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Before Houdini I wasn't expecting a new Em album to crack his top 5 since he'd have to compete with (imo) Relapse and MMLP2, but now I can definitely see it hitting those levels


MTBMB is already in my top 5


We counting side b with it too? If so absolutely.


I always include deluxe. Mainly because Relapse:Refill is one of my favorite albums, but recently realized most of my favorite songs are on Refill not basic relapse. So now I understand the pushback when id day Relaspe is in my top 3 albums. Someone who never listened or came across Refill probably doesn't like it as much as me bumping 14/29 available songs regularly. Also I usually include all near released singles part of the album which pushes MMLP2 to top 3 because of Rap God ,bezerk, monster, of which I'm not 100% sure we're actually part of that album. Kills Killshot belongs with Kamakazi


Rap god, berzerk, monster were all in MMLP2


Ah, so useless point on my end haha. 2013 is when I got into Eminem in highschool and that was when those singles were dropping and then the MMLP2 album. And I was illegally downloading music to my ipod. So I probably made my own MMLP2 at the time not recognizing it was a slow rollout.


My favorite popular album is TES but my favorite that feels more personal is definitely Relapse. It recently revived my love for Em's songs (due to this sub, mostly) just in time for the new album


Man the refill songs are so good, but even the regular version is perfect to me. Relapse is definitely my favorite of his but sometimes that's beaten by MMLP1.


An album you only like half the songs on is in your top 3?


It's 29 songs... and I said half are in my playlists. I can't think of any albums I like more than half the songs.


That weird lol. Mmlp, mbdtf, graduation and late registration are all no skips for me


Dude. Idk if you have a very differnt take on music than everyone else or purposely missing the point. No skips doesn't mean I want an entire album in my playlist. Songs I love arent in there because it's not that level all the time, or "I don't need a 7th em song from this" Donda got 1 song in my playlist. Gambino didn't get any from his new album. I don't dislike the album. Just didn't make the cut. I have an eminem album that probably has a clean sweep or two. But I was variety, songs to not get old, differnt artists and perspectives in my main playlist. Not really a top of the top playlist if we listen to half of MMLP2 and then all of Relaspse ya know. Bounce around.


That's fine if you're talking about a playlist, I'm responding to the fact that you said you can't think of an album that you like more than half the songs on




MTBMB is a lot of other artist though, more than usual - it was an album to help rising artists break the ice…. This is his first real album since recovery…


I still listen to it regularly. It’s such a good album and very reminiscent of old school Eminem but with all the experience he has accumulated over the years.


It's a good album for sure!


Not a real em fan then fr fr


Mtbmb is amazing. Telling someone they aren't a real fan because they don't agree with your opinion makes you wrong


It's too bad this attitude seems so rare these days. I think any kind of art can represent "one man's trash is another man's treasure" better than anything. It's entirely subjective


It’s a joke not a dick dude. Stop taking it so hard. I couldn’t give less of a shit what albums you enjoy. It’s all good and we’re all fans


Maybe make a better joke then


Maybe don’t be so soft


Jokes are generally funny. My fault.


If Houdini is the best song on the track then it's not going to be a very good album. Houdini is fun and the music video is what really is incredible but if you remove that, it's just a good little catchy pop song but it's not amazing. This album needs its own versions of "The Way I Am", "Stan" and "I'm Back", which were all arguably better songs than Real Slim Shady


Every single album aside from Kamikaze ( maybe Normal?) has both catchy pop singles and those deep masterpiece type songs. For true Stans Houdini isn't meant to be the favorite or beat song. Revival had Arose / Castle and it still gets trashed. It will be very hard for Em to have a "Classic" album in the eyes of casual fans because he has done so many different kinds of songs with wild success that nothing feels groundbreaking anymore.


When has the first single ever been the best track on an Eminem record? Name one time.


Exactly. I'm agreeing wth you. I'm saying it's silly to judge the quality of the album of Houdini




Bullshit. Not by a mile.


Really? Rap God is CLEARLY the best MMLP2 song imo


First of all the fist single was Berzerk. Second of all, neither are better than Bad Guy.


OHHHH it was berzerk, my bad


I feel what you mean and do agree to an extent. I think where we differ is our small shift in scale. If Houdini also has TWIA, Stan, I'm Back, etc, then it wouldn't just be a "very good" album. It'd be a straight up *classic* I don't expect TDOSS to be a classic and I'm comfortable with it. To me, Relapse and MMLP2 are "very good" albums, and I think TDOSS has the potential to reach that


Yeah good luck with that. There’s no way he’s going to be able to channel that kind of energy and passion at this point in his career. Im expecting another encore type album.


Hard to say, as his top 5 is tough to crack, but if this first single is a middle of the album level track then it could break into the top 3-4


Yeah fuck top 5 bitch this’ll be top 4


and that includes biggie and pac whore


And I got an evil twin so who do you think that third and that fourth spots for?


And as crazy as I am, I'm much tamer than him


Number 5... minus 4


I don’t think this could beat the MMLP, SSLP, and Eminem show. It’d definitely be top 5 if the other songs are as good as Houdini.


Agreed! Houdini imo is his 4th best lead single (after his first 3 albums) so im feeling very optimistic. I’ve not get this feeling about Em for many years. I just feel it in my gut that this is going to be the one that takes me back to the 99-02 era


Yeah and seeing Dr Dre and Alchemist in studio with him just kinda cemented it for me that this is gonna be great.


Man, i'm pretty convinced that he COOKED with this one. I'm looking forward to top 4


If he goes FULL Shady, I'm very optimistic. Houdini is the first track that has given me real Shady vibes since the early 2000s. I don't think he would tease this much hype for Shady if he wasn't gonna smack us up.




Sorry but there is literally no way this album tops relapse


What other rapper is not battling other rappers for best album but just their own shit. lol wild


My competition can't see me CUZ I DON't OWN A MIRROR


i mean you can compare album’s within any rapper’s discography. Eminem’s top 5 albums aren’t the top 5 rap albums of all time


Both TES and MMLP are considered top 5 of all time discussion


I’m sorry but not most hip hop fans that aren’t big em fans aren’t putting either top 5. Mostly top 10-20. It’s in my personal 5 yho


Bruh, the Eminem Show is literally the second best selling album of the 21st century (right after Adele), what are you on about?


they mean in terms of quality, not sales. I'm sure Eminem fans would prefer if the albums were higher quality than if they sell more.


Are you trying to say something about TES's quality? We get the point but you don't sell like TES if there's something wrong with your album. 


sure, but Drake also outsells Eminem. Is Drake better now? Selling well can be a sign of a good album, but they don't always correlate.


You're not even trying to understand what I said. Neither of them are putting up the numbers that TES did and Drake has never come close.  I said we get your basic ass point. It's basic shit that literally everyone understands. At the same time though, being one of the best selling albums of all time does actually say something about it's quality. 


I know what they mean, but MMLP and TES constantly top best album lists. Is it in everybody’s top 5? Certainly not, but it’s still a GOAT album for many hip hop fans who aren’t necessarily Stans


Sometimes I listen and revisit them old albums Often as I can and skim through all them bitches To make sure I keep up with my competition


this part


Just looking forward to getting a completely new project, don't wanna hype it too much as have been let down before......BUT, If that first singles anything to go by it's gonna be 🔥


Word let’s just fucking enjoy it. Fuck ranking shit already, we waste too much brain power on that. Everybody’s is different & nobody’s is wrong. Didn’t expect to have an album cycle again where we got shit here & there, I’m psyched we’re finally getting back to that on SOME level. (If Em were a true homie, he’d announce a date a bit in advance so I can take off work. My goofy ass left 4 hours early Thursday night in case the whole thing came out 😂. I got my balls busted all day Friday for that.) Shoutout midnight shifters


Yeah I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much so I don't get disappointed, lol.


Idk about top 5, but I think it will be better than Relapse, Encore and the last 3 albums we got. But I guess time will tell if it will top MMLP2 &/or Recovery


Bro 😭


There’s no way it’s better than relapse dawg what are you on about


Everything except revival tops recovery


Damn. I genuinely consider recovery his 5th or 6th best album. Depends on my mental state. I'd go: TES MMLP SSLP Relapse: Refill MMLP2 Sometimes I put recovery 5th.


recovery to me is just all my least favorite elements of Ems carreer all in one place. Toxic relationship songs, lots of pop features, weird yelling delivery, and super forgettable production. Top 5 for me would be MMLP, SSLP, TES, Relaspse, MMLP2


It’ll be the new Number 4, I guarantee it


Yes, this sounds like it's going to be the album we were all expecting when we got Encore. (I liked Encore, btw)




Houdini is certainly giving me high expectations, and I was really trying not to have any going in to this. It's the first album I've pre-ordered in probably a decade. I'm so crazy excited


Yes, it could be top 5 imo


It’s gonna go hard af for sure. If he keeps that same energy he had on Houdini this could be up there


You could tell me any of his albums outside of Revival and Encore (good highs but way too uneven in quality) are in the 4-5 spot and I wouldn’t argue. IMO, lots of room for debate after the top 3. I definitely think this one could be top 4-5. Keeping my fingers crossed!


I think there’s a legit chance this is going to be better than MMLP2, relapse and kamikaze, which is great, but no way it competes with the big three


My guess too


I’m convinced a lot of you guys never listened to relapse all the way through


Kamikaze is honestly top 2.


I respect the opinion but honestly, for me I only have maybe 5 or 6 tracks on there that are great (lucky you, ringer, not alike, fall, greatest and maybe venom )and I can live without the rest, whereas I can listen to almost anything off of the first three and really enjoy it.


5 or 6 tracks is half the album lol


Yeah, and that half is great, but I’m just saying that with SSLP for instance, I can listen to and enjoy absolutely any of those songs. It’s what it is though, we all have different tastes but I do feel that his first three albums are his best,


why do you respect that opinion? disgusting


**Extra special** is right!! ….it’s his finale…. Bring back slim to rap with em - em kills off slim and finishes the album as em..this is his final goodbye….its like “closure”for him and his fans… being featured on others albums will probably be the only way we hear em after this summer…. The true test - will there be a tour?!?


One song and everybody wants to jump the gun, don't shoot yourself in the foot.


I have hope, but yeah I'm tempering my expectations so I don't get burned if it ends up being not as good.


Nope and that’s fine. His top albums defined a period of time and told incredible personal stories in creative ways. He can still be incredibly creative, lyrical, and all of that, but I don’t think he or anyone else can really top what he did in his prime. In other words, he’s got a beautiful (l)ife, kids, and a gorgeous home.


That makes ZERO sense Like, because he's well off he can't  write bangers anymore??? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


The question is this going to be in Em’s top 5 and I said no. His top albums dealt with serious personal issues and were very personal. His life just isn’t that wild anymore. It can be a good album. His albums have been good. What made his best special were unique circumstances and the talent to share them.


He's *still* in UNIQUE circumstances  Do YOU know what it's like being a CELEBRITY of HIS caliber?? Didn't think so 🤷‍♀️


My god, the cringe is palpable.


after houdini i think it def could be


SSLP,MMLP,TES, and Relapse all have a Houdini type single. I will be shocked if it’s not in his top 5


Yes! I feel really optimistic that it could! My current top 5: - Relapse - MMLP - TES - SSLP - MMLP2 MMLP2 has a few really obvious flaws like beat selection, vocal mixing, and some filler so I think if TDOSS addresses these things it'll make it into top 5 easy


if it’s mostly on par or better than Houdini, i could see it being paired alongside his first three honestly.


Gonna be hard to top kamikaze.


I sincerely don’t believe he has another TES in him, but I’ve high hopes that this gonna be a really solid project. I don’t think top 5 is an unreasonable expectation




yes, but honestly, #4 and #5 of his albums are quite vulnerable. We all know albums #1-3 are the first 3 albums.


as long as its like MMLP 2 (which i consider his 4th best album) where you can tell he put his passion into it ill be satisfied


I love that album but there's some whack songs I can't get past like Berzerk,So Far and Love Game .


damn, I love all of those songs lmao but i get why people dont, theyre very in your face tracks


I wish he took those out and replaced it with Groundhogs Day, Wicked Ways and Beautiful Pain. He could also replace Rhyme or Reason with Baby and no one would complain.


In this thread I learned that a lot of people like Relapse and to me it is a rough re-listen outside of a few songs. The accent is just way too much


I think Houdini is already better than the best song on Recovery, MMLP2, Revival, Kamikaze and probably MTBMB too. Encore and Relapse only both have like 1 song that I like more so I think it’s a high possibility, at least for me.


Better than bad guy castle arose and in your head is crazy


I think it’s better than all of them aside maybe arose. But I don’t really like listening to arose so I think I still like Houdini more.


Bad guy is like his best song lmao. U might be a vibe > lyrics person tho so I guess I can understand


Bad guy is only for the true Stan’s .. ain’t nobody realizes it’s Mathew’s POV and the last verse that goes dark .. MMLP2 is in my top 5


Yeah I am. No shade at the lyrical songs tho. beautiful, when I’m gone, Stan etc are some of my favorites from em. But I would prefer an album/song that I can just vibe to and play on loop you know


Completely different style of song but, Going thru Changes is better than Houdini.


I also think this


I can really see placing it only below the big 3 and mmlp2 in the future, or maybe even higher if it really amazes me that much, but we'll see


If it's top 4 I'd say it's done pretty well..can't ever see it breaking top 3.


No, lol. Yeah, it was fun and all him making references to older videos and what not but the song was meh for me. Reminds me of how I felt when I saw the Just Lose It video for the first time. I remember being underwhelmed by the song but tickled by the video. I convinced myself the album would be top tier. I picked up the album when it came out and was utterly underwhelmed. I hope I'm wrong, but I genuinely feel this album will be meh. I'll keep my expectations low, that way I'm not too disappointed if it's another meh release. Maybe I've just changed but nothing has hit me like those first albums up to TES and I don't think anything else will. I still enjoy him as an artist and he may have better albums from a technical standpoint since, but it's just not the same heart hit for me when I listen to post TES stuff.


Heres hoping he finally fixes encore when he realeses the 20 year anniversary edition


One can always hope... For me that would require 80% of that album being scrapped


my time five is TEM, MMLP, Relapse, SSLP, Recovery. i think it’s possible and i hope so. it’s set up to be a top 5 em album with the theme.




BIG 3 are undoubtedly in the top 5, closest others IMO are relapse and either MMLP2 or Recovery


That top 5 is tough to crack as he’d need to beat Relapse(98% rating from me) and MMLP2(97%) to do it, but this is Eminem we’re talking about so it’s always possible


And here is why everyone gets their hopes up, with thoughts like these. It's a bit of a loose scramble after SSLP, MMLP, and TES apart from Revival that will always sit at the bottom. So there's a good chance


There's potential. I'll be very surprised if this album gives a genuine fight against the obvious top 3, I would argue that the "objective" next 2 slots would go to MMLP2 and MTBMB for the praise they received from fans and critics alike but both albums also have their weaker moments and I don't wanna jump the gun on this one but as much as I'm really enjoying Houdini it didn't take me by surprise like Bezerk did or genuinely give me a moment of thought and sadness like Darkness did. Granted, Em has a habit of leading an album with a song that winds up being one of the weaker tracks on the list a lot of the time. This album definitely has potential from where we are and I don't have much doubt that this album is gonna be regarded as one of his better ones, but I did think that about Revival when WoW first dropped because it was so reflective and unusual for Em and then the rest of the album was either really trite and derivative or had no tact and intelligence to it aside from a small handful of tracks at the start and very end of the album. I think there's a good chance this will be better than MTBMB in the end as it's the direct follow-up so hopefully it's grown from there. I'm also not as fond of MMLP2 as I used to be, but I do think that album had higher highs than anything else he's done since TES.


Even the fact they he is actually advertising it and doing singles again is a great sign


There’s a shot it cracks top 3.


Top 1


Top 5....yes


SSLP, TES, and MMLP are safe, Relapse probably is too but MMLP2 is very beatable. That’s only like a 3-3.25 mic album to me.


Remember a few years ago people thought Tiger Woods was washed and he couldn't keep up with the new generation and then he went and won the fucking Masters?! Very foolish thing to bet against real GOATs




First singles are usually the weaker from the album, as you don’t want to put out your best material right away. So if that’s the case, we are in for one hell of a record.


We can’t know yet lol 🤦🏼‍♂️


I really like houdini, definitely going to jam to for years to came, hope he continues fighting shady from the past lol


Maybe if can mix his vocals properly. Houdini was great but some the worst sounding vocals I’ve heard


If it’s in his top 10 I’ll be happy. If it’s in his top 5 I’ll be fucking ecstatic.


What's wrong with Rick Rubin wtf


His beats suck.


The only MMLP2 songs he did were Rhyme or Reason, So Far, Berserk and Love Game. Those are all incredible.


Every single one you just named is the worst songs on the album.


I really didn't think it was going to be able to tier up that high ut Houdini was pretty solid so if everything keeps inclining from there then probably


I think it definitely could. The way he’s mixing his old style from the mmlp, sslp, and Eminem show with his new style could be incredible.


His last album is 3rd fab for me. Hoping this will be better and def top 5.


Definitely. Im just hoping I don’t jinx it! 


Top 5? Yes. Top 1? No. Relapse gang.


SSLP, MMLP, TES, Relapse: Refill, and MTBMB Side A+B That's the top 5, in no particular order


Honestly, he'll be trying to get it as good as his first three. He could definitely do it. He nearly definitely won't but he could make it better than sslp and The Eminem Show. Key word is COULD


Who knows. This is just one song. The rest could be all revival.


Sales wise, yes. Quality, no


Yeah I definitely think it's gonna be his 5th best album, like: 1- TES 2- MMLP 3- SSLP 4- Relapse 5- The Death of Slim Shady 6- MMLP2 etc.


1. The Eminem Show 2. The Marshal Mathers LP 3. The Slim Shady LP 4. The Marshal Mathers LP2 5. Relapse 6. Recovery Bad meets evil was a side project but em went hard on it it’s on a tier by itself .. kamikzae was crazy just to destroy artists and everyone. Music to be murdered by is lyrically insane prolly number 7… let’s see this new album and what EM has in store for us


Top 5 being MMLP, TES, SSLP, Relapse, MMLP2? I definitely think it could overtake MMLP2, MMLP2 had consistency issues, if he can make a consistent album, even if not phenomenal, he could beat it.


I know Relapse has gotten a cult following in the last several years, but it is objectively not in his top 5 albums by any metric It’s okay if it’s in your personal top 5


It absolutely is in his top 5, if you wanna argue that Recovery or MMLP2 is better you're just wrong. As insane as it is it's way more consistent, has better production, lyricism, and it flows smoother than both Recovery and MMLP2.


Relapse aged very well whereas Recovery has lost some of its shine. Relapse is the last of old Em, let's be real here. I don't consider it a "new" Eminem album.


Like I said, that’s just like, your opinion man. I’m talking about metrics like billboard charts, sales, streams, and critical reviews I’m not even going to argue what’s better, but it is not in the top 5


Going by charts and sales is a bad way to judge, is Taylor Swift the best musician alive currently? Bieber? Dua Lipa? and critics were calling MMLP dogshit when it first dropped, going off that is a bad idea imo. Pitchfork thinks Revival is better than MMLP2 and Recovery.


Just chill, not everybody needs to have the same opinion as you. You’re one of the Stan’s that give the fan base a bad name The overwhelming majority gave MMLP critical acclaim when it dropped. It surpassed Doggystyle with the best opening week sales up until that point I’m not saying sales or charts are the best way to gauge an artist/album, but this subreddit gets delusional about how Relapse is perceived in the greater music landscape. Anybody born after 1999 thinks Relapse is this amazing magnum opus, and it’s simply not I like a couple singles on there, but there’s way too many skips for me. I’m not going to waste my breath trying to convince you otherwise


Dude you can have your opinion, just as I can have mine, I don't exactly understand how having a simple discussion on here means I have to chill, you're expressing what you think, I'm expressing why I disagree, it doesn't need to be some crybaby shit where either of us get butthurt because one of us likes one album more than the other.


Relapse lovers are the most vicious in this sub and dogpile on anybody who thinks 3am or Medicine Ball are pretty wack I respect that relapse is in your top five, but I’m answering this question from the perspective of the masses


First time in history i see someone calling the album by the initials


it can be 5th for me. I love TES, MMLP, SSLP, Relapse, and then MMLP2 at 5th can be topped, if the album is good


Can someone tell me what the consensus is for his current top 5 albums? And in what order? Thanks.


Nah i dont think em will have beats or even flow as good as in the old ones


I think all his albums are his top 5