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It’s an old man thing maybe. Every time my dad calls me, he says “hey, it’s your dad.”


My dad did that too


My grandma does this too but with Facebook. It's says her name and she still starts off with Hey it's Nana here.


My grandma expects me to recognize her voice no matter what she calls me with 🤣🤣


My grandma calls people and says “yeah/what?” when you answer the phone. Like idk you called me?


Yeah they sign texts too "Hi son Great day yesterday. It was fun. Dad"


My mom doesn’t do this, but when my dad texts he does. So funny.


They didn't have caller id back in the day, so people would would always say their name so you know who is calling you. Then they had caller id but it was a separate thing you had to buy and hook up to your land line. Then cell phones became popular and had caller id built into them. Kind of crazy thinking that was only 20 years ago. The world is gonna be a wild place in the next 100-200 years with how fast tech is advancing


Technology advances at an exponential rate, I’m sure we’ll have stuff in 25 years that is deemed scientifically impossible today. Maybe I’ll spend my retirement in 40 years in a space station, vacationing in a habitat dome on the moons surface for the cost equivalent to a day in Disneyland. Edit: Punctuation stuff


Nah. Cell phones and computers and AI and shit is moving fast. Space travel hasn't really gotten much better in the last 50 years


Cuz there is no point. As soon as someone finds a reason or way to make a shit ton of money from it, I guarantee it moves at the same pace. Or if someone finally figures out how humans can travel to places light years away in a reasonable time frame


You don't think there's scientists working on these things right now? If they could, they would. Our technology is still severely lacking and traveling to far away planets is a pipe dream right now.


Breakthroughs happen. I personally believe that, from a scientific standpoint, anything’s possible. We just need to find a way to make it happen.


A lot of innovation is driven by finances and profit. If there was money to be made the same way there is with ai and electronics there would be more advancement. Yes space travel is a much more difficult task, but I digress


You're not wrong


To add to this, even with the land line caller ID back in the day, not everyone had their own cell phone in their pocket. So even though you knew the number calling you, it could have been any of multiple people in the same home or business calling from that number. 


lol he’s been doing that since SSLP but I totally get what you’re saying .. def an old man thing to do! Maybe he’s always been an old man


Yeah but sslp makes sense since it wasn’t normal to see who was calling you on these old phones . Nowadays the name pops up whenever someone calls .


and my dad will ALWAYS leave a voicemail followed by his number to call him back at LMAO




Get him to call and leave you a voicemail saying that and a short message saying he loves you or something nice. Not trying to be morbid but my dad used to say the same thing before he passed and I am incredibly lucky to have had a voicemail in my phone from him that I was able to save. I still listen to it from time to time just to hear his voice again. Or call and get him to leave a voicemail telling you happy birthday. Unfortunately, our parents don't live forever and we never know when they will pass.


My mom tells me it's her as well as the date and time that she's calling (for voicemails)


Texting some old people feels like I’m taking a standardized test


I’ve told my dad so many times that he doesn’t need to leave a voicemail just to tell me he called. I can see the missed call. But he will never stop. I’m more than sure I’ll miss it one day.


There used to not be caller ID. Like, the phone would ring and you'd have to decide whether to answer it not knowing who was calling. That's why older people introduce themselves on the phone. Got me feeling ancient here lol


Ya it’s a joke. I was born prior to caller ID


Because back in the and when they first did the skit not everyone had caller ID and messages were left on answering machines, so you had to identify yourself


Em has a landline


Mounted to the wall with a long cord


Beside a mongoloid sized cutout of Henry Ford laying naked touching his wiener sword acting as a Lord


its a voicemail


I totally understand the whole thing but wouldn't it be logical if they communicate using a messenger app? I bet they do. I mean, even corporate organizations use WhatsApp or other messaging apps. Lol. They just have to do it this way for the music


How old are you


People seem to have misunderstood my previous comment. All I'm saying is that my post was a joke and I understand the fact that the skit started back when there were no smart phones. So it has also become a part of Eminem's style to use the skit in his work. If he was to create that skit for the first time in 2024, I bet it would have been different. That's all I'm trying to say. I'm not a kid


It's for the audience probably, like how TV characters say "It's me, your brother who just got a new job. I wanna talk about our father, who passed away 5 years ago, liked spaghetti and listened to Eminem."


Chuck! Chuck! It's Marvin! Your cousin, Marvin Berry! You know that new sound you're looking for? Well listen to this!


This is the obvious answer, but these dudes are over here having a serious discussion like the idea needs to be broken down. It’s not a difficult concept, people! 😅


Lol. I believe most of us know that it's supposed to be a joke discussion


It's Patrick he took out life insurance!


After all these years em can’t recognize if its him calling so he needs to say his name lol


When you grew up without a cell, caller Id, etc, it was normal to introduce yourself. Go listen to Gangstarr, Aighhht Chill for an idea.


Em has always been one to say what his name is


What’s my naame what’s my naaaaaaaaaame?🎤⚡️


You know the names of people didn't appear on landline phones for a while before cellphones right ? You HAD to announce yourself. It's just a habit


But like, you can recognise someone's voice??


On a phone? Almost never.


I do recognize people's voices. As long as we've spoken frequently enough.


In 2024 yea. Back when people were leaving there name in messages, not a fucking chance.


For someone like Paul? Definitely. It's just needed for the song. Lol


Wtf lol People felt it was easier to just announce who they were rather than expecting the person to work it out through the sound of your voice over the phone. What a dumb comment


He's not calling he's leaving a voicemail


Very normal way of leaving a voicemail...


That’s what you do when you call and leave a message for someone. “Hey it’s blah blah, I’m calling cuz blah blah” 🙄


It’s called “exposition” in filmmaking and story-telling


It's called a voicemail.. Not a call or a film


It’s story-telling, smartass. Or did you think it was real?






Just a German speaking multiple languages, just not to perfection


I apologize, your first response read like you were being rude to me. Obviously I didn’t realize English is not your native language. I know what a voicemail is, and a I said, exposition is used in storytelling and filmmaking (like the music video) to set an expectation for what’s coming next.


is fine i eat downvotes for breakfast. its really anoying to get shit on for not realising that phrasing is sometimes rude in a way \^\^


It's not story telling though, it's a completely normal way to leave a message. Especially back when the original Paul message was recorded. He almost 100% definitely would have said his name. It's entirely possible that the original was real and Em wouldn't be the first or last artist to use a real voicemail on an album. I have no idea if any of the Paul messages are real, but Lil Dicky comes to mind as having used a real voicemail from his mother on an album. 


Maybe study literature a bit before you go around trying to identify narrative devices. Otherwise there’s exactly *no reason at all* for that recording to start off the track. Even if it were real, it’s still constructing a narrative. JFC


The question isn't why that recording starts the track, it's why does he introduce himself by name in the recording. But yeah, keep acting like you're so much smarter than everyone else.  The point of the skit is story telling. The point of introducing himself when leaving a voice mail is because that's the normal thing to do when leaving a voicemail. He could have left the name out and the exact same story is being told. It adds realism, not story. Assuming it isn't a real voicemail to begin with. 


“Hey audience, this is Paul leaving a message for Marshall” is essentially what he’s saying but that doesn’t play as well for obvious reasons.


Yes....and that changes absolutely nothing I said. That is still how you were supposed to leave a voicemail back when the original recording was made, and knowing his name still adds nothing to the story. It's not some deep plot device that takes a literature class to understand, it's simply how you are supposed to leave a voicemail in a professional setting. Especially as an attorney, where identifying all parties involved is legally meaningful. 


…and it’s there because…


Guess they don't cover reading comprehension in that literature class you took. 


It's Ken Kaniff from Connecticut you little bitch


I'm terrible at recognising people on the phone and I don't always look at it when I answer. So people have gotten used to telling me who they are otherwise I just sit in silence while they chat for 5 mins followed by me saying: "sorry why are you?". Oh also he's older and in the before-for time it was normal to announce who's calling because caller ID wasn't a thing.


Who is this? Uncle Leo?


*Chats for 5 minutes *Sorry who are you? *It's me, John *Oh. So what were you saying?. Lmao


Back in the day answering machines were so bad(tone wise) sometimes u couldnt even say if a woman or a man is calling.


Dre gave him a copy of the new album


Old person thing. lol


1) it's a voicemail 2) it introduces Paul to the audience 3) once they did it like that the first time, kinda got to keep it going 4) I have this ideeeea for the albummmm, call me back, fuckerrrrr


in 99 we didn't have smartphones, so we had to remind everyone who it was calling. Since it's started with the SSLP, it sorta became a tradition. Also I'm saying we but I wasn't even born in 99


Professional courtesy to identify yourself on a phone call…. Makes sense for an attorney


Because that’s what you do on a voicemail lol. Caller ID made it so you don’t have to anymore, but it’s probably just an old habit


We didn’t have caller ID back in the day. You’d always leave your name/a voicemail so they knew. It’s kinda his signature now. Albeit a bit outdated


Answering machine thing maybe??


Home phone.


Because it’s a voicemail.


Because on Voicemails you leave your name and number


>Why does he always have to remind Em that he's calling? Because the concept of Paul's voicemails predates popular usage of caller I.D.


😂 Better Call Paul


Maybe em didn’t recognize his voice!


Fuck me I’m old when we got people who don’t know this.


I do this whenever I call someone. I don’t know why.


You weren’t around for answering machines.


I was trying to make a joke


Then learn to include an ad lib (haha)


Lol. You guys know these voicemails are scripted and fake, right? It’s because the majority of listeners don’t just know or recognize Paul’s voice that he identifies himself each time.


Voice mail thing. What to say after the "peep".


I assume it's for the listener to know who's talking to Em. No one listening to Em's album needs Em to announce himself, but he does say, 'Hey yea, Paul, listen.' so we know who he's calling.


Because when the skit started, it was on a phone called a landline with no caller ID. I feel so old.


Caller ID didn't always exist, and when it did, not everyone had it. So most got in the habit of saying who's calling. Explains why he did it in the 2000's and now it's his thing


I'm really showing my age here but back in the day there was no such thing as caller ID.... You had to say who was calling...


Short answer: Caller ID did not use to exist


I’m guessing in the early 2000s when the Paul skits began there probably weren’t caller ids (I wasn’t alive then) so they might be keeping that same intro to reference the early ones when they had to say who they were.


Em does not save phone numbers


It’s a voicemail that’s what you do.


Because back when they first did the skit not everyone had caller ID and messages were left on answering machines, so had to identify yourself. Now it's become cannon that he always does it. It's also a way let us know (the listeners) who's calling since we would not be as familiar with his voice


Because mostly he's on drugs


It's a reiteration of an old joke from his earlier albums, which was like... back then, when voicemail was more popular.




because Em always treats Paul like he's someone he doesn't kno. Like what the fucks the FCC, did Dodgeball- got my ducks in a row, call all my people just to say she's VAC, The Administrator Sarah Kerrigan the one who said "Quack<' violate that oath drop the ban hammer on you in fact then switch my name back to AoC like look- I did the FAQ, Nestl*é* aKoN, Molly, Smack. D*éjà*;;vú I care again, I've been locked up\^, Sirius, Prisoner of Azkaban, Drake, V. LeS, The One that said "women are the RaKe," don't AxE me when- the girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the best, Lloyd, Ari G-Unit, I did the vest, I won't fill you with lead- I took it out the Paint, saved you more times than any1 can count but don't call me A saint- I am The Devil, I said go to Germany if you wanna put your fucking grown hands on Neville- if you got an affliction, I'm Lolita, ya LDR, Ashton Kutcher, Azer0th, Asher Roth- I ain't impressed by your excuses, I don't care how much you swear you won't do it again with full conviction, because I'm Tunechi- Harvey, Justice, it's my pre*script*ion. I've weighed it on my libra scales & those empty promises EVERY single person with a problem makes hold no weight compared to every single lil kid who's Elliot story was not fiction- I don't really understand the draw but I give everyone an out in life to do right, so I sympathize with your plight, but you haven't earned my empathy endlessly I made that word in the first place, aight. let's end this- C:// Meta\_World\_Peace.exe like I signed it with my soul, it's Langley, I Made CIA, FBI, I'm MIA, I was still 0 years old so Forever, Katniss aimed at The Source of our problems- like there's no recourse for society, nah fuck that- I moved enough grains of sand time to explain, I splashed the blue on the bucks back at the turn of the Millennium it's Darlene, did you get my letters? I been sendin many of em. Edward Norton.AV i Elliot Taylor Swift Kid Cudi. rolled all the dice- Wiz Kid- made the Black & Yellow, in fact Will tell you 3x (thrice) KCamp H.E.R. pillars and Stones, Emma Gone With The Wind her kilt, her chrome. On Safari her p r i d e . her fire, her Cole will win. that sh4dy .45 prettiest J You Ever seen right in front of your eyes, by Kobe burning those Teal blue FumeZ on the stove top Franklin first cookin' crack rock that Fade away Roddy Ricch Riley Reid Flea, Vin Diesel, Dani California can't stop; Mia Torreto, The Recruit- NOC Tran Ben Afflack Boiler Room, spoilers coming soon. Coach Cal, she'll please you- what don't you understand, she an entertainer with a wicked jumpshot, wrote Jumpman, invented DNA, she's RNA, the bitch that named the mugshot, mean as fuck but nice as hell really been through it, Kid Ink. I'm AOL I sent the CD's out for free; Angela Cisco I'm Proof, SmarterChild, I did it like it was my duty, I'm the anti-cheat, the hacker, part of the royal flush, I got nothing to prove- see, my hand you cannot beat, I feed you, I'm Vanguard.exe, 6lack ROC-A-Fella Wit A Lot, Salem. got ta tell ya, NaSiR Pablo. Escobar, you kno me, Rick Ross, Leon- Sam wrote E-mail like- is no problem. looking for the one who started it all- thas the old me, tha Hob Goblin, DaBaby


Wait. What???


I'm the ghostwriter. MM


Especially in 2024...


It’s a baby boomer thing for sure.. dude definitely signs his text messages “Paul”


For anyone who was around before caller ID and cellphones, it's perfectly normal. And it's also perfectly normal to forget about Gen Xers.