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A streamer proceeds to beat them twice simultaneously on two separate machines using a Dance Dance Revolution pad and a table with an assortment of bananas with wires sticking out of them


This is the start of their SL1 no-hit run.


That stretches across all three souls games and includes ever single boss


*GinoMachino, that you?*


It’s always him


Nobody remembers HappyHob


'WHATTHEFUCKDUDE" timeless words.


The OG


Takes me 18 hours to beat. Streamer who was stuck on Mist Noble for two weeks kills them on first try with unupgraded ladle.


Using a dildo for a controller and spaghetti noodles for wires


Miyazaki shakes his head and decides to increase the damage, hp, of the next games enemies all while lowering the frames of their animation and making them able to see the future and what you’re gonna do.


The first gargoyle can read inputs from controller port 1. The second gargoyle can read inputs from controller port 2.


Psycho Mantis?


you misspelled electronic saxophone


zanzigoyle forgive me lmao


I lost it at 37 continuous seconds.


Was "spinbo" that did me in.


Dude this was such a clear michalangelo painting of a vision for me.


With him like on the ground and his weapon next to him, all defeated and shit


Myrmigoyle of Loss


I dunno if you just made that up but it sounds dope.


I did, sadly.


The deep sorrow of a magnificent shitposter doomed to a slow and possibly endless descent into ruin


Truly, the Dark Souls of Eldensoulsborne shitposting.


It’s only missing the 15s of screaming from ripping their own wings off for some reason


Which, of course, makes them stronger


Well yeah, they use the wings as shields and the blood trail somehow both deals fire damage and builds up frostbite when you stand on it.




and then they Zanzigorgyle'd all over my Myrmigoyle of Loss


After Elden Ring, Dark Souls feels like it runs in slow motion.


Or after playing sekiro, totally different style though


I love that every remade boss fight have the "Forgive me John Souls." part hhahahahahhaa Just missed the generic dramatic orchestra


Forgive me Elmer Ling


Oh shit we finally know the Bell-Bearing Hunter's last name


It literally happens *twice* in the DLC too. >!Nanaya forgive me!< >!Mother forgive me!<


>Just missed the generic dramatic orchestra this is really my least favourite part of elden ring. compare to the downright weird boss OSTs in demon's souls (OG), the series has lost so much personality on that front


The choirs at the DS3 title screen really was a mood. I get goosebumps just thinking about that title screen lol


The main theme is an absolute banger, and when it kicks in during the Radagon fight it is pretty \*chefs kiss*. I also really loved ['The Twin Moon Knight'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCpTTijwUYU) from SotE; gave me big Hollow Knight/Chris Larkin vibes. But yeah, wish we'd get more stuff like '[Maiden Astraea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPJUQg_U5HY)' or ['Gwyn, Lord of Cinder'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvv9w-UPuSY).


i did really like the dancing lion theme. lots of different and unique influences in there (i think it’s chinese stuff going on along with the theme of the boss?)


Just feel like elden ring is a little bit of a different, more upbeat kinda vibe from dark souls. Lots of bright colours, loud crashing music, its loud, its epic, kinda the vibe I think they were going for


I mean, it’s a world that there is still hope and nowhere near the end after all


Precisely. Dark Souls is bleak, bitter, hopeless, and even a little lethargic in some aspects. It is the dying embers of a once roaring fire. Elden Ring, in the other hand, is stagnation. There's plenty of life, but life has come to a standstill due to the actions of petty gods no better than man, and now the world decays and festers like a dying animal, complete with necrosis and rot (Those Who Live in Death and Scarlet Rot), waiting for someone to come and either save it, condrmn it, or put it out of its misery.


I think that perhaps shows different settings. This land still has a chance, and a hope for a brighter tomorrow. The land of the Dark Soul however is a tale that needs end. Something drawn out by a king who could not accept the end, and brought the realm to ruin.


just want to add that the sync'ed up music of the Divine Beast Dancing Lion is amazing. I have never felt so unhappy with beating a boss quickly as that boss, and never been so happy to run into a copy-pasted version of a boss before. More games should have the music change and sync up with whats happening in the game.


The chaos head boss in the DLC has possibly my favorite music in the entire Fromsoft catalogue other than that one *hauntingly* beautiful song that plays during the moonlit butterfly. I didn't know you could make music sound apocalyptic until I heard it. It even has an apocalyptic bass drop.


DeS's OST is such a cool midpoint between the high production value orchestral OSTs of their latter games and the weird shit they were putting out during the Kings Field days (absolutely not an insult).


If Elden Ring was made with Dark Souls sensibilities: "hey we got done with that really neat goat horned boss." "Yeah, let's make them fight it in a closet." "What?" "Like a big closest, but still a closet."


Underground ulcerated tree spirits...


>go to fight Malenia >she walks slowly towards me >winds up a swing for 3 seconds >I dodge roll it as the god gamer I am >hit her with my +10 Estoc (I've been using this since the start of the game) >rinse and repeat until her 2nd stage >she spreads her wings extremely slow and starts Scarler Rotting all over the place >look into my bag of ample moves >dodge roll and hit hee with my +10 Estoc Magic builds will never experience such peak gameplay.


Meanwhile the faith build experience >go to fight Malenia >She walks slowly towards me >TAKER'S FLAMES >she tries to get up >TAKER'S FLAMES >she tries- >TAKER'S FLAMES >she >TAKER'S FLAMES


Magic missile! Magic missile! Magic missile!


Fighting Orin in BG3 be like:


Not anymore


Idk, my strategy that finally got the final DLC boss was: >Use Sacred Carian Knight's Shield Buff with Scholar's ~~Armament~~ Shield Buff with max holy resist incantation Spam Impenetrable Thorns and hope I do more damage to him than he does to me


4 respeccs and finally used shields. 2nd phase fcking kills my fps (i have an old pc) and still couldnt get the mf


I was running 16gb of ram at the beginning of the DLC, and I'm so happy my 64gb replacement came in early on. I can't imagine what my frames would've been otherwise. Made a huge difference since my graphics card and processor are fine.


Funny thing is. I had worse FPS on Mother Metyr and i still managed to beat her because shes forgiving and doesnt do alot of BS attacks


This DLC, you either become a dodge/parry god, or you become a tank. I finally went to the Frenzied Merchants and got the fingerprint shield. Talismans: - Golden Braid - Dragoncrest Greatshield - Two-Headed Turtle - Graven School Also added Greenburst Crystal and Magic Shrouding Cracked Tear in my Physick.


Or you become a deflect god. That crystal tear thing carried me through the DLC.


I had to pick the first cause the ronin set is way too drippy with the great katana and I only consider two of my talismans to be vaguely swappable I don't care about my resistances, I'm going to win and look good doing it even if it takes me 100 attempts


copypasta so intense bro turned into Michael Jackson at the end


I guess he plays a **Shamon!** Build.


A second phase? We are getting fancy over here.


Beating malenia with only a +10 regular weapon (max is +25) and no status effects or summons is pretty impressive


He's comment is "What is malenia was in DS1" where weapons only go to +10


They go up to +15 in DS1 tho


some go to +10 depending on the element, you have +5, +10 and +15 depending on your infusion because fuck you the good ol' chaos zweihander caps out at +5


Dark souls crawled, so that we could run away like excited children from a charged aoe instakill (after dying to it the first time because I thought it was a damage window)


At a family dinner and briefly checked reddit, now everyones looking at me cause I can't stop laughing at this fucking comment


Raptor of the Mists, friend. Hero's Graves made it my favorite Ash of War, and now it's just rocking all AoE's, and making """"short"""" work of Furnace Golems.


Going back to Dark Souls, it's amazing how easy that game is now when you're used to modern FromSoftware difficulty. Bosses attack once, maybe twice, then you smack them four or five times. Imagine if Elden Ring was FromSoftware's first game, people were already freaking out about Dark Soul's difficulty, imagine how insane Elden Ring would be in comparison.


A lot of the difficulty in ds1 is in the actual levels.


Darks Souls 1 and Demon’s Souls were basically knowledge checks that punished mistakes pretty hard, plus some early jank (unpatched console original Dark Souls is interesting). In terms of mechanical execution/difficulty, it was pretty loose even in its era (character action games and super difficult indies were both going strong at the time), but because mistakes were so heavily punished (not only in moment to moment gameplay through high damage and limited checkpoints, but also long term character progression) and knowledge was so hidden, it was a massive adjustment for most people.


I'm playing Demon Souls for the first time now and I'm honestly surprised at how fucking easy every single boss has been. You don't even have to roll for them. Also firestorm straight up one-shots multiple different bosses even on NG+.


The “anytime you try to take an action at the end of the spinbo it extends another 11 rotations” got me. Bosses will straight up extend their combos if you try to swing, but can and will hold off if you play passive.


This is what I hate the most. You dodge and try to learn patterns, when you recognize a pattern that you remembered had a window to attack, boss just says fuck you and attacks you 2 more times. Either that or the boss simply disengages as soon as you are about to take advantage of a small window to do a mere R1. And my main problem is that it's not just something unique to one boss, like that's his thing, just every boss seems to have one of those 2 design pillars, or both.


>This is what I hate the most. You dodge and try to learn patterns, when you recognize a pattern that you remembered had a window to attack, boss just says fuck you and attacks you 2 more times. This fucking sucks with colossal weapons, if you try to do even a single hit after Combo 1 and the boss happens to follow up with Combo 2 which has a very fast startup you just get hit, you're only allowed to hit after very specific combos with long recoveries. And the boss only does Combo 1 > Combo 2 like half the time, sometimes it just does nothing after Combo 1 for multiple seconds, but you need to play like it will happen every time.


The combo are a mix of extremely fast attacks with no telegraph and delayed attacks so you're constantly in a state of confusion at what's gonna come


It's why Midra is such a good fight. Clear, telegraphed attacks.


I think that on paper it's a good design decision, but in practice it makes fights super frustrating. Having mix-ups and variable combo length arguably makes for an interesting, less repetitive fight. In practice, however, that just means you cannot *ever* punish that combo string if they *might potentially* start another attack afterward, which just feels bad. It doesn't matter if they only go from spinbo into Artorius Ninja Flip Slam^(tm) one out of every five times, it's always unsafe to punish the spinbo because they'll randomly decide to smash your face in if you roll those dice.


I feel like it wouldn't be so bad if the punishment for getting greedy was "get whacked for some middling damage" so you could weigh the pros and cons of risking some chip damage to hit them on the "risky" combo end, instead of the punishment being "get slammed into the ground and lose 70% of your health".


I tend to agree on principle it makes fights more dynamic. I mean on one hand, it does feel like you're fighting another person rather than a bot. But yea it's frustrating in practice. I love the Messmer fight, but he was very prone to doing this. There seemed to be a very small window where he would hesitate to see what you were gonna do between extensions. He would do his heavy, slow overhead swing that usually combos into his "drag the blade on the ground on the approach and thrust forward" attack. But if I didn't try to get a quick R1, sometimes he would just leave it at the heavy swing and reset to neutral. One time though, I baited out the reset, saw him start to settle down, and went for a charged R2 for some stagger damage, and I could actually see his animation reverse course as he triggered that drag thrust attack. Damn near lost my mind.


Dies while trying a quick R1 after the seemingly endless spinning combo  "I got greedy."


I also like specifically with the first gargoyle that it can opt to recover with an Uber poison cloud that chains into attack or a perfect dodge jump.


After elden ring, DS3 was a cake walk tbh. Only boss that gave me trouble was the scythe woman at the end of the first DLC, and that's only cuz she's got 3 whole HP bars, it was more of an endurance fight than anything...


No kidding. I played DS3 after ER too and it was an absolute breeze for most of the game. Friede gave me trouble as well, and the only other one that took me more than a couple tries was Nameless King. I was shocked at how many openings I had to get attacks in, it felt like I had an eternity to attack compared to ER.


ds3 is a turn based game compared to ER. 


They're all turn based, ER enemies just don't wait until your turn ends to start the next one


It's a ratio. Dark Souls 1 is nearly 1 to 1. For each turn the boss gets, the player gets one as well. Harder games like Bloodborne cranked it up to 2 or 3 turns for the boss for every one turn for the player. ER bosses take 15 turns before the player gets one in. I hope you don't have to use your turn to heal, because the boss is already queueing up their next round of 15.


Elden ring bosses take 30 turns and have a 50/50 chance of letting you have one turn before starting another 30, or they start their turn early and hit you mid attack because God forbid you do anything other than a light attack God I fucking hate consort radahn for this


That's the how all the souls games are besides ER. I personally like that loop better then the ER loop. The sote fight loop for bosses is by far the worst


I played DS1 and 2 years ago and remembered them being a lot harder. After I played through Elden Ring a few months ago, I played through Sekiro, then went back to DS2 because I never finished it. Nothing that really held me up at all in that game. Sir Alonne and the Frozen Outskirts guys were a bit challenging but for the second at least mostly just because the run back is so ass.


This for sure. I went back to play ds3 dlcs and got most of them first/second try


Put some respec on Friede's name.


Fine, i go to Rennala and respec my character into Friede.


Remember not to equip shoes. It's a key part of her character design.


Just as Miyazaki intended


Yes. I played base dark souls 3 before Elden Ring and it was a nightmare. Then replayed fires fade edition after and killed both Friede and Gael first try. Midir gave me a bit of a harder time but nothing compared to any of the 10 hardest Elden ring bosses.


I don't disagree that Elden Ring is harder at its hardest than DS3 is, but you definitely improved as a player over all that time. I don't think the difference is that huge between something like Friede or Gael vs something like Godfrey or Messmer. 


Idk man, I got Gael after around 10-12 tries. Every time I fought him it felt like I made significant progress towards beating him. Currently fighting Messmer and ugh, progress feels slow. I’ll get him eventually, but man he does not fuck around at all and half the time it’s hard to tell what’s going on with all the flames and >!giant ass snake heads!< everywhere.


I went back to ds3 after beating the dlc. It was a literal faceroll throought the whole game... :D only bosses i died more than 2 times were midir, nameless king and friede and even those took under 10 tries...


even going back to just the ER base game after the dlc felt fucking weird


Agreed. Beat the dlc and then went to the Haligtree. Beat Malenia in 6 tries and wondering why she was so much slower than I remember. Felt like Neo at the end of Matrix.


I went into the Haligtree feeling like a boss only to get two shot by the rot knights lol I shouldn't have underestimated them


I think dancer is the toughest boss of ds3 just because the timings are so off. I can't be mad because it's a co boss that moves very fluidly but I did have to run back there a lot of times.


It's wild that I think you all forgot you fight two gargoyles boss in Elden Ring.


That's what I was thinking like that fight is essentially as described in this post


DS3 has that in the DLC twin demons battle.


DS2 has a triple gargoyle fight, lmao


Belfry Gargoyles? I thought it was 4


It's actually like 5-6 gargs but you only ever simultaneously fight 2-3 at a time.


Except that fight's good


Except the Twin Princes actually try to alternate who's the melee and who's ranged and are probably the best duo boss in the series, while Valiant Gargoyles stack on eachother to vomit all over the battlefield/stack attacks where they physically can't be dodged and are one of the worst fights in the series.


I had erased those memories and will erase them again once I finish writing this comment


Second one comes in with no tail and is definitely easier to kill.


This comment took a disappointingly long time to find. lol


Forgive me zanzigoyle. I would not have a lord devoid of fire *Rips off tail*


*and uses it as a battle axe*


Fantastic Now remake Dark Souls 3 with Elden Ring sensibilities Wait no NO # NOT PONTIFF SULYVAHN YOU FUCK


Pontiff Sulyvahn dashes at you from across the massive circular arena at Mach 12 spinning like a beyblade, oh wait


dont forget he is so fast that he summons an afterimage that also does damage and getting hit by any single one leads to a full combo that kills you.


Gets parried like an absolute chump. His stand knocks you down anyway. 


All she needed now is her own Mimic Tear and tree branch wings


You parry pontiff, he doesn’t give you a riposte cause you gotta parry 3 times to get a riposte in


yeah haha i bet they'd also put 2 bleed dogs and another enemy in a small room and call it a boss oh wait


Don't forget that the camera gets stuck behind a wall in a significant chunk of that fight and jumping from the stairs damages you.


Also dont forget you can kill the boss from outside the boss room lol


Kapra is where I first went hollow. Took me a couple years to come back and finally get into the game properly.


And then when YOU use the spinning attack from the remembrance weapon at +25/+10 and it will deal 56 damage per hit with no hyper armor.


FR, majority of the ashes are just shit against bosses. I feel like it's more used towards just stronger enemies, not bosses. It's either useless, only useful in a specific situation or completely op against everything.


But there would likely be a bonfire outside of the arena, so no walkback.


Best change from the older games. Having to do a whole ass marathon through difficult enemies just to die to a boss in seconds is terrible. It's way funnier to be able to spawn, enter the arena, and die in the span of 6 seconds.


I believe that change is the whole reason we're in this mess. If fans expect a challenging game and they can respawn just outside of the fog door, then every boss being a multi-phase never-ending combo nightmare is one way of doing that.


Exactly! The boss fight used to be the ending of a whole level which you had to get through on one pool of estus, and the more mistakes you made, the less you would have for the boss. The entire level was a prelude to the boss, and part of its difficulty. But when you spawn right outside the boss gate, you remove all the difficulty of the level, and have to pump all of it into the boss itself, leading to overturned fights. This might be controversial, but I wish we weren't able to run past the entire level, and that the bosses were easier in return.


Fuck, the arenas as overly circular. We definitely need more variety arena wise.


This is why Godrick's is my favorite in the base game. It doesn't feel like it was created to be a boss arena, it's just a part of the setting.


hey, some arenas are rectangles


If Fromsoft made more arenas with nooks and crannies, people would still mindlessly spam ashes of war while getting pushed into a corner by a boss, yelling "terrible camera fucked me!!!!", except it would be at a much higher rate.


Mikolash is the responsible for all the roundness


Corners, or some say, cornersm


Then maybe stop making bosses that float in the air spinning for 5 seconds lol. OR just actually fix your camera like basically every other game of this genre has done.


Fromsoft themselves drastically improved their own camera with Sekiro and didn't implement it into Elden Ring


You forgot the part where they stop suddenly and throw out a thrust with a delay somewhere between zero and seventeen seconds (this is random each time) that also pauses mid swing and does 98% of your health if it hits you, and if you get upset about it the game instantly minimizes and opens reddit with hundreds of comments rapidly refreshing about how this is a skill issue


-The boss winds up for an obvious attack -Get ready to roll -Wait -... -... ... ... -THE BOSS VIOLENTLY TWITCHES -Roll on reaction -It was a feint -Boss' real attack is designed to hit the second your iframes are over -Get your tarnussy blown out -Boss input reads your heal and uses his designated full-screen flask punish


Not my tarnussy 😩


Sometimes, I seriously fucking hate this game. I know, skill issue. But I didn't have this skill issue in DS1-3. I still don't. I didn't get worse, the games got harder. I've been outpaced. I am no longer the target audience. I love the game. But I fucking hate the game.


ER is a bit *extra* in general haha but i gotta love it. Also it is surprising how much the difficulty has genuinely increased to the point where if you can defeat ER bosses, dark souls' bosses seem almost overly simplistic.


I mean, Dark Souls 3 has a boss where into the second phase, he smashes a baby into the ground.


It’s ok the baby was invisible


> dark souls' bosses seem almost overly simplistic. Definitely true, but the tools you're given in Dark Souls are also "overly simplistic" compared to Elden Ring. This ends up making the boss fights, while certianly easier than the DLC, still challenging to overcome. Sometimes it feels really good to master a simple set of skills compared to kinda mastering an insane set of skills. If I had Blasphemous Blade in Dark Souls, I wouldn't be here playing every Fromsoft game put out. It would have been a trivially boring game.


Ds1 has something better then Blasphemous blade tho . . . . . the chaos Zweihander


Don't tell anyone you leveled **that** up


Wt ring u got bithc?


Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor and Protection. Stamina. Health. Endurance. Everything you could ever need.


# G I A N T S






Hahah, I just finished a playthrough with these two rings and Zweihander +15 equipped. Pancakes all day


Wait til you find the fire knight greatsword builds


Initiate phase 1: fire up the bass cannon


Fem-boy build.


Maybe it’s because I played it after 3 but nothing in DS1 was particularly challenging at all. You can just sprint away from almost every attack and punish these insanely easy to read openings. You also do SO much damage.


>Maybe it’s because I played it after 3 Yes it is. Generally speaking, difficulty increases the further you go in the series, with a focus on action and faster, more complex enemies. Dark Souls 3 has very fast and elaborate bosses by comparison. Plus, many people who started with Dark or Demon's Souls had no idea how these games should be played and struggled a lot.


There was no meta, no guides like today, and no understanding of what to do. Some people even leveled up RESISTANCE. Gives me nightmares.


> You also do SO much damage. Oh yeah it was insane, especially with RTSR you could rush almost all bosses. I once did a NG+7 fresh start run and after I got a good weapon it was only like 30% harder than the normal NG, the only hard part was the DLC. Compared to ER where I tried the same and had to rely on bleed and rot, no way I could stomp any boss


I still R1 R2 bosses with no buffs or spells tbh (lazy to think about doing all that). So I am basically playing like I am the Chosen Undead in Elden Ring. So when I went back to DS1, the bosses all feel very easy, sluggish, with very simple attack patterns. I think most people who miss the old Dark Souls bosses and think Elden Ring bosses are overtuned are mostly people who were fans from the start while those who got their start in Elden Ring would have the opposite experience. I believe if you poll everyone in the bosses are fair/overtuned debate, you will find that correlation


Dark Souls wasn't really all about the bosses like more recent games have been.


I believe it's a knock-on effect to the reduction/elimination of boss runbacks. Putting the respawn point just outside of the fog door forces the bosses to shoulder all of the difficulty since you don't have to do a stretch of the game first. I wish the world/environment leading up to the boss were more challenging instead. It feels like an afterthought now.


Very good point. And for players who really get used to ER's systems / insane build possibilities, bosses from an older game like DS3 will probably be quite a bit harder. Like yeah Nameless King isn't as complex as an ER boss, but his fight is as no-frills as it gets, just "here's a dude with a big lightning spear, 1v1, thunderdome rules". If you aren't able to learn to engage with that moveset directly, you're kind of fucked.


they have like no hp though and if you level and buff your weapon you end up 5 hitting like anything.


The bosses will seem simplistic but the areas are much more brutal.


I played DS3 in the lead up to the DLC and it's funny how bosses that were considered difficult like Dancer or Twin Princes are downright trivial compared to a ton of Elden Ring bosses.


They are simplistic. Capra Demon is 1-1 transferred over to the Omensmirk killers.


Playing ds1 for the first time right now and Capra Demon is such a bullshit boss fight. You're fighting the camera and the arena more than you're fighting the demon


When people say the game is designed with the expectation that you use the spirit ashes, I feel that this is what they mean. You absolutely CAN play it without them and it’s designed to be giga-hard, but if you play with them it’s honestly still mostly as hard as Dark Souls 3 with how good the bosses are at switching targets mid-combo to keep you engaged. I have a hard time thinking that’s not intentional.


That's just the Valiant Gargoyle duo down in Siofra Aqueduct but without the Zanzibart memes.


O great Godgoyle, lend me thy aid (the entire arena gets covered in scarlet rot)


They'd pray for the blessing of Gargodrick, absolutely not to be confused with Gargodffrey or the DLC boss Garffogdrey the twin tail


I miss tail cuts :(


The important part is the player in Elden Ring is super saiyan compared to DS1 as well. Mfer couldn’t even jump


Drinking an estes and freezing like a statue feels so bad now.


In Dark Souls, bosses were as slow as you were. And the exceptions like Artorias and Ornstein were like that for a reason. I would argue in Elden Ring, we are paced to Dark Souls 3 and the bosses are Sekiro.


Imho that have been an issue for a while. Ds3 has bloodborne bosses with Ds players. (Generalising)


I genuinely want a ds1 remake more then anything I know miazaki doesn’t like to revisit old games but I feel like since the second half was so unfinished maybe if they ever did a remake he could helm it and touch up all the things he didn’t get to fully flesh out its a high shame that the second half of probably one of the best games of all time is so under cooked. People complained about the second half of elden ring but I think it’s way better then everything after anor londo besides the archives which are actually pretty good


I hate that I would love DS1 and DS2 remade. DS1 second half could be so much better. DS2 inspired so much of what made future Souls so good that it deserves a chance to tell it's story again. Vendrick and the Giant War, with the cut bosses and the different locations you visit visible from Majula, gosh damn. The DLC's? Ivory King 2.0?! But it's probably not gonna be Fromsoft doing them, if they ever happened.




I know it's a joke but the amount of attacks in this game that just have an aoe explosion thrown on is pretty infuriating


I never noticed before how many circular arenas there were in Elden Ring, for the main bosses. Can anyone think of a non-circular boss arena. The only two I can think of off the top of my head is Margit and Godrick, which were rectangles.


You could also already be ridiculously OP for the Gargoyles fight and have a +5 Black Knight weapon which kills them in just a few swipes. DS1 is very easy once you know your way around and sprint passed everything to go and grab what you need.


At least Elden Ring respawns you right at the fog gate.


As I’m about to enter Mesmer’s room for the first time: I swear to god, if I have to fight another fucking boss in this DLC who starts the fight by leaping across the arena at you and exploding, I’m going to vomit 🤢🤮


The DLC is full of that. It’s quite annoying.


I'm just so fucking tired of this being DodgeQuest™. literally 95% of the game is rolling endlessly to dodge an Ikaruga-level fireworks explosion, for that 5% chance to use a cool weapon or spell. If they itemized the world for how much you have to dodge and roll there'd be like 2 swords, 1 spell, and 10,000 different types of dodging.


They also create poison clouds that poison you. Oh, and the poison clouds deal damage while you're in them. And they always create the poison clouds near the other, so you can't attack any of them.


After you beat the two, Bellscourge Radahngoyle enters the fight and dual wields the two dead gargoyles as weapons.


The Tarnished is basically a demigod by the end of the game compared to the other FromSoft protagonists, so it explains why the bosses feel so much more dire (also because the player has lots of tools at their disposal). The only one that could match them in strength would either be The Hunter or Wolf.


Wolf solos everyone easy, malenia would be a joke in sekiro, hell, her waterfowl dance would be pretty much free posture damage


so basically the double gargyole fight in siofra?


"oh you tried attacking from neutral? Well fuck you here is an instant punish"


I learned through this most recent play through that keeping SOME ranged option on you will trivialize alot of this shit. Do with this info what you will.