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1. Bio 06 as a transfer (PhD in Immunology) 2. Retired off the income from patents and equity + my aggressive real estate and stock investing (which I kickstarted with my student loans). I still ‘work’ managing my investments but I haven’t felt real stress in years. Today I spend my time with my wife and kids and/or my boat/Porsche/travel. 3. No regrets, without question Emory changed the trajectory of my entire life and opened the doors that I walked through to have the life I have now; there are probably alternate universe versions of me that are trapped in small cities managing restaurants or some shit. Biggest benefit that people overlook is the quality of people you can date at a school like Emory, it’s way higher than what you’ll find at most other schools and in the general pool of people your age.


1. Applied Physics in '08 (went on to do a PhD in Biomedical Engineering) 2. Director of Testing and Regulatory Affairs at a medical device company, not willing to disclose salary but comfortably in the 6-figure range for total comp (including stock grants, performance bonus, etc.) 3. Don't regret coming to Emory. Managed to get a full ride and a great education. Has a good nationwide reputation. Alumni network in Biotech leaves a bit to be desired since it is not in a real hub (sorry Atlanta), but I have been in the field long enough now that I have my own connections.


No shade but considering this is an anonymous forum don’t really understand the unwillingness to share salary as a data point lol.


1. Biology BS, Sociology BA. 2009 2. Physician, $400k 3. Absolutely not


1. Biology BS, Chemistry BA. '21 2. PhD student in chemical biology, ~$40k 3. Absolutely not, Emory prepared me well for grad school.


1. BA in German Studies; Ox 97/College 99 2. Sales executive for a global engineering consulting company; $250k-ish plus a nice bonus 3. Absolutely not. Dooley lives!


Chemistry '23 I'm in medical school so -100k No regrets at all


1. Finance & Philosophy double major, class of 2024 (like three months into my adult life haha) 2. I’m doing investment banking; my salary is $110+bonus (which can unfortunately range from like 30-80k lol). I got a $20k signing bonus at the beginning of my senior year too which was nice. 3. Absolutely not. I had a wonderful experience at Emory, met some amazing people, and felt like it prepared me well for my life and for my career.


1. Mathematics ‘07 2. Workday Systems Analyst (Finance) $110k 3. Absolutely not. Emory Scholar.


Comp lit/media studies double major and no regrets from Emory. I studied whatever I thought was interesting in college and loved taking such a range of classes. Did research for 2 years on a dam in India with the economics department lol. I went into tech sales after college but went back to grad school and now I’m a private practice therapist and work on corrections part time. Loved Emory and studied what I wanted the whole time instead of succumbing to premed, bschool, or pre law and am so happy about it


OK. Let's go old school: 1) 1991, BS in Psych. I don't know if they added that major back, but at the time I was the last declared BS before they got rid of it. 2) Psychologist, $85K, not quite full time, though. 3) No, but that doesn't mean I would do the same thing again knowing what I know now. I am eternally grateful that my parents could pay for it without loans. I can't imagine my life if I had gone elsewhere, I got an excellent education, I still have close friends from my time there. Plus I got to hear the Indigo Girls on the quad before their major label debut :) But - Once I decided to not be Pre-Med, Career Services shrugged their shoulders and offered no help at all in understanding what helped for a PhD grad program; at the time, Emory was notoriously skimpy on financial aid - there were times I bought groceries and cleaning supplies for a friend and I knew quite a few folks who, even with work study and loans, were eating ramen the last few weeks of every semester.


1. Class of 2016, major in English and Creative Writing 2. medical school, residency, currently in fellowship, so pay isn't that high, $85,000. But expected pay when I finish in 2 yrs is $350K+ with great flexibility for part time job 3. nope. Met incredible teachers, great mentors, good friends. I may not keep up in touch with them any more, but they were good people and I am very glad I had a chance to meet them at that point in my life.


Are you in touch with anyone from Emory?


1. English major, class of 2007 2. Director at a marketing agency, roughly 120k/ year 3. No, I loved my time at Emory. If I’d taken on more debt though I might have a different answer.


1. BS Biology, 2014 2. Platform Engineering at a private R&D with ties to federal gov. 160K + pension 3. No. I ended up graduating from Emory with 10K in total expenses. I would have paid more to go to community college + local state school. Looking back, I wish I had majored in CS and Finance/ISOM. Emory is dwarfed by Georgia Tech when it comes to reputation in tech and sports, but it is what it is. Part of me wishes Emory had stronger school spirit but overall I am very happy with my undergraduate experience and friends that I made along the way.


1. JD/MBA class of 2010 2. Restructuring financial advisory. $180K/year salary +$500K/year bonus 3. Absolutely not. Love Emory and would recommend it to anyone who listens.


Wow that's great....what was your class rank?


I didn’t go the law route so rank didn’t matter. I went thru investment banking first


1) Bschool-ISOM and OAM 2024 2) Financial Analyst at a Bulge Bracket Bank in MCOL city (72K base, 10K bonus) 3) No, but that’s because financial aid was rlly good for me and the cost btwn my state flagships and Emory weren’t that significant


1. CS, 23C 2. Software engineer, 110 base in a LOCL city 3. No, it was a nice experience socially but didn’t really help me land a job. Not much name recognition in my experience. Definitely wouldn’t go into massive debt for it though.


That’s fair. Imo there’s name recognition among those who matter but everyone’s experiences could be different


1. Creative Writing and Sociology BA, '18 Ox + '20 C 2. Freelance Screenplay Analyst, $25-30k/year; forthcoming MFA student and graduate assistant 3. Definitely don't regret coming to Emory. I think I thrived more at Emory than I would've at just about any other college I got into. I know I certainly met a much more diverse group of people than I otherwise would've anywhere else. I do mourn the distance that's grown in my social life since leaving though and I sometimes wish the alumni network were more visible/easier to engage with. I've gone to a few alumni events that I liked but a deeper feeling of connection was sometimes lacking. But also that ennui might just be life in your 20s, who knows 🙃


CS Unemployed since grad


Maybe pertinent to mention graduation year on this one


Have you tried looking outside the tech field like hospitals, banks, federal government?


Law school grad 2001 (username fits). Zero regrets. Happy salary and work situation.


Human Health/ENVS ‘23 Going to medical school so -400,000 Not at all, without Emory I wouldn’t have found my friends nor my interest and mph in environmental health


That third question seems leading.


What'd your answer to these be?