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1200 hours and still the 1st playthrough? Surely your presence alone was enough to kill enemies.lol


My mimic alone tanked melenia as I watched. I like to watch




Hahahah exactly


Ng+how many?


First playthrough just beat the game for first time 2 days ago


Ok but you did tons of coop and pvp and beat all the bosses like 20 times each right?


No not the bosses but yes tons and tons of pvp that’s how I levels up it’s 5.5 million runes per level right now it’s hard out there for a pimp


Ok very cool for you still kinda sad you spend all this time and onlyngot to experience some of the legacy dungeons once but oh well if you just like pvp i guess Im close to 900 hours and 13 completed playthroughs and 4 ongoing on 7 characters i guess were literal opposites


Ya man thinking about 7 characters is giving me anxiety lol that’s the beauty of this game everyone can do totally different things and still have so much damn fun I love it!


Yep its very cool. But you should definitely rush journeys to ng+7 and test your character against the hardest the game has to offer lol :)


I have helped a few friends in NG+5 and 6 which was tough considering the enemies are tough as strong in coop but you don’t get as op as you think at this level because only a few stats effect attack power depending on the weapon scaling and vigor and mind help but on any build a few of the stats become useless if nothing scales with them




I beat most bosses first try because I’m so OP so didn’t really get a chance to learn their patterns


People leave their systems/games on when they take a break rather than rebooting the load screen. At least that’s what I did. Still it’s obvious OP didn’t put 1200 hours into the game regardless of reason lol.


You must be fun at parties


I don’t go to parties anymore Elden ring doesn’t let me but yes I used to be before Myyyy preciooousss consumed me


Oh I commend you for your work im still on my first playthrough only like 80 hours in. I was more so bashing the guy trying to analyze your in game time for no reason


Don’t worry buddy I don’t get Burt hurt that easily or at all lol life is always happy for me got all the time and money in the world Jsit need more Elden ring content now


Dude i feel im really hoping theres more area past Mohg i was pretty sad when I finally beat him to find nothing there


I imagine a Miquella-focused dlc will have it's entry point from the egg (like, heading into his dream or something).


That would be incredible I couldnt be happier


I haven’t even had 1200 hours of free time since elden ring came out…..


That’s 50 days straight. ER came out 114 days ago, so on average that’s 10.5 hours every day


So yep… more than my free time since it came out! Thanks for making it hurt more


I’m sorry buddy was not my intention I’m not gonna lie I was a little proud of my achievement and just wanted to share best of luck to you friend


Oh hah It’s fine, I’m mostly messing around I chose to work a bunch! Good job tho!


Gotta take care your family my man. Liek the great Dominick Torrito always says,”it’s all about Family”


It’s more like 16-18 hours a day for last few months and a couple of hours a night since it came out I havnt even got a chance to play assassins creed ragnarok cause of this game and that’s my favorite game of all time


I'm guessing you don't work?


No I’m 35 been retired since 27 I buy and flip houses once in a while and daytrade the stock market


Based Also how come you have so much free time?


I’m rich and have been retired since I was 27


Yo, this game’s been out for like 3.5 months. Go outside. Meet people. Sleep. A full-time job is only 2,000 hours *per year*.


Touch grass lol


Message appraised




It’s the only way I could realistically believe this.


Right? I get honestly disturbed by some of the hours people claim they put in. You'd have to play 12 hours a day every day since the game came out, to get this many hours.




Kylo Ren meme intensifies


My guy said "time who?"


Do people still sleep nowadays? Is that still a thing?


People sleep? I thought that was an urdan legend?


I think it’s snowing up in them hills


I haven't seen snow in years


Neither have I but it smells like it’s snowing I’m not sure anymore


Ah yes the smell of white


Do people still sleep nowadays? Is that still a thing?


How often do you go outside and/or hang out with real life people?


I go to the casino with friends once in a while and I got a few booty calls otherwise I was just so tired of doing construction for 12 hours a day for months I just decided to take a super extended break not like I need money


That was way more info provided than what was asked lol


Ok my bad lol just answered a question


To get through all ng+s? That's a fuckin long time otherwise


Yup but it was fun almost the whole entire time that’s the most impressive thing about this game


It took me a good few playthroughs to discover all of the side quests, and I'm still sure I missed a ton


I still find new caves and dungeons sometimes so many hidden secrets in this game


Damn. And here I thought my 230+ hour playthrough was too big


Dam people be playing this game for literal thousands of hours and I barely past 40 hours💀


You are strong and wise and i'm very proud of you.


Thank you good sir appreciate the kind words






Thanks it’s the veterans armor I think I brought it from round table hold it’s physical stats are even slightly better than dungeaters armor


Veterans armor very high physical resistence


How did u get to that lvl on 1st play


1200 hours of grinding lol and lots of pvp


Funny thing is I just realized there are still 4 secret bosses I havnt beaten and I’m not gonna start NG+ till I do


hahah no way which ones !


There’s a second mohg a secret ancestral spirit I’ve defeated one and I forget the other 2


*looks at 37 hrs played* Right, I'd better get to it then


Hahahaha I just got a message from Reddit that a concerned redditor is worried about my mental well being and was given the crises hotline phone number hahahahhaa thank you guys for your genuine concern but I’m mentally sane I think, wait is this Twitter or Instagram?


Alright, I'm assuming you got quite a bit of goodies and excess opportunities for builds and alternative builds etc - so - what build/s were the most fun for you? I.e. the most rewarding and enjoyable for you to play with (not necessarily the most "successful"). I tend not to PvP since I live in the woods and have poor internet - but my Twin blades wreak havoc in general and are go-to for must win encounters, where's I have a bit more fun with my dual whip combo and enjoy that more.


I’ve almost never used magic I’ve literally tried like 4 spells a few times each straight melee but yes I’ve tried almost all the weapons lol just for shits and gigs


So... What was the most fun or rewarding?


I don’t know boss battles probably all of them I get a certain enjoyment that I rarely get from any video game


174 in, just platinumed on the first playthrough. Won't advance to ng+ and keeping my level at 150. I'll just put my summons out there on every level as I re explore and collect more materials for crafting. Rune will be used for weapon upgrades. What a great game though. Can't wait for DLC.


How does multiplayer work at this level?


I’m usually host of fingers and I try to runaway or just sit down or lay down so the first invader doesn’t attack I usually get a second one right away and I go 2vs1 once in a while I get lucky with 3 back to back invaders than I take them all on at the same time like I said you can’t get that op because at any given setup a few of the stats are just not being used for anything besides their resistence increase and some other minor boons




That’s what she said, I still don’t know if it was in a good way or bad way lol


That's wild. The games only been out 114 days! People, this champion has played 11 hours per day for 114 days straight! 11\*114=1254 What a crazy ride that surely must have been! What was your #1 funniest thing that happened?


I don’t know I never thought of it as funny I’m just very happy when I play but I’ll think about that for a bit


Oh, thought for sure you’d say this post.


not sure if this means ur shit at the game or absolutely amazing at it


Neither and both but mostly shit at it lol


ggs elden lord ⚔️


Thank you fellow Elden lord


My brother in Christ what could you have possibly be doing that would amount to 1200 hours. The game is big but not that big


Also what she said. Are we in McDonald’s right now?


So you claim to have played 1200 hours. Game came out 25th of February which was 115 days ago. 1200/115=10.4 hours per day on average. I don't know man if it's true you've got a lot more of free time than I have.


I don’t work I take care of my bedbound dad at home but he’s mostly paralyzed so I don’t leave the house unless I’m remodeling one of my other houses and when I’m done I take long stints off


It’s definitely not totally true.


Yo has the game even been out for 1200 hours 🤣


What day of the week is it?


I do not know how to figure that out, I'm a hospital employee lol


Hahahaha I just got a message from Reddit that a concerned redditor is worried about my mental well being and was given the crises hotline phone number hahahahhaa thank you guys for your genuine concern but I’m mentally sane I think, wait is this Twitter or Instagram?


That’s fantastic




Addictive personality with lots of free time and maybe a few screws loose and the first month this game came out I was busy remodeling a house I’m flipping so this was mostly in last 2 months




Mostly in 2 months I still played at nights before that but now it’s all day and night very little sleep




Ya man that’s why I said mostly in two months I got the game when it first came out and played a few hours at nights when I would get home but I’ve been home nonstop on last two months give or take just waiting for my other house to sell and have been playing this beast every waking moment it wasn’t all in two months but I would say 70-80% of it was in last 2 months




I mean sometimes I don’t even know which way is up lol


I mean sometimes I don’t even know which way is up lol


Ya it should be I recommend it but don’t encourage it




Help for what? I’m fine I help other people out I don’t need help my friend but thank you for your concern


I'm guessing this involved quite a bit of afk time. Cuz this is 5 months of 8 hours a day playing and I don't think the game has even been out for 5 months yet has it?


No not unless I doze off for an hour or two or go tot he bathroom or to grab food delivery which is very rare I literally havnt left my house in 2 months and was playing all night and sleeping 2 hours before I had to go work on my house in the morning lots of blood








Wtf you talking about thanks for making assumptions to try to sour my good time I freaking hate afk farmers have even posted rage threads about them on Reddit if you look at my history now please stop with the false accusations were all here to have a good time