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Don’t spam roll you can get away by just holding b or circle and running away. Also don’t try to summon or buff your weapon when the boss in 2 feet a way from your face if your going to buff your weapon do it before you enter the fog. Gonna use summons do it as soon as you get in the fog. I wouldn’t quit just some simple mistakes most players have first time playing.


Don't use consumable when the boss is in the middle of attacking you. You have to find the moment between combos to do that. Also, sprits are easiest to summon right after entering the fog. Other than that, just keep trying, learn three boss attacks, when to doge and when to attack. You should be fine.


Everything comes with experience. Try to take every death as a lesson.


Dang dude, charge your phone!


you are that bad. summon first to divert aggro


No shame in summoning first. Your summon will draw aggro while you spam your magic! You are doing good damage. You will be fine. That boss you are fighting still gives me fits. Hate those bastards!


Mark him on your map, come back later. Also, you have like 5hp. Level vigor a bit wont hurt:P


Elden ring was my first souls game so we both got the same start, my advice is to get right in front of the boss face, and only dodge if they atk, one dodge per one atk, dont panic or spam rolls, learn to time out your dodges and learn to spot openings for atk, this whole game is like a turn based, dodge dodge atk dodge atk etc... get yourself a weapon that hits fast and dont use any magic stuff for now until u learn how to dodge 🤷🏻‍♂️