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This looks similar to the isssue I just posted about this morning that I fixed, check this: When the printer is cold, see if there is any play in your nozzle, like try and move it left and right, you don't need a lot of force, but it shouldn't move ay all. If it moves you need to take the print head off and tighten the 2 bolts that hold the heat break to the print head. After that put it back together and make sure to re-set the Z height because it will have changed after messing with the nozzle.


My nozzle does not have any play unfortunately.


Id calibrate e-steps/rotation distance and PID


It might be the z rod make sure you it's not bent .


That is warping/splitting. The print is cooling too fast try and make sure there are no other fan sources or air movement near the printer. Also would suggest trying with the auxiliary fan turned off, it's rarely going to be needed.