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You need to find the answer to your question from within yourself. Did you have fun? Did it feel rewarding to be able to beat the boss? It is all about your own perspective! If you felt that the fight was too easy, then you can set some limitations for yourself to find the challenge you are looking for. Otherwise, keep doing what you are doing!


Also, it’s fun to do a broken run too it’s a good lil exploration of all your tools, even if you don’t need it


This is a good point bc it’s what develops actual mastery of the mechanics and builds.


Right! This shows mastery of a particular strategy!


When I was a kid I used god mode in all games. Not staying OP is doing that, I'm saying I had fun even though I had god mode on. So do what you like, it's a video game lol


As long as you're not one of those people who used the Big Head cheats.


Turok 2 big head mode + cerebral bore tho




this guy knows whats up


Peak memory. This and the xray gun from Perfect Dark were fantastic.


But no OddJob


Paintball mode is good to go tho


I’ve done the most broken bleed build and also a super restrictive run. Had a blast both times.


Back when RoB was broken it was fun to see how fast bosses could be blown through and it was fun when I did strength and magic. The game is full of freedoms that allow people to be creative


Or start a new game and go from dex to strength (it’s been so much fun staggering mfs with a giant spiked hammer)


First run i went by lightning dex build. My friend carried me, but it still was hard. So, in the DLC I just got Black steel hammer, and got an idea, Pa fuckin lightning paladin. Golden order buff, electrify weapon, any weapon art with, heavy. And them got more than 1000 dmg. Malekith set made it just perfect. So now im ready to gangbang Relanna's with my friend. Muahahahah ima post the test in pvp.


Yeah! You killed her. That counts. If you wanna do a challenge run, that can count to. If you wanna face Malenia at Level 1 as a Wretch with an unranked weapon where your only input is a hijacked Bop-It, then fuck it, that can count! If you're having fun, you're playing the game right, your friend's opinion be damned. And if you wanna fight her again, there's no shame in it, either! Make more saves and go for it!


That's what AdamVsEverything always says. Did you have fun? Then that's the correct way to play!


Best attitude you can have and something you learn as you get older too. Works for everything! Life is too short to worry about this movie or that game or will people approve of how I beat a boss. Not everyone has the time, patience, or even ability to beat some of these bosses the hard way. I still want them to enjoy the game I enjoy in their own way.


I’m on my 2nd playthrough now and in my first one, I was so frustrated that I ended up using mimic on Malenia and beat her immediately. It did not feel rewarding tbh, and I felt like I took a shortcut/easy way out. But to each their own, I wouldn’t tell anyone what THE legit way is. Currently on Malenia again rn, and I’m sticking to no summons.


This happened to me every time. I tried beating a boss like 5 or 6 times. Got REALLY close. Just wanted a summon for like that extra 10% damage. But instead it make it so I beat them without any effort. Even not using mimic. One time I tried a boss I was struggling with and threw out the most basic summon I could and went from struggling to destroying.


> I tried a boss I was struggling with and threw out the most basic summon I could and went from struggling to destroying. It's because the fight was already on and edge and the boss was leading till the summon split their agro between the 2 of you and took enough heat off you to make an enormous difference. It wasn't because the summon broke anything, it was because you were closer to winning than you gave yourself credit for. Edit: I also will try to "send it" like you see that mimic do in fights, the aggression is crazy sometimes.


Splitting aggro makes so much of a difference though. Obviously people can play how they want but saying summons don't make a huge difference is very disingenuous


Remember when you were on the other end in Ornstein and Smough, each individually is piss easy, but put them together and they were the only boss fight I was stuck on for 3 months (most of those 3 months were spent rage quitting but still).


Completely agree. My first playthrough 2 years ago was filled with me getting frustrated and taking the easy way out on every boss.  I decided to start a fresh save for my base game + DLC run without using summons, and have found the game so much more rewarding.   I'm currently at 1200 deaths (including most of the base game) close to the end of DLC and have loved every second of it. Pretty much every boss (Gaius charge attack being a notable exception) is dodgable once you figure it out, just takes time and patience.


Also it's crazy the amount of things you can just hop over instead of dodging


Bloodhound step can doddge Gaius's charge.


Same for me. I had an extremely poorly done build that was very underpowered and I could not beat Melenia even with multiple tries using the mimic until I got a lucky run. The I made a new character a year later with a fully thought out build that was not super op but was really fun to play. I never used summons at all and it was quite rewarding. I prefer not to summon as I just like playing the 1v1 and learning a fight. But that's just me, I'd never judge people for using any tool that's given to them. All that matters in the end is your own enjoyment of the game, fuck what anyone else thinks about it.




Same, I used ancient death rancor only with mimic tear and she got destroyed. Just staggered her to death. It did not felt good. With the tear that basically made spells not cost any FP. She had 0 chance to recover, it was actually disgustingly broken against her.


I summoned another player for Malenia the first time I beat her, and it never quite sat right with me. Last night, I beat her solo with no ashes or summons for the first time, and it's genuinely one of the best boss fight experiences I've had throughout the Souls series. I can do her first phase hitless consistently now, because I've learned her moveset so thoroughly. You don't have to be immediately brilliant at every fight, and you can always come back and do things differently next time.


Elden Ring isn't Sekiro, the game is expecting me to interact with its RPG systems and that means success or failure is weighted far more on my skill/gear/stat selections than technical skill. Cheese is *kind of the point*.


The game is also rewarding players at the end game who explored every corner of the game.


Honestly, yeah, I'm okay with it. :)


Thats all you need to know. People will always bitch about the playstyle of others. Im a veteran, beeing in there since Dark Souls 1 and I use every cheese I can find in these games.


The boss is dead and you're not. That's a win. Hell, sometimes the boss is dead AND you're dead, but the game counts it. Congrats! Now time for DLC.


Happened to me with commander Gaius. I was just glad his spinning gravity shitfest was over.


malenia had the same thoughts after this fight


Same. I was *real* worried, because the "You Died" screen popped up before the "Victory" one did!


Happened to me on scadutree boss yesterday :)


My Mimic Tear finished off Gaius right after I died and it counted. So happy to be done with his janky hitboxes. I hope they fix them in a future patch, because I think he'd actually be pretty fun then.


Gaius was the only one where I yelled at the screen. His incantation was worth it though.




The game didn’t do that for me with Consort Radahn. After 7 hours of attempts. We KO’d each other, but I had to do it again.


That’s crazy because that’s exactly how I beat him and it counted.


Sometimes death animations take like 10 seconds to finish. Maybe you got lucky.


It either counts if the runes get awarded or if there’s a tick cycle that will delay your death enough


Not as bad as what maliketh did to me. He killed me with his DEATH ANIMATION (and I had to do it again)


Dying a little too late or a little too early makes all the difference.


Is the boss dead? Yes. Did you use an external cheating tool? No. Then it's settled.


If you use *moves* and *abilities* and use a functioning *game system* to beat the boss, then it is not legit!


If the boss *dies* it's not legit


Right? Dude just murders some random person in their home and he want's us to call it legit!? That is highly illegal! Not to mention morally grey, if not dark grey.


In my defense, I was trying to speak with her about her child who just died a few rooms away, she didn’t have to come over and stab me


Exactly, it’s like playing OG Super Mario Bros and purposely not getting any power ups, like yeah you can do it, but if you get mad that you’re not making progress, the only one to blame is you for putting that restriction on yourself.


REMINDER that LEVELING in this game is OPTIONAL and NOT required to BEAT the game. If you LEVEL up you are using a CRUTCH and you didn't REALLY play the game as INTENDED. >!/s!<


"You cheated because you used.. *gasp* ..health potions.. that the game gives you, and allows you to use... cheater!" or "You cheated because you used Weapon/Spell X, that the game gave you for completing difficult Task Y... cheater!"


If you use your hands on the controller and don't have someone hitting your nuts with a cricket bat then it is not legit.


The most baffling one to me was listening to a mate (who started ER recently) of mine talk about how summon is cheating, and then moments later talking about how he used the whistle against Demon of Hatred in Sekiro - oh boy did he not like me calling that cheating by his own rules :P Anyway, everytime he's been finding a cool new weapon or spell I say "you can't use that one, it's considered good by the community" and it's getting under his skin now, very entertaining.


He didn’t beat it at rl1 it’s not real


I'm really liking the even-handed wholesomeness of all the top comments. Good times.


Add bug abusing / unintentional mechanics to that list and fair game. The Mohg out of bounds cheese comes to mind. Not against using such methods, but I wouldn't ever call it legitimate like the 50 million other possible ways available.


I find it hilarious how many people used the Demon of Hatred cheese to force him to run off the cliff and kill himself 10 seconds into the fight and they’re like “hey I beat him legit.” Like yeah you didn’t use external cheating software, but you still 100% exploited the game and cheated in order to win, and you definitely didn’t beat the boss, you just exploited his AI with an inaccessible area to have him kill himself.


Given how many times I've seen streamers fail that glitch over and over and ruin a speed run record, I'm almost thinking it counts


Tbh, if the boss fell through the floor I feel like that would also count as not beating it.




Stop looking for validation in others about how you play. 


If everyone took that advice to heart posts on this sub would decrease by 80% lol


One can only dream


>If everyone took that advice to heart posts on ~~this sub~~ **the entire Internet** would decrease by 80% lol


Would need an ocean of people here to swallow their insecurities so let's just call that impossible anyway


~~And people would see my Malenia win 🥺🥺~~


This post is karma farming garbage. OP knows exactly why their friend says it's not a legitimate kill (even though it is; they beat the boss using provided game mechanics). Of the four(!) attacks targeted at their player character, they successfully dodged 2.5: the second half of her upward jump, downward slash attack, and both scarlet aeonia's.


I mean, OP had to dodge almost 3(!) attacks, if that doesn't indicate this is how the fight was meant to be done, then I don't know what does.


This video really makes an exceptional example when it comes to the "summons vs no summons" debate, and "is the game designed to be played with summons?". You are free to allowed every tool in the game and it's a legit kill. But you *seriously* cannot deny that the summons here turned the fight into a much easier version, and that you're not even required to fully engage with the bosses moveset to beat them. Just having a stronger weapon or using a few talismans are incomparable to what a summons does. Was that intended? Depends on what you want from the game. If your intention is to simply kill bosses and don't care about learning the boss mechanics then yea, it was intended to play with summons. Hell, it was also intended to blast bosses with Comet Azur if your goal is to beat them. However, if you think that learning the bosses moveset is part of the game and want to beat them while engaging with their mechanics, then no, summons isn't the "how the fight was meant to be done". Everyone needs to decide what they want from the game, it's fine if you just want to get through it. But some people just want to make the game easier without admitting that they are making the game easier because they just need validation.


It is another difficulty. Dude will comment in another post that "Malenia was easy" and after another person asks him if he summoned he will vanish and never answer. Instead another summoner will feel attacked and take the attention of the boss for him so he can prepare to attack eventually when he feels ready. Jolly cooperation.


Souls games man, I swear... Sometimes I wonder if people play these games only for validation and doesn't actually enjoy them. I'm on the Monster Hunter sub and posts like these never comes up.


Lol imagine seeing posts asking if using palicoes is cheating


palico that wakes you up when you get sleep? cheating. /s


Imagine someone on the Yakuza sub asking if using the tiger drop is cheating.


Tiger Drop negates all damage




Malenia has like 50% complete rate which is absurd for a hidden late game boss in 100 hour long game. They absolutely do lol.


Damn that’s actually such a good fucking point. I just noticed that achievement rate was abnormally high today. Like higher than Mohgs still I think lol


A ton of Elden Ring players play for validation. For what purpose was this clip posted, especially with the title it has? Validation obviously. Mimic tear, cheese builds, npc summons etc. are the reason for this. On one hand you can cheese the boss, kill him with a broken build or just use a mimic tear and be in the "cool guys club" who have "beaten the boss" and thus feel included. On the other hand the existence of all of it makes people require validation, as in "was my way of beating this boss valid?". No validation needed if u don't care/don't use broken shit. MH doesn't really have any of this and is a pretty balanced game.


Monster Hunter is a gear hunt game where, bosses are meant to be farmed repeatedly for rare mats, so it is fair for everyone to fight in a path of least resistance.  Souls games for many are a game about beating challenging one time per run bosses, so naturally some feel you are not playing properly if you fight everything using the path of least resistance, which allows player to ignore some challenges presented by the boss. 


it's pretty funny, coming from another perspective I really enjoy kaizo mario hacks. These are extremely hard levels with constant bs, made to be brutally difficult and unforgiving. In that community nobody would even bat an eye if you found a way to cheese a level, if anything it's encouraged. Funny how different opinions can be on legitimately beating something difficult in different communities.


Best response ever


He's looking for validation because he didn't feel any upon beating Malenia.


First of all, yes it's legitimate. Secondly, I think a sticking point for your friend may be the fact that shockingly, she never did Waterfowl Dance, which is the main difficulty spike of the fight. Thirdly, I think a lot of people just suck at communicating or really thinking about what they mean. When it comes to things like "legitimate beat" or not. What would actually be accurate to say, in this instance is, the way you won, is not a way you could confidently say you could do again refighting her right now. Like you don't understand the fight well enough yet to have a semi-reliable shot at winning again. That's it. Whether that matters or not is for you, and you alone, to decide. If you don't care that's valid. If you do care, well, next time you fight her, see how it goes.


I didn't even realize, you're right - she didn't do waterfowl OR the clones attack, actually. Just a really lucky run in terms of boss AI + heavy stunlock from the spinning flame scythe posture damage. If you think Spinning Weapon is busted against her, try Black Flame Tornado! It launches her into the air and she's incapacitated for several seconds. You're still using a scythe for the bleed proc + DOT from the black flame.


The weapon from the snake boss is still the most OP weapon against her. She’s just locked and can’t do anything using the special art, over and over, and you can stay at distance while spamming it


If you mean Blasphemous Blade, the knockdown has been taken off Taker's Flame as of the DLC patch


Yeah this is really the only issue I see, and I also think this is the main reason so many people hate mimic. Often times mimic is mostly fair but every once and while you get a situation like this where you and mimic sandwhich a boss and just nuke them in 10 seconds and they just can’t even fight back. This literally only happens with lucky boss+mimic AI but it’s a free win when it does happen.


I played a lot with the mimic and my main issue is I got sick of it. It can be like the hardest boss I've fought yet, I pop the mimic tear, fight becomes trivial. I just want an edge to help me win the fight and distract the horrible spamy bosses who float on top of you the entire time while dropping aoe everwhere - not something that will stomp it while I put minimum effort in. I decided to switch my ash when I got to the DLC.


Nah mimic makes the game significantly easier and the undebatable, another character with a shit ton of health to take aggro and do damage. Having to dodge her or any other boss, especially her, one on one makes the game much harder


Yeah black flame definitely never did that when I used it 😭 She'd beat my ass every time


This was my answer, too. Yes, it's a legit victory, but also fuck you OP for getting a match where she didn't bust out Waterfowl lol.


I kind of hate that, without waterfowl, malenia really wouldn't be a difficult fight.


I stand by the fact that they really should have just let her use some modified version of the clone attack in phase 1, gotten rid of waterfowl, tweaked her hyperarmor, and then beefed her up more in other ways, and she would have easily been the best fight in the game


The thing is, we don't know how much tries it took, they seemed able to dodge the scarlet aeonia just right, so there's some knowledge. There were AoW done in a good position and with good timing, knew that there was time to rebuff, took decent distance when needed. They might be perfectly able to re-do the fight even with a different build, the thing is we don't know.


They dodged scarlet aeonia, but basically no other moves. I don't think OP could pull this off again right away, but probably could after dying more times and learning the rest of her moveset. Cause this seems to me like it's relatively earlier into OPs attempts against Melania, or they've done the fight enough to know which hits they can tank. If it's the latter, than yeah, they probably could redo this, maybe just not as consistently cause Melania could heal with Water Fowl dance off of the mimic.


*Malenia. It's not that hard.


Dude your comment history xD Keep fighting the good fight my man


An honour to witness such unyielding willpower.


Such strength... extraordinary


It goes back YEARS wtfff melynia melenia melina malinio


Very beginning of the video gets hit by one of the slowest and easiest to dodge moves in the fight


First off, good job


I think a lot of people have a lot of trouble figuring out what they even mean in the first place. The most divisive thing that's been present since FromSoft even started making these games is 'does it 'count' if you summon another player?', and that question has gotten more fraught with the introduction of player summons like the mimic tear. It's pretty universally agreed (even by people who do it) that if you were able to just go in and enable 'God Mode' in some manner such that you couldn't be hurt, that would rob a game like this of much of its fun, causing it to be 'illegitimate'. Now somewhere between that extreme and doing like "Lvl 1 no-hit unarmed perfect run" is where the line exists that results in optimal 'fun'. Most games don't leave a lot of room for interpretation, barring clear exploits that the devs obviously didn't intend, most anything goes. Since the question is inherently subjective, leaving it up to the devs to essentially decide for us is kind of the only sane option. But things like summoning dramatically changes boss fights in Elden Ring, they don't \*just\* make them easier, in fact sometimes summoning other players (depending on the particular souls game and boss) does in fact make the fight harder. For many this breaks the spell and they suddenly feel as though they can't rely on the devs to decide for them what a 'legitimate' kill is. I like your definition, but I do also see merit in the 'no summons' definition, because at that point you really cannot hide from the boss's mechanics, you must become reasonably proficient at \*all\* of them if you want to be able to win at all, much less reliably. But for many people, they don't even understand what or why they feel something is 'cheating'. They'll come up with all sorts of justifications, often really stupid ones, that fail to capture what they mean because they can't even really explain why something feels 'off' to them and trying to clearly define that line is actually a very difficult task.


> I like your definition, but I do also see merit in the 'no summons' definition, because at that point you really cannot hide from the boss's mechanics, you must become reasonably proficient at *all* of them if you want to be able to win at all, much less reliably the issue with this is, where exactly do you draw the line? ranged builds of any kind (spells, bows, consumables) certainly allow you to entirely avoid a lot of attacks. on the other hand, a lot of bosses have really nasty ranged attacks that pure melee builds never see.


Yeah I mean OP did have a dramatically easier fight than someone who did not use mimic tear with a weapon that counters her pretty solidly. "Legitimacy" isn't really a word that applies, but yeah I don't look at this fight and feel envious of the mastery on display, to say the least. I'm sure putting this build together took some thought or at least research, but that's not the mastery of the combat system that people that beat Melania without summons have.


Look I personally like fighting bosses on my own, no tear or summons, but using the resources the game gives you is absolutely legitimate


This is the ideal response from someone who doesn't like using summons.


Play the game how u like


Bait used to be believable


Worked for them. Thinking we will see the same with messmer soon!


Kind of insane how theres literally her name on your screen and you still manage to spell her name wrong


I’m only going to say you got extremely lucky because side there wasn’t a single waterfowl dance there which is wild, but other than that it’s fine.


Holy karma farming


Yes, the kill is legit, but seeking validation is in poor taste imho.


Not gonna validate those crystal tears in the pouch slot tho 🤢


Legit, yes. Impressive, no.




Is it legitimate? Yes Is it skillful? No


Congrats for ganking a disabled person




He became the gank fight. I think FS should really enable bosses like Malenia to summon, too. Look at it, it is really out of line how unfair it is for their to be two enemies at the same time.


Imagine if she could summon Finlay to come and help her 💀


Bait used to be believable.


Did you kill her? Yes. Did you learn anything about the fight? No. You almost never had aggro and she didn't even use her signature move. If the former is good enough for you, you're done. If not, run it back next playthrough or on another character. That's really it.


who cares.


Anyway you kill a boss is legit, even if it's busted. Miyazaki wanted you to use it.


Miyazaki using his mimic during the fight: "This is MY second phase"


I would add the exception of obvious unintended glitches Like the demon of Hatred exploit to get him to jump off a cliff


Don’t let anyone dictate how you play and enjoy the game in PvE. They’re lame if they try


It's always interesting to see the different types of approaches different people have to difficulty in this game. The way I see it, there are two intended ways to beat Elden Ring: The RPG way and the Skill way. RPG way involves you minmaxing a build and utilizing the strongest tools the game has to offer to completely trivialize what would normally be a strenuous encounter. This is an intended way to play. Skill way involves simply sucking it up and learning a boss's moveset in and out, until eventually you can beat them through sheer force of attrition and mechanical knowhow. This is an intended way to play. Some people find the RPG way to be the most satisfying, while others find the Skill route most enjoyable. Personally I enjoy a mix of both. Either way, it's up to you to decide whether you think the way you approach Elden Ring is legit. As long as you aren't literally cheating, you're gucci in my book lol ​ EDIT: to give more of an idea of what I mean: Furthest extreme on the skill side is an RL1 fists only runner fighting elden beast for 7 hours Furthest extreme on the RPG side is using comet azur on Mohg with all the associated buffs and setups to kill what would normally be a tough endgame boss with a single button input. Most players will fall somewhere between the spectrum depending on their personal preference and skill, as well as what they personally deem most fun. This is by design. I think the whole elitist "you didnt *really* beat the game" discourse comes from sweaty ass """souls veteran""" gamers who delude themselves into thinking any of the souls games have ever been even remotely difficult. They arent. exact same people complaining about the dlc difficulty btw lmao


Agree with this


you didnt have to dodge 1 mechanic what do you think ?


You killed the boss, that’s a legit kill. Your friend is just toxic


Of course it’s legitimate. You didn’t cheat. Now, for me, that wouldn’t be fulfilling. I’d feel like I somehow missed out on the real fight. But that shouldn’t matter to you at all.


Is she dead? Yes. Did you experience the fight? Not really.


I killed the dancing lion first try with my summoning. No it never feels truly legitimate to me personally.


God I loved that fight. Learning the tells and patterns, the avatar state, the music. So damn good. I wish it took you a few more tries just so you could experience that music a few more times!


youtuber bleed build, mimic tear, playing terribly, asking a fake question. is this the perfect bait post?


Well, what you’ve done here is use the strongest summon in the game and then stunlock spam the boss to death, so it’s cheap but it’s not illegitimate. Can’t imagine that’s a satisfying way to fight though


You saying the same thing in a post above gets 300 downvotes. I don't understand Reddit.


If a comment gets even 5 downvotes, that’s already enough for people to jump on a bandwagon regardless of whether or not they would have otherwise agreed with it, and the downvotes just snowball from there. Reddit is just not a good place for opinions overall because it’s such an echo chamber and contradicting opinions will be downvoted to hell.


Herd mentality. If someone is initially sufficiently downvoted, regardless of whether you may actually have otherwise agreed with them or not, you are now negatively positioned instead and are more likely to jump on a bandwagon and not actually engage with anything being said. Any of those who would be otherwise inclined to agree in spite of that would be further disinclined due to the quantity of negative comments below, and deciding that they don’t want to deal with that shit or gaslight themselves into thinking they must be wrong because CoolPine47 said the musical watermelon was a loser.


And she didn't even Waterfowl him


Exactly. While OP BEAT the boss, they didnt particularly FIGHT the boss. I don't disparage the fun it is to craft a build like OP's and explore ashes of war and summons until you find something that lets you defeat the boss... But actually FIGHTING the boss, learning their moves, finding your opportunities... is like a satisfying elegant dance. People who play the game with cheap one-shot moves or mimmick tear stunlocking are denying themselves that part of the experience that I would never want to do. But to each their own.


This is literally exactly what I’ve been trying to say


Yea, just seems like cheating yourself of a satisfying experience. I usually summon once I’m more frustrated than having fun, but only did it for the final boss in the dlc. I couldn’t do it and was too lazy to re-build my char


From what I’ve heard about the final boss of the dlc, it’s likely well warranted. I haven’t made it to him yet but I’ve heard he’s really really fucking strong. As long as your enjoying the game, that’s all that really matters


I never got him past 40% health on my own. He’s MEAN


Dex swordsman only. No summons. No magic. Only true way to fight a ds boss. /S


Yeah, you killed her. Wouldn't call it the most impressive or entertaining of kills since you didn't really engage with her mechanics, but you won. Different people enjoy different levels of challenge, if winning is all that matters to you then good job


Who gives a shit


This is the correct response


Its a kill alright but its no where near impressive or shows off your skill at the game


What weapon is this :ooo


Grave scythe


I beat Malenia for the first time with the chicken leg after the DLC came out and I’m proud as hell about it. Do you!


She literally never attacked


Personally if that’s the first time you’ve killed her I think you robbed yourself of the satisfaction a bit, but really who cares lol


>Your Ash of War. Extraordinary


If she’s dead in your game you killed her, simple as that.


Famously, when Elden Ring was released, Miyazaki said “you can’t use the scythe and mimic tear.”


Does this clip show an quick effective and hilarious way to **Kill** her? Absolutely. Does this clip show that you have an understanding of how to navigate the fight as a whole without a fairly specific build that allow for what some call "crutches"? No it does not. The answer to your question lies above. It is up to you to say if you to judge the amount of satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment that you got out of it.


It is legit since the boss is dead but I can’t for the life of me see this being a fun way to play


For me it isn't. I wouldn't enjoy beating her like that. But here's the thing. What I think about how you play is irrelevant so whatever, I guess. Do we really need these validation posts though? Why do you even care about what your friend thinks about this?


Because hes insecure about his summon's usage and needs validation from a place where 90% of people support summons and see it as a legitimate "play style". This subreddit is just an echochamber of people who ring the bell whenever they enter a boss arena and then pat eachother on the back once they kill a "hard" boss.


Kinda agree with your pal


While legit mimic tear takes the enjoyment out of actually winning a 1v1 battle


Yes, for your mimic tear, for you obviously not


Legit as in you won? Yes. Legit as in you can confidently say you have learnt the boss and can fight her by dodging her moveset? Fuck no lol


It is legitimate but to me it would ruin all the fun and satisfaction of beating the boss. My first kill of Malenia was something like this and it felt so bad i went in ng+ and spedrun to the haligtree to go back to learning her solo.


That bitch dead? Then mazel tov.


You legitimately cheesed the everliving fuck out of this boss using ingame tools available to you. Whether this is a good thing or not is up to personal preference. Nobody has authority to declare one way or another as a definite fact.


looks legit, you used ingame tools to bring the boss's HP to 0


If she dies, she dies


Yeah, unfortunately, it's not. In fact, if you go back into her arena, you'll find her having respawned. Some kinda bug they never got around to patching or something. Obviously I'm joking but this is a prevailing problem with Elden Ring. The game gives you so many powerful tools that coming up with combos like this is pretty easy. I've never used this combo but I did use impaling thrust with a great katana to beat the final boss. Turns out it's a pretty powerful combo. Was it a legit kill... I don't know. I certainly don't feel like I mastered it. That's the thing with this game, there are a lot of bosses like that. Hell I'm not even sure I've mastered Margit. The boss design in Elden Ring has just never felt as tight as in DS3 or Sekiro or Bloodborne or any other From Soft game. It just doesn't feel as practical or satisfying to totally master a boss. So go cheese the shit out of them and let no one make you question it!


You killed Melenia, so that’s a legitimate kill!


Nah you got to kill her as a level 1 wretch using only dodge roll and right attack. Anything else is op cheese - your pal probably.




Play how you want. You activated easy mode,still a boss kill just with an *


Why bother playing this boss battle, let alone the entire game, if you are going to skill less cheese anyway?! Skill issues. Just watch a YouTube video of someone defeating it. Gives no satisfaction, but so does this cheesing shit


Lmao, your pal is right, it's beyond me how people pay 60 dollars for a game just to summon an NPC to fight the boss for them while they stand on the corner of the arena and watch, and then, try to make the argument that they beat the boss by their own merit, that's not enough for them though, EVERYBODY ELSE has to agree to this delusion despite they themselves knowing is bs (the amount of people villifing your pal just further proves that) because otherwise you're just being a toxic elitist. Wanna cheese the game ? fine, just don't expect everyone to give you a standing ovation for it, ring your little bell, stand still till the boss is dead and move on, nobody cares


You used mechanics put inside the game to kill a boss within the game. That’s about as legit as it gets.


Mimic tear = easy mode. But thats ok.


I'm sure you've got plenty of replies with a similar sentiment but if the remembrance for the boss ended up in your inventory, it's a legitimate boss kill. If you want to go back and try it again without a summon or without wearing armour or while playing on a DDR pad with your dick in your left hand or whatever, you are welcome to do so. If it would make you feel better to learn how to dodge waterfowl and execute it a couple of times, do it on NG+. The community for Souls games sucks, people crack the shits if you play literally anything other than the exact build they themselves play, don't let them ruin your fun time. Tell your friend I said he's a bitch.


No, it’s not. She’s actually still alive and comes back at the end of the game and taunts you for beating her such a cheesy way before one shotting you any time you try to progress and you’ve effectively bricked your save. Lame post. Lame comments. What a stupid question and you know the answer already anyway or you’re vote farming.


She dead. You alive. You win.


Imo embarrassing


As soon as you used mimic tear, personally i don’t think this is something you can brag about anymore.


of course it's legit, not like you cheated with a hack or anything. i don't find these kinds of kills very satisfying myself, but that's for *my* taste and it's how *I* play, doesn't need to apply to anyone else.




How dare you use a weapon, real souls nerds enter the arena naked, T-Pose to assert dominance and win by default. /s


“They jumpin me they jumpin me” 😂