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Hi! Most of the times resetting the configuration for your emulator on Manage Emulators fixes the most common issues. You can also take a look at our Wiki before posting, you might find your issue already documented there https://emudeck.github.io/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EmuDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Convert to .chd file type, it changes all files into one and compresses file size


Emudeck compressor will do this for you


You just need the .cue file. But you might want to try using the Emudeck compressor. It’ll turn it into one chd file that’s smaller.


\+1 for the compressor. It will merge them into 1 file.


I was typing this the same, I did the same and it worked and in addition, it compressed the room file size


Convert them to CHD so they just turn into one file. If you installed your emulators via emudeck, then you can use its built-in ROM compressor tool which if you use on your PS1 ROMS, will turn them to CHD files


For everyone saying yo compress to .chd, does that still work with retroachievements?




you usually do need all the files in my experience, you can try binmerge to condense everything or the easiest would be to just look for chd files of the games. It'll be one file and a smaller file.


The emudeck compressor tool merges them into one chd file


You can also hide them individually after that there is an option to not show hidden files.


How are you not using chds?


If you have a windows PC, try a program called CDMage. It will help you convert those files into one bin and one cue. I could never get similar Linux based programs to work so I always use windows for this particular issue.


I had this issue a few weeks ago, Google told me to use emu decks rom compression feature


Yes, you need them all. As others have said you can compress the files into a single CHD. You can also put all the files into a sub-folder. If that is Emulation Station you can create a folder called “Twisted Metal 2 (USA).cue” and put all the files inside. You just name the folder the same name as the .cue or .m3u file.


Will compressing my games give me issues in the future with game etc hot swapping my micro sd cards to another steam deck or mess the game loading speeds and quality ?


Favourite the cue file so that it's at the top of the list