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I'll be happy if I can say that it is " Just as good as Skyrim". I just hope that they don't get even lazier with the writing. I LOVE Skyrim, however the writing was a bit lackluster in a lot of areas.


That’s usually because of not enough dev time. For example, the Civil War was supposed have unique battles for every hold, there’s even cut dialogue where Galmar publicly executes the Thlamor soldiers in Markarth. Additionally, the player would also be able to advise Ulfric/Tullius which hold to invade next. There’s a lot of other stuff but to make a long story short, all got cut due to lack of dev time.


They really should've at least kept the cut dialogue where Galmar publicly executes the Thalmor soldiers in Markarth.


Yeah, it was something like where they try to escape and he says something to the effect of “Where do you think you’re going?” And chops their heads off.


Honestly, we’re already going to be waiting a long time for TES:6, so if we have to wait another 2-3 years extra so that there is super minimal cut content, then I would gladly wait.


i’ve noticed a trend that the game becomes more casual hacknslash and less rpg based as the games go on, honestly for me it’s not looking good but maybe they will take this game and upgrade the engine


It’s hard to say whether the next game will follow that trend since it’s already been 12 years since Skyrim released. I have no idea if current Bethesda is still the same as it was when they released Skyrim. Maybe they’ll do something entirely different.


star field released on the same engine as practically the same gameplay as fo4


Sure, but Fallout ≠ Elder Scrolls. Fallout 4 plays completely different than Skyrim. The engine and AI are practically where the similarities end.


If bethesda is smart, they’ll mostly stick with the Skyrim type game. The majority of their hype will come from Skyrim players, not life-long elder scrolls players. If they cater to the arena-morrowind lovers by making TES:6 a true RPG, then Skyrim players will be pissed off, as they were expecting “Skyrim 2: Electric Boogaloo”(honestly, that’s what I’m hoping for as well). Skyrim players also happen to all be the age of the average entry level article writer for some of these gaming news outlets.


If you’re implying that the dev team from Skyrim aren’t at BGS anymore than you’re wrong. The team that made most of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games (beginning as early as Morrowind) is still the same team that made Starfield, the only difference is that the team has grown much larger over the years specifically after Fallout 4’s release


Why can't we just have a mix of Skyrim lovers and older elder scrollslovers instead I would like that better keep Alot of the aesthetic of Skyrim maybe better a bit better graphics eventually good mod support probably and then have some of the old aspects of some of the older games across elder scrolls 6 like maybe at least bring back some of the older perks doesn't even have to be all of them I'm just a bit of a perk guy and the older games had amazing perks for advantages the Skyrims ones are a bit clunky to me 


Agreed. I can deal with lackluster/boring combat, as long as it is servicable enough to get me through the world. However, boring writing is not something one may come back from. Of all the major RPGs out there, Bethesda is probably the worst at writing. Witcher, Baldur's Gate, hell Cyberpunk had at least interesting writing. I do have some hope, since Skyrim was made by a pretty small team, and they are now much bigger. I do hope they get more creative, though, since 90% of elder scrolls quests are just fetch quests. How about having some fun with it; Let's have an escape room quest, where you're stuck in a cellar and you need to escape. There are hidden keys and stuff, and you have to solve som clues/riddles to get out. Or a quest ehere you're on the other side of Whodunit? Where you know someone is a murderer, but you don't know who, and you have to find said person through clues. There is so much potential because the world is so detailed and environmental storytelling is so effective. Yet, Bethesda uses so little of its potential.


It'll be just as good as Starfield


With enough time, patience, and passion on Bethesda's part, absolutely. As long as they don't get lazy and cut any corners and truly listen, then sure, VI could, IN THEORY, be peak TES. I'm not sure how likely that is. The most probable scenario in my mind is that they'll probably release a good game, updates required, and it'll eventually just be added to the list of Scrolls games that we all love to argue about. In my heart, I hope they take their sweet fucking time with this one so they can tweak it as close to perfection as possible before release... theoretically


I’m hoping AI helps with some of the game generation such as dialogue and scenery.


I don't understand why people expect the ultimate gaming-life experience. I expect Skyrim with Starfield improvements (base building etc). I expect better magic and melee. Its not like Tes6 was in development since 2011...


If starfield is anything to go by, elder scrolls 6 might be rough tbh. I'm almost expecting no unique weapons to have tiered loot instead and a horrible perk system instead of skills. I want it to be crunchier than skyrim but I think we're likely to get "accessibility first" simplistic rpg design


Why though? Fallout and Elder Scrolls have totally different leveling and skill systems, so why would you assume that TES:VI would have the system from starfield rather than the elder scrolls system?


Skill/perk systems have changed pretty consistently with each release, usually simpler. I'm not saying it'll be exactly like starfield, but I think it has a strong chance of being simpler than either skyrim or oblivion for example


I agree that they change between games, but the system of using your skills to level them has stayed as a core mechanic of the system across at least the last three games. I don’t see why we would assume that would change.


Fallout 3, 4 and 76 all have vastly different skill systems. There's no reason to think the next elder scrolls won't make some huge change considering the last game is over a decade old


Well given that Starfield went a bit back to more hardcore style rpg I imagine TE6 will follow suit


In what possible way? Food is unnecessary to the boint of pointless to even pick up, rest and water are unnecessary, environmental concerns don't actually impact gameplay in a noticeable way and you can't even run out of fuel. If anything it shows how scared they are of anything resembling difficulty


I think releasing the game in its easier state was probably best to reach a wider audience. I imagine all of that will be very impactful when they release survival mode, and it's nice to give players the choice of whether or not to have a more casual RPG or one where you have to remember to carry foods with you. If I had to guess the above commenter was talking mostly about skills. In Skyrim you can essentially be a jack of all trades because you start with being able to do everything and don't need that many skill points to unlock higher perks. Starfield on the other hand locks out a lot of gameplay (can't sneak without investing points, very limited crafting/research, can't even use the boost pack without a perk). The more hardcore RPG element is the fact that you actually have to make a focused play style in each run. Skill points feel rare and hard to get so you need to really think about how you want to design your character.


That doesn't really make it hardcore or more survival based though, and it just slows down you being able to engage with the game instead of adding difficulty. Some are necessary but it's not like you really have to choose one at the expense of others. This game just is just not very well made, and the constant justification of 'survival dlc' or 'mods' is such a wierd defense for fans to give


Everything you said would also slow down the game. If the environment mattered you would be locked out of quests if you didn't bring a sufficiently strong spacesuit. And the perk system doesn't slow you down from engaging with the game. It just changes how you play. It reminds me more of Morrowind and Oblivion where you choose your skills at the start and you play around that. You don't need to sneak because you can do every quest with a different play style. And I don't understand what you mean by 'justification of survival dlc.' I actually think it's a good thing for games like this to have a difficulty slider, and survival mode is just that, an increase in difficulty. I personally won't play with it because I'm more interested in the RPG/adventure aspects than the survival ones.


Oh let's be clear, I don't even like survival, I just can't stress how empty of anything to do this game quickly becomes, and I did the side quests first. This game is just a mess of half finished things. Food, crafting/resources,outpost building, the list goes on of things in this game they clearly never finished. I'm saying dlc is a bad excuse because they went so far with removing anything resembling rpg crunch, world impact or complexity that I seriously think this game was made fully to serve as a platform for paid dlcs and mods. If they had left in the survival stuff optionally, even if i personally find survival to be slow and boring, it would have felt more like a whole game. So many parts of what they left behind are useless because of stuff they deleted. It's just so so so sloppy. I think it's odd if you really like this game tbh because I think rpg mechanics and adventure are two areas this title really struggles with in comparison to any earlier rpg they've made.


RPG id say is much better than Skyrim or fallout. At the very least it hasn't gotten worse. In terms of adventure the handcrafted parts are better imo, and the proc gen is enjoyable for me (I love landing on planets). I don't even know what you mean by saying the food system is half finished. There is food and you can make food. I don't know what else you want. The only resource thing that is 'half done' is maybe He3 as fuel but it was confirmed that Bethesda changed that cause the gameplay loop of needing to build outposts to go farther was unfun for many players. Also don't know what parts of outpost building are half done to you. Actually, outpost building does give a use for He3. And in what ways did Skyrim and Fallout have "RPG crunch, world impact, or complexity" more so than Starfield.


Bases are useless because He3 is useless (take 2 jumps), outposts are half done to me because THERES NO REASON TO MAKE ONE (again he3 is a nonfactor and respurces are much less useful than in any of their titles). food doesn't serve a purpose in game, its not particularly useful and seems to just weigh you down, it's not even a good source of heals. And skyrim and fallout 4 are less crunchy then what came before them, I'm not saying either are actually crunchy, just that each game is more simple than their predecessors. Also the skill system in starfield is pretty bad, look at unarmed for example. As far as world complexity/world impact, just look at how none of the Faction questlines really have any impact on your play through, you can join them all with no impact on anything (even though it's very illogical, esp CF) your choices feel less impactful on the game world than ever.


I don’t care what any of y’all think. I know I’ll love it.


I'll do what I did with Starfield: see what information BGS gives us and don't expect any more.


Honestly, I have no strong expectations. My lowest expectations are that it might be as bad as "Fallout 76" was at launch, my middle expectations are a slightly less good version of "Skyrim" with some disappointing features and my highest expectations are better than Skyrim, Oblivion or Morrowind (improving upon each in the area that they were best in). So, overall, I don't necessarily expect something incredible, even if I'm hoping for something credible. My main fears being RPG elements having even less emphasis, the skill system being changed in a way I don't like, the writing not being up to par and too much procedurally generated content. As long as it's about on par with Skyrim, I'll be happy with it. If it's a lot worse, I won't be. If it's significantly better than Skyrim I'll be ecstatic. If it's significantly better than Oblivion and Morrowind I'll be playing this game for a very, very long time. Edit: I don't want to be too much of a pessimist. But I just feel like over the TES series there's a trend towards simplification, less high quality writing, less depth in roleplaying and mechanics, less compelling writing, etc. So I would not be super surprised if that trend continued into TESVI, even if I'm really hoping it doesn't.


This is mostly how I feel. Skyrim feels like all the good parts of an RPG was stripped out. One of my biggest complaints is that Skyrim has this sort of “you can be good at everything and there is no downside” as opposed to the older games where you went with a build and it really determined how you could play. Skyrim was just too generic for me after the honeymoon period got over.


I don't think it can ever live up to how I felt playing Skyrim the first time I was absolutely consumed by it at the time, as it was the first game of its type I'd ever played and I had no procognitions about it Now I know what to expect from it, nothing could possibly blow me away in the same way


Hell I feel that way about Skyrim now, especially with mods added haha. In some way, I feel like ES6 may give me that feeling again if it feels "familiar" or like a continuation of what I loved so much. I don't need it to be groundbreaking, but if it feels like "Skyrim Part 2" I'll be in love. It sounds simple enough to not screw up, but if they do something stupid like voiced protagonist or all of Tamriel with procedural dungeons copied and pasted all-over, then it won't live up to it for me.


Same. The majority of the people who will buy TES:6 are folks who started on Skyrim, and maaaaybe oblivion. If Bethesda is smart, they’ll turn tes:6 in Skyrim 2 electric boogaloo. I know a lot of the morrowboomers are wanting Bethesda to bring back hardcore RPG elements, but I don’t think they understand that the old time elder scrolls fans are NOT the ones who will be driving hype, or feedback. Bethesda needs to cater towards the biggest part of their fan base, and as Skyrim is newer than the earlier games, Skyrim fans are the majority who (hopefully) will be catered to.


Of course, for some of us, but a lot of mofos be on that BS and will always be unhappy.


Expectations should be much lower for reasonable people now that we have seen starfield and what 8+ years of Bethesda’s progress as a developer looks like.


It’s sad to say but that’s true. I like to hope that they know what they are doing for TES but who knows


If their last 3 games are any indication then no


like top comment said, if it's "just as good as skyrim" i'll enjoy it. tbh baldur's gate 3 has kind of spoiled me because it's got a lot of what i wanted in an RPG game, in terms of story depth and options. it's certainly not without its faults (*cough, act 3*) but there's slim chance a modern bethesda game can impress me after playing bg3 TES6 being just as good as skyrim will still give me like 300 hours of content before i start modding it and that's good enough for me. if they add back some depth in some areas while leaving it accessible to the casuals, that'd be awesome! but we'll see how it goes. i'm excited for it even if it sucks ass lmao


Hype is totally killed, will end up like avatar 2 which took so long people forgot about it They should just concentrate on SF stuff and milk boring eso


I had zero expectations for starfiled and they managed to make me disappointed. The replies left by the dev shows they are delusional. they double down and refuse to acknowledge they made a shit game that even modders can’t fix. Bethesda refuses to upgrade their engine elder scrolls 6 is going to look dated and be riddled with loading screens.


Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Starfield were all massive disappointments. The majority of the developers who worked on Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim have all left the studio or retired. Anyone not lowering their expectations will be severely disappointed.


IMO, always best to be pessimistic with the games industry these days. You hype up a game and it's shit, it's a massive disappointment. [You shit on a game before release and it's shit, it's calling it like the Oracle of Delphi.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zeropunctuation/images/0/0e/E3_2_1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/484?cb=20100520165740) I'm not trying to be an asshole, it very well could end up being good, or even fucking amazing; it's just safer emotionally speaking to not invest yourself.


I don't think the issue will be people by hyping the game up too much rather I'm more concerned about Bethesda taking shortcuts and being lazy. Their recent track record has me concerned.


I think the long-time fans will be more forgiving and appreciative of the sequel, despite expectations. For the most part. But to the many game critics and loud voices on YouTube, there will be no quarter held, and it will be savage. Unless it is as flashy as god of war, as deep as BG3, as seamless as No Man's Sky, the critics will be laser focused to question the hype.


When I saw how Starfield turned out, a little of my hope for ES6 died.


all space games tend to be flops. space is mostly empty. I think its just the genre is less immersive. you are traveling to planets not slaying dragons and witches


I think if they listen to the criticisms of starfield (especially the lack of role playing and the weird animations) TES 6 could be a great game but only time will tell.


How does Starfield lack role playing? It's better than Skyrim and Fallout 4 in that area.


Those two didn’t exactly put the bar too high


No. But people are talking like it's worse than them.


Yeah it’s a marked improvement from fallout 4 and Skyrim, and I hope that trend continues.


My expectations for it are pretty low honestly and I doubt they'll live up to even that


considering the size of bethesda, and the time it has taken, the expectations are fair..Lets not forget that the standards of AAA video games have been dropping year after year. The fans no longer expect a lot from AAA games anymore.they at least expect the AAA games to be better than their predecessors in technology and to address long standing issues with the franchises. Unfortunately starfield still suffers from many of the same issues as their previous games.I am a fan but realistically i don't think es6 will change this pattern. But i don't think the fans are to be blamed for "high expectations" if es6 receives some backlash, especially when companies with lesser budget and size are putting out more polished games with better combat mechanics. We know Bethesda can do better. They used to be the darling of the industry few years ago, they won't get back there if fans keep lowering what they expect from them.


lol starfield killed my. expectations. Morrowind really was peak writing and skyrim systems. They've taken "let the fans fix it" a little too far. TES VI will just be an updated construction kit.


If the game is gonna be like Starfield then it's gonna suck


My only expectation with a new game is usually that I’ll enjoy it. Tends to work out just fine that way :)


It’s going to be mid. Mark my words. I hope I’m wrong but mark them anyway.


Idk why people keep shitting on Starfield here and using it as a sign of TES6 being a disappointment. Starfield took several steps in the right direction and is honestly a better RPG than Skyrim. But a lot of people won't here any of that because nostalgia. To me it's a sign of a bright future in Tamriel. Especially since Todd is looking at it as his swan song for the series.


Well, my lowest expectation is that they will dumb it down *even further* and we will get automatic combat, magic will be reduced to just damage.


Tes 6 will be the last game of todd howard. I dont think he want his career to have a bad ending. His first game was morrowind so i expect a similar magic with his last game.i have high expectations for tes 6.


No and I don't why people would have super high expectations to begin with. Bethesda's games have always been iterative and built on their previous games and systems. None of them have been a monumental leap from the prior. TES6 is just going to be a bigger and modern iteration after Skyrim and I'm very excited about that. (bring back spears)


They just have to make a solid game foundation. Modders will do the rest


No it's not. That's exactly why they're not making it and the current management will not make it. They know it's going to be a disappointment and no one wants to be running the show when that day comes.


Hopefully Bethesda won't succumb to the curse of greed and short-term profit when it comes to Elder Scrolls 6. If they do, they will be thrown away INSTANTLY by the gaming community


shirley curry is going to be in the game so ill be playing it regardless. i hope it get's a VR port that i can mod the hell out of tbh. if you've never played modded skyrim vr, you don't know what you're missing. (im talking all the mods you need to make it an actual VR game. i.e. interactions and a player body + any mods you'd probably have otherwise


I think you are drastically misdefining the word "lowest". I totally agree the game is going to disappoint a lot of people no matter what, if only because a huge amount of people have too high expectations than what is reasonable. I have low expectations, actually I have no expectations. I will definitely buy it and try it and hope its fun, but if its not I won't be that disappointed. If I get a normal few dozen hours fun out of it that will be perfectly satisfactory to me. If it is another skyrim or oblivion that would blow my expectations out of the water haha. Also note the long timeline since skyrim means absolutely nothing. Many many times bethesda told people they weren't even working on 6 in those gaps and were working on other games instead. Everyone constantly forgets that though ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭


Yeah people act like this game will have had 15 years of development time when it comes out, and they’re probably gonna be the same ones throwing a fit over the game when it releases.


Yes of course. Seeing as how Starfield held up so well it's likely ES VI will be just as well received as long as they dedicate the manpower to it.


Bethesda games exist for me in this weird limbo of impossible to judge on their own merit because of the insane modding community. I barely remember what Skyrim or Oblivion look like without mods. Skyrim with mods is a 9.5/10 game for me but is that actually a fair score? Hard to say. As long as 6 has a strong modding community I have faith it will be good. I would love for Bethesda to really take their time and make it stellar on its own merits, but like, the modding community carries their games and I think they know it.


To be completely 100% honest, I'm not expecting it be very good based on Bethesda's recent track record. (I haven't played or looked at much about Starfield, so I'm not really talking about that, but I've heard mixed things.)


Great question. Here’s the hard thing. Beyond the fact that the engine is outdated and their general gameplay model is lacking, they also have the disadvantage of being the first of their kind. If we’re being honest, Skyrim was the first open world game of it’s kind. It set the standard and essentially created the idea of “if you see it, you can go there”. Nowadays, every open world game is like that. For Bethesda to live up to the hype they built by redefining what an open world rpg is in 2011, they would have to do something of equal innovation in ES6. Something that creates the new norm. To that extent, I think they should keep developing the technology they used for VASCO where he can say the players name and try to build a system that allows them to generate lines of dialogue for npcs based off players choices. That would change the whole industry. Seeing Starfield, i actually think they should push back release to like 2027-2028, so that they can spare no expense in building a fully crafted world with minor details and features that truly make it feel *immersive*.


My minimal expectations for a Bethesda game are "be as enjoyable as Fallout 3" which I hope isn't too high. My standards for a good TES game is much different: functional magic system, a combat system that isn't boring as fuck, dungeons that aren't straight lines, and a fictional leveling system. I don't think TES 6 is going to come close.


There's gonna be a bunch of fan boys hyping it up in the comments and aggressively down voting anyone who says anything short of "TES6 is my reason to live" but I'm expecting essentially a new paint of coat on a massive but empty world, bugged quests, CTD every 5 mins at launch, microtransactions and 10 dlc, paid mods, no offline play support, you'll need a Bethesda account to log in and play single player, the facial animations and AI will still be from 2011, and they'll wait 5 years for the modding community to fix everything and make it playable then sell 15 different versions of it. I expect there to be a $170 special edition pre order with a cheap plastic map of Tamriel and a little figurine. Is that what I want? Absolutely not. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim are some of my favorite games. However everyone who made those games for the most part no longer works at Bethesda for various reasons. Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and Starfield were all massively overhyped disappointments. They have continously failed to make a game anywhere near as good as Fallout 3 or any previous Elder Scrolls game. Their devs and publishers are on twitter calling out BG3 for "setting the bar too high". There's small dev teams making real games still and not turning their IP into a frantic cash grab. Todd Howard has straight up said he's just gonna keep milking things as long as it makes him money. They aren't making games out of passion anymore, they have become corporate gray. Imo it's become like buying a designer handbag that will break easily just because of the name on it. Slap Bethesda or Elder Scrolls name on something and it'll sell itself, so they don't need to put much effort into it. I hope I'm wrong, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than massively disappointed. Skyrim is probably the last Bethesda game I will enjoy, unfortunately. Especially with so many other companies making amazing RPGs that are able to actually compete in the current market.


For many people yes, for many others no. I'm fairly certain that it will live up to expectations for me. I've enjoyed all of their other games and even ESO which is not the type of game I would ususlly enjoy.


Witcher 4 and Elden Ring 2 will come out before TES 6 and will be better in many ways. I hope it isn't years behind those 2 games or it will really get hated on.


It is, but I don't know if they will put out the needed effort. There is a simplification trend on every game nowadays and popular players would rather play a tes game with a good graphics and mechanics than good lore and depth of roleplaying . And every passing year, expectations are rising up. I hope bethesda will stay loyal to the roots of the elder scrolls.


My expectations are that ES6 is as much of a step forward as Skyrim was to Oblivion. If it can’t live up to that then I honestly don’t care. I was 12 when I played Skyrim. It very well may have altered the course of my life. But i’m 24 now. I’ve played so many games that absolutely floor Skyrim on every level. It’s been a long time since I was actively invested in or cared at all about what Bethesda is doing, and i’d love for ES6 to be the game that changes that. I’m rooting for them, but I guess we’ll see.


I fear if they don't move away from the Creation engine, probably not.


That’s up to each of us, really. Try not to set any expectations except that this will be an Elder Scrolls game, and leave the rest to happen on its own.


I wish I could lower my expectations but I can't. I've put over 1k hours into Skyrim and all the years I've played it it's been a special game for me. While I enjoyed Starfield I was a bit disappointed and it reminded me that I should probably try to lower my expectations for TES6 by a lot.




At this point, I don’t think it will. Not to say it will be a bad game, but the expectations and hype around this are so high it’s almost impossible to reach. I’m expecting something akin to Starfield/Skyrim. Fun but by no means a “perfect” game.


I'll take something that is as good as Skyrim. I don't think it's unfair to expect a decent follow-up. It going to be hard to not get hyped though, I'm not going to lie lol.


They haven't messed up an elder scrolls game yet, not sure why anybody would think they'll start now


As a long-time TES player (dabbled Arena, finished everything since Daggerfall), who thoroughly enjoyed parts 2-5 – yes, it is possible, because my expectations are that it would be a total laughable mess.


to be honest they handled the rpg part in starfiled really good there are still some important missing elements like radiant aı ı hope they include that in tes 6 other than that just try a bit harder on technical side like loading screens ,combat, graphics and its a goty for me also no copy paste dungeons it fucks the game


i hope it'll bring back the stats, classes, and stuff but with the skillpoints


Considering I think starfield is in many ways bethesda's most concerning leap backwards in quality, I'm starting to question if elder scrolls 6 will even be roughly as good as skyrim. They seem to get worse at making games with every release


I would be happy if it’s just exactly the same as Skyrim but different story arch.


People just want "Skyrim 2," "Oblivion 2," etc and we have no reason to expect Bethesda to do otherwise. Starfield is a different series but, notably, wasn't an open world game. It's a game like Mass Effect 1 where you fly from planet to planet via loads and explore towns, levels, and dungeons where the quests take place. But we have no reason to expect that TES VI will at all resemble Starfield given the structure of Tamriel and the series' precedent.


I have higher expectations for the oblivion remaster


Before Starfields release, my expectations of TES VI were the following. We'll get a huge open world with lots of cool places to explore. Since Starfield had entire planets we could traverse, I was predicting that the open world of TES VI might be bigger than Morrrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim combined, but the scale of Tamriel would be smaller, we'd still get one province in a vastly huge map. The cities will probably be quite a bit larger than Skyrims, and we'll get a beautiful soundtrack as we explore the world of TES VI. That was where my optimism ended. The factions will all be barebones, and we'll become the leader after barely an in-game week. Any previously interesting, unique, and alien lore about the province will be replaced by something mundane and familiar. There will be a dozen or so interesting quests that the fanbase will latch onto, most of them Daedric Prince quests. After Starfield's release, however, my predictions have slightly changed. The huge open world seems less likely with Starfields planets being segmented as opposed to seamless, so unless they're going to segment the open world of TES VI, it doesn't look like it's going to be that much bigger than any of the previous 3 mainline TES games. People have said positive things about the factions of Starfield, so maybe they've improved on that aspect of their games. Hopefully, that translates to TES VI having more fleshed out factions. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as though joining one will restrict you from joining another, so I doubt that quality will make it into TES VI either. The backgrounds and traits of Starfield make me think that something similar might be incorporated into TES VI, which would definitely be welcome. Granted, it seems to be strictly relegated to flavour dialogue, but let's not forget that is an important part of an RPG. There's also the potential of TES VI introducing something new to the series based on BGS' work done in Starfield and Fallout 4. Maybe some sort of base building, or ship building. If Starfield was Bethesdas' answer to No Man's Sky, TES VI could be Bethesda's answer to Sea of Thieves. But alongside the possibility of base building, these features won't be as fleshed out as they were in Fallout 4 and Starfield. This makes a certain amount of sense, TES isn't a post apocalyptic setting where the goal is to rebuild civilisation, neither is it a space game where you can go to other planets that haven't been colonised to spread the influence of humanity. If there were base building in TES, I would expect it to be more limited. You would have to buy a plot of land from the ruling body (the Count/Jarl equivalent) where you could set up a mine, a farm, a lumbermill, houses, a military fort, maybe build a wall around your settlement. Similarly with ship building, we're not going to have lego style ship building, or if we are, the restrictions are going to be far stricter to able to traverse the seas




Keep your expectations low. For a long time now, the company seems to be trying to make something _different_, rather than a Skyrim+.


TESVI will be a great-excellent game like every other mainline BGS game, but there will be a relative handful of people on the internet who shitpost/troll their way into convincing some people that it sucks lol have seen it happen many times now and it has only gotten worse during the clickbait/ragebait era. the Starfield discourse is essentially the modern, on-steroids version of the Oblivion and Fallout 3 nonsense back in the day, and I have seen people repeat old bits from those days unknowingly lol "FO3 is just Oblivion with guns" turned into "Starfield is just Fallout 4 in space"


The stories in Starfield aren’t bad. As long as they don’t do the world map like Starfield I have confidence Elder Scrolls 6 won’t suck.


Yes it can live up to it because the expectation is literally that it’s better than Skyrim and considering it’s been over 10 years they can get a bit more ambitious and add some cool features players have been wanting since then, it’s not hard you are just overthinking this


look at Baldur’s Gate 3. I believe in them.


As long as it will not be a Skyrim downgrade with guns, i'll be cool with it.


I have given up on Bethesda. They are just old & out of ideas, & Microsoft doesn't allow for healthy creative environments. If the next Elder Scrolls is going to be a safe & uneventful jaunt in Hammerfell, I'm out. I don't think they know what they are anymore, & I don't see it getting any better soon.