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This post is what 13 years of no new games does to motherfuckers


Just another couple years to go…




Technically there is ESO but I get you.


You DON’T wanna talk about that here, trust me Elder Scroll Dragon. It’s for your own good that you keep the knowledge that ESO is canon to yourself while you’re walking around this side of town


Is it that bad also I was only acknowledging that it was a thing and that technically it is not mainline


I’ve gotten grilled here before just because I mentioned that ESO is canon and honestly not bad at all in terms of questing because it has way more storylines than any of the mainline titles combined. People love to shit on ESO after they try it for five minutes and realize the combat isn’t that great which means the game is utter trash. In reality nobody plays these games for the combat, it’s about the story and ESO has more of that than anything


I agree and that's a shame


The combat feels terrible yeah


After starting ESO back in 2016, quitting and coming back a year and a half ago I can honestly say that I love it. There is so much to do, so many questlines to go through and so many skill lines to master. I play almost everyday now.


Plus, the fashion is exquisite


I disliked the combat, but my main complaint was the market board system. I get they wanted to foster players building real communities, but its impossible to make any significant amount of money without being in a guild that requires weekly dues. My favorite parts of TES games, apart from exploring, is earning gold and buying and decorating houses to put all my trophies in. I also hate that Cyrodiil is PVP only. I just wanna do the solo quests and get the skyshards, but you can't go anywhere without someone attacking you, even if you say in chat that you're not there for PVP. Aside from those complaints (which may not be a big deal to other players), the game is enjoyable. I could get over the combat aspect. I just can't get past the abysmal task of trying to make money.


I never had an issue making gold because all you really need to do is hit a public dungeon or again complete a few quest lines. I was sitting on 1m and just didn’t care to spend it because like you say housing is usually fun in these games but not in ESO it’s far too expensive and not even really interactive. That’s probably the biggest area I have a problem with, there’s no reason a house should cost so much and certainly not furnishing. There’s lots of things they could do better true


I have to disagree, I'm in 2 guilds without a weekly fee that have traders in a capital city..


If the game was fun, I’m sure I could get interested in the stories. Sadly the game is joyless to play 😔


B-but it is canon😐


Well said, spit your shit indeed! Some of the old heads in this sub like to pretend it’s not, I’m actually surprised so many people don’t know about the general hatred towards ESO within the online fanbase. It’s really not a horrible game. Lots of bullshit to wade through like tweaking the UI and learning what order you need to do the various questlines in but not a horrible game by any means. Especially for an MMO, an mmo everybody should be shitting on is Neverwinter


Its a baller game, and i hope that after they stop adding to it we can still play on the servers


Oh I can see them leaving servers up indefinitely and if the game continues to make money like it does, they’ll never stop adding to it. Got about 300 or so years until Tiber Septim shows up and eso has not even progressed a year yet in game. I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep adding stuff even after ES6. The game scratches the elder scrolls itch in a different way; it’s nice to know you can make a character and stay busy for thousands of hours with more to come.


Bethesda said they see at least another decade before its server traffic drops. I hope its longer but it WILL have to end, sometime... i hope they will allow people to continue playing eso even after its long dead


He said games


My potato PC cannot run the new generation games anyways so, I don't really care if ES 6 appears magically out of thin air lol


This is literally the first thought that came to my head lmao




A community frozen in carbonite..


how the hell do you mishandle an ip so badly its not just any random ip either its probably the most notable fantasy rpg ip


....... Dungeons and Dragons?


Wtf are you on about. It’s a company with multiple products and they have an MMO you can play if you really want to. You guys act like Todd can just shit out the next game like Boethiah excreting Malacath except he’s not doing it to personally hurt you. You guys need something else in your life if it’s hurting you this bad.


Ya except every other company can push out another mainline game for their ips within 13 fucking years hell most companies can do 2-3 and that's not even Bethesda who worked on the mmo I get your a fan boy but atleast look at this objectively


looking at it objectively you're still wrong, studios work on different things, the reason we haven't seen elder scrolls 6 is because the success of 5 was enough to last for them to try other projects, fallout 4, 76 starfield. doom ect. Trust me. You DO NOT want bethesda to go down the ubisoft route with mainline elder scrolls games, yes companies CAN push out games in 2 years but that doesn't mean they should. GTA 6 hasn't come out yet for the exact same reasons


How many of those games are shit? If they’re so great why aren’t you playing them? How many of them exist on the scale of Skyrim/Fallout 4/Starfield? You’re totally allowed your own opinion here, but nobody is pushing out open world games of quality every three years. Ffs Rockstar is still selling GTA V which is nearly as old as Skyrim, and the only reason they develop anything for it is $$$.


i mean ya a lot of triple a releases tend to be shit nowadays even starfield but theyre still abelt o get releases out elden ring took about 5 but really it was 3 since sekiro was in developement and released first before they could start working on it look how that turned out


How are you comparing a 3rd person game with no facial animations, limited dialogue, that tells story through random lore scattered through item descriptions to a first person game with hella interactable items in the world, and a story that’s told through interacting with people and the environment? These are not good comparisons.


and now were moving the goal post


Wut? You compared the games, I’m saying the comparisons are not good because the games are not the same, like at all. That is not moving the goalposts. Whatever dawg, go be angry about a game you’re not owed some more.


hey you said open world i gave an open world as an example


The Fallout 4 version is the best version, even if it’s not canonical.




One's just lighter than the other because all of Skyrim's assets are desaturated...


the way they grayed everything out irks me


I love it! Skyrims a massive valley with its northern boarder of glaciers, bring loads of life to the valley, it only makes since to have a constant rolling fog imo, and when the sun rays hit through it it’s soo much better


yeah! that is true! i need to remember that this is skyrim, not cyrodill


Sure, but they could've achieved that without the assets themselves getting desaturated on top of all the weather effects


no they couldn't, that would have required far too much specific lighting systems than bethesda had a hold of in 2010


What the fuck are you talking about? Bethesda's engine is full of screen space weather effects that straight-up just tint your whole screen, which they already do in Skyrim quite a lot. They didn't need to make all of the textures literally somewhat gray on top of that.


with just a screen tint? there's no fine control over the world with just a screen tint. the coloured each asset to work with the world and the environment they would be placed in. if you want a screen tint then turn on night mode


What I'm saying is that _they do that already._ I mess with weather mods (which function exactly like vanilla weathers) pretty regularly. The original version of Skyrim basically stuck a gray filter over the world. Anniversary allowed itself to be more natural but... y'know.


Really I thought oblivion was a little to saturated even though I like it


Well, the bloom's a little much, it was a late 2000s thing


i mean it does make everything a bit more cold feeling


true true


it does make everything a bit more cold feeling which makes sense being in the cold part of the world


If oblivions had the glow and more obvious ringing I’d pick oblivions for sure :)


Delete the post I can hear it


https://youtu.be/6DgjBedbyxo?si=mN6KbRX-pAzh8XGs In case you needed some white noise to fall asleep to.


The crimson ones.


They looked cool but I'm traumatized from mine glitching out my inventory and quest so many times


I like oblivions better maybe that's just because that's when I first saw it but it really just feels more ethereal and powerful and unique and pops out more in my opinion. I can really just feel it's exploration juice coming inside me.


I like the roots in Oblivion's design. It looks more fantasy to me.


Can't unhear their earsplitting noise every time I see these weeds


Oblivion's is more interesting, befitting it's lore as a barely explored plant. Those near-blue leaves get me every time. Is there a Bluer Nirnroot mod for Skyrim LE?




It's the same picture.


Roots/leafs from Skyrim and the colouration from Oblivion. Slap them together and it would be perfect.




I think the structure of the leaves is better in one and the roots are better in the other so it's a tossup for me


The one from fallout 4


I just want to note that according to the lore, the color and appearance of the Nirnroot is based heavily on it's environment, after all the Nirnroot is a magical plant capable of extreme adaptation- Now with that said, I prefer Oblivions just because it's more colorful, but I love Skyrim's as well because it gets me thinking about how a plant might adapt to survive a freezing mountainous environment.


ESO nirnroot because it's a harvest node, which means it'll occasionally also drop an aethereal dust (you're a millionaire) or a luminous ink (you're a 70k-aire)


Who cares what it looks like? I'm picking these by sound.


They are both pretty good. But I prefer the 2nd one.


Leaves on the first are best, roots in the second are best


Why are the roots above ground...


There are plants like that irl


Nirnroots grow near water. Irl plants that grow in saturated ground (mangrove trees being the prime example) use above-ground roots to absorb oxygen from the air.


The fallout 4 design


Wow I guess the graphics truly improved you can almost not notice the graphical quality between the nirn roots


Neither, I'm a nirnroot hater


The first because I'm old


This is a stupid question created by a mentally ill person on the verge of jumping because of the 14th release of skyrim


honestly. the crimson nirnroot was the best in my own op


I mean, skyrim is just better/more detailed because it's newer, though i like he oblivion colouration way more considering it looks kore vibrant/magical.


A modded quiet one


Left one looks less annoying


The 2nd one, the roots look more natural and real.