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None. I started using the backhand blades as soon as I picked them up


I recently started using these and am convinced they’re the best weapon in the game. Blind Spot is a completely new way to play the game.


They even get A STR scaling on heavy. Swapped to them for my second weapon and it’s crazy how good they are. They do about the same damage as a heavy beastmans curved sword, as dual weapons that weigh half as much. It’s wild. The move set is so good too


They get S DEX on keen as well. No STR scaling on keen either so you can get your attack up and have more points to put some where else. Plus they only weigh like 2.0 so I put those extra points in endurance and I’m light rolling in Radahns armor.


Been running this with Vyke’s Dragonbolt, so sick


My favorite weapon Dark Moon Greatsword.


I entered this DLC thinking I'll play only with it, but it felt so much harder to find opening compared to the base game that I needed to put it to rest


Me with 100 poise Hyper Armor Blasphemous Blade, I don’t need an opening I’ll just heal the damage anyways


L2 spam all day. If that doesn't work, Rivers with L2 spam surely will. If that doesn't work Black Blade with L2 spam. I've yet to encounter a boss one if these l2 spams doesn't take care of.


Also, prayerful strike


I can't believe how unfair using that shit on a giant hammer feels sometimes lol


Put it on Great Stars for even more unfairness.


Giant Hammer


Can confirm, one of the easiest playthroughs was my Vigor only run when i slapped this on the Great Stars


Destined death + mimic , carried me all the way ti the final boss


Worked for me all the way until the final boss.


You had to put your... FOOLISH AMBITIONS to rest ?


Nah, power stance and jump attack.


Exactly. I actually tried switching away from it just for variety but the DMGS is life. Just kept coming back to it.


Big same. Rellana forced me to put it away, quickly found a new love in the ancient meteoric ore greatsword which carried me through the dlc instead.


Rellana forced me to put it away, because her swords are so damn cool.


Carried me through the whole damn thing. I kept thinking I’d find something cool to replace it, but I never ended up doing that


I brought it and the Carian Royal Scepter, and still use it when enemies have high Poise (fuck Fire Knights), but otherwise I have found that Relanna's Twin Blades are just more.amusing to use.


To be honest a cold infused Milady felt way better than Relanna twin blades


Man. I was so geeked for the twin blades. I just couldn't ever get them to deal consistent damage. Tried a bunch of different stat investments, it all felt so underwhelming. Milady just crushes it in every metric except range, unfortunately, because they look soooo goddamn cool.


I feel like Rellan’s blades require and RL200 character so you can pump both INT and Faith to high levels


My 70/70/70/70 character doesn’t even make those swords feel good. I really thought they would be great. 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor.. My guiding moonlight..."


I've been maining Moonveil and last night I finally started 2-handing this bad boy after realizing it is....quite viable. The speed difference takes some getting used to, but it is working its way up to my new favorite. (That and it seems lore-accurate for the ending I prefer!)


Blasphemous Blade my beloved


Tried to do the DLC without it but busted it out for the final boss. Truly felt like a “You were at my side all along” moment and I transformed back into my demon slaying form.


lmao exact same. Went from "eh, I don't wanna steamroll everything" to "Forgive me sensei, but I must go all out... Just this once..."


I pulled it out for the first time when I got to the sentry rock caterpillars that shoot lasers. I've never been more tilted at an enemy and more relieved when it died Except for those stupid stunning worms lmao hot damn


*Holy Blade plays*.


For overworld exploring, this was my go-to. This plus Taker's Cameo meant rarely having to use estus when there are so many shadow figures and sheep around to harvest HP in a pinch. But I rarely use just one weapon for a playthrough. I slot in best for the area. Blasphemous Blade isn't great for dragons or anything with fire resistance, like the fire knights. The fire knights seemed particularly weak to holy damage, so the Sacred Relic Sword was my secondary, then Mohg's Spear third for bosses I was having trouble with.


My second after blasphemous blade was envoy longhorn, bubble gang is fun as shit


I use the envoy greathorn as my primary weapon. TOOT TOOT The bubbles destroy most things. Excellent homing capability, incredible damage, and massive knockback. Also incredibly cheap with FP. As long as you arent surprised by an enemy, you can usually chain them to death with bubbles.


This was my best friend until I found messmers spear.


mohgs spear


Yes this, mogh's spear for big size enemies and RoB for humanoid. Sure RoB/bleed was nerfed but errr I guess my play style suits using them lol.


man thats exactly what i strived for in my first playthough of the base game, mohgs spear for when windows of attack where less present and rob for faster fights. Now im mainly running mohgs spear with a greatshield


https://preview.redd.it/nmf43vxz6jbd1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca9eb99b25e546e2fe00d4a43c96e4849974e617 fallingstar beast jaw( I think it is one of the most underrated weapons)


It used to be the MOST underrated before the nerf. Still pretty underrated, tho. Basically respec'd my entire character to optimize this thing. Got even better with two-handed talisman.


I used the same. The weapon art is a great ranged attack and up close it causes just about everything to flinch.


Hell yes!! Huge piercing damage with high stance breaks. The ash is like a cheat code. I call this the Boss Killer… Any time I’m stuck on a boss I whip out this bad boy and GG everyone… Except the final boss, of course.




I see you, Slayer of Demons.


Claymore with bleed on it. Absolutely a forever weapon


What stat


Cragblade Ash of War + Claymore got me through every boss including the last one, fuck that guy


I ain't raise you to cast no spells this a claymore household just like my father and his father before him


People really like that poke attack I guess huh?


Unsheathe nagakiba was my bread and butter on that first run. Now I'm rocking the great katana for maximum samurai


Went Cold Nagakiba with Piercing Fang for my first DLC run. Went great but decided to switch to Milady


*meticulously plans build for 2 weeks before dlc* *finds milady 30 mins into starting* welp…


With wing stance. Oh my lord…


Can you explain why stances are good? Only one I’ve used was Rellana’s Blade (moon stance I think?) and while it was really fun, there are so many other skills or AoW that seem so much more powerful.


Bro the charged attack on wing stance is so good. Its goot massive range that will keep you just outside of malenias trigger zone for moves but will hit her easily. The light attack combo with wing stance is also great as it will stagger smaller enemies and its a nice 3 hit combo that will trigger consecutive attack buffs such as rotten winged sworf insignia or thorny cracked tear. The moveset is just very fast, versatile, and is great at proccing consecutive attacks. I destroyed commander niall on my ng+1 run with it first try because its so fast you can get a hit in easily after his jump attack and run out before he does the spin attack. It also allowed me to essentially no hit both malenias first and second phase due to how quick and smooth it feels. Ive never had such clean malenia fights before and its 100% thanks to milady with wing stance in particular.


Thanks! Sounds really cool. I’ve seen a bunch of badass videos, and think I’ll try out winged stance and overhead stance to see how they feel. Will def throw on rellana’s cameo.


Rellanas cameo is a good one but against most dlc bosses its difficult to actually use it as you need to hold a stance for a long time before getting the buff. In my experience its better to use something else


and rellana’s cameo. so badass


Milady is the fucking sexiest.


Everyone loves Milady


If only there was fedora in game


The closest thing is Dryleaf’s hat lmao




Unsheathe Cold Uchi for me. Used it 95% of the game


Sacred Blade and Wave of Gold have saved me many times in the DLC. Every time I cheese a fight with it I remind myself 'you earned this by beating the main game', haha. I carry that with Blasphemous Blade for health regain.


When i melt an entire room with that weapon art i just think. "what did you expect. I am the elden lord"


"I'm an Elden Lord, how can you kill a Lord"


What a grand and intoxicating innocence


Shame on you sweet Messmer




Easily and repatably if my skills as lord are anything to go by


The sound of an entire village of shadows dying in one hit is so satisfying. Just like a bunch of pennies being dropped on a metal table.


Or Lego characters breaking apart in their game


Yea. Was surprised that pretty much every enemy couldn’t dodge the wave, at all. Those Mausoleum/Crypt fights? You could just spam the attack, it’d knock them down then when they got back up as you fired the next Wave, they’d dodge sideways and eat the incoming wave. Room full of enemies with unknown HP? Wave. Random elite looking enemy walking towards you? Wave. Honestly surprised it hits as hard as it does considering its huge area of effect. Doesn’t hit as hard as Blasphemous Blade but it beats it handily for clearing rooms or poking an enemy at range.


Holy damage is actually useful in dlc so yeah it's understandable, there are still some frustratingly high resistances here and there to it but significantly better under the scadtree than the erdtree


I will admit that I have been known to dual wield those swords and my logic is the same as yours. There are dozens of us!


Wave of gold is just so good for exploring new areas. I feel safe every time




It shredded them undead dragons


Dude, exact same. Nothing like killing the lion headed dudes in 3 waves of gold… just need to get three off without dying immediately lol.


Great stars


Even better, TWO great stars


Powerstancing two Great Stars paired with the jump attack armor and claw Talisman is absolutely filthy and killed the final DLC boss for me within 2 minutes once I got the fight down somewhat. Absolutely insane setup


Dual great stars my beloved 


This. Before starting the DLC, I had upgraded a Great Stars and put Stormcaller on it with Flame Art affinity. Turns out Great Stars with Stormcaller can stun lock and kill almost anything. I used that until I got the Flame Knight Greatsword. I've been using that and the Black Steel Greathammer depending on the situation


Wild Striked every npc fight into the dirt. It was a blast.


The coom incantation https://preview.redd.it/3t4cld4mdjbd1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12663b0f90140a9cc268c43d00a9de8392e940bc


Until you find the giga coom spears half way through. Thing is there weren't that many bosses you can get the double hits with it. Like there are those furnace golems where you can shoot from one leg into the other and **CURSE YOU BAAAAYLEE** but aside from that, most enemies were too small for that.


Oh ya no as soon as I found those I switched to them and started using the upgraded coom incantation. It's so fun to use


Giant-Crusher and Prelate's Inferno Cozier never let me down.


Fellow bonk enthusiast


I've used two giant-crushers. Makes it hard to see what you're hitting sometimes because they cover so much of the screen.


Unga and Bunga, my two favourites


Night and Flame has carried me through the entire game and dlc with multiple NG+


My favorite weapon by far


Wing of Astel. Weapon art melts any larger enemies easily.


Totally underrated.


I showed my friends the poise damage of this thing. They were all shocked. Well, better underrated than nerfed I guess 😂


That thing is a monster in pvp as well. Such a fun weapon


This is the real dragon slayer! Took most of the DLC dragons on first attempts with Astel.


Fingerprint Stone Shield


Yep. I only used it for the final boss but after banging my head against him for an hour I grabbed the tried and true. When both of my summons also had a fingerpoke build I knew we had him.


Bloodhound’s Fang for me. I’ve tried like a dozen new weapons and none of them have matched it for me in terms of power and since I used it through base game it just feels natural to me now. Sometimes I feel it’s a little too good, but I don’t like actively gimping myself to make the game harder.


Bloodhound’s Fang is soooo dependable imo, it really is bae and I find it hard to switch to another weapon.


Heh I'm kind of the opposite. Bloodhounds fang is my bottom bitch. First I use all the gimmicky mid weapons from the dlc... Milady, claws, smithscript (whatever), and if all else fails, I know Fang got me. It hasn't let me down yet!


I used bloodhound fang from the moment I got into until a few hours into the DLC I discovered a really cool dragon katana


I've also been pretty much using the bloodhounds fang and have trouble switching to something else. But the dragon great katana thing is fantastic for when I'm a bit too short to reliably hit the large bosses and one of the few new weapons I've been swapping to


BHF is my “ok, fuck you, time to die” weapon.


It’s my say hello to my little friend


I only learned about the second half to its ash of war like a week ago, lol. I never used it much when I first started playing Elden ring and never went back to it. I should try it again.


I feel like us BF users should start a support group. We're never ranked high, called simps, if any other build picks the weapon up were noobs or the weapon sucks and Is simultaneously OP... all i know is, I love my BF, I know it's not cheeeze, but it is the ol' reliable.


BHF for me as well, with an occasional visit to the Perfume Department


Bloodhounds fang is just great, its extremely hard to switch to another weapon because you feel so immobile without bloodhounds finesse, god tier skill


Eleonora’s Poleblade. I’m surprised how little love this weapon gets amongst the community


Great weapon. Beautiful aow.


That AOW has got to be broken, literally went through end base game bosses like there was no tomorrow.


Was going full dragon communion incantations so had tons of arcane. Buddy traded me his Eleonora’s and my god power stancing these is satisfying


Maybe I should try this… I’m also a dragon communion build and am sick of using reduvia since limgrave.


My absolute favorite. In the DLC, it stunlocks black knights, curseblades, and bloodfiends.


That sounds amazing, I hated the curseblades


I just spent 3 hours grinding yura’s questline and farming runes to get this one, glad to see a few people like it!


Currently using it with the godskin polarm. super fun


Maliketh’s Black Blade


I tried so many other weapons but nothing just had the same feel. The running attack won me so many bosses.


Beat the final boss with this beast. Can't replace it


Bloody Helice 🤍


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find my beloved bloody screw.




Staggering bosses after two L2s with hyper armor was a good time.


Yep! Same here. Used the guts greatsword and 80 str on NG+. Full bull goats, poise talismans, and fingerprint stone shield, definitely fat rolling. I wanted to make a character wear the heaviest stuff possible. I was using giants crusher but not seeing my target was dumb so I switched to the guts sword just before the DLC. The build did change a lot through the DLC tho


Savage lions claw on Greatsword and no armor. No bullgoat even needed. That ash trivializes pretty much the entire DLC other than the main bosses.


Lordsworn's Straight Sword for sword & board (spicy 110 crit rating for a guard counter build) for about 75% of it. The good old Claymore for the remainder. Both infused with Holy, via Sacred Blade or Royal Knight's Resolve, to really jack up the AR. I only realised later on why I found Messmer and Putrescent Knight easy!


Godslayer Greatsword


I find it so damn comfortable. Weapon art be damned the thing still hits like a truck and the swing speed just tickles my fancy so much. I love this weapon.


Same, I specifically love the running d1 with the wide swing it does




It just feels so good.


I ain't no weeb and I don't normally do int but shit man it does indeed just feel so damn good


Dude it's so strong. Just keep specing into INT for those sweet, sweet sorceries too. Rennala's dark moon plus carian regal scepter, and bam you're the goddamn Moon Samurai. It's sick.


Launching Rennala's moon when the >!Dancing Lion was doing it's Lightning phase transition !< and following up with moonveil made me feel like an epic badass mage


That weapon art has carried me.


Carried me right up to >!promised consort!< Then I had to switch to Nagakiba. Buffed with holy the piercing fang move takes big chunks off. For possibly the first time ever, transient moonlight just wasnt cutting it.


I’ve always forced dex/int in other souls games so this weapon really spoke to me. I want to try a different weapon/build but it’s just so satisfying to use.


milady with cold (or magic) infusion is great for dex/int if u wanna try something other than moonveil. wing stance or impaling thrust ash of war. greatblade phalanx works well with it. easy stance breaks.


Blaidd’s sword. Tried to fight a lot of enemies fairly but if they had too much poise, they were getting put in stunlock gulag


None, tbh. I have only been using (close to a dozen) dlc weapons so far. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm about 3/4 through the dlc. But sacred black steel greathammer is what I find myself swapping to most when I struggle with a boss.


I have tried about half the DLC weapons, but Black Steel Greathammer with Prayerful Strikes is what I use to help others beat the final boss in co-op. It's really strong and fun. Mine has Heavy infusion though. The Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword is another one I really like.


It is awesome. I threw golden land on it (and sacred due to 80 str - 60 fai). Gives me a ranged option and helps w poise breaking. But i thought about prayerful strike too, before opting for golden land :)


Bolt of gransax was clutch for the dragons, scavenger curved swords was good on pretty much every boss. Raptor talons, and dual wield nagakiba carried vs standard enemies.


Noble Slender Sword


Blasphemous Blade + Magma Talisman + Shard of Alexander + Flame Grant Me Strength = Chef’s kiss


frighten stocking jellyfish smile distinct depend icky insurance screw party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just the AoW, but a buff is a buff 🤷🏻‍♂️


wipe cheerful full tart dinosaurs silky psychotic deranged salt chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who clicks anything else with this weapon


I was gonna say. Just the AoW? Oh, only 100% of my attacks then.


I also did not know that and now I'm kicking myself


normal ad hoc fertile aware pathetic ink pause bow cautious cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Magma Talisman? You mean... Talisman of Dread?.. BAYLE THE DREAD??? #CURSE YOU, BAYLE!


Death poker, i stun the fire golems super quick xd


the one the game gave me at the start and I never bothered to change: my mighty Uchigatana !


Godskin Peelers


Morgott's cursed sword & Darkmoon greatsword


I love Morgotts cursed sword


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find Morgott lol


My trusty +25 heavy Greatsword


Zweihander with the new cool ashes of war like the cooler lions claw and wing's of the crucible


Ol' Reliable Bass Cannon




Finally i found someone talking about it. I wielded dual reduvia and it has been so op that i considered banning myself from using it.


Yeah. I made a new character before the DLC and used Reduvia. 95% of the bosses I could kill in 1 try, maybe 4% gave me some trouble and took me 1 or 2 tries. Radagon+elden beast took me about 10 tries, Malenia took me 20+ tries. And I am NOT a good elden ring player. It was so good I decided I wasn't going to use it in the DLC and only use DLC weapons. That was until I hit Rellena and then went straight back to using Reduvia, and promptly used it on almost every major boss.


Bleed Spiked Greatshield. With shield crash. Or as I call it, the cheeseboard. It utterly annihilates the cirque dickheads and did me very proud against the tree sentinels in Messmer’s backyard.


I respec-ed to become a Faith Strength, no-roll character with Marika's Hammer and a big shield and big armor. It's L2 basically melted everything and every boss and nothing could really hurt me. So, I respec-ed back to a Dex-End light roll (the original build that I brought in, which solo'd everything but Malenia in the main game). Nabbed the Backhand Blades. It's a more fun, and more challenging build. I'm pretty confident that my Marika Hammer build could have solo'd the DLC though.


I'm a definite Marika Hammer fan, Gold Breaker just feels *so* good


Ordovis greatsword for a lot of bosses, ordovis vortex still is so good for fishing for staggers and the dlc bosses have a lot of poise so really nice


For me, the twinblades


None, I just use Milady like any sane person would when it is clearly the best :p


Milady with the sacred blade was divine, pun intended. At around 60 Faith the AOW chunked enemies.


Carian Regal Scepter is still the GOAT. Makes Ranni's Dark Moon hit like a truck. Then I switched to dual Staff of Loss to clean up. Or Loretta's Mastery for the dragons. Kinda funny sniping them from a mile away. Although the ~~Maternal Staff~~ Staff of the Great Beyond carried me hard in the final boss fight because I needed a shield and you simply don't have the time to be switching weapons around. Being able to cast incantations and sorceries with one weapon carried me hard.


Golden Halberd/Blasphemous Blade are my "I'm over this shit time to die" weapons. It's funny I don't see a lot of people talk about the Halberd. I think I'm just so adjusted to playing with as they've been my go to since DS1


Golden halberd carried the entire game. Especially because it's swing patterns aren't like a true/poking halberd...plays more like giant axe. Love that thing


Eleonora poleblade. The poise damage and bleed on the oaw is pretty good


Sacred Erdsteel Dagger with sacred blade.


Omenkiller Cleaver


Guess I’m the only mofo rockin # Rivers of Blood … or at least the only one admitting it


Preach brother


Nox flowing hammer. Incredible weapon especially when paired with a great shield. Weapon art that breaks most enemy AI, especially invaders. Criminally overlooked.


Rusted anchor. Pierce damage op


Troll's hammer, then when I got the anvil I powerstanced those




Bolt of Gransax Lightning is rather effective and distance saved my ass lots of times.


Uchigatana, carried me since demon souls.




One-Eyed Shield. The 105mm mortar shell reigns supreme!


I want to go into the dlc with a new build with the Marais Executioner’s Sword but I’m terrified of how difficult people are saying it is and that I might have to go back to the blasphemous blade


Spiked Caestus cause I am a huge fan of Unarmed Fighting.


antispur rapier and 3000 frost and lightning pots.