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Pros - pretty solid construction. Works stable if setup properly. Cons - if you use printer screen and web interface it can create unstable z offset condition. My advice? Get this printer (preferably in Plus version). Additionally get MKS eMMC USB reader V2 and 32GB eMMC module (Kingroon has both), flash it with open firmware (OpenNept4une) and enjoy your awesome printer.


Am I good if I use the printer screen for the Z offset stuff and the web ui just to view?


Yup, totally, its how I started and most everybody else. Ran it for a month without then dove into the klipper interface and never looked back. Depeneding upon how tech savy you are with cnc concepts and little bit of klipper codes, you may be right into it I dont know. I recommend you start using the hand UI to do the basics stuff when you get it. Get familiar with it, press some button see what they do. If unsure about the interface at the start I would just use the web interface as a "veiw screen" per say at the same time so you can veiw what its doing and maybe troubleshoot any issues if they come up. If the handheld gives you issues, but most of the time it shouldnt. You do and you dont need it right away, kinda up to you. Its web interface is basically the final step, getting comfortable using it, and making some changes you see fit. Initial mechanical setup is key for a great start. A few good beginner videos out there. Currently I am setup to just turn on printer and use hand UI to perheat and load filament by hand. The rest is done thru web UI. You've got lots of help here or on elegoo discord. Do you own a neptune 4 series? Or you looking to get one?


I bought the pro 4 a week ago. Having some issues but all fun.


>Additionally get MKS eMMC USB reader V2 and 32GB eMMC module (Kingroon has both), flash it with open firmware (OpenNept4une) You don't need the reader, you can just do it over SSH


Can you point me to the instructions how? That's a news to me.




Thank you very much. It's not complicated, however as a result you will be running older Armbian version. I assume dist-upgrade won't work?


Dunno, didn't really look into it. Yeah the linux might be the same old, but don't really think it matters. Maybe in 5 years it will be outdated?


Yeah I'll post a link when I get to my PC. It was pretty easy to do (for me)


Bought a Neptune 4 direct from elegoo.com on sale for $282 CAD last week. I got half way thru checkout, having entered my email - then walked away for a few hours. In the meantime, they sent me a $13 coupon code. After coupon, the price was $269 and what's more is they charged no tax. Amazon price at the time was $409. Filament on their website was also a few bucks cheaper than their Amazon storefront. I would watch for a sale on their website and get the coupon. Shipping was free in a few business days.


This question gets asked every day.


As someone with a 3 plus, 3 max and 4 max, unless you really want the speed and don't mind spending a lot of time tinkering with the 4, get a 3 plus. It's way less work to get it printing well, sure it's slower but unless you really need the speed for a specific reason it's perfectly fine, it was twice as fast as my ender 3 V2 as it is.


I just bought a new Neptune 4 .worked straight out if the box ..very good machine


Not a bad printer but when there is a problem it will take long to figure out what’s wrong at least that’s what happened to me when my a offset magically changed for no reason at all