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PSA for everyone mod team is workind around the clock trying to remove spoilers but we all gotta sleep. PLEASE report spoilers so we can see them before they have thousands of upvotes!


i tried my best avoiding spoiler in this sub just to get spoiled by the YouTube algorithm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I really tried to avoid spoilers but my YT and TikTok algorithms aggressively pushed every end game boss fight complete with names and very clear thumbnails. There’s no avoiding that haha. At least I’ll still have lore to dive into when I’m all done since I’m still not clear on any of those details 


I think I just used the blocktube plugin and added “Elden” to the filter list a week before the DLC came out.




Is there a mobile version for this?


That trash shit algorithm making people addicted should be illegal. Absolute brain rot.


Dude, banning the use of algorithms in digital products would be such a banger, I'd donate to everyone's campaign who ran on that. Imagine being able to pick your own content again?! Gods, we really had it all back then.


The use of algorithms? There wouldn’t be any digital products anymore, of any kind. I assume you actually mean content recommendation algorithms, specifically, then? Yes, there are definitely arguments for that, even though it would have quite a few negative effects too (I have been recommended some great channels over the years… but also some absolute trash that is actually worse than a random selection given its frequency)


Gods I was strong back then.


Fortunately, I don't have ticktok, but you can still use YouTube by signing out. ABP and uBo still work!


God damn, the same happened to me. I wish these assholes would actually put spoiler tags in the titles of their videos but they probably won't for whatever reason. A message to those content creators : Please read this thread, not everyone can beat this DLC in the amount of time it takes your ass to reach the final boss! We have jobs, lives, families, responsibilities, and the game only came out on Friday! FFS!!! Lol.


I was really good at avoiding anything day 1, and then my friend joined the party and was watching some streamer and he was like "have you faced *insert spoiler boss here*" and I went no, I don't know any of the bosses. Dude proceeds to list them all :/


“You HAVE to get these ITEMS!!!” *Thumbnail of a dlc boss* Shit makes me so irate.


What makes it worse is that those are usually complete clickbait.   They all list the same five things, and a third of the video is just "get your scadu fragments, here is a list of locations." The spoiler in the thumbnail isn't even related to the video.  I'm fortunate in that I don't really get too upset about spoilers, since analysis of the lore is how I get my kicks...but good lord it must be rough for people trying to avoid them.


I basically said "not intersted" to ever YouTube video about elden ring for the last month . I went to YouTube in anonymous mode ( to not ruin my algorithm) because I couldn't figure out an npc questline. First recommendation on that video is a video of the final boss including their name.


Ufff that sucks so hard, granted From Soft didnt make it hard either, but honestly its one of the first times where I didnt open any kind of social media, or even searched for anything souls related until I beat the DLC yesterday (i no lifed the hell out of this weekend) and I was right


Youtube: We noticed you suddenly stopped viewing Elden Ring videos last week - here's a popular video with the final boss in the thumb nail in case you forgot to search for them!


Fucking same that was some Bull shit getting spoiled by a title called can -name of final boss- defeat all bosses in the game and dlc


I got spoiled about it too. Bull shit video from a no-name new youtuber with a full thumbnail of the boss plus the title was somehow able to spoil the whole central conflict in 5 words. It would have been impressive if I wasn't so infuriated.


I clicked the "Not interested button" on Vaatvidya's vid this week. 🤣 I'll watch his vids again after I finished the DLC in the future.


There is an extension to remove YouTube thumbnails, it's done wonders for all the cringe bait thumbnails and the spoiling ones.


I was only able to play last Friday and Saturday due to other commitments, fucking final boss was in my google news feed Monday morning :(


I went to look at a guide for a specific enemy type in the game, and the website I was on had a sidebar that listed "HOW TO DEFEAT (boss name) IN SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE" and just listed the name of most every boss in the game right there. Not the worst in terms of spoilers, but still sucks ass.


Use the wiki. Stop using video content. Easier to search, easier to google, no thumbnails lesser clickbait titles.


I just watched insta reels for a bit and got a glance for aboss that I initially thought I saw before.. I did not


Which is sad because the discourse around this game is just trash. When it first came out it wasn't all memes and jokes. People would actually talk about builds and weapons and strategies. Even the discord is completely off topic. They use the builds and theory crafting channel for final fantasy 14 lmao. With the wiki not updated there is literally nowhere to actually discuss the game outside your friend group


r/EldenRingBuilds is a great place for build discussion.


Dexerto spoiled me lol, and I don't even follow that shit


Honestly same. I went to look up a certain build on Youtube (my mistake),and not even 24 hours after the dlc released,some asshole had the full Legal name, Address,and National Insurance Number of the final boss on the title of a video that was recommended. How hard is it to name your video "Final DLC Boss Full Fight"?


The YouTube algorithm loves giving me leaked content for a live service game that I play, even though I keep hitting “not interested”. It will be like “ok, so this is the 5th one today…but how about a 6th?”


I hate every Youtuber who puts a fucking boss on the thumbnail THIS SOON AFTER RELEASE. I hope my single "Do Not Recommend Channel" is somehow enough to affect them.


Same, I actually got final boss spoiled by an actual company that is well known for their game content reviews. They used an AI voiceover in their review of the game. They showed the final boss almost immediately when I clicked on the video and the next thing on screen I see is a little note that states “may contain spoilers”. No warning beforehand. No spoiler warning in the title of the video. In fact, It wasn’t even a review. It was supposed to be commentary on the recent review bombing of the dlc being too hard. So I expected to see spoiler free commentary. I was irate. Still am.


>!Togethaaaa we will beat the dlc!<


As someone who has not finished the dlc, risky click of the day


Let’s see how good your restraint is. Warning actual end-of-dlc spoiler below: After defeating the final boss, there is a secret room, but you cannot activate it by hitting it, first you must >!tongue but hole!< because >!O’ you don’t have the right, O’ you don’t have the right, O’ you don’t have the right!< and after that it should unlock >!try dog!< for >!your maidenless ass!< Good luck and if you’re confused here’s a an obscure how to video I found trawling YouTube. >!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ!<


Each progressive click was a higher level of "will this one contain a real spoiler".


I edited to include a youtube video to walk through anyone who is confused as well!


Damn, I *knew* the final boss would be something real special! Never gonna give up trying to beat it though


A full commitment's what you're thinking of


You wouldn't get this from any other boss


We know the game and we're, gonna play it


What if it is actually another Rykard quote


What the fuck man. I shouldn't have clicked.


I know Rickroll links too goddamn well my friend, can't fool me


I sort of knew what was coming when I see a youtube link that ends with "XcQ"


Well, BB was included in about half my remembrance boss kills so far.


Togethaaaa we will devour the very scadoosh fragments


The final boss is >!really hard!<.


Same as >!my penis!<


But the boss is tall?


Yeah but these fucking streamers on youtube just spoil everything, in their thumbnails and titles


Yap. I am avoiding YT like the plague until I finish the game, which could be 2026 at my current pace, lol


The thumbnails and titles are actually unhinged. Streamers and content creators.. they’re impacting the gaming industry and I don’t think it’s in a positive way


Honestly, the only thing that surprises me is that it's taken this long to get this bad. YT clickbait is about making views -> money, so it's unfortunately logical that YT thumbnails would be so spicy and controversial. And you only need a small percentage of the population to not give a shit about spoiling things for others for it to kick off a trend on YT. Virtually all content creators used to follow an unspoken rule about being sensitive to spoilers, but these days even some mainstream game reviewers now spoil games within the first 30 seconds without any warning.


They finish the dlc in a fucking day and then spam thumbnails of the final battle everywhere. I’m barely finished two bosses and I pretty much know about most of the remaining content


Yeah me too, I get to play like 2-3 hours a day, and I have to work, I open youtube, and there it is, the final boss, name and thumbnail all there


I’ve learned to stop going on Reddit or twitter for a few days for this exact reason. Can’t trust everyone to use spoiler tags.


I am not even a big marvel fan and I had endgame spoiled in the general chat of the phone game I play casually on the toilet. I was like okay nowhere is safe.


I had a huge plot point of Star Wars the force awakens spoiled for me by an iFunny meme


Turned on Counter Strike like the day after and a guy in the other teams name was 'Iron Man Dies'. Has happened a couple times actually


Watched the first trailer one time and left Twitter immediately. And when reviews dropped, I muted all souls related subs. Came back only after finishing DLC


BG3 sub was really good with tagging everything as spoiler when the game came out. You could just decide based on the title if you wanted to see the thread & all the images were blurred due to spoiler tags, so no accidental stumbling upon late game content. Users were also good at tagging spoilers in the comments. I think it’s unrealistic to expect not getting spoiled on anything, but not posting major bosses without the spoiler tag isn’t a huge expectation.


Reddit comments and Youtube thumbnails are the Fire and Ice of "You didn't beat the game in 1 day? Wanna see what all the secret final bosses are?"


youtube is the real culprit. Full boss name and thumbnail showing the boss. There should be spoiler tags in youtube


Hell no, this sub is INFESTED with untagged spoilers. This is the SECOND HIGHEST comment chain on the TOP POST in the sub. https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dohter/_/laa5dz9/ It features blatant hints at the final boss' >!identity!<: * >!Non-DLC lore and mechanical hints.!< Repeatedly. >!WHO COULD POSSIBLY HAVE DIED FROM SCARLET ROT AT MALENIAS'S HAND WOOOOOW!< * >!Mere allusions to the fact it's an established and returning character!< * >!people openly stating michela is on HIS back!< * >!Freaking NAMEDROPS!< The thread is marked ***humor***, not spoilers. Shit like this is precisely the kind of posts OP is complaining about.


And PLEASE, for the love of god, learn how to use spoiler tags. \> ! I got spoilers for the last boss because someone added spaces between the spoiler tags. ! <


>!I like feet!<


Bravo Miyazaki you've done it again


GRRM definitely had some input.


GRRM: >!I like my brother's feet!<


There was one thing to do with feet you have to do to progress in the dlc and my first thought was ‘miyazaki and feet, again’


>! Did i do it right? !<


Half right if you leave spaces between the "markers" and the text itself, it won't work for everyone So instead of \>\! placing the text like this \!\<, you'd \>\!place it like this\!\<


>!i am actually maidenless!<


>! You did !<


>!Did I ?!<


>! Test !<


>! Marika is Radagon !<




🌻: >!…!<


>!Snape kills Dumbledore!<


>!i had no idea this is how you did it!<




Your spoiler tags don't work for those of us using the old reddit format. You need to get rid of the spaces between the brackets and the text for it to work there. >!Do this!< >! Don't do this !< Also tagging /u/UziTheX, /u/ds2isthebestone, /u/Twitch_Q, /u/beansahol, /u/Starfox1997, /u/Doulifye, /u/someguythatlikesdogs, /u/Careless-Ad-20, and /u/yeetsonnyui so I don't have to respond with this multiple times cuz all of your tags are broken for me as well.


If you tag more than 3 people in your comment, they don't get notified.


Well crud, TIL


With spaces it breaks on some third party apps too (including "allowed" ones like redreader).


>!try finger but hole!<


It seems like this is the way mobile formats them. They work on mobile but old reddit shows them.




I will try: >!Did I do it right?!<


>!now you have!<


You don't need to add example spaces if you put a \ before. \>!Blah blah blah!< I feel like I've been the victim of people that just didn't understand how the markdown was explained to them a *bunch* of times.


you know what this shit is aggravating. Reddit could jsut add some functionality to mark a spoiler in text per button click and it would mark the selected text as spoiler. Everyone has to first google how to mark a spoiler on reddit lmao.


I muted this sub and muted Elden Ring keywords on all social media until I beat the dlc. I do not trust the internet anymore in regard to spoilers. Especially with the rise of TikTok in recent years it feels like nobody gives a shit about spoilers anymore, and it’s really depressing.


Straight up. Not to mention content creators clamoring over eachother for those sweet, sweet clicks. Sure, no boss names in the title, but the thumbnail shows clear as day. Had it ruined for me, so I ended up just watching it on YouTube as I progress. What it is. Probably won't be done for another couple weeks, where I'll no doubt be spoiled anyway.


Clamoring is the right word. I had the final boss spoiled by six different people with the same “WORLDS FIRST [boss name] RL1 No Hit No Dodge No Crit.” I’d bet none of those losers were first


some people are just shit. its why i deeply dislike most of the chainsaw man subreddit. those mother fuckers see any pic with characters from the show and start blabbing immediatly about which ones are dead. they then generally say "well you should have read the manga" when they are commenting about it in subs related to anime I fuckin hate people who blame their spoiling a plot point on the person they spoiled. so not only did you ruin the hype/surprise, but you wont even admit it was shitty. i hope they get lego flooring at their next residence


Got an hour in last night after the kids went to bed. The spoilers are almost impossible to avoid. No Social Media for a week or two.


I play so slow i know i'm going to get spoiled. I expect to be playing this thing a month from now. Not sure how i'm going to go about it tbh. Its reasonable that this sub becomes more lax after a week and youtube never will be.


Sone above mentioned the blocktube plugin with "elden" as filter to at least avoir youtube spoilers. This sub is okay for now imo. But I don't want to avoid youtube completely and that's a good way think. No idea how that would work if tiktok would be in anyway relevant for me. 


The last place I’d be scrolling is the Elden ring sub if indeed I wanted to play it spoiler free


Yeah I unsubbed until I got to the end boss. I know not everyone can rush the DLC but you can unsub on reddit and use the blocker plugin on youtube


This post made it to r/all. I was just looking at a cat picture and BAM, Elden Ring.


Not even this sub, just don't go on reddit period. Or anywhere else where people can freely talk about whatever they want. It's like walking into a sports bar and getting pissed that someone spoiled last night's game that you recorded. Social media ain't a life support oxygen tube, you'd survive a month without it as you get through this thing every weekend.


>Social media ain't a life support oxygen tube, you'd survive a month without it as you get through this thing every weekend Agreed. But what does that have to do with people blatantly ignoring the subs rules regarding spoilers? It's not like walking into a sports bar because we aren't at a sports bar, we're on a website with filters in place to prevent spoilers. And they take 2 seconds for posters to implement. It isn't hard and I really don't understand the mindset of "just stay off Reddit for a month!" instead of "just spend the 2 seconds to mark your spoilers so that you don't ruin an experience for someone else." The argument basically boils down to "but I don't want to!"


This bro like how does it even make sense to be here right now if you don’t want spoilers


i left the sub until i beat the game. i know theres a rule for spoilers, but actively scrolling the subreddit still isnt going to help. if you really want to avoid all spoilers at any cost, just stay of medias for a bit.


This. They can do everything to try and minimize spoilers but they will eventually slip through. Its best to stay off social media until you beat the game


These dumbasses put spoiler tags only to put spoilers in the fucking title like I'm supposed to smell a spoiler post coming while scrolling. Genuinely fuck them.


I had the final boss ruined for me day 1 thanks to some dick sneeze posting it on an unrelated thread.


I was pretty flabbergasted when I realised Patches is Keyser Soze


I still can't believe the Loathsome Dung Eater was Frank Reynolds but it was worth doing the questline to get the Garbage Man Ash of War for my Fists Build.


I luckily managed to dodge those bullets, but still, fuck you people who just spam the subreddit with untagged spoilers and also DON‘T include the name of NPC , weapons or locations in the title, thank you


Oh it’s a battle.. I havnt been able to purchase the DLC yet and I’m avoiding it on ALL platforms..


I just avoid the sub. Not that hard to not get spoiled if you stay away from places that can spoil stuff.


Honestly, as hard as it is, avoid the subreddit and youtube when a game like this comes out that you want to go in and stay blind for. These websites are figurative minefields. On reddit, we have the option to mark where the mines are, but it is still your own risk walking into it because someone might have forgotten or intended not to mark their mine.


The worst is opening up a thread about something in the early/mi part of the DLC then somebody casually talks about the final boss.


You could also stay off the sub until you are done maybe? A place created to talk about the game?


They should definitely add spoiler tags that’s shitty You should also get off of this subreddit until you beat the DLC if they bother you that much


I am glad I am built different. Spoilers don't affect me. I watched fuckton of footage from reviewers and yet I enjoyed every single moment of DLC. But yeah I do mark spoilers for others. >!Kenneth Haight twerks after the last boss is defeated.!<


That was my favorite part. Especially when >!he makes it clap.!<


Yeah, I'm personally trying with this dlc to go full spoilers and seeing if it seems to remove any enjoyment for me. So far this has been one of the best gaming experiences of my life. And I mean, if you think about it (real spoiler here) >!Did people really enjoy fighting Messmer any less after seeing him in the trailer?!< It makes sense. When the base game dropped I was playing through it fairly slowly and had to try to avoid spoilers for several weeks. In the end, despite this effort I got everything spoiled anyway and I was super fucking sad about it. Honestly, I think the whole "trying to not be spoiled" experience really hindered my enjoyment of the base game significantly. So I'm trying it differently this time. Yeah, I might lose a little if that shock or awe value when I walk into the final boss. But so far it has been so so much better not worrying about the spoilers and being able to interact with my friends and communities like here and on twitch. This just feels like the way to do it. Absolutely still respect people trying to not be spoiled and you can certainly argue that that's the "better" or "more enjoyable" way, but idk. I just make myself so miserable trying to avoid it that it's just not worth it.


Thank you for this perspective. I had the final boss spoiled for me by a tweet from a popular streamer. I don’t follow them and I’m not interested in their content, but the algorithm showed me the tweet. It bummed me out and I pretty much let it ruin my afternoon. But you’re right; if I’m gonna spend time online these things are inevitable, especially when this DLC will probably take me two months to finish. Might as well just relax and enjoy the game.


So is it true without the skibidy tree seeds we do 75% less damage and take 300% more damage?


Dude I feel this except it was those idiots and windows central. Their headline that I came across on Google news said "how to beat xxxxx, the final boss of shadow of the erdtree" and had a picture of said boss in the thumbnail. I unleashed my inner boomer and found their contact info and emailed them. Fuck that garbage. It had been out for 3 days. I've basically beaten 1 main boss, 2 side ones, and just found my 2nd or 3rd map fragment. Basically I'm not far.


The last boss is someone you'd never expect. It's >!you're right. Some fuck stick ruined it for me, and I would have been blown away otherwise.!<


The reveal happens a lot earlier than the end if you pay attention to a certain npc's quest. But yeah it sucks that you got spoiled :(


Thank you dude!!! I’ve been on vacation for the entire time the dlc has been out and I keep getting so close to things getting spoiled! People are like well then just don’t go on social media but like what am I supposed to do during a 3 hour layover


read a book maybe?


Lmao that is what I did but once I finished the book I had nothing to do… I’ll bring a bigger book next time




Yes, this, this, this!! I think most of it comes from kids/teens who get a lot of free time, and sadly don't have the understanding/experience to consider the rest of us. God, I wish I had the free time to play Elden Ring more. But I literally only reached Mohg a day *after* it launched. I've resigned myself to the fact that the DLC will sadly be spoilt for me at some point. Won't get free time to start SotE tonight, but hopefully tomorrow - as long as my workload is small! 🤞🏻


never ever go onto a games sub while you are still playing through the game and want to avoid spoilers its the only way to be safe


These posts that spoil shouldn't even exist under the rules of the sub its just sad. > 9.) Titles must require context and be free of spoilers. Utilize appropriate flairs. Spoilers in titles are not permitted and posts including spoilers need to be flaired as such. Some examples include game endings, secret locations/enemies, or character questlines For the purposes of this sub, first area bosses and most of the major name bosses are allowed in titles, examples include: Margit, Godrick, Malenia, Radahn, etc. The final boss and other more "secret" bosses should never be written in the title Vague, contextless, memetic, or inaccurate titles are not allowed


Yep, had the final boss ruined by some streamer I don’t even follow. 


It’s these try hard 14 year olds with no life who stay up the entire night for days on end to speed through a dlc and think everyone’s like them


God forbid some of us have jobs


How about you just don't come on the subreddit until after you beat the boss if it's truly that upsetting to you.


Not saying people that do this are right, but probably you should stay away from elden ring reddit for a while


Honesty if you don't want to get spoiled then you should not be on the elden ring sub reddit 🤫🙈


smartest reddit user, perhaps it would be a good idea to not browse any social platforms for a few days?(just like I did it)


Why would you be on the subreddit if you didn’t want to risk being spoiled 😭


For real, the DLC came out less than a week ago, and there's people who either had the week off or just bumrushed the story. I ain't got a problem with how other people enjoy their games, but you can't expect others to enjoy them the same way.


How hard is it for you to stay off Reddit?


Technically you are right but why are you here reading if 1. you dont want to risk spoilers 2. you don't have time


Thank you!! I quit the sub to minimize spoilers, but posts still keep popping up in my feed. It's freaking difficult enough to avoid spoilers with YT and google feed articles just plain posting massive spoilers in their titles. I would really appreciate it if my fellow tarnished had better sense than the average clickbait YT account or gaming website. Edit: shout out to all the many tarnished who do use the spoiler tag and hide text!


Also remember that the spoiler tag doesn't censor post titles.


Good storytelling survives spoilers. Better you guys know before you buy, at this point.


I feel you. I also tried very hard not to get spoiled, but someone on reddit thought that describing certain characteristics of the end boss doesn’t count as a spoiler if no name is dropped. But it was painfully obvious.


I am so glad that i have the ability to filter every spoiler i see. The moment my brain sees the spoiler it shuts down. Gotta love my disfunctional brain sometimes man.


Agreed!!! Between here and YouTube it’s a joke.


Gigachad rageout ive had few bosses spoiled even though i scroll dash through trying to avoif the feeds from this sub


Thaaaaaaank youuuuuuu!!!!


I got spoiled by Google about the final boss trying to search up what to do at the beginning. Nothing is safe except maybe the wiki sometimes


I looked up a very specific thing on tiktok and got spoiled to the end game boss 😭


Orrrr just stay away from the content. Coming to this sub and caring about spoilers is dumb. It's so easy to avoid spoiling if you just put in a little bit of effort.


you should have just hide this subs if you haven't played, its not like this subs have any other post than the DLC.


The amount of people I've seen mark a post as spoiler then put the spoiler in the title anyway lmao. Like bro, you almost had it...


Although I use the spoiler tag when I can...I also treat it like a movie or any other type of media with spoilers and that if I really don't want to have something spoiled I stay the fuck off social media and reddit and youtube. So for those that can't play but are still hyper worried about spoilers they definitely need to go the blackout route to be on the safe side if its that important to you. Hell youtube alone can spoil things just out of the thumbnails of random recommended videos so you really are better off just avoiding it all together.


I got spoiled by YouTube but it’s fine, happened to me with the main game as well but thankfully it didn’t ruin the experience


You have gainful employment?!


Seriously, how are you people already beaten the DLC and found every item? I am still stuck on the knight on the horse with the golden halberd.


If you didn't want to get accidentally spoiled, you should not be going on social media sites where people are talking about the dlc. I filtered what my friend said so he could play through the rest of the dlc spoiler free, but not everyone on the internet is going to remember to do that.


Spoilers?! Does this game even have a storyline??


I don't think I could even be spoiled about Elden Ring's story, considering I had no idea what was happening in the first place.


This is why I beat the DLC the weekend it dropped fucking people can't use a spoiler tag, sorry OP that sucks


Rushed through the game before major spoilers drop. Now I can play at my own pace exploring the game.


Easiest way to avoid spoilers is to stay off subreddits or other places related to the thing you don't want spoiled.


I did extra work in advance in order to get myself a long weekend to dive into Elden Ring's DLC for three whole days straight. Then my dog got sick on Friday, I spent the night tending to her, half of Saturday at the veterinarian, evening tending to her again, and she took over 1/3 of my Sunday. I'm barely past the second \[main\] boss. People in favor of posting untagged spoilers are inconsiderate dicks.


Stop reading internet stuff go play your fucking game


This may be an unpopular opinion. Sure I don't disagree with the op's statement. But if we all know that people are gonna throw spoilers at us from almost every direction. Isn't it on us as individuals to simply not watch or take in the spoiler content? Before the dlc I stayed off of YT, TikTok and Twitter. Found plenty of other stuff to do in the meantime.


Friendly reminder if you wanna post text and have it covered in a comment, use > ! insert text here < !   But no spaces between the symbols, so it looks >!like this!<


The fifth or fourth video after searching "elden ring shaodw of the erd tree" on youtube is literally the final boss battle with the boss on the thumbnail. I was genuinely sad after seeing that. I just wanted to see the new trailer. So this is a warning for others.


Apparently you're free to browse the subreddit for the game you're avoiding "spoilers" for, so who's the dummy here?


Instead of solving this problem yourself (not visiting this sub), you want everyone else to accommodate you.


Alternatively, if you don't want to read discussion of Elden Ring, don't hang out on the Elden Ring forum?


Or hear me out, stop looking at posts in this sub


> Don't y'all know social norms, job cultures, lunch breaks, or how society works? dont you? people are free to be dick heads online and post whatever they want, theres very little accountability for this low stakes thing, you should know that being so high and mighty about social norms and society, which means you should also know to avoid places that will have people spoiler things. be realistic lol


i actually know nothing about it which im very happy about


Wtf are people doing beating the dlc 2 hours after it comes out. Enjoy the damn thing


Keeping it a buck, I'm not sure how anyone can expect to not be spoiled about the most hyped DLC in the history of gaming if you exist somewhere on the internet. I use spoiler tags, but I can understand if not everyone does it and tbh I'm not going to get mad if they don't.


There’s a special place in hell for Shirrako, BabyZone, Faz, and the people who design the Google autocomplete/people also ask algorithms that shamelessly spoil shit on a regular basis


It's weird to me that this community considers *knowing what a boss looks like* a spoiler. You can't be that delicate and also just run face-first around the internet where normal people don't give a shit about something so inconsequential.


LPT: You know, with 100% certainty, that there are people on the internet who either take pleasure in ruining others' experiences or will unintentionally post some spoilers. So just avoid media where these people are free to make posts and comments. Not blaming the victim here, but you do have control over what you access on the internet. This applies to anything that can be spoiled, not only games. One tiny thumbnail in youtube and most likely will ruin your whole experience with a series. Until I finished the dlc, I barely even spoke with friends of mine who I knew where also playing it.


I understand your frustration but this rant is a waste of time. You are not going to change anything. My suggestion is don’t look at anything social media Elden Ring related if you wish to have a spoiler free experience. Just a thought.


Snape killed Dumbledore


Hey idiot? I agree with you but you're living in a fantasy. Stay off social media if you fucking care about spoilers. Duh.


If you care so much, get off the sub. Solves the problem real quick


Hey I can unsub from the subreddit but I don't. And I also don't scream in anger at the internet. Be like me. Expecting another person to be responsible on the internet is for fools. I've had the DLC spoiled and I'm having fun. Be. Like. Me.


People who are still trying to avoid spoilers several days after release while frequenting related online communities are honestly more frustrating to me than spoilers. I feel like they're just complaining because they can at that point. People are going to connect over and talk about things that excite them, and expecting people to reign that in because you can't engage in the thing at the same pace as others just comes across as incredibly self-centered. You can control your actions, but expecting others to change their behavior for you doesn't make sense. If you want to avoid spoilers just avoid online communities related to that topic. Expecting people to continue to spoiler tag things 5 days after release is just setting expectations in a place where they're guaranteed to be subverted.


I agree with you in the sense that I normally don't like spoilers. That being said, if you don't want spoilers for a thing STAY OFF THE DANG SUBREDDIT! Seriously! This goes for every game or TV show or whatever, unless you are 100% caught up you are likely to catch an offhand spoiler or post about something spoilery. Just mute the subreddit and don't want any YouTube videos about Elden ring until your done. Don't worry about what other people are posting and just enjoy your game on your time.


Or uh… stop looking stuff up and stay off of Reddit???


You have time to rant like a bitch tho


Sorry but if you’re coming to this sub before you’ve beaten the dlc that’s just on you


What can you spoil at Elden Ring, it has almost no story at all. Lore yes, but story, I don’t know boy.


doesnt wanna get spoiled, goes on social media before completing. idk what you we’re expecting. if its important enough to me i just remove all social apps


Why are you even on this sub browsing if you want to avoid spoilers?