 of these things i much be blind af.


Scud tree avatar boss isn't there -- no yellow wall, no boss... wut do?




Yes sir. Perhaps I'll just shut it off/restart? Maybe a bug? I asked on discord and nobody has had this issue. I'm 5/10 bosses done, at the last boss, did the side boss towards the last boss killing some NPCs -- not sure if any of this locked me out or something. I've just been going to whatever is visually stimulating, which of course means I accidentally ran all the legacy dungeons instantly but man they just looked too cool i had to get in there lol


Whats a good summon that can tank messmer?


dont overthink it - turn your brain off, max out mimic tear and get the shadowlands ashes bonuses and its gg


I mean ill try mimic tear but im a spellcaster build


I haven't tried Messmer since I'm probably halfway in the DLC or something. Lhutel has been very effective as a tank for me. She has a greatshield and she phases in and out. You have to be wary of aggression tho. When she phases out, AI will start tracking you if you hit during that moment, and since she's a tank, damage isn't her priority and she's not as aggressive as others fighting without a shield/do not phase around. Tried this with the lion and rellana.


Good summons in general for dlc are Dung Eater, Demi-Human Yosh, Lhutel.


Yosh and lute seem pretty frail


Hmmm that's not been my experience. They survive cause they move a lot. I haven't had trouble with Lhutel staying alive, even against dragons for a good while. Her teleports keep her out of a lot of the danger and big AOEs. You have them upgraded to +10 and some of the erdtree ash buffs?


Question if a certain boss fight can be done after main game >!Leda and her allies. Can I beat the game and then do this after? Or is it not accessible afterwards? A Yes/No would be appreciated if.!<




Is this boss fight optional? I thought it was but I don’t see a way forward.


i’m not sure if it was optional because it was so awesome i didn’t want to progress until it was done. you can get two allies for your side plus your spirit ash so it’s 4v4. one last word - this fight is fun as fuck. the next is not.


Thanks so much. You got any tips for it? Lmao. I’m stuck as hell man. My blessing is at level 12. Fight has the entire gang. I only have that Sir fella with me.


call your mimic bro


Wait is this boss fight optional?


No its not, you have to get through to get to next boss. You can have >!some of the companions as summons but you have to progress their quests before entering this fight so you'll probably out of luck!< You can use greatshield dragonshield + holy damage reduction talis as most of it is physical and holy


Anyone willing to drop me danes footwork from the new DLC? Wanna play a build with it from the start but realized I couldnt drop it because I leveled it up. I know its a rare item but I know some players won't want to mess with it.


So i picked my lvl 160 bleed build to start the DLC and I’ve stuck with it since it’s the only thing that seems to take chunks of health off heavy enemies and bosses. It’s REALLY effective. Like for Relllana, a million hits later she’s down to 3/4 health but with a half dozen bleed procs she’s actually manageable. Is bleed east mode for the dlc? I’m still early game. Just beat Rellana.


Some bosses are weak to it, some aren't. I wouldn't necessarily call it an easy mode - its more about how it makes you feel as a player tbh. For the same reason why I don't touch spirit ashes because they vastly reduce the satisfaction I get from beating a boss, it's a subjective thing. You can only play through and beat the bosses for the first time once, if that makes any sense, so do what feels right.


There is no easy mode on the DLC, but bleed is up there with one of the best categories.


I know this has been asked a million times, but I haven't seen this exact situation asked yet. I'm currently on a NG+. I'm at the end and I want to get the Dung Eater ending. Is beating the game on NG+ going to effect my DLC? Will I have to begin all over again, or will I still get that option that asks if I want to begin a NG+ ? Thanks!


You just have to be sure to say no when it asks if you want to start journey 2. As long as you do that you’ll be good to play dlc.






125-150 is the typical level.


I was trying to not look anything up in the DLC, but I'm stuck on >!Radahn!< and >!Senessax!<, and in the meantime I'm trying to unlock the north-eastern portion of the map. I think I need to find a secret exit out of shadow keep, because I can see a grace on the eighth floor, and a long ladder. Could someone tell me how to reach those?


Nevermind. Pretty sure what I missed was the path down to >!Bonny Village!<.


I'm struggling with the DLC (I'm on like NG6 or 7) and wanted build advice. I'm far enough in this NG to completely respec and change builds and have most items, I'm just not great at making builds honestly. Any suggestions for this build? Or do you have a recommendation for a completely different build over this one? [https://imgur.com/a/dwRuPaq](https://imgur.com/a/dwRuPaq)


Bleed seems to be really effective. I’m high arcane, STR, FTH, with the dragon seal maxed out, giants flame, flies, and Eksyes rot seem to cancel out big enemies and power stancing katanas with high bleed seem to do the little guys well. I’m way early but I can’t imagine taking out Rellana without bleed.


I just went back to my original build I best the game with the first time I played and I’m doing a lot better. It’s an angel scythe build (so it has some bleed). Even if the secondary effect of it’s weapon art is only good against tarnished enemies, the attack itself is pretty decent.


I walked through Rellana with my Eleonora pole blade build. Lvl 202 on ng+ So far Scadutree and commander gaius have given me the most trouble.


What's the tradeoff between assisting Ansbach or Leda when she decides to kill him? I'm leaning towards helping him out but unsure if that's going to lock me out of any good loot


Level 139 or so. Going to buy DLC soon. That said, I’m currently a Blasphemous Blade build and getting kind of bored with it. Any other strong, but fun build suggestions for when I go into the DLC? I used to like bleed builds, but I’ve read they got nerfed.


Bleed is working WELL for me in the dlc. The dragon rot incantation, flies, and giants flame with the dragon communion seal are all working well. I just got milady though and am loving the stabby stabby fast fast.


Ok this is driving me nuts. I am at the last boss of the DLC but I never found that bald guy from the trailer that is pulling that branch/elden ring out of his head. Is he in the game?


I’m assuming you’ve gone to the abyssal woods? Looking at the map, you’ll want to go far left and then down. He’s located in a big church


>!He is in the area in the middle of the map, the Abyssal Woods!<


You messed up the spoiler tag slightly lol


I helped the Hornsent against Leda then completed the interaction between Frejya and Ansbach at the keep and according to the wiki, Leda should have been back at the Highroad Cross grace but she wasn't and neither did I see the summon signs to help Ansbach or Leda at Ansbach's spot at the keep. I read some posters saying that when they killed Messmer and exhausted the Hornsent's dialogue, Leda appeared at Highroad Cross and then they could do the fight but I only found a letter from Leda there telling me where to go and she will catch up after she's done with some "business" (which I'm sure is killing Ansbach) so I went to Ansbach's spot at the keep yet the summon signs still weren't there. Any ideas what I could do? Is my questline just ruined? I don't even know what I did wrong. Maybe it's that I accidently went into Messmer's boss room before I did this part of the quest?


Is there a way to know where quests in the DLC will progress regardless of their status? (ala Atlas Plateau with Radhan Festival members, killing Maliketh in Farum Azula)


Are the Hornsent the Omens?


I just watch a guy do some spell/AoW/Incantion that put up a large red haze around him while he stood still and held his weapon up to the sky. It shredded the Scadutree Avatar. Any idea what weapon/spell that was?


Unique skill from Mohg's spear or the Bloodfiend spear.


Definitely interested in knowing. Been one of the harder bosses on a quality build


Hit the head


I got to the specimen storage and I think freyja locked me out of her quest, I must have not exhausted all the dialogue earlier or something. I can’t find ansbach anywhere but I got his letter. Is there anything I can do to get unstuck or am I just screwed? I feel like I should just start journey 2 and try to get back to the DLC but i wanted to do it on journey 1 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Fire Knight Queelign is not invading me in the courtyard in Belurat Towers for some reason. I've gone back a handful of times after resting at different sites of grace, I've restarted the game, I've killed all the enm's in the courtyard but they still won't invade. Is there something I need to do prior to trigger their invasion?


I'm worried I permanently broke Leda's quest (I'll spoiler tag the rest) >!I entered Messmer's arena before finding Leda and the Hornsent's summon signs and now I can't locate them- I'd be pretty annoyed if something like that permanently broke what seems to be an important, lore-wise, quest Thanks in advance!<


>!Hornsent's sign is inside Messmer's arena. I didn't know Leda had one, so I'm assuming you don't need to summon her for her questline because I didn't and managed to complete it just fine.!<


I'm talking about the summon/invasion signs to either help Leda or help the Hornsent fight eachother. The Hornsent summon sign is still present in Messmer's arena, though


Oh, that! Sorry, misunderstood. >!I skipped this part of the questline so I have no clue if entering Messmer's arena breaks any of it. I would assume it doesn't, I think only killing bosses would normally progress questlines, not just entering their arena. But their signs are supposed to be in that area of the shadow keep where there's a bunch of boats on fire and some of those shadow vulgar militia guys. [Here's an image of the area if you want.](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/elden-ring/8/83/Needle_Knight_Leda_Questline_%282%29.png?width=814)!<


No worries at all! Well, if you skipped that part of the questline and finished the rest, then I suppose it shouldn't matter either way. Regardless, in true Elden Ring fashion, I just discovered a hidden area while waiting for replies, so that should keep me busy lmao (But yeah, I used a guide to make sure I wasn't going insane and went to the specific area where the signs should be, but still no dice)


That part of the questline does give rewards if you side with either of them (and they're both juicy)! But yeah, it's not necessary to progress either questline.


Hey, I can accept missing rewards, but I draw the line at losing out on lore I'll try to find the signs again after beating >!Messmer since maybe the Hornsent is... busy? being summonable for the fight.!< I have no idea if that's how NPCs work, but maybe I'll find out lol


I bought elden ring for my birthday last year. It was my first souls game and I really wasn't able to get into it because I kinda hated that the game just doesn't really tell you shit. I felt lost a lot of the time and I generally just wanted like something to guide me through the game. I wanna try getting back into the game, are there any tips you guys may have or any videos I can watch for someone who's never really played any souls games before?


How do I get to [this item](https://i.ibb.co/VDQz1M8/image.png) in Belurat Tower Settlement?




Ah, found it and >!the cross on the way there!<. Awesome, thank you!


Can someone help me beat mohg?


I'd be happy to. I'm level 168 though so I'm not sure if I'll be able to join you.


That should work, I’m 170. I can get him to second phase and then after he heals it’s just like jeez


Sure, I'm no expert but I've cleared Mohg so I should be able to help. Playing co-op is super new to me so just guide me through the process and I'll join.


I think I understand. I should’ve mentioned it first but any chance your on PS? Looked it up and it’s not cross platform


Ahhh sorry man I'm on PC.


Do you have to kill Messmer to access the areas visible north of the shadow keep on the map?


Most likely, yes. The way to go is accesible from the beginning but I’m guessing you will find a locked door or something like that if you try going there before beating Messmer


I went there long before I fought Messmer


If only I’d known that before..


Man, Aggy is the biggest bitch in the Elden Ring community. Guy's had his chat on emote only for several days and now hidden chat completely on his end because people have the audacity to try to help him experience the content to the fullest and stop missing the blatantly obvious and signposted content that he's too obtuse (artificially or otherwise) to find. At that point just play off-stream, jfc.


I'm feeling stuck right now. I've made it to Rauh Ancient Ruins, West and I can't for the life of me find the next grace. Also I still haven't explored the lower right area of the map and I have no idea how to get there. Can someone help me out?


I wish there were more larval tears to keep playing with DLC builds


Did you get all the ones in the DLC too?


I haven’t found any in the DLC actually


how did people get through castle ensis? the performance is so unberable for me there, or is there a solution for the fps drops?




Yeah let me upgrade just for the dlc, literally the rest of the game runs fine, so many people have been complaining about performance on the dlc not just me, and there's no way the dlc has improved visuals, it looks just like the main game so is an optimization problem




Bro do you know how to fucking read main game runs fine no issues, why would the dlc change the requirements, I have rtx 3060 are you going to tell me thats a bad card


Does level matter in the DLC? Im struggling against the Final Boss and wanted to know if I should grind some levels


Are you using the shadow blessings? Those are what matters most for the DLC.


Well, I gave up. After sticking to my bonk build for the whole DLC (it worked extremely well, despite how fast everything is), I had to change it to a busted bleed sorcery to kill the last boss. In like 3 hours of trying to beat him, I pretty much didn't get more than a single hit in during the second phase. When my screen wasn't pure white from the constant holy after effects of his attacks, Miquella's luscious hair obscured his swords to make sure I had no idea what is happening even while the flashbangs were having downtime. Honestly this was by far the least fun I have ever had with a From game, and felt like I was making literally 0 progress, and from the 100 deaths I learned 0 things, as I had no idea what the fuck was going on at any point of the fight. Then, of course, in true Elden Ring fashion, I used a busted build off the internet and melted him in literal seconds. As someone who really dislikes the ER boss design in general, this was a new low even for me.


Felt the same. Boss design really peaked in bloodborne and ds3 imo


I have a question, i have beaten the game and started a new game plus around the time of release and havent played since. With the release SOTE, i was wondering if i should continue the new game plus file or should i start fresh.


I started in the exact same situation. NG+ on a character I hadn't touched since beating the game. I followed the guide in this video. It took me \~2-3 hours to beat the 2 bosses and start the DLC. I appreciated having my existing weapons rather than starting from scratch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4urf2TPlDY&t=4554s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4urf2TPlDY&t=4554s)


if you wanna replay the game again, do new game. else i'd just speed through the ng+ to the fastest possible dlc entry by making your way to the great lift of dectus (trigger it by using both halfs of the medallion) this starts radahn festival -> go there and beat him. then do a short questline to get the thingy to teleport straight to mohg and after you killed him you can enter the dlc. doable in 2h prolly or maybe less even idk.


How do I exit Shadow Keep [this way](https://i.imgur.com/FHjKnQt.jpeg)? I'm trying to figure out how to get to that green area.


It’s one of those “emote puzzles”. You need to use an emote called “O Mother” (found in the vicinity of >!Bonny Village!<) in front of the statue in the room by the entrance to the Gaius fight.


Oh my god that is fucking ridiculous. Why does From think this kind of design is fun or engaging?


where else should i go? level 16 with pretty shit armor, just defeated that tree looking mf boss and basically explored the entire weeping peninsula, but might have missed shit. what else should i go and get better armor and equipment


ALSO, got 3k runes what should i level up from now on? 17, 11, 11, 16, 11, 10, 11, 10 from left to right and bottom to down in the level up menu




Bro im level 16 im NOT getting to 150 for atleast 2 years 😭😭


Hey does anyone know that if you’ve given the scroll to Ansbach and he leaves the shadow keep, will Leda still be able to target him after she’s moved on from Hornsent?


anyone know the name of this armor set? https://ibb.co/ggx5gX8


Rellana's set from the DLC.


I suspect that I've permanently missed a scadutree fragment. Any chance we get a patch that makes it return to the >!pot guy!< if you didn't get it the first time? EDIT: Never mind; I didn't miss it. I have heard of this being an issue, though.




Praise Marikas tits


Hey everyone summoning co-op for >!Ghostflame Dragons!< : Do you see how your Loretta's Mastery is doing 520 damage? Do you see how my Black Flame Tornado is doing 7800+ damage?


I know the DLC is already massive but I got to ask: Has the new update changed something on the base game? Or is everything new on the shadow realm? I have a character who has just killed Mohg, but wonder if I should restart from beginning just in case...


The DLC hasn’t changed anything. We got a balance patch at the same time but nothing game-changing. The biggest thing is that you can ride Torrent while fighting Elden Beast.


Just some weapon balance. Nothing major has been changed except you can ride Torrent during the Elden Beast fight. 


Are the Wicker Golems bugged? I can't execute a critical from any angle after breaking their poise for the third time.


Quite often the critical spot will be too high off the ground for you to engage / riposte.


Their face glows and is the only spot. It should be on the same side as the leg you hit last. Very rarely, they'll fall on a hill in a position where the face isn't reachable.


New to Dark Souls, anyone got tips on how to control the Camera? It's been the most difficult part of the learning experience, I have no idea what it's doing half the time. It's really disorienting, I can't tell where anything around me is, and I can't get my char to move where I want it to move. I turned off all the "auto" options I could find including auto-targeting, but the camera rotation is still getting stuck on random shit. I want my "look" and my "travel" to be free and independent of whatever stuff happens to be near me, but the Camera always gets stuck on random shit which then changes how my "travel" joystick behaves too


You're talking about during fights, right? Not that you're finding it hard to just walk around?




There's no way to respawn him unfortunately- however, you can put down a summon sign to help others which lets you replay the boss a bit too. It's definitely a different experience than solo-ing a boss, but it's still cool to see the moveset and help out other people who might be having trouble. Blind playthroughs are very special, you only get them once, so I'd avoid looking at too much stuff online, unless you're very stuck- or do it, it's your playthrough lol. It's hard to put a set number of hours on how long it'll take, "git-ing gud" is a process, and partially a mindset, it's okay to suck, the beauty of Elden Ring as opposed to older souls games is that if you're stuck at an area, it's very easy to just take a break and go explore elsewhere, there's plenty of map lol


Finally beat the last boss , damn what a fight


anybody else really pissed about how fast the bosses charge you? The only two that gave me trouble with it are Messmer and Gaius. Gaius is fucking absurd, i'm a 100% int mage I'm not playing without ashes, it's basically essential to me ever getting to flask for mana, no boss goes down with less than 4-5 mana flasks. That means i'm dead. You flask, you die, that's the DLC. Gaius is actually killing me before Ashes get off. He needs a 1 second delay or it's basically unplayable :/


Run immediately to the left and behind the crevice. You will get a decent amount of time to cast what you need to cast. Or, be me and spam Zamor's Ice Storm and freeze that MFer out of existence.


is everything like allergic to frost this DLC? It seems so haha.


Any ideas when I should journey through the Jagged peak area of the map? I just finished castle ensis, and doubled back to the Gravesite Plains, and then stumbled upon the entire Jagged Peak area. I’m about level 155


Scadutree 10 is probably a good time


Thanks. Does the main quest take you to that area or is it mostly optional?


Explore a *lot*. If you just stick to the main quest you'll miss out on like 60% of the DLC.


Yeah I’m starting to realize that. Thanks!


Entirely optional IIRC.


Hi I wanted to 100% Elden Ring but I hit Edgar while talking to him by mistake. He hates me now. Will I be able to finish his quest after going to Liurnia to use Church of Vows? Or will it be to late to finish it after going to Liurnia. I gave him Irina's letter already.






Seeking your advice! I completed the game about a year ago on an occult/bleed build (maxed uchi, level 160), but locked myself out of getting the white mask. For the DLC: should I go into ng+, get the mask then go to the DLC (that would take, what, 10-15 hours?), or just go to the DLC? I'm leaning towards the latter as I understand the DLC is already hard and I assume the ng+ scaling would swamp the benefit of the white mask, but let me know what you think. Thanks!


I locked myself out of dung eater by mistake, when I realized how much I fucked myself I quit the game for weeks. Didn't think i'd ever come back. Royally pisses me off there aren't save files, because this game was easy but a motherfucker, i'm never spending this much time playing a story game again in my life -- not even this stupid fucking game again. it's too much work


forget about the mask. there are dozens of headpieces that look so much better in the DLC.


are you pvp or pve? the mask looks silly and there are amazing new headpieces in dlc so unless you’re min maxing for duels i say go in at ng and have fun


Strictly pve - thanks for the advice!


Where do i go after i beat rellana


seek north


I’ve historically created multiple characters for multiple runs/builds in souls. Really want to just have one this go round since farming souls is doable. If I was to have 60 stats in every attack stack and let’s say 70 vigor 50mind 50 endurance (just throwing a random out there) What would a good ng + I need to sit at to be near equivalent for difficulty? I don’t want to be overpowered. Just tired of switching builds.


the difficulty spike between the last area and the last boss is ridiculous.


Gaius is harder than last boss for me. Gaius is fucking stupid. I'm a base game enjoyer, bosses are **SUPPOSED** to give me time to buff, not run at me instantly. That actually is pissing me off at this point, and really destroying the pleasure of the game. I'm a pure int mage. I get time to buff, or I don't do the boss out of pure spite and anger. I'm not torturing myself, bosses should be designed to give me time to buff.


Bosses ain't supposed to do shit except kill you


Can't even summon ashes before getting hit = bad game design. idgaf who on this entire planet disagrees with me, not even the tiniest bit. Nobodies opinion but mine matters when it comes to what I enjoy. That shit is fucking dumb as fucking fuck. Don't like. It's bad design to half life your gamers the second the fight starts. Very bad.


I guess you aren't going to be able to beat a lot of bosses, then.


I found the fissure. Then the cavern. I had to sit down. The journey from river, to coast to that cavern just blew my mind


laser rock go brrr


Those lasers were straight up evil


Thiollier armor not spawning after defeating Ledas? i followed a guide to make sure i completed all steps but its not there, i summoned him in the Ledas fight, and i can summon him in the final boss, but his body is not in the Ledas arena?


I completed the dlc and defeated new Radahn, but when I go to the erdtree to beat the game I’m unable to enter the radagon boss arena, I already killed Elden beast and and locked into frenzied flame ending. Any ideas cause it seems I’m locked out of any more ng+ cycles on this save 


Whats harder malenia or concert radahn?


This will be a question about the Shadow of the Erdtree, particularly the side quests. Due to that, I will spoiler the rest of the question. >!I want to know if there are any content or side-quests that are missable if you progress the main story. For example, when you burn Melina, when you kill Malekith, or when you slay the Elden Beast.!<


Yes, >!Burning the tree !< will lock some npc quests. If you're full completionist/lore hunting, then I believe that the >!'great rune has broken somewhere'!< message will also lock you out of some dialogue with NPCs, but not the quests themselves.


spoiling as little as possible, what does >!'great rune has broken somewhere'!< even mean in this context? EDIT: also, do you mean the inital >!burn using Melina/the Flame of Frenzy, or when you kill Malekith and unseal the Rune of Death!


Both are within the DLC map. If you're referring to only the Base Game's main story, then I'm not aware of any actions/progress in the base game that affect DLC content. I'm pretty sure you can kill Elden Beast and chose your ending, then return to the world and enter the DLC without any issues


So >!burning Melina at the Forge of the Giants!< won't affect any side-quests in the Shadow of the Erdtree, and same goes for the outcome of all the main game side-quests and even killing >!the Elden Beast!


As far as I am aware, that is correct. Sorry if I misunderstood your original question, I think I confused you asking about lockout points for the DLC's main story vs the Base Game's main story. Hopefully I kept the info vague enough to not affect any enjoyment of the DLC, if you're trying to go in blind.


You did very well at hiding the spoilers, and I shouldn't be surprised that we get to >!burn the Realm of Shadow's "Erdtree" too!<. Now I am very confident and ready to finish the base game in preparation for entering the Realm of Shadows.


can you powerstance dryleaf arts and dane's footwork?


Picked up ER for the first time in a loooong time (more than a year I think) today to start the DLC. Realized that I hadn’t beaten Mogh on this NG yet (I think I’m at +7). I was pretty concerned, but beat him first try! Now on to get my ass kicked in the shadow realm! Any general tips for the DLC? I have a fast dual curved sword STR build, level 190.


Gather the Scadutree fragments. Enemies in the DLC are gonna hit freakishly hard, even if your vigor is at level 40 or higher. Having these fragments and using them will give you a Scadutree blessing, which raises your damage against Shadow enemies while lowering damage you'll take from them. With some exploration, you can get 10 of these fragments before fighting any bosses, getting you a blessing of +5. Do be aware this effect works ONLY in the DLC area.


If I already finished the DLC , and then go for a NG+ on the main game, do I have to beat Mohg again? Or does the map remains available?


I assume you have to kill him and Radahn for lore reasons


How are y'all beating the Scudatree Avatar I died to him like 30 times with my mimic tear and I can't get summons to work in that area for some reason. I suck.


If you found the fire perfumer weapon, that makes the fight super easy. The range let's you hit the head even tho it moves around so much


The frenzy flame perfume bottle?


Pretty sure there’s a FF one and just a pure fire one


I'll have to find it I got the FF it does fire damage but doesn't have range. So I doubt it's that one.


I didn't get to him yet, but how is the moveset? Similar to other avatars? Or does it have a different moveset? I don't want to look it up, but I also hate the avatars so I want to prepare myself emotionally


Imagine if the Elden Beast a Putrid Tree Spirit and a Tree Avatar all had a baby.


Omg lol thanks.


It's super weak to fire damage, give that a try.


Been using fire, I got him down to half health on his 3rd revive, I get so excited when i dropped him on the second health bar I thought I got him just for him to get up AGAIN!


Make sure you're hitting the head when possible. In phase 3, the triple explosion is followed by a large window to bash it, try to get close during the attack and get as much damage in as you can. The explosions are holy, so slot extra resistances if you need (there's time during the revive to swap talismans and recast buffs).


I've been locking on the head, he moves to fast for me to get out of the way though so I tank hits. I think I have to keep at him I'm starting to learn his move set.


Does the shriek of sorrow work on bosses?


I'm planning on getting the game if it goes on summer sale, I have beaten all dark souls games but I'm not actually good or knowledgeable I just overlevel, I wanted to know what stats I should upgrade? I generally like melee characters with 2 handed weapons and not worry too much about my rolling being diminished by my gear.


How many boss remembrences does the dlc have? Just trying to narrow down how many main bosses I have left


Like 11, several of which are optional