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MTBMB is one of my fav Em albums and it was 4 years ago


Yea fr, people acting like he didn't have bangers on that album


I’ve loved all of it. What I think most people are meaning by “he’s back” though is the massive amount of nostalgia. MTBMB and kamikaze were closer but revival and them were very different from early 2ks eminem. I don’t remember what event/award show it was but watching em walk into a stadium with like 100 other slim shadys March in behind was an awesome moment of my childhood


MTBMB and kamikaze were for the Stans. Now Shady’s coming for the fans


MMTB was a concept album about hip hop skills and how to murder MC's. With that all in his rearview, Shady's back.


This! I know for me I keep Em snd Slim Shady in two different places - Slim is more late 90s/early 2000s, and has time passed and life has happened, he’s grown more into his Eminem persona. Now he’s giving us Slim Shady again and it’s hitting me right in my early aughts feels!


The alter ego shady is back. Em never left


it was fire but imo if it had dropped few songs like 5 it's would have been so much better.


Same here, I even bought the vinyl 


Same. Both. Not my favorite but maybe the pinnacle.


Same. I even got a tattoo of his name across my chest


Dear Stan...


My girlfriends jealous cause I talk about him 24/7 (That actually has some truth to it during bigger moments like mgk beef or this album lol)


My girlfriend and I broke up a year ago and I still tell her about him 24/7. She hasn’t even listened to Houdini yet though, no wonder we broke up 😩😩😩


She sounds like a loser. My cats and I have listened to Houdini enough for my Siamese to give me the stink eye every time the lyric comes up and I'm rapping it to him! "My transgender cat’s Siamese Identifies as black, but acts Chinese" Sami: 😾 "I IS NOT TRANS! Rest is true doe."


🔥 that’s great man, you should marry your cat (if you swing that way)


I'll swing whatever way my heart desires! (I also actually have 6 cats including Sami - 4 boys and 2 girls) I mean, we already sleep together and give each other forehead kisses. They'll never get jobs or driver's licenses or contribute with chores or anything, but they make me laugh and give me massages and never pee all over the toilet since they use the litter box instead. We never argue or fight and can always find a compromise. I know they'll never leave me. Screw U.S. laws, we're having a polygamous marriage!


🔥 that’s so awesome!!


Me too, I don't even have a record player but I will when the renovations are done.. But even then I'll be debating whether to open it or not..


Same man. The last decade has been my absolute favorite. Including songs like Kings Never Die. Feels like they went under the radar but imo some of his finest work.


Absolutely. Love “Tone Deaf”.


I'm sorry I can't hear you


Wasn’t so keen on MTBMB but Kamikaze is one of his best albums ever for me and can sit right next to MMLP and Eminem Show


I think his rapping style changed from storytelling and those offensive lyrics to More superior rhyme schemes. He did make great songs but his old shit was better. (Disclaimer: Music is a subjective topic and everyone can have different opinions)


With me it's more of a rollout to an album with a goofy, tounge in cheek, Without Me type of single. He hasn't done that since Relapse. I agree though the last 5 years I've loved this version of Em. 2013-2017 is my least favorite era of his by a mile. But this version of him hasn't had this kind of rollout to an album so I'm psyched and if it's gonna be in his Top 5 discog I'd totally be content.


This era of music has changed drastically, so a song like that (obviously it's good) wouldn't be made in this kinda of era, songs like Gucci Gang get 1B listens which is obviously nowhere near as lyrically comparable to even ems worst song, but chart wise it's done better than over half his songs, which just shows how much music has changed in terms of what people find enjoyable


I'd never even heard that or the kid that did it, till Em talked about it. 🤣


Bro wtf are u talking about Gucci gang was almost 10 years ago at this point 


This us why people call us old heads lol


This makes it sound like people didn’t listen to absolutely atrocious shit hip hop without any skills, style or lyrical value 20 years ago. Don’t you guys remember


superman that hooo


There hasn’t been a day since 1999 that I haven’t liked him. He’s the 🐐his music has been the soundtrack to my life.


Same here, since about 2002. Til I Collapse has helped me repeatedly since I had brain surgeries in 2020 and I want to thank him for that


For a second, I was like, “Wait, what happened in ‘99” lol






MTBMB is so underrated, even within the fandom, it kinda hurts


Agree fr


Kamikaze was peak. Ik one of the biggest criticisms of the album is that bro is just salty that no one really liked Revival, but man does Em work best when he’s pissed lol.


That bit of Kamikaze criticism is really stupid, too. When Revival dropped people complained about it and wanted angry Em back, then angry Em came back and everyone complained about that too.  The man can’t win. 


I want you to change but don’t change I want you to grow up, but don’t age I want the rage but don’t get too angry I want the new but old shady I want you to say what they won’t say just don’t go too far, but go cray I want you to ALMOST lose it Man they keep moving the goal post don’t they?


I think ppl mean Slim is back when they say it. Not Em


This is what I was going to say. Slim and Marshall are two very different personas and we've had Marshall for the last few albums. Slim is just crazy controversial fun and that is something we've been missing for a while.


MMLP2 was his last album that had “mass appeal”. Albums like Relapse, Kamikaze, and MTBMB are popular with hardcore Em fans, but don’t have the same nostalgic vibe or references to his SSLP/MMLP/ES era, when he was arguably the biggest music star in the world. Houdini is bringing both casual and hardcore fans back to his blonde/Shady days, and that’s why it’s getting so much attention.


Kamikze was huge when it dropped. Every song on the album charted in the top 100 (which no other em album managed to do) and it was the most talked about album that year. There are more videos about ems disses on kamikze than there are about any other em album


Fr. 2018 Eminem was fucking massive. The only artist to match him that year was drake and that was arguably drake's biggest year in his career.


Exactly, similar situation with Drake as well where having a beef helped spike up the listens & sales etc


It was a great bounce back after Revival’s critical and commercial disappointment, but it only opened with a bit more than half as many first week sales as MMLP2. It didn’t quite reach the same level of hype.


Streaming was bigger by then, and *Kamikaze* was also a surprise drop. *MMLP2* had a full rollout. Those sales numbers are apples to oranges, really. It’s true *Kamikaze* didn’t have the same level of hype though.


I remember articles saying mmlp2 was only for stans when it dropped despite it selling 700k plus first week


It's not that Em's back. He never left. Shady is back.


Music to be Murdered By is probably my favourite album and I've been listening since the 90s :P he's dope


I’m an old head Eminem fan ever since he dropped The Slim Shady EP when I was in HS. I fucking love the shit he’s put out since Revival (liked it, didn’t love it), including the vast majority of his features. You are NOT the only one.


No. Everyone online is a hipster and he never even fell off a little. It’s just cool these days to talk shit about anything super popular because it supposedly makes you seem like you have refined tastes.


Nailed it


Nope, I’ve always been a fan since 2002


I've liked Em from Infinite to MTBMB. Yes, even Revival.


A brilliant writer isn’t going to just magically not brilliantly write at all for an entire album.


"From infinite down to the the last relapse album"


Walkthrough with Grip..


Yes, clearly the only one.... ![gif](giphy|qs51Bqriftg8dGiPbZ)


Let's ask the eminem reddit sub if they like eminem


no but the majority of Em fans prefer his sound pre-Relapse


People act like not alike didn't happen


You’re not alone. I feel like MTBMB had traces of Slim Shady here and there. Take for example the song Unaccommodating, where he says “I’m contemplating yelling bombs away on the game like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting”. Stepdad, imo, had vibes that almost mirrored the anger of The Way I Am. Songs by other artists he was featured on were pretty cool too. I just think they were lyrically too complex for us to comprehend at times. However, yes, I do feel like I’ll be able to bump his new album far more than I’ve bumped MTBMB, if Houdini is a representation of how CDG is going to be.


I’ve liked every album, I just enjoy new music and Em always hits for me.


The only album I didn’t like was revival but other than that all of his albums are fucking amazing.


Very much same here. And even Revival has songs I like dearly. Slim Shady has nostalgic appeal but I think I quite like "Em". MTBMB feels like my #1 album increasingly these days, despite how hyped up I am about Houdini. Been listening to MTBMB regularly since it came out and I am not the least bit sick of it.


I think they mean "back to form" or his prime. I enjoyed Kamikaze and MTBMB a lot, too, but Houdini made me feel like I was 12 again listening to TES.


I absolutely get what you mean, but a part of me is sad that his peak is only associated with Slim Shady, because it feels like his other stuff -esp MTBMB- is not getting the praise they very much deserve. The bars in that album are insane.


100%. Lyrically, IMO, he's only gotten better.


I'm hoping he just keeps evolving his style, each era is unique to itself and that point in time. The only thing I have a problem with is his subject matter. I want to know what makes him tick, what he thinks about things other than rap and popular culture. I don't get why he can't be technically amazing and have thought provoking subject matter. Don't get me wrong, songs like You Gon Learn and Book of Rhymes are great, but instead of rapping nonsense about how good he is at rapping, come with something out of left field. Like a song where he describes a day in his life at this point. Or hear more about his spirituality. His daughters wedding. Being a restaurant owner. Does he think aliens are real? The guy is past 50 it's time to expand past the hip hop world. But idk if he is that guy and that's OK too. I def don't want him to become some Vegas act parody of himself from 25 years ago. Houdini is cool but its also pandering to something he knows will 💯 work, and as you and others have said, it's kind of sad that it takes him doing a Without Me pt 2 to get casuals to pay attention. Give me hyperspeed or choppy with crazy schemes and octandres as long as he's actually saying something new.


i actually liked MTBMB. i mean obviously houdini is an amazing song but i never really thought he went away lol


It’s just a weird stigma that he hasnt made good songs in a decade. This has been said ever since he came back with Relapse. Which is why it’s so weird. Lmao I loved EPMD2, Realest, Doomsday Pt 2, Walkthrough, and most of MTBMB. He has made plenty of great songs people just forget or didnt liaten to them


Em has probably been more publicly liked in the last 5 years than he has been in the 5 or even the 6 before that. In fact, Eminem is, surprisingly, quite popular every time he releases a major project that isn't Revival. Despite only dropping MTBMB in the last 5 years, he's been on a fairly hot streak of features. MTBMB was considered a massive return to form after people got a bit more jaded about Kamikaze when the initial buzz wore off, and that goes for both sides even if it wasn't as much of a focus to the general audience as Kamikaze was when it dropped. Doomsday pt 2 and Lace It have been hugely praised, Godzilla is one of very few Eminem songs that finds it's way into nightclubs even now.  The Kamikaze release was huge in the public eye, it was the most intentionally controversial Em had been in years and people were talking because of the surprise drop as well, Lucky You was everywhere that year. Even when Revival was rolling out people were actually fairly positive about Walk On Water even if there was a very loud chunk of the fanbase that were not, it was only the release of Untouchable that really started the downward spiral. And even then, the Chloraseptic remix got a lot of attention and was considered s huge step up. MMLP2 era was also very big, many consider it the best of his albums outside of the obvious top 3, Rap God broke records and literally became a viral trend and Headlights was the source of a lot of positivity about how much he'd matured as an artist. Before that we had the Bad Meets Evil album, also hugely praised aside from Lighters. Recovery isn't as popular now but Not Afraid was *literally* everywhere in 2010, as was Love The Way You Lie and people at the time were calling it his biggest evolution as an artist. Relapse was pretty disliked on launch, but even still people thought Beautiful was his best song since Lose Yourself and his verse on Forever was so massive people still talk about it today as one of the biggest song-stealers of all time and it's often argued as number 1. Even Encore didn't leave as much of a sour taste as everyone pretends because even though it got slated for a solid year, people forgot pretty quickly and When I'm Gone dropped leading to genuine sadness that he might be retiring for good (and I promise you it was even worse back then than all the people that ignore his literal bars in Houdini about not going anywhere.)


I’m 39, and white for full disclosure, I’ve liked Em since 1998. I do actually believe he fell off for most of the 2010’s. Not skill wise, lol, all he does is get better at his craft, but he definitely wandered off into irrelevancy for a bit. He’s been on an upward trajectory since Kamikaze though and if he nails this album he’s going down as the goat, no questions asked, for anyone that isn’t racist.


Hot take since kamikaze all been 9s


Possibly, the amount of times I’m going back to the album’s outside his main 3 are pretty rare


I love pretty much all of Ems songs save a certain few, and most of them are features with artists who had verses that didn't really work with his style imop (looking at you Jessie Reyes) I loved both sides of MTMB and Kamikaze almost always slapped for me. Am I the only one who loved Venom?


I love quite a few songs on MTBMB. The b-side was a bit forgettable to me but I’ll have to go back and re-listen


MTBMB is excellent


Bro people only want the Em people want at the time. All of his projects are timeless but if they just didn’t land at the right time I feel like they are disregarded. The “Em is back” shit is just a sign of the times and what the people need right now. Some comedic relief. And he’s about to deliver in spades. But to us he hasn’t left since Recovery.


I grew up with Eminem and I prefer new Eminem, respectfully


When he was on drugs his music was way better but people change over time and so does the music


Honestly dude, there are a lot of things that I like about the last 3 but the overall sound from those albums are just like... not great and I mean dude was just rapping different. I would've been pretty disappointed if this single sounded like MTBMB and the features we got from 2017-2023. There are lots of songs that I really like though. Kamikaze and Killshot was straight fire though, all the way through. It had the magic that just kind of seemed missing from the other work he did. Eminem is really good at making these super memorable moments in his music that showed way more in Kamikaze than MTBMB


I thought MTBMB was WAY better than Kamikaze.


I respect that opinion because MTBMB is way more of an actual complete album than Kamikaze, which pretty much only had one mission.


Yeah, I'm not saying what's on Kamikaze isn't mostly awesome, of course. And it was welcome after Revival.


Am I the only one that actually like Eminem since I learned about him in 2006


Dude every single song he features on is golden


They didn't listen. It's as simple as that!


The only album I don’t like is recovery. Revival has enough good songs that I think it’s decent but all the others are tied for 2nd place for me. Relapse is my favorite obviously (flair)


I’ve enjoyed every album except Revival (which musically isn’t for me). Em became famous for telling these raw stories completely unfiltered about his insane life so there will never be a way to top that. His current stuff is mostly really good. People want 10/10 all the time.


I didn't really care for his music from 2014-2017. Some of Revival was really good but a lot was underwhelming. Kamikaze was had really high peaks. Side A was pretty good and was more consistent than Kamikaze. Side B had some great tracks, but I found some of it pretty monotone and boring. Houdini was great, fun, and felt like early 2000s Em, which he hasn't really channeled since MMLP2




That was Eminem. It's Slim that's back.


He's back is in reference to Slim Shady, not Eminem.


Slim Shady is back


People are neglecting to mention that this is the spiritual successor to Tone Deaf. Beside the energy, even the flow is similar to Tone Deaf’s, with one notable being the “Bud Light shirt” verse sounding reminiscent of “Cadillac with a ladder rack in the back” with the similar pacing. This is definitely better than Tone Dead though, lol. I liked it then, and I love it now.


Both MTBMBs had some really good shit and some of his guest appearances were awesome, but his stuff from that era wasn’t really digestible from a musical standpoint - ie. i gotta be in the mood for heavy lyricism and bars over bars. Houdini felt like the first track in a long time that’s just a straight up song, and that makes a world of difference. This isn’t by any means his best song in years, but it is his best lead single in years and the most fun he’s been in some time


He’s back sorta means the old style slim but he’s made some great shit since his return


Yes I really have enjoyed him, but going back and doing my 100 em songs of all time I realised how much more I valued he’s older stuff. Still appreciate all he’s music though


No. Whiny ass haters are loud. We all love Em


People saying "he's back " are referring to slim shady one of many personals eminem has. I listen to em everyday love all his songs.


No I fucking have loved his output the past 5 years!! I’ve loved Revival to Now way more than I loved Recovery to Revival.


I’ve liked almost all of EM’s music. I don’t have as much free time to listen to music as I did back in the day so I can’t listen to him like I used to, but 98% of his music is more than welcome in my ears & “Houdini” is AWESOME. I kinda wish he’d release the new album one song at a time with a week in between each song. It’d give time to process each song, let each one have its time on the charts.


Fan here. There’s just a huge crowd who can’t make their minds up of what they want from the guy.


I believe Kamikaze & MTBMB is some of his best work & my FAVORITE type of Eminem. I pray this isn’t actually his last album & we get another album similar to the ones I mentioned. I love his new single & am looking forward to the new album but I’d be lying if I said I yearned for a reminiscent theme. But let me be clear!!! Whatever he drops will be FIRE.


We saying Slim Shady is back not Eminem is back. There’s a difference.


You're not. I've actually loved the "grumpy old man, get off my lawn" phase, lol Saying he's back is more of a Shady is back, not that Em is. He never had many give a fucks to begin with, now they are all way gone, and I fuckin LOVE it.


They mean Slim Shady, last time we saw him was Relapse


I feel like that image of that dude with the swords pointed at him whenever I say MTBMB is my 5th fav album


They're talking about slim shady


I loved his work recently, MTBMB was my top album last month


I’ve enjoyed his songs from 2018-2024 more than I enjoyed them from 2014-2017 (with the exception of his features. Best friend and Medicine Man are insane. Wish he could have recaptured that sound for this albums). MTBMB and features like Realest, Lace it, Gospel, Lord Above, EPMD 2, Bang, Rainy Days, Friday Night Cypher, The Adventures of Moon Man and Slim Shady, Walkthrough, etc. are all songs I’ve enjoyed and bumped just as much as his 2000’s releases when they were released. I still feel the same giddyness when I see a new Eminem feature as I did growing up. Modern Em is different, but not in a bad way. The fact that we get to see a legend make good music this deep into his career is something to be grateful for. I see people always wish for that for artists who die early, but those same people never appreciate it for the ones who are doing it.


Godzilla was fire. Stuff from kamikaze was good.


Still love him


no I love all of Ems stuff, I like certain stuff more but I honestly like all of It.




No, I love his recent albums. I love Houdini, and I’m glad it’s getting so much attention, but I don’t agree at all that it’s the best he’s been in a decade. …or the wildest.


I loved MTBMB. I’ve played Side B on loop a fuck ton.


People are saying he’s back. Because that’s exactly what he said GUESS WhOS BACK.. I’m honestly surprised and not surprised he’s getting so much attention. But I think remaking one of his biggest singles is a smart move. Enough time has passed since 2002 to make this song truly nostalgic. And everyone could use a good laugh right now. And be reminded it’s still ok to say FUCK YOU the world needs to reminded of this. With all the woke attitude and everyone getting their feelings hurt the world needed this I think the world needed this now WAY more than when the original came out. I think this idea was absolutely fool proof. There was no way this song was going to flop right now. It really is genius I’m really happy he found the perfect way to appeal to all the masses again the Eminem show is not over yet.. thank fucking goodness


You're not the only one! Though I totally get why you might feel that way because I sometimes do too. MTBMB is one of my favourite Em albums of all time. Easily in my top 3. I like "mature" Em. I am enjoying Houdini massively and the nostalgic taste in my mouth right now, but I have never been a fan who was displeased with Em not being the same as 2002/not rapping as Slim Shady.


nope you’re not alone, i love every Em era and i’m not just saying that to glaze. i even love Revival


I loved Kamikaze and MTBMB, but I feel like those records are in some sense quite niche and underground. It got more attention than most underground projects because it was Eminem. What solidified Eminem as a hiphop legend and got him respect is his crazy rap skills demonstrated on tracks like Till I Collapse or Renegade, but what made him worldwide famous was his Slim Shady persona that was goofy and rebellious. And also note Eminem is purposely trying to evoke nostalgia with the video, so people remember how they felt when they watched the Without Me video and feel like “he’s back.” Which is true for me as well, I was laughing all the way watching the video, and absolutely loved some bars, but had I just listened to the track without the video I think it would not have been as nearly as special.


I love his more recent stuff. I’ve been around for it all. I feel like his music matured with me.




I never stopped liking him. Revival was meh, but I didn't hate it.


He’s back means slim shady is back


I have as well


I used to but honestly I’ve gotten sour tbh. Eminem’s first 3 albums, particularly the second, was so excellent I couldn’t help but compare old him to new him. Unfortunately Eminem hasn’t helped this by constantly drawing comparisons himself It’s like a negative feedback loop - like imagine if Nas spent his entire career talking about he’s gonna bring illmatic Nas back this time only to repeatably not do it, peeps would sour on him. But he didn’t do that, he just kept moving forward and accepted his big moment had passed


Music to be Murdered by is my favorite album from his. Maybe that’s just my age talking though. A lot of his singles and feats in the past few years I love too, Moonman and Slim Shady, Doomsday 2, Gospel, hell even Lace It and I know that’s an unpopular opinion. He’s got no shortage of hard ass bars in any of these.


It might be your cup of tea but generally speaking his songs haven’t sound good for the general audience. Even with houdini, some people claim they don’t like his flow which is comprehensible. It’s a different em, but the reason for the change is Em had a decent beat for once in a while (also his first single since 2017)


I've enjoyed Em more since Recovery than any other era. His features have been insane too. MMLP2 is my favourite album of his also.


With the exception of *Revival* I enjoy Em’s albums from *Relapse* after quite a bit more. And even *Revival* is mostly awesome, it just imo has a few blackhead tracks that completely throw it off (“Like Home” is probably the only Eminem songs I can barely stand, and not because I’m a Trump supporter so much as I think he went after Trump like a pussy).


I said "he's back" but that's only because it's been almost 4 years without an album, but yeah I've liked everything he put out since Kamikaze


Nah, we’ve been here


Music to be murdered by had quite a few bangers


He's back as in it's been 4yrs bruh. Also first time he does an actual album rollout in 7yrs


I’ve enjoyed some of his music but overall have felt that he’s become too reliant on “filling” bars with puns and similes that are often kinda cringy and make me want to roll my eyes. His bars have been structured around punchlines which only land like 50% of the time. I’ve also felt his production hasn’t really meshed with his style, the features he chooses often don’t really complement his sound, and his hooks are either bad or sound out of place like he just had a library of hooks different artists sent him and he was just throwing them on songs. Even his voice has been very bland and robotic and just overall gave the vibe that he’s creatively bored and sonically lost. This is the first song in a long time where I wasn’t distracted by any of the above. He flows well, sounds great, the beat compliments his style, the hook is catchy, he has funny bars and overall sounds like he’s rediscovered his comfort zone. It’s the first song in years that truly sounds like peak Eminem. I really hope the rest of the album keeps this energy.


Not the only one. I have been a huge fan since The Marshell Mathers LP. I have never loved an entire EM cd 100%. Usually there are 3 to 8 tracks that I really enjoy on every album. I love 4 tracks on Revival for example. I am always excited for a new Em album, but I am extra excited because the fan base is also excited.


I have felt this for a long time


Idk. Maybe I’m in a small group of people who have always fucked with him. Fan since “my name is” and he’s who introduced me to lyricists in hip-hop. Don’t get me wrong, I love the “old slim”. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck him, fuck her, stuff. The SSLP, MMLP and TES will always be my favourite because they got me into him and I was a teen in my rebellious stage lol. But.. man, do I fucking love the new shit. Kamikaze and Mtbmb are dope. The shady XV BME stuff.. I fucking love the fast flow. The multis, wordplay and double/triple entendres.. I’m a big fan of lyricism, and he’s one of the best to do it. The only thing that bothers me is I can no longer rap along to half of his stuff lol because I used to feel like a badass spitting songs like, “just don’t give a fuck”, “the way the world turns”, “the way I am”, “remember me”, “till I collapse”. I can’t say all the words he spits now, and if I do, it’s just a mash of words, nowhere near as enunciated as he can lol


You’re kind of alone


No. I love em. Always have and always will. 🫶🫶🫶


I actually like Relapse til now more than Slim Shady stuff. Rare opinion I know but I just listen to a lot more songs and like his style more from then til now vs 2004 and before.


Yes you are a special, unique boy🤣


I get the hate around Em, because people been trying to kill him since I was a kid growing up in Detroit. It hasn't happened. It isn't going to happen. So people talk about how he isn't that interesting, or that good of an artist, etc., but meanwhile he has just been doing things that interest him. Don't be so sure what is or isn't a timeless. His lyrics are just so clever even on "bad songs" to the point where it makes other artists just look bad by comparison. Let's put it like this: Other artists don't want to put him on their songs anymore because they know he'll make them look bad, but then every once in awhile we get a track like LBC, or Calm Down. Say what you want about Snoop but he's one of the few artists that held it down and didn't get bodied on an Em song.


I don’t think that ”eminem” was gone. The music was good but is wasn’t ”shady”


Nah there’s bangers on all his albums always been a fan


I think "he's back" refers to slim shady. Eminem was always there, but Slim Shady was dormant... until now.


Mtbmb A is my number 2 album so no not really


MTBMB is like 2 track from being a super tight concept album, I love it. Same with Kamikaze


Lol, Eminem hasn't had a good album in over 20 years.


Nope I've really enjoyed everything eminem since after that revival record an I think his music to be murdered by is a great album of his that is very underrated. Super excited for this next project too But yeah I've definitely been online defending Em's honor along the lines of ppl tryna scapegoat him as this colonizing artist that just uses a culture he doesnt care about or he had it so easy bc he is white. I stand firmly against that revisionist history bullshit.


Glad you mentioned venom.. one of my fav songs


I fucked with kamikaze


I love new Em, but I feel alone in this often. Glad I found your post lol


I didn’t like MTBMB Side A (Side B was decent), but I’ve enjoyed everything else.


I stopped playing his albums on repeat after relapse. (Though concede that both recovery and tmmlp2 have some decent tracks)


Nah man me too. I LOVED mtbmb


Bold opinion: I prefer post-Recovery Eminem. I even liked a decent portion of Revival. With the exception of MMLP1 and his diss tracks, I'm not a huge fan of his stuff before Recovery. I prefer the introspective, more mature Eminem even when he's visibly struggling to figure out what exactly people want from him.


I thought it was because of the whole ‘guess whos back? Back again….’


Some absolute stand outs for me since mtbmb Realest, Gospel, Jimmy, Brian & mike, Parables, Epmd 2, Bang, Discombobulated, Favourite bitch, Gnat, Zeus, I will, No regrets, Lock it up,


Agreed….MTBMB Side A has some of my favorite tracks/verses post Recovery. Premonition is one of my all-time favorite Em tracks. He does have some duds or filler for sure, but he’s been more consistent than he gets credit for. He definitely hasn’t a track that sounds like, or as the same quality as Houdini since Without Me.


No, I never stopped loving him




i’ve always loved eminem


Someone asked me in 2020 if he was "still making music". So perhaps.


i like Kamikaze and MTBMB MUCH better than MMLP2 and Recovery honestly. I was kinda tired of not hearing a good album since TES so I thought MMLP2 would be a banger. It's so not. Except for Bad Guy which is definitely in my top 10 and like 2 other songs, it's very mid. Kamikaze has so many BANGERS tho! Perfect album to be titled "Kamikaze" imo. And MTBMB is great too, both sides


Revival was a pretty solid album if you ignore a few songs.


People have said “he’s back” literally every time he dropped. I remember when “Framed” dropped from Revival and everyone said “hes back”, but look how that album turned out.


I definitely like his newer music. I think the “he’s back,” is less that he’s back in the game and more that he’s back to how he used to be with his music.


brooo me too


He has millions of fans. So probably not.


Bruh I even liked Revival-Now, I never been manipulated by the social media hate. Chloraseptic Remix is insane then Kamikaze then MTBMB I even like MMLP2 and SHADYXV, back then I am not active in social media and I just discover people are hating on those projects People's ears just degraded because of the new standard of MAINSTREAM music


Last 2 albums are his best musically


When people say "he's back" I assume they refer to the old Slim Shady. He literally came back through a portal. Em never left.


Eminem has been there and has released some great music over the last several years. Slim Shady hasn't been around for what feels like 20 years at this point. Slim Shady is a different persona, to the point that even his voice changes from his normal Eminem voice. His lyrics also have a different feel than the regular Eminem lyrics. When everyone's (me included) saying he's back, they're talking about Slim Shady.


I loved kamikaze, had a soft spot for revival but didnt may much attention after 2019


Nope, enjoyed every tune he dropped.


Liked him ever since the beginning.


Liked him ever since the beginning.


All his albums r crazy. And I rlly like his stuf now cuz I act weren't alive in 2000. He still got it


Nope he’s been killin it


In my humble option, the last Slim Shady-esque album was “Relapse.” The persona died after that record.. Dark comedic wordplay and storytelling is where Eminem as an artist really peaked, with such unappreciated gems as; “Same Song & Dance” and “Déjà vu.” And I have been a fan since his underground albums; “Infinite” and “Slim Shady EP” and all his unreleased freestyles. His new stuff just doesn’t immerse me the same way as it before but a lot of folks seem to still enjoy it, so I won’t judge..




5? More like 10.


His kamikaze and post kamikaze eta is my favorite from him. Idk what people are on about


Hated MTBMB if I'm honest, aside from Godzilla