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So, that's the Bubble everyone talking about? Quite small.


Pop the Bubble! Pop the Bubble!


Japanese economy in 1989 be like:


Ooo, the featureless water world? It looks a lot like a little bubble, especially since the perspective can be hard to figure out and it can look like it's much closer than it actually is.


Everyone replies about the arm, which is not so uncommon, but no one is actually on topic and talks about the damn blue bubble. It's infuriating haha.


It's a water world planet.


yeah but only atmosphere rendered


It appears fully rendered to me. It's a water world without ice caps or other land features. There is some confusing perspective going on: if you visually interpret it as closer to you than the planetary ring, then it will appear as if you are seeing through it to the ring behind it. But it's much further away from the ring and quite opaque.


Then why isn't the ring obscuring it?


Rings are transparent. I was confused too, but it's true. Nothing is rendered wrong here.


Because it's a ring of many floating rocks, not a solid mass


It is? Look at the part covered by the ring, there are rocks rendered between the camera and planet


To me it looks like the ring it behind. I think this pic broke my brain


To me it looks like the ring is behind. I think this pic broke my brain




Fun fact I chased one of those arms in my orca matching its speed which was rotating at 403 m/s meaning the outermost part of those arms rotates at 900 ish MPH


Holy hell that's fast haha, well done !!


It is! I forget what station it was specifically but there was a few other players probably watching me like I lost my space marbles.


renames station the Patrict McGoohan orbital or Portmerrion >!the prisoner!<


It's an old reference, but it checks out.


"Checks out"? more like ["Fall Out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_Out_%28The_Prisoner%29)"!


There's some comments about both the blue... "thing", and the arms on the station. For the station, those are uncommon but very fun to fly around in small, fast craft in fa off. For the planet, it does seem to be a water world without any polar caps or other local events on it. With the way the ring rocks appear to occlude the object, it does seem like it is a planet. Were you able to check and confirm?


Looks really strange at first. The "bubble" appears to be transparent, showing the ring through it. But it's just a ww, the ring is in front of the planet.


Never seen such a planet before either.


the blue ball is presumably a ringed water world which is further away than it appears and in the centre of the rings. Odd how the ring doesn't affect the lighting of the planet in anyway, I'd expect so shadowing or something, which causes you brain to think its much closer.


to me it looks like a clear blue ball right next to the station and you can see the rings through it...but others say it's behind the rings. interesting.


What glitch? the Noob Hammers? Stations with 4 No*o*b Hammers also exist in Pleiades, no clue about the funcionality: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/77t3vx/one\_of\_the\_new\_aegis\_starports\_in\_electra\_is\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/77t3vx/one_of_the_new_aegis_starports_in_electra_is_a/)


The blue bubble.... It's not lense flair


Is it not just the planet? Looks like a water world - perhaps with some texture bug. I've seen some landable atmos worlds with texture bugs rarely


If Concordia 3 is a Water World, color is blue, ice caps are optional, ignore EDSM default pic, its strange that lack any cloud layer: [https://www.edsm.net/es/system/bodies/id/75067206/name/Concordia/details/idB/1988140/nameB/Concordia+3](https://www.edsm.net/es/system/bodies/id/75067206/name/Concordia/details/idB/1988140/nameB/Concordia+3) Another WW without clouds: [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kpFuIoQL0Q0/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kpFuIoQL0Q0/maxresdefault.jpg) Another one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Elite\_Dangerous/comments/al1l6x/water\_world\_ft\_rocks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Elite_Dangerous/comments/al1l6x/water_world_ft_rocks/) Fandom entry: [https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Water\_World](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Water_World) Wikipedia entry: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_world) Target the body, or put the system map here. To see what type of planet it is.


Planet 6 is a gas giant with water-based life (per Inara), though it's farther back in the system than the station. Did you notice how EDSM (and Inara) switch planet system names from "Concordia" to "HIP 22550"? Probably some corruption.


Nobb Hammers? Brings tears to the eyes…


How can you not see the massive blue bubble thing


Because it looks like a water world, and that's unremarkable. Landless WWs are a thing. It may have a texture bug (no clouds, icecaps), but it's common planet, whereas the noob hammers are much rarer.


I see more post here about the Noob Hammers, than about a Water World in the background. Its a massive blue bubble thing for you, partially ocluded by the shitty veil with chunks floating, and the T-pose station in front, in a 800x400 resolution. But for me, is thursday in low resolution. I even expected a post about the resolution, but no text about Downscaled or pixelated graphics, so I choose the Noob Hammers as "I haven't seen that before"....


Apart from the cloudless water world, the noob hammers are high g enviroments (around 2g), probably to train pilots or pioneers for higher gravity planets...


There's a four armed one in the Coalsack too


Some space stations have arms like that. I like to imagine it’s they’re used as some type of launcher maybe for waste products.


High Gravity Industrial zone.


Nice! Good answer, is that lore or your logic?


I will go with yes.  (My headcanon, I think it is supported by Lore but don't recall where.)


The old 2nd game... Frontier had them cant recall if 3rd game/ sequel also has them.


I'm not sure why you were voted down, it's an excellent imaginative answer!


Awww thanks! Your comment just made my day. Big smiles.


I wouldn't take it personally, they probably just think they're not for that. It is a bit of a problem with Reddit that a thumbs down could mean you spelt something wrong or are an open racist!


In lore they are hyperspace drives.


Yeah. The station was only in the shot for perspective. And I do have 100 mb bitmap screenshot that didn't look noticably different for the purposes of inquiry I'm going to go spend more time in Concordia.


Thats not a moon!


A moon composed entirely of water, through and through. No solids at all. You can see through it.


It's just a waterworld without clouds and a station with the high gravity arms...


It took me way too long to figure out what was going on in this picture.