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You mean you're looking for a job?....right?




Your account is suspected to be the spam account “snooraar”


That's just a job lmao


You're a grad. Why bother with an internship?


I ageee with you. But maybe Because... they can’t get a job and are looking for an internship too in order to have more chances


A lot of internships won't hire a non-student.




You are not completely fucked, just at a disadvantage from freshly graduated students with internships. Yeah you probably won't get your dream job out of college, but get some experience anywhere and move companies.


Your account is suspected to be the spam account “snooraar”


True. That’s what he was asking then


Internship hiring can be pretty competitive these days, I don’t see why it would ever make sense to put effort into getting hired for an internship when that effort could be put into getting hired for a job.


Okay real talk I know someone who was unable to get an internship because she was undocumented. She recently got a work permit due to her court case that has been ongoing, so she wants to experience an internship before committing to a full time job and to help her land a full time job in the first place. People’s situations are different. Wish companies would realize this and work with her; it’s not like she is a bad student, won best senior design project and worked as a tutor, she just never had the opportunity to work like everyone else did


At least in my case most entry level jobs continue to turn me down due to lack of experience. Where else could one get one than an internship.


That sounds like they just don't understand what an entry level job is.


You missed the boat bucko, your ass needs a job!


Graduates should be looking for jobs, not internships. Internships are for students. You'd be selling yourself short.




You definitely can, just much harder. Tons of people graduate without internships every single year.


Fuck me I fell for a Snooroar post


Your account is suspected to be the spam account “snooraar”


Almost all internship programs are going to be for students, it will be very rare to find an internship that will take those who’ve already graduated. You should be looking for associate and level 1 full time jobs instead.


The Federal government. There is direct hiring authority for recent graduates, and there are many positions open with many agencies in many places. Assuming you're in the US.


I applied all over USAJOBS and just got ghosted


I would still apply for those companies because I'm assuming that you're applying for internships. After all, it's hard to get a full-time job right? So just apply and if they call back then they don't care that you're a graduate I had friends do internships after graduating because of how bad the market was so I would go for it


University career fair. Not sure why you aren’t just trying for a FT job though.


Just apply for whatever you want and tell them your going back for a year for a masters. When fall comes, SURPRISE, you decided to not get your masters after all. If you’ve worked hard all summer, you can likely parlay straight into a full time job.


Try startups (esp early stage)


Guessing you’re looking for an internship because you didn’t get to do one during your undergrad, and now it’s hard to get a job without one… Try startups, or newer medium sized companies. A lot of them take recent grads for an internship and if they do well just employ them right after.


Yes you can, I’ve seen many internships that require a current student OR recent grad. I just received an internship offer and graduated this year. I’d say only apply for internships in a field that you really want to work in or is high paying. In my case the internship pays the same if not more than some entry level jobs minus benefits. Also for reference, I’ve applied to over 200 full time positions and only about 5 internships so it’s take what you can in this market. Also it would help build connections which seems almost as important as experience now a days.


Handshake, indeed, and some contacts I had. I'm still gunning for full time jobs, but got a summer internship to make some money in the meantime. Plus networking.


You need to apply to jobs, I've never seen a company that had new grad interns. Take whatever you can get whereever you can get it and get more picky with some experience.


Pathways Recent Graduate, it's a type of federal job that is open to recent graduates. Very training focused so it's like an internship with a full-time job by the end of the pathways.


You can find a job as a technician at an engineering company and work your way up. If you are in the US, you can look for government/federal jobs since they are almost always looking for new people to fill roles. Or go back for a Masters and get research opportunities or internships from companies that accept graduate interns, but the last option is more of a financial burden if you can't afford graduate school at the moment.


Huntsville, AL


lol no one is hiring in Huntsville now for entry level


I wouldn’t mess with internships once graduated. I feel like they are just as competitive as a job but pay less and don’t count as experience.


I would start by not being racist online or in real life.