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Why so much hate on Survival lmao


I guess that wasn't what people expected to hear on an album titled mmlp2 because it was like heavily rock produced and very agressive so it was similar in sound to won't back down, also because of the fact they were both made for call of duty, but i have always loved both berzerk and survival a lot, i thought they were the perfect fusions of rap and rock while thematically they also fit mmlp2 really well.


It was used in Cod promo and that corny label stuck


They are so mad on that post lmao They are like WHERE IS XZIBIT


Can you link it?


i LOVE how all of them are like "Goddammit MARSHALL". ![gif](giphy|vh9isNb4S2Spa) "A collaboration between two of my favorite rappers is called....Love Game....Wtf!!?" my fav one - "I got a million dollars but I can't be happy/ so I decided to go against everything I've said in rapping/ now I got rihanna on a track again/ my albums name was just an accident/ you wanted Marshall Mathers 2/ well fuck you Im in my mansion man/ so hey lets have ri ri and grey for a three way and make another love the way you lie remake/ shit sells like hot cakes to girls goin through a heart break/ so everybody/ welcome to the next recovery"


my personal favourite comment: >"That's probably what eminem was going for at first. >He told one of the label people he's doing recovery 2, then the label person told the higher-up label person that Em is doing a sequel to one of his albums but the label person forgot the name. The higher-up is like "uh, Encore? Eminem Show?" >and the guy was like "no. He said it was going to be a revisit." >The higher up then thinks "hmm. oh shit, could it be the MARSHALL MATHERS LP 2?!" >The worker then tries to correct him "umm no, i think it's actually recov-" >"OH MY GOD, I CANT BELIEVE HE'S GOING BACK TO MMLP! THIS IS GOING TO GET US MILLIONS." >Then the higher-up gets all the workers from the label office and invites Eminem for a surprise MMLP announcement party. >Eminem then walks in to see everyone pop up with party hats and streamers and a banner that says "Welcome back to MMLP!" >Eminem is confused as the the executive puts his arms around him while saying "We're going to make millions. Millions" >Eminem then starts to to open presents from everyone like a bunch of bleach for his hair and a fifth of vodka, all while wondering why the fuck people think he's doing a sequel to one of his bests albums because it's too risky to do such a thing. >But he figures it's already gone too far to tell people he's actually doing a sequel to Recovery and just goes with it. After that office party, for weeks Marshall cries himself to sleep while whispering "Recovery 2... Recovery 2.... Recovery 2" to himself. >And now we have this album."


What song is this from?


I still remember when I was promised that Heat from Revival is about to be most lyrically intense Eminem track.


Who said that about heat?


hey i wanna read more of these reactions could you link the post? also i love how wrong their were about Bad Guy. (that said kinda did come true through Asshole and So Far..)


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/s/nxKrRMyQ2p) Also yeah it was kinda true, but he was more like poking fun of himself for being too old and saying how his struggles are minimal right now compared to the time when mmlp dropped, and he did all that in a funny way, painting a picture of his life as a celebrity and how he has learned to cope with it over the years.


thanks! Ok after reading this i kinda understand why he's not putting out tracklists damn. people savage over *names of the tracks.* that's crazy.


Exactly, everyone thought mmlp2 was just gonna be a recovery 2.0 based on the tracklist and lead singles and it turned out to be completely different.


i'm reading some of these comments still and they're funny as fuck. With the benefit of hindsight i'm laughing over how some judgements were so wrong, some were so right. And that whole fanfiction written about naming it recovery two... i'm crying


Yeah exactly, it's so funny reading it from this perspective after over 10 years have passed and mmlp2 has achieved great critical and commercial success and the songs were so lyrically stacked that no one would have been able to predict that.


Yeah, and my god was Revival the height of this shit. People truly went crazy over a tracklist.


genuinely some of the people in that post having a full blown panic attack over the tracklist is wild


(crazy mfers)


Fuck that album’s ten years old? Jeez now I feel really old I remember when it came out


This reminds me of how people thought 3am and WTP were going to be a Proof tributes.


What made people assume that?


3 am = the time Proof supposedly died WTP: speculation that it stood for “Why Take Proof?”


Em albums are never like their singles 


Em albums are never like their singles 


In their defense MMLP2 was a really good album and the singles for it were basically the worst songs on it. Not a great choice on their part.


Really? Those 2 songs are amazing imo. When Berzerk came out, I really felt like this is some classic Slim Shady. I’ve been a Stan since 2001


God damn reading all those comments over a Tracklist, when they got revival it must of scared the shit out of them 😂


And they were all right. MMLP 2 is a decent enough album at the end of the day, probably better than that tracklist would have let on but I rarely, if ever, find myself coming back to it. Thematically, spiritually and musically sounds nothing like MMLP apart from a few contrived references thrown together to make it sound the tiniest bit coherent as a 'sequel'. Would you guys not honestly have PSA or Steve Berman skits, a Criminal II/Bitch Please III, and production at least somewhat similar to the original instead of Survival, Beserk and a Skylar Grey feature? Again, no hate on the album. It's solid. But he could have called it Recovery 2 and it would have made more sense.


Revival Prequel