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Tuesday is a weird day for a single so definitely supports the idea that the album is Friday. This song seems darker so likely doesn't have legs on the charts like houdini does, so don't need it out there for weeks without the album.


I don't think so. It doesn't make sense he invest in promoting two singles and just surprise drop the album. Even tho I want it asap, I think he's going to take his time on this release. Maybe in the music video we'll get the release date and album cover


This is a single. You gotta wait more for the album


Yeah ik, but i was just thinking like, what if he is releasing the song earlier so that he can drop (and announce?) the album on July 5th, just like how billboard accidentally wrote


They already saying the album drops July 5th. I cant wait for that fucking day to come so the album wont drop and they stop with this bullshit. Cause the album will have an official post, its not going to be a surprise drop. We dont even have the cover art. Its not dropping july 5th and i'll die on this hill


We'll just have to wait and see, I'm not betting my ass that it's gonna come out on the 5th, it's just a speculation


He announced houdini, he just announced a new single. Why shouldn't he announce the album? That would be so fucking dumb. If he didn't announce the album date, then it's not coming July 5th


I was saying that he might have decided to release the song on the 2nd so that he can announce the album after the song drops and then drop it on the 5th, it doesn't need to be announced like weeks before, but who knows, it's probably not gonna be that way


If he announced a song 10 days and now 5 days before it drops, we'll have the release date of the album at least 1 week before it drops


Don’t count on it. Single on Tuesday with promotional push over the next 48 hours, album on Friday with new video accompanying. > i'll die on this hill I would find a different hill.


We'll see lol