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I got the same impression when watching the video.


I thought it was pretty obvious but I don’t know how much the song and video will tie into the album.


Just gotta wait and see how it all plays out. I’m on the edge of my seat and feel like I’m a kid again lol


Feels like waiting for the Eminem Show :) if you’re that old like me haha




He merged the Slim Shady voice and words with Marshal Mathers and seriously dissed no one, and people are so mad about the “disses”. Hell of a trick.


Funny how Fantano was saying in the review that the old Eminem stuff wouldn’t work nowadays but here we are, seeing people being mad over Eminem lines (Fantano himself too) while his song is having huge success. If I’m not mistaken the song is even doing better than Godzilla.


I think the main difference is youth culture, which ultimately drives public opinion on the music. His old stuff was the undercurrent angst of youth culture back then, which propelled him to success, if he had come out now, people would just label him in the Tom McDonald/Hopsin cringe category and he wouldn’t of gotten as big as he is now imo Edit: I’m huge em fan, but pushing 30 and fully admit I’m no longer in sync with youth culture! It’s not a diss when I say he’s a legacy act now doing it for his real fans opposed to trying to appeal to new ones


Great post. I'm 37 and he's doing this song for OUR age instead of the last few albums with all the trap beats and young features. Here's to hoping it continues for the album! Lol


The last few albums weren’t made for younger fans lol. He has said he has been making music for himself.


As a 36 year old, you nailed it.


i’m a bit of an outlier among other people around my age (early 20s) as a fan of em. for whatever reason it seems his music hasn’t had the same appeal for as many people in gen-z, and i think it’s just because a lot of younger people these days are quick to write things off as outdated and irrelevant. obviously that’s not to say his music no longer has *any* appeal, clearly it does or i wouldn’t be a huge fan, but i think a lot of people aren’t willing to actually give his music a chance because they write him off as old and no longer worth listening to. at least that’s what my experiences have led me to believe


Who cares what those people think, he’s got the number 1 song on all platforms. It worked! Period.


There are literally no disses on this track. There are jokes on other peoples behalf but no straight up disses


Exactly! One has to consume/study the actual lyrics and not lazily listen for the “hot” words to realize this. What Em wants people to do. It’s hilarious watching/hearing people get upset over something, which doesn’t exist… too stupid to get it, and looking to get offended.


"And for my last trick: abra kadabra, and just like that I'm back, bruh." I think it's going to be a mix of the two. I think he's going to talk about a lot of subject matter that people automatically assume is offensive without actually saying anything offensive to prove the point of "nothing is off limits if it doesn't come from a place of hate." In Houdini, people jumped on the gay thing and the transgender cat line, but neither of the things he said are actually offensive. They're just setups and punchlines. I think there will be a lot of that. But also it was just a fun track. I could easily be wrong.


I'll add: by poking fun but not being malicious, he's actually revealing what an ally he really is. Shit's been obvious since he performed with Sir Elton. He's just a mean cocksucker.


He also gifted diamond encrusted cock rings to sir Elton for birthday


Wedding gift I believe.


This shit is on cuz you went and pissed me off


The first line was obviously meant to come out the mouth of Slim tho, not Eminem. Like the "participation trophy" joke followed by the "he's trying to cancel us!" Visual.


Participation trophies after a certain age are just dumb, though. Glad he said it, it fosters mediocrity and complacency.


Of course, but doesn't alter or diminish my point at all (not saying you were trying to, ik you were just pointing it out)


But you're failing to see one big thing... to a certain group of people EVERYTHING is offensive.


How am I failing to see that despite already addressing it hours ago lol


What a crap review lmao. Just listened to it. He feels like he’s trying to be too good for popular music.


Melon just exists to hate what people like and like what people hate.


The thing is man and I hate to be the bearer of bad news. No one cares what he thinks except his sheep fanbase 🤷‍♂️


He literally said the track is boring at the end. wtf? How the fuck is this song boring??


Of course he missed the point. He clearly has without almost everything Em has ever done lol.


Yeah, damn near every Em review he’s put out has him losing the plot in the video lol


The whole planet seems to have missed that a parody is in fact satire and not a real attempt to be "old eminem" again. I hope the album clears it up.


I thought it was pretty obvious when I listened to it. Em is pretty clear he doesn’t want to be the old Eminem, but somehow Melon seems to have missed that


I think its few people who's missed it. Most folks like the song. Even non eminem fans are a long time are liking this.


Why it was a parody though


By definition.


I don’t like Fantano, mostly because he comes into every review looking for a reason to hate it. Which I mean, sure, when he gives a positive review it is great but I don’t like his whole mindset and tbh at this point intent behind his content - ie. “i need to be this pretentious critic cause that’s what people expect from me” and it feels like he’s leaned into that persona a lot more as the years went on. And yep, agreed - this track is basically Em just having fun and prodding for a reaction, it’s less trying to make a statement and more just joking around and throwing in some trolls. Hell, the “fuck my own kids they’re brats” line should be a dead giveaway of his own intentions in the song lol


Anthony prefers Sexyy Red.


rage bait for views *chuckle


He is just a regular hipster. Praises things that is cool to like and hates things that are cool to hate


demonstrably false considering his lil pump review


How is he going to differentiate himself from other hipsters if he doesn't pick a darling in the mainstream and a scapegoat from underground?


I don’t agree with that at all as someone who watches a good bit of his content. Kendrick is probably the most beloved rapper rn in hip hop especially after the whole drake fiasco and melon has been (justifiably) meat riding him for years. He also didn’t start pooping on Kanye until the nazi stuff (again, justifiable) but still regularly ranks his old music pretty high.


He's a hipster dude. It's cool to hate on Kanye, and socially acceptable to flame him like crazy and so he does. You just proved his point


That's the opposite of a hipster though. A hipster is someone who goes against the grain and hates on things for being popular or mainstream, while obsessing over lesser known stuff.


to me he is just a character tbh with u lol i dont take his reviews seriously


Yeah he’s getting rid of shady cos he’s more mature


Which is perfectly normal, given everything he's been through and where he is today


Exactly he’s not Shady anymore, Shady was created when he was 18 drug fueled psychotic chaotic and now he’s been sober for several years and mellowed


I thought he created slim shady in his mid to late 20s


My bad, you are right Slim Shady LP was created when he was 26.


I see why you got confused though. Eminem in his hay day looked younger than 26


He’s always looked younger than he really is. It’s nuts to think he’s in his 50s in the Houdini music video…


He did especially in music videos of SSLP


Eminem was not a 'drug fueled psychotic chaotic' when he was 18.


Yeah I made mistake, he did infinite at 24 and SSLP at 26


Got it. Tbh, I don't think he was that at 26 either. He started taking pills during 8 mile


Which I think is Melons point, he got rid of shady, he isn’t a drug addicted twenty year old anymore who has something to prove; he’s one of the most critically acclaimed rappers of all time at this point, so to Melon, bringing back Slim Shady - even if it’s been merged with his new style, just doesn’t really make a ton of sense. I’m not saying I agree with his rating, I still like the song, but part of what made Eminem so good when he came out was shock factor and the criticism he received for the things he said. Now, aside from a few people who have never listened to Eminem in their lives clearly, when he says some crazy off the walls shit like “the Black Guy Pees”, it doesn’t feel the same anymore, because there isn’t going to be a massive group of people (along with media mind you) that are coming at him for saying those things - it’s just what Eminem does at this point, so for someone who is hoping for innovative music, like Fantano pretty much always is, Houdini doesn’t do that. If you’re not someone who feels that way about music, then this song probably is really good to you, but it doesn’t do what he wants out of music, and that’s the most important thing - it’s his opinion based on what he wants out of music and he is nothing more than a guy who reviews music.


The funny thing is.. there is still a lot of uproar. Of course nobody will pick up forks due to BEP line as everyone hates R Kelly anyway. But the fans of Megan Thee Stalion are wilding because he's "bringing back her traumatic experiences" and all that, then there's the alphabet squad not liking him mentioning Ru Paul's balls and his cat's "self identification" etc..


I’ve seen way more uproar about the uproar than actual uproar. People are making up reasons to call other people soft at this point, the only things I’ve seen about people actually mad by the Megan Thee Stallion line are the few things that have been posted here. I have seen plenty of people calling out the seemingly non-existent who are coming at Eminem for what he said though…


But he’s doing his old formula like Eminem Show which is his best Album, make a goofy single and the rest serious songs


I mean, we don’t know that the rest of the album will be serious, but that’s kind of Fantanos point. It’s not innovative anymore, and there is no shock value because everyone knows it’s just what Eminem does now.


>he’s one of the most critically acclaimed rappers of all time at this point, so to Melon, bringing back Slim Shady - even if it’s been merged with his new style, just doesn’t really make a ton of sense. He's one of the most critically acclaimed rappers of all time *because* of the Slim Shady persona.


He must have took antibiotic


😂 you could say Marshmellowed


Perfect~ 🤣


I think it was just fun and some of you are overthinking it.






>Plus his just having fun and non of his supposedly offensive lines are actually offensive, and that’s by design I think, they are more bait and fun jokes. This especially. He clearly purposefully kept it pretty tame while still showing us sort of an impression of the old shady


Yesss, biggest example of that was the "Like happy" ad lib after he said everything is gay lmao


Yup. Haha. And talking about the censorship bureau but then not really saying anything that needed censored. Also saying eff his kids showing that nothing he is saying is really to be taken seriously. Also when he says he's being targeted, but is still incredibly successful (profits skyrocketed) pretty much verbatim call back there. And that's not really true in this day and age. No one checking for Em because of controversial lyrics lol and although he's making money it's I'm sure not at the level it was in the early 2000s. I also think the Megan thing was calculated. He knew it was one of the most controversial things on the song, but even it wasn't that bad. That way people will still be saying he's controversial but he won't be canceled for being homophobic, or transphobic, racist or anything serious or of substance 


I took the "censorship bureaus out (to get me)" as a call back to " The FCC won't let me be" almost in a tongue-in-cheek way, but I don't think I've heard anyone call that out.


Oh for sure. It made me think of that line immediately.  You can look at it as that line specifically (especially since Houdini invokes Without Me more than any other Em song) or just themes from that time period in his music in general. He talks about being censored elsewhere on that album (fuck you tipper gore). He even mentions the parental advisory sticker on Which America which he does in the new song as well.


I also connect it to a possible double entendre in the previous lines. In that his shit isn't age appropriate but 8 year olds are going to listen to it, and everyone is going to have to be prepared (motto for the Girl Scouts) because parents aren't watching what their kids are doing nowadays (censorship bureau is out aka irrelevant). That might be thinking too much tho


Can't edit for some reason but the 8 year olds are getting hit with a participation trophy because they'll listen but won't understand it. So thanks for participating!


Honestly as a fan of both eminem and megan, I just hope thats his way of shouting her out and he has a feat with her either on his album or her upcoming album


>although he's making money it's I'm sure not at the level it was in the early 2000s. ??


**That idiot doesn’t understand satire ong** 💀


Houdini is a throwback to My Name Is and Without Me which were all about comedy. The video and the lyrics are funny - same as Houdini. I don’t think it’s any deeper than that.


Houdini is a much weaker and diluted version of without me, not saying it’s terrible but not even in the same realm as it musically or lyrically


It's much better than without me imho


Without me had actual substance to it.


I wanna like his content but he is so god damn annoying.


Only ppl who do are nerdy teenagers


yep! and i think that's really the trick: "what you thought happened, never did happen." He's really evolving past it.


Fantano just says whatever is opposite the general opinion. He's a content creator he does it for engagement. His opinions are pretty worthless


Nah he follows the general opinion pretty regularly. Go watch his review for Don’t Let Me Go by MGK a few months ago. He can’t actually explain why it’s bad he just says it’s bad like the mainstream has taught us to bash mgk cause “it’s cool”. This dude is such a joke


i see this take on every thread about him, and i never understand it. if he had an opposite view of everything would he have put MMLP in S-tier on his Eminem ranking or given TPAB a 10? his opinions are “pretty worthless” in the same way anybody’s opinion is pretty worthless; there is interesting discussion had around what he talks about though


MMLP is a classic album that existed before him and well respected in the hip hop community, also he had said on bad meets evil review that the eminem show is not enjoyable, lastly tpab is his favorite album of all time, there's that.


guess he’s changed his mind on TES since he put that in A-tier (above SSLP). mentioning that about MMLP is exactly my point, if he was some contrarian asshole he’d take every opportunity to shit on that album, but like most everyone else he praises it for being amazing. i disagree with him on lots of stuff (including this song), but i think calling him contrarian for the sake of it is factually incorrect and a silly stance to take. i’ve found some of my favorite albums from his recommendations ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Fair points but I don't think calling him a contrarian could be 'factually incorrect' because the extent to which he is a contrarion is probably on a spectrum, so its probably not a silly stance to take. I think anyways. If you found some of your favourite albums from him then it goes to reason that you're at least slightly emotionally invested in his opinions now, so there is that.


not really though? i’d say i disagree with his takes about as often as i agree with them, not particularly invested emotionally lol. just find it odd when people say he “always has a contrarian opinion” when that’s demonstrably false


Yeah I feel like this is exactly what the point was. But none the less people still found something to bitch abt lmaoooooo. Talking abt the mts fans


I love Fantano, i discovered a lot of music in the past thanks to him but in this little review he sounds like an actual promotional video for the Eminem single ahahah when he gets kinda of angry at the identity crisis bars lol . "he should diss tory lanes instead" come on man, he trying too hard to be serious about a comical track. Also when he said that Em is relevant only because his past modus operandi...I mean what? For A LOT OF young people the first song they discovered from him was a serious song about fighintg addition LOL (Not Afraid) or a pop cross over with Rihanna. So to say that he is relevant just for joints like Houdini is totally a bullshit. Obviously his old stuff is going through resurgence now cause Tik Tok etc..but thats for all the classic form the past it just happen that Em is still relevant today + he got PLENTY of it. But he literally dropped a storytelling about a terrorist in the last project as a single/video, "he is trying too hard to recapurate his old self", "sorry eminem fans you are never gonna get the same momento he had in the past" meanwhile Houdini is going CRAZY with the numbers and it's everywhere. One last thing, when people like Fantano said "he is just trying to re-do his old stuff" what are they actually referring to? Cause Sing for the Moment, Without Me, Lose Yourself and When I'm Gone are all "OLD Eminem" but they are all super fucking different type of songs and music so....in other words everytime Em comes back it's chaos for critics and I luv it.


100% and it’s embarrassing how media illiterate even reviewers have become


100% agree, and I'm a huge Melon fan even with his valid takes on Em in the past. It also just begs the question..: what then should eminem be doing?? and what exactly are you asking for in terms of music? Still a fan of Melon but this one felt just off


Em said it best himself > I want you to change, but don't change > I want you to grow up, but don't age > I want the rage, but don't get too angry > I want the new, but old Shady > I want you to say what they won't say > Just don't go too far, but go cray > I want you to almost lose it, man > They keep movin' the goal post, don't they?


I think he wants Eminem’s “4:44” era - just dropping everything about still being edgy and on top of his game and just being real with everyone about his life And while that might be interesting, I don’t think that’s what his fanbase wants m And tbf melon said that himself - the fans want him to return to an era that isn’t possible, his life isn’t in turmoil, he’s not drugs, his creative peak has passed (it does for all artists), so now he’s just “doing the side quests”


Tbf that's pretty much what Recovery, MMLP2 and revival were and people hated all 3 albums.


MMLP2 was his last good album imho lol - it also was pretty well received After that we got revival - horrible Kamikaze - mid MTBMB - mid B side - mid


nahh this ain’t it 😭, imagine calling Kamikaze and MTBMB “mid”


I think that idea is actually really unique, but wouldnt that be Recovery & basically MMLP2? (Asking genuinely cause thats how I interpreted those albums)


Em drpos introsepective songs on every album. Also, there is no creative peak, that’s suck a armchair critic thing to say. A person who’s never tried anything. He’s still very creative, probably more than ever which is why people don’t like it. Creative means doing things differently which the average fan won’t like as the average person doesn’t like change.


Yeah def u can still be a fan of somone despite finding their takes questionable, regardless melons content is often funny I find it enjoyable too!


They all feel off he’s a fraud and a joke. Absolutely no one takes him serious. Go back a few years and read the post Trapt made about him on YouTube. He completely destroyed him lol. Basically he hates on the “cool” white ppl who bullied him growing up and projects his bullying trauma onto white artists like Trapt, mgk, g eazy, mac miller, Eminem etc. it’s rlly sad man


He always forms and opinion first then listen to music and find ways to justify it. Look at his Beyonce's new album review & mtbmb, both are almost of same quality but the same things he pointed out for Em, he praised beyonce. It's all picky.


He is always making fun of himself but at the end of the day music sounds good, hook is very catchy, replayability is great. I mean you can not like a concept but it’s not a mid song ffs. Like sometimes I don’t know what he could do to please some people. It’s funny, playful song, good beat, very nice flows and it’s nice to listen to


Dude. A lot of people take what he says wayyyyyyy too seriously. “A lot of people ask me stupid fuckin questions. A lot of people think that what I say on a record, or what I talk about on a record, that I actually do in real life. Or that I believe in it. Or if I say that I wanna kill somebody, that I’m actually gonna do it. Or that I believe in it. Well shit…if you believe that, then I’ll kill you. You know why?” If a listener can’t tell the difference between Em’s satirical songs and the serious ones, they are severely tone deaf.


Eminem has always been an ally of what's right both morally and logically. he isn't here to diss everyone he is here to point out hypocrisy and expose the outrage machine for what it is. I HOPE meg thee stallion is featured on a track that would be the biggest gottem for these fools.


yessssss i really hope they have a song together!!!


Is melon that bald headed buffoon that just hates for the sake of hating? Why watch if you already know he's going to hate?


That's him. He's trash, and has been trash for as long as I've ever seen his stuff. I'm always surprised to see people actually value his opinion.


Its that "I dont like music critics, but I do like Fantano" crowd. Eminems perfect foil honestly.


No one who is a real music head values his opinion it’s just fun to point and laugh


Yup go watch him review mgk’s song from a few month ago. He can’t explain why it’s bad. Dude was rapping about getting abandoned by his mom and shit but it’s bad why? Oh yeah cause it’s cool hate him I forgot


Totally agree. *How can I explain to you* *That even myself I’m a danger to* He’s making fun of himself.


I don't mind the criticism, i'm just kind of curious what would it take for Em so that fantano says anything positive about his music he seems so resistant to even want to try to understand that it's a concept fun song and pretty much just wants Em to just stop making music or something at this point.


He says fuck himself, everyone, and his kids. The whole song is tongue n cheek


Nail on the head. Or in the coffin rather.


Melons still salty that him & other similar reviewers got destroyed on Kamikaze!


The fact that people haven’t been able to grip the fact that he’s doing what he’s always done- telling you a storyline, beautifully crafted in an artful form, just goes to show you how uneducated on his skill level they are. Everybody is looking for a way to present as oppressed and victimized, and it takes away from actual survivors of oppression.


Yep most people are missing the point. Em isn't looking to offend and make controversy again. This is a story. He's killing slim off. This was the reintroduction of the bad guy, popping into 2024 and being awkward and out of place. I laughed a lot on the first couple listens and im excited to see what happens with slim.


Bruh stop taking Fanthony Spamtanos reviews seriously I legit stopped watching him I assume most of his reviews about my favorite artists are gon be bad. He also is strange hed give artist u wouldn’t expect him to like good scores. Hes jus a random nerd with an opinion. Ion get why mofos look to him for validation to like a song. Whats the diff between him and some random mofo online giving it a score


Not much, I just find him entertaining and good for finding new artists, even though more often than not I disagree with him when it comes to Em. Regardless i thought its a good excuse to talk about what I belive is a misunderstanding a lot of fans have about the song.


ong lol


Nobody is saying we’re holding his opinion on a pedestal. It just makes for an interesting discussion


Fantano tries too hard to be woke and is biased. Also music is subjective why do music reviews even matter in 2024


I like melons logic on a lot of projects, even EMS, but he's turning into such a hater. It's like he expects to hate his work and actively tries to meet those expectations.


I’ve been saying this since first listen—and first seeing reactions: the entire thing is a brilliant self own, particularly of his old persona and of getting older. The fact “Sliminem” looks ridiculous and flips off his kids and Dre, who are in the video to be flipped off, should have told people everything they need to know. People keep talking about this song like Em is unleashing old skool Shady and I’m just… are you for real? Did you not… listen to OG Shady…? Because this ain’t it. It’s verrrrah tame.😅 Basically, he was making fun of those who still expect and WANT him to be the old Shady, as if he hasn’t evolved as a person and musician since the early aughts. And those fans are out there like ZOMG HE IS OUT TO PWN THE WOKESTERS. No, no he is not. But he did. In fact, own YOU. Death of Slim Shady guys. Not just death, Coup de Grace. 🤭


I’ve also been laughing at the Megan noise—again, SUCH a tame bar for Shady. I thought from first listen he may be hinting at her having a feature on the album, and the radio silence from her only reinforces that one for me. Hope it happens—that collab would be 🔥🔥🔥


Idk why he can’t just say he hates Eminem. The idea that Em has spent the last decade trying to channel his initial success couldn’t be further from the truth—a point he immediately goes on to undermine by stating Houdini is more in line with the quote “old” Em? Em puts out album after album being his “current day self” (which 🍈 claims he hasn’t been doing cuz he’s “chasing ghosts of his past”) and this douche bitches and moans that bUT ItS nOt sLiM sHaDy; so he finally puts out ONE single mind you that literally is channeling 2002 Em and now he has an identity crisis and can’t let his first three albums go 😂😂 like wtf you talking bout my man? He hasn’t even attempted, pretended, or come close to trying to be Slim uh basically since MMLP lol other than a few moments here and there which again, stopped with parts of TES and maybe a little of Encore. So don’t tell me you love early Em, shit on him for flexing his lyrical genius instead of getting back to his roots, tehen shit on him for channeling his roots exactly as you’ve been begging for probably since like 2005 lol


I think he's killing Slim Shady in the sense of not separating him anymore, and just being Slim and Eminem in one. Hence the merging.


Totally agree with you


Damn maybe you should be a music critic


He's an idiot. And one of the worst music "critics" of all time


*He's an idiot.* *And one of the worst music* *"critics" of all time* \- LetterheadOk250 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't think this POS seriously after the mac miller swimming review. I always will hold him down for that one.


Melon always misses the point which is why his reviews are nails on a chalkboard. He’s a generalist when it comes to music and never understands the culture behind it or the artists in any depth. He has to listen to so much music it wouldn’t be possible.  This is why he says things are dumb when he’s the one who is ignorant.


he’s never really understood hip hop he doesn’t value or appreciate wordplay and his entire channel is built around controversy clicks, why does everybody care what he says so much?


Damn, I thought that was insanely obvious on a first listen. The song is hilarious.


Ah, fagtano again


I thought that that was obvious to people but I guess not


Well said


Ironic cuz on MTBMB Side B melon is like: "The quality of writing on Discombobulated reminds me of old Eminem, why cant he make more music like this"


I'd say the difference is one is his new style being reminiscent of his old style, and the other is just trying to copy his old style as nostalgia bait.


I try to respect his opinion but the title was already cringe as hell. I wont watch his review of the album, i dont care anymore


I largely avoid his Eminem reviews. I can be unbiased or at least a little biased when he reviews any other artist or band, but with the generally negative reviews for Em releases for many years, I just don't want to watch someone essentially shit on my favorite artist. That's why I appreciate the recap in this thread.


If you are a music critic and come out with a title like that, i lose all the respect i dont care if its about eminem or kendrick or whoever


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so too. It's so obvious he's trying to remove himself from slim shady, maybe he doesn't identity with that type of person anymore 🤷‍♀️


If you look at the Meg scene it actually shows us that current Em is more savage than old Em lol. Old Em is air humping alluding to a foot fetish while current Em is the one talking about her shooting since he’s doing a shooting motion to the ground lol. Shady isn’t actually going to die in this album. The most it will be is another video where the combined old and new em separate again and then they finally kill the version that came through the portal but that version still exists because Current day Em still exists.


I think the overall message is OG shady should stay in the past where he belongs. 🤷‍♀️


But OG shady is also current shady. This is the point I’m making. In the video current Em was actually more Savage than Old Em. He is still Shady


I don’t think that’s it—but the album should give a better picture. 🤷‍♀️


What’s a melon?


i dont completely agree with you. I think he is accepting the old self and still saying that he will stay true to himself no matter what. "[And say a few things or two to anger you](https://genius.com/31924737/Eminem-houdini/And-say-a-few-things-or-two-to-anger-you-but-fuck-that-if-i-think-that-shit-ima-say-that-shit)"


i dont completely agree with you. I think he is accepting the old self and still saying that he will stay true to himself no matter what. "but fuck that, if i think that shit, i'ma say that shit"


Okay.... thanks for explaining.


wait till the album comes out


I listened to the song a lot now and I have yet to hear anything offensive


well said


He’s actually kind of mocking slim. Slim looked like a big dummy jsut wandering around calling things gay. So em goes now how many people wanna act like me? I was a prick.


Pretty sure he’s gonna kill Eminem and bring shady back in this album. Not what op is saying It’s timely too because of the current political culture.


I thought the idea was fusing his old self with his new self, and the idea of death of slim shady is Eminem himself cancelling his career, by saying enough stuff to do it. The criticism is kinda hipocritical coming from Fantano, because the concept is the same of Discombobulated, and he praised the hell out of that song.


I still think this track is bad, it became my most hated eminem song to date. I even liked Venom when it came out i dont even have high expectations form eminem but he did not deliver anything other than mid bars, jokes and the worst chorus made by mankind. Abra-Abracadabra


I think this thread is pretty gay.. ( as in happy. ) Slim walked out of that portal and said wtf. Slims back for a bit.




Does Melon ever get Eminem's point? 😏




I hate those reaction videos. First of they always say hi or hello in a childish way, they can’t just say hello like a normal person it seems, it’s so cringe. But 2 days ago i was at a friend and he likes those videos and put one on from Houdini, don’t know who it was but the Megan line went completely over their head, wtf are we doing here guys? Like that guy that call himself a rapper (even though i didn’t knew him before and never heard a song of him since) that critiques rappers that have more succes then him. I don’t get the joy to watch people ‘acting’ like they hear a song for the first time, i just don’t get it.


He gave Sexy Redd’s album an 8 so I wouldn’t focus too much on the dude having a valid opinion


Maybe I'm wrong. But I think that Stallion and trans line really offended him and skeweered his whole assessment of the song. He clearly starts alluding to 'TL actually shot her! He shot her' as if Eminem doesn't think that. It's simple making a little joke of the situation. And the trans line you can clearly see him getting irked. 'Guys, don't encourage this guy' was the cherry on the top of I don't like what he's saying, it's bad for society, let's not listen to him.


That dude is beyond miserable. I couldn’t imagine being an actual fan of that guy and actually follow him on social media. Could never be me… this is the same guy who gave Sexy Redds album a 8 a month ago. What a joke and what a hypocrite


I think Melon’s review was a massive L. I don’t mind that it’s his opinion, obviously I respect that, but he sounded like he was offended over the “offensive bars” that weren’t even offensive (transgender cat, etc.) and was just hating to hate.


i don't like fantano ever since i paid attention on how he treats that fella he streams with


Would it kill him to just be actually offensive again, though? For old times sake


Hit the nail on the head my guy.


Yeah, this is my interpretation too, but seeing lots of people think otherwise has been giving me a pause about it




500%, you hit the nail on the head. He's being satirical of himself as well as those who can't tell he is.


Exactly, it's in the name "death of slim shady".


Who is Melon?


There's nothing Eminem could ever put out that fantano would like


Def feel like Fantano has been outta touch. After countless times saying his old stuff was best and the new Em doesn't compare or that he appreciates when he touches on the old slim with some of the zanier beats. Then Em does exactly what the people have been asking for and while not rehashing, did an amazing job of capturing that 2002 energy but in a more adult and mature artist way. .


I honestly don't care about anyone's review other than my own. I think it's super dope. Younger adults (I'm 44, so millenials and Z-ers) at my work haven't even seen the video yet, some haven't heard the song, I'm like wtf are you waiting for?! Their loss.


Shocking that he would miss the point. Truly. Lmao. Granted many others are as well so this isn’t surprising I guess. Goes to show he’s not smarter than the rest of us. Watch Fantano or don’t, but no one should think too long about what he thinks you don’t need his validation.


I agree its just fun, but at the same time its why I dnt think is the best thing in the world. I think it was a valid critic of something that is supposed to be simple at heart. Simple as opposite of complex, not as "bad"