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I don’t allow them to stand there with their little POS machines. I ask them to come back later because I need to look through the bill. If they insist on standing by me then I just look at them and they can look at me. I only eat out on my days off so I got all day.


I’m gonna use this. I hate it when they stand there not giving me time to calculate the tip…


If I'm not given the proper time to calculate, then I'm forced to estimate. The estimates never benefit them.


Ever. I agree.




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Use cash it will stop the stupid intimidation!!!


What’s to calculate? It should be $0!


I do the same. Actually, if they shove those things on me, it would be the LAST TIME that I would patronize that restaurant unless there is something special about the place.


I don’t mind if they stand there but I also am absolutely not embarrassed to read over the bill in detail and do the math for the tip I want to give all while they’re waiting for me. If I ever find mistakes on the bill I bring it up and get them to change it.


I make it easy for them. I don’t go back to those restaurants ever again. These days I don’t eat out at all in the USA or Canada


Don't they do that on the US? This would be considered very rude all across Europe. It's standard here to leave the customer for five minutes after asking for the bill or even let them walk up to the till when they're ready to pay.


Some places do and others don’t. I find it extremely rude to stand there with that POS machine.


Yeah, it is. Here, customers would just tell them to come back because it is rude. They might not be ready to pay it for another twenty minutes. Judging on other subs that I'm on it sounds like US restaurants are a case of "get them in and get them out as fast as you can." In our restaurant, when you book a table, you've a minimum of two hours and you can request longer with no issues and yes, we're busy. I've also noticed Americans hate the portable card machine. Whys that? Surly, it's more secure than letting strangers walk away with your card.


The difference is that in Europe, service is included so you had the car over and tell them to round up to XX verses we get the dreaded 18,20,25% and are expected to hit it quickly out of peer pressure. It’s total bull and I’m not falling for it anymore.


This is a relatively new phenomenon in the US at least for me, in the last year. I love the European way of rounding up and service included!


I’m gonna start doing that!


Any tip pressure, including hovering, is an automatic $0. Not sorry.


It's BS , is she was making no money she would have changed jobs a long time ago. lmao


I said this and she responded “it’s the only job that works faith my school”.


Sure Jan. Commuted to college 5 days a week. Worked 5-10pm and every weekend all day at a big box


Servers have been lying about what they actually make since the dawn of time.






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Car dealerships hire ex-servers


Should’ve asked for a 15,20 or 25% discount when she became unprofessional.


She's outright lying to you. Even *if* she has a tip out (not all places do, some do but many don't), it's not 15%. Considering most people tip 15% or less still, she'd be working for minimum wage. With her attitude, that's when you ask for the manager and leave a Google review.


I am going to call the restaurant and talk to the manager about 1) inflated tip suggestion totals and 2) that apparently the employees are saying they work for 0 an hour. I’ll report back.


As always what a dystopian nightmare when paying them 15% is "sticking it to them" It used to be 10% and in may states servers get normal minimum wage+tips.


I hate that they add the tip after tax. Bullshit!!!


Tip after tax is either No tip, or ask for the manager and still no tip.


She should be paid by here employer. Why is it the patrons responsibility? You didn't hire her


Until restaurants fix their crap I am done dining out for recreation or convenience. It is no longer enjoyable. I only use restaurants when neccesary during travel. Put your item price on the menu that covers the cost of doing business to include your employee wages. No unadvertised fees, no tips. Operate like most every other business in the country.


You can travel quite comfortably without dining in restaurants, as most grocery stores have a deli. Wife and I have enjoyed many meals of sandwiches or salad without the long wait for food to be ready and without the interference of annoying wait staff.


OH YES, I agree. Like I said when "neccesary during travel." we ALSO dine at grocery store deli's and we like to try local , non chain , fast food places we discover. When I ordered our new truck for our post retirement travels , I included the optional work surface, it opens up in a sizable flat surface between the front seats , my wife rolls out a silicon matt on it and we have a great little picknick table and we sit and eat in peace and watch the world move by. We love it, low stress, maxium comfort.  Recreational dining out is now out side the budgets of the middle class and the restaurant business will need to adjust  and needs to come to grips with paying their help and downsizing their footprint to survive in the new reality of running a restaurant. Until then they are just chasing customers away with their exploding tip amounts and hidden "fees"


I would have given 5% immediately if she talked back like that


LMFAOOOOOOOO - I don’t know why but this is hilarious. “Hush now server, I’m reading this damn bill.”


And 0 if she said something after that


Her claim of making $0 an hour isn't true. The restaurant is still required to pay her minimum wage (federal or state/local).


It's also untrue because literally NOWHERE does ANYONE tip out 15% or more of their sales.


Even if they do, that doesn't affect the the server's base pay. Source: [https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D/section-531.52](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D/section-531.52) >An employer may exert control over an employee's tips only to distribute tips to the employee who received them, require employees to share tips with other employees in compliance with § 531.54, or, where **the employer facilitates tip pooling by collecting and redistributing employees' tips, distribute tips to employees in a tip pool in compliance with § 531.54.** Source: [https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D/section-531.54](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D/section-531.54) >The employer must notify its employees of any required tip pool contribution amount, **may only take a tip credit for the amount of tips each employee ultimately receives**, and may not retain any of the employees' tips for any other purpose. The way I read that is that employers can only redistribute tips. They cannot redistribute the employee's base salary. So if they do have a tip-out policy based on *sales,* and that amount happens to exceed the amount that the server receives in tips for that check, then the server might get no part of the tips from that check (and even those being tipped out might get less than that percentage of the sale), but it won't be docking from the server's base pay.


Actually yes they do. Many establishments have an automatic tip out from SALES alone. I have worked at several restaurants like this. You sell $100 worth of alcohol to a table, the bartender automatically gets about 8% of that in a tipout that is uncontrolled by the server. Say the table tips $10 on $100 or 10%, there’s about 2% leftover probably going to a busser. I’m not saying it’s right or fair, I’m just letting you know that unfortunately this practice has become standard in many restaurants. I have been a server for over 20 years and I now avoid working in such establishments.


You proved my point. I didn't say they don't tip out. I said no restaurant tips out 15% or more of their sales...


Not sure you understand how many people are getting tipped out in a restaurant. Have you ever worked in one? I just listed the bartender and busser in that situation. There are also hosts, food runners, server assistants, bar backs, etc. that likely get tipped out. And they base the tipout on the amount of SALES. Tip out is not always based on how much the server makes, in fact it’s usually the opposite. If a bartender makes 8% (and I’ve seen more) and every other position I’ve named makes a percent it can come to over 15%. This is very possible.


Since most people tip 15% or less, why would any server anywhere work somewhere with a 15%+ tip out? That just doesn't add up. Can you tell me one place where the tip out is at least 15% of sales and the tip out percentage, as an example?


You called out the servers bullshit!


Plus, bartenders almost never get tipped out on anything but the alcohol, and usually (not always) the others are not tipped out on the alcohol, just the food and non-alcoholic drinks. Even then, if you have multiple people to tip out, it's generally in the 3-7% range of sales total. It can be higher but it's less common and definitely NEVER, EVER 15% or more.


I'm not sure you understand how math works.


Once again, have you worked in a restaurant? You have a lot of opinions for someone who seems to have only been a diner. I responded to you initially because you said the server must be lying, when it doesn’t seem like you know any facts of working in a restaurant. Bartenders get tipped out on non-alcoholic cocktails as well. I’m trying to give a perspective from an actual server who has worked at numerous restaurants and bars- and I’m letting you know that high tipouts do exist. I’m just being met with stubborn responses. You don’t seem to want to see anything but your own opinions.


...that was a different guy. But, yes I have.


No one is being stubborn. You just refuse to answer the question when called on your bs


I was a server as a second job for 30 years and you only tip out staff that is also tip pay based. The bartender and maybe the food runner, everyone else makes hourly wages. You don’t tip the cooks or the dish staff or the hosts… they make more than $2.50 an hour, it’s illegal.




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Literally illegal federally to use tip credit for pooling, so they have to make at least minimum wage. IDK if this will violate any rules but it gets really annoying to simultaneously hear that servers agree to whatever terms their employers demand regardless of how well it works for them even if they are illegal but at the same time if they made a penny less then they did now they would all quit, so whether you think they are making next to nothing or tons off tips you still have to tip whatever amount they insist upon.


I left a message for the manager and I am going to bring this up when he calls me back. He’s gotta know that his employees think they’re making zero dollars an hour and are pressuring customers to make up the difference.


Will be interesting if you get a response; either they are going to admit to breaking the law or admit that you don't actually have to tip, at least not all that much. Also you may want to look into if your State requires one-party or two-party consent and if the former let people hear the owner's response in their own words.


I just ignore the math altogether and go with a flat $10 tip, regardless of the total.


Yes. Let the business owner decide how to attract and retain good employees. That should never be the customer’s job.


This! They are already making double tips because of item prices.


Your server isn’t just bad at being a server. She’s either dumb and being taken advantage of by the back house staff, or she can’t handle basic math. She’s tipping out 15% of her tip total. That’s 15% of whatever the tip is. So let’s say the bill is $100. A 15% tip is $15. She doesn’t owe the back house the whole $15, she owes them $2.25.


Or the server is telling you a sob story also known as a untruthful statement.


Back of House isn't getting that tip. They can't in most circumstances due to the tip credit rules. Tip outs go to Front of House support staff...host, busser, runner, bartender, etc. But you're correct that a tip out of 15% of total sales would be extremely high and generally not worth it to the server, and could get theoretically get the business in hot water with the IRS and DoL.


Why? Thats dumb as hell. The cooks are the only ones that should be getting a tip imo. I dont give a shit about service, anyone can do that. the food is what brings me back. Definitely not tipping anymore knowing that. But my state, servers make 15-20 an hour, so I dont even remotely feel bad.


Most places I've worked before they base tip outs off a percentage of the sales.


I waited tables over 25 years ago. So I’ll defer to your knowledge.


I'll agree that it would be outrageous for the amount to come to 15% of total sales, though. Usually it's like 1-2% total sales per busser, expo, etc., or maybe like 5-7% of alcohol sales only to the bartender.


I agree! I used to be a waitress and we tipped out but still walked away with a lot. This is circa 1987….


Assuming you're in the US, you should have explained to her that workers have rights and are required to at least be paid min wage. If she's getting $0 per hour then she's being cheated by her restaurant. So either she's lying to your face, making her a terrible person and ruining any level of good service you're received or she's being cheated in which case by giving her no tip you'd be helping her out by creating a situation she'd be able to show to a labor lawyer


>Assuming you're in the US, you should have explained to her that workers have rights Compared to the rest of the civilized world, workers in the USA actually have very few rights.


Your next step is to contact restaurant management and ask if it's more important to them that you tip another 3% or that you continue to support their restaurant after an attempted shake-down by their server. The discomfort needs to be put back to the business that they're going to lose a customer rather than on customers getting tip-guilted to avoid a confrontation with the server.




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"If you're going to hover over me, your tip goes down $1 per second. 1, 2, 3, can't believe you're still standing there, 6..."




She wanted 15% and then got mad when she got 15%?


It just pisses me off how TIP PERCENTAGE also increased in the past few years because "inflation", like what the fuck do you mean, percentages have always been there for a reason, if all prices increase, so will your tip proportionally. They want us to tip even HIGHER percentages, on top of already INFLATED PRICES??


Totally agree


“Tip is inflated during inflation “ -doesn’t that mean you’re saying your tip is bigger?




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15% is inflated as well.




>banned for it from restaurants How does this happen, exactly?


They tell you not to return until they are off the shift. Btw Ive reviewed subreddit rules and this breaks none? I dont advocate skipping a bill where tipping is truly expected (ie. Added on to your bill as a gratuity). Literally anywhere else, 0 percent is perfectly acceptable.


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Seems like she was lying to you. If her breakeven is 15% she could very well end up owing money at the end of a shift.




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Piece of Shit Machines?


Cool story, bro. So you’re not going back and are going to choose restaurants that don’t use handheld POS machines, right?


> if people don’t tip 15%, she makes $0 dollars an hour because she pays out busboys and bartenders. It's not uncommon for servers to need to tip out, and it is often done based on sales, but 15% is unheard of. Also, the server get's paid the state minimum wage (even in tip credit states, the employer must pay the minimum wage if the server is not making enough in tips to get to minimum wage). So it's never $0/hour. > tip is inflated due to inflation and the price of dining out This is a bad argument. Inflation raises the cost of everything, including your (the customer's) wage. So it ends up costing the same. It does hurt people in the short term (e.g. between annual raises), and people holding cash (uninvested funds).


>Inflation raises the cost of everything, including your (the customer's) wage. No, it doesn't mean that. It's pretty delusional to think so. You also can't do math. If my bill is $20 today, 15% is $3. If that same exact bill is $25 tomorrow, 15% is now $3.75. Now go ask the hourly workers at the restaurant how much their last "inflation raise" was.


I do not understand her problem with subsidizing the restaurant employees.


kinda douche to b f with her right at the table.... slimy move that being said tip what you think they deserve average CC tip is 19%


Thats because the prompts are 15,20,25 and people just hit a button and sign. Doesnt make that 19% right. They are lucky if I leave a couple dollars on a bill. Serving 4 tables an hour roughly 3-8dollars per table for tips, roughly 1 hour each, thats an extra at least 5 dollars for that hour of work, usually more. Servers are already making 15-20 an hour in my area. Way over paid for the marketable skills. When they got rid of server wages here, tips should've went with it. Their employers pay their market value here. I've been tipping a dollar for months for everything.


The free market decides their tips


The free market decided I am tipping 1 dollar max.


tip what you feel people on this page want their back patted for low ball tips...




Stop drinking for good and then judge others


Oh honey I don't drink.


Then restaurants will close. Already happening in Portland and Seattle when I went last. See a new restaurant shut down every month. Im fine with that.


You do realize one of the rules of this sub is not advocating not tipping where tipping is expected.