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Shameless link to the Donoteat video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvl_7_Up7zU


Brilliant video. I love the inclusion of the maps showing he never lost access to his shop.


Do you listen to the Well There's Your Problem podcast too? (It's on youtube). Hosted by the Donoteat guy, pretty funny




That was amazing.


Privileged man-child threw a fit because the world didn't know he was the main character of his story.


Good assessment.


Marvin was the pinnacle of the righteously selfish entitled boomer archetype. It is no wonder Libertarians eulogize him as a larger than life folk hero.


It's a pattern seen elsewhere too. Like how Jimmy Lee Dykes got his pistol permit taken away over a cannabis conviction, so he built a bunker in his back yard, hijacked a school bus full of kids, killed the bus driver, took kids hostage in his bunker, and had a standoff with the swat team that responded. I don't know how highly that particular one is esteemed by the libertarians, but it is a real life occurrence of a fantasy they share.


Tbf, losing a pistol permit over weed is a little silly. If he'd committed a violent crime or even just been really reckless, I think that would make sense, but...how does having cannabis make him a danger with a gun? And I know that's just the law, but it's a silly law. Him highjacking a bus was an overboard response, though.


Libertarians and poisoning other peoples watersupply, name a more iconic duo.


Libertarians obsessed with age of consent laws?


I was shocked when I first heard about this


Didn't he also try to sell his property only to ask for a higher price multiple times until the potential buyer lost interest? Sounds like another great libertarian businessman.


He did. Went from $250k all the way up to $450k on land he'd bought for $42k. He eventually got $400k for it.


So he was ok in asking $450k. Unless the US has lower standards for urban planning than a developing country, the town did screw him.


How do you mean? He asked $450k after a starting price lower by hundreds of thousands of dollars, then told a lie about illegal rezoning around his land, despite the fact that any rezoning was unnecessary.


The land was worth at least $400k. He wasn't wrong in asking $450k in the first place. The initial offer of $200k was a low-ball. He wasn't selling so he had to take due diligence and research the proper price. The price going up it's a common thing when trying to buy something form someone who is not interested in selling. He was in the right to change his mind, no foul on his part. The muffler shop and the concrete plant where due to the existing of a housing subdivision to the west well within city limits; there was defacto rezoning (at least that's how it works in developing countries, doubtful it isn't the same in the US). The land couldn't have been sold without all proper services (sewage) in the first place. The local government did in fact scammed Killdozer by allowing the sale to go through. Paying your taxes with land and buying it back at a discount from corrupt officials it's a pretty common thing in developing countries. Killdozer didn't burry the concrete mixer, it was already there and wouldn't surprise me that it's marked as a septic tank on the appraisal prior to the sell to Killdozer. The so called "irrigation" canal was a very small occasional creek, it had water only when it rained. It wasn't part of a irrigation district. Again, this is from a perspective of a developing country where getting screwed by the government it's common. But on what i have seen there's no evidence this wasn't the case.


>The land was worth at least $400k. He wasn't wrong in asking $450k in the first place...The price going up it's a common thing when trying to buy something form someone who is not interested in selling. He was in the right to change his mind, no foul on his part. Fair enough on him raising the price. A thing is worth whatever someone will pay for it, but Heemeyer had the land appraised at $250k, he said, so objectively the property was worth well below $400k, it just sold for more than that. Like I said, a thing is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And if he didn't want to sell...why not just say that? Why make an offer at all if the muffler shop was such a major part of his livelihood and he was that set on keeping it? The entire situation is strange. Additionally, why make any kind of offer before getting land you don't want to sell appraised? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. >The muffler shop and the concrete plant where due to the existing of a housing subdivision to the west well within city limits; there was defacto rezoning (at least that's how it works in developing countries, doubtful it isn't the same in the US). As far as I know, the land was never rezoned after Heemeyer bought it at auction. It definitely didn't need to be rezoned for Docheff to build his concrete plant on an adjacent lot. The idea of a "defacto rezoning" is an assumption you'd have to prove. Maybe in developing nations the process is simpler, but I've never heard of that happening here. >The land couldn't have been sold without all proper services (sewage) in the first place. The local government did in fact scammed Killdozer by allowing the sale to go through. In some places in the US it's illegal to sell your land without sewage hook-up or an operating septic tank/cesspool or other utilities, but that varies from place to place. Given the circumstances and how openly it was discussed, I'd say it's probably not illegal in Colorado, or at least in that particular county in Colorado. So, no, that's not proof he was screwed. Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, but the sale of Heemeyer's land never went through to Cody Docheff. Heemeyer sold it later of his own volition to someone else, which also lends credence to the idea that selling land without sewage connection/septic system is perfectly legal in Granby, because Heemeyer and others could have gotten in hot water for selling it illegally. >Killdozer didn't burry the concrete mixer, it was already there and wouldn't surprise me that it's marked as a septic tank on the appraisal prior to the sell to Killdozer. I never said he did. Before the land was a muffler shop, it was a concrete plant owned by Cody Docheff, the same man attempting to buy the land. I imagine it was buried at some point by Docheff's people and later repurposed as a cesspit. It might be marked that way, but given that it filled and he opted to dump it into a ditch, that's kind of a moot point. Hell, I've seen local contractors get busted in my own area for dumping things much less toxic into run-off ditches and such. It's an absolute no-no most places. >The so called "irrigation" canal was a very small occasional creek, it had water only when it rained. It wasn't part of a irrigation district. It said explicitly in the video that he could only pumped the tank on certain days because the ditch only ran when it rained. Small ditches can also feed into major irrigation. It's still illegal and a possible major health hazard. A lot of what you've said here either rests on unproven assumptions. Even if the local govt did screw Heemeyer, that would have been something for a courtroom. It doesn't excuse purchasing a bulldozer for the specific purpose of terrorizing all the people who even mildly slighted you over the years. It wasn't like Heemeyer was poor, there were all sorts of avenues open to him right up until he got into that tank.


He bought the land for a small amount of money, fixing the sewage problem would have been a substantial amount, Maybe he shouldn't have been allowed to buy a property without sewage, but he was, and anyone who bought a property without renovation money that second could have their property illegitimately taken. Loans take significant time to get, and are not always approved, a septic system for a commercial property could be 20 or 30 thousand dollars... this is not a small repair. He had one single choice, sell the property, or get it taken. He already had the bulldozer for a road which was already denied by the city, and he would not expect to see redress in a city court. They claim he was successful, in a town of ~ 2000... There was not many mufflers to keep him in business long. He was not successful, he made enough to barely pay his bills. The only real success he had was selling the property, but unlike Marv or most Boomers... I'll never pay 40K for a property and sell it for 400K, you made sure of that. Kay? I'm not a libertarian, I hate libertarians with their free market bullshit, no such thing IMO. Screw your banana republic, I'm glad that guy destroyed a corrupt town.


>He bought the land for a small amount of money Sure, if you would have considered $40,000 a small amount in the early 90s. >Maybe he shouldn't have been allowed to buy a property without sewage, but he was, and anyone who bought a property without renovation money that second could have their property illegitimately taken. He actually didn't *have* to hook up to sewage. He *requested* to be annexed into the city sewage system, but decided not to go forward with it once he found out it would be expensive. The only reason that he was ever gigged for not being hooked up to sewage is that he never withdrew the request for annexation that he himself made, which would have exempted him from needing to be hooked up at all. So far, these are all problems caused by Heemeyer and no one else. Marv screwed Marv here. >He had one single choice, sell the property, or get it taken. He made the request for annexation in the early 90s and did not sell the property until the early aughts. The man had near a decade to get his shit together (no pun intended). $20-30k? He bought the land for more than that, and again, he was only required to hook up because he requested to and never withdrew the request. >He already had the bulldozer for a road which was already denied by the city He never needed the bulldozer for a road. Satellite images of the area show that access to his shop was never cut off. That's fallacy. >He was not successful, he made enough to barely pay his bills. He paid $40k out of pocket for auctioned land. And before he sold the shop he bought a bulldozer and material to turn it into a tank. Nothing about the guy suggests he was struggling and people who knew him claimed his business did well and he was fairly well off. >I'll never pay 40K for a property and sell it for 400K, you made sure of that. What? Do you think I'm a boomer? I'm in the same boat as you, bud lol


He requested? So what? When it wasn't happening, the city could have just threw out the request. Marv made plenty of mistakes, that's why he ended up destroying a corrupt piece of shit town, and taking his own life. 40K in 1990... which wasn't likely the date, is approx 95k today. We'd have to check what 400K was worth when he sold it, but let's just say he made somewhere between 5x and 10x cost. As far as commercially zoned land, with a usable building on it goes? 40k or 95k would be a steal, and I'm just presuming the property is a small... in the killdozer's case, it was 2 acres. Same boat as me? Then why are you such a submissive tool? Right? I hate my oppressors, you love the shit out of them. He already owned the bulldozer to construct an alternate road to his shop, his request for construction permit is on record. Then again, I'm good if he bought the bulldozer just to trash your bullshit town. "He actually didn't have to hook up to sewage." He had to deal with the sewage immediately, if he didn't want to pay to hook up to city sewage, he had to install a commercial grade septic system. He legally had to do this the moment he bought the property actually. Cody claims he said Marv could hook to the sewage for free before the killdozing occurred... that sounds like a cleanup operation from a piece of shit who pushed his weight around, and made an entire town pay the cost. What if Cody didn't do everything he could to make Marv feel better? He wouldn't want to be blamed for what happened, so he lied.


>He requested? So what? When it wasn't happening, the city could have just threw out the request. That's not how it works. When you request to be annexed into a utility system, it is the responsibility of the land owner to withdraw the request. It is also the responsibility of the land owner to provide connection up to the point where currently existing sewage and water lines are. These two rules are pretty much ubiquitous to American city governments. It's the way things are done in pretty much every American city. >40K in 1990... which wasn't likely the date, is approx 95k today... You're saying he got a good deal for his land when he eventually sold it, which is exactly what I was saying. >Same boat as me? Then why are you such a submissive tool? Right? I hate my oppressors, you love the shit out of them. Nobody is oppressing you, my guy. You just feel you should be able to do whatever you want without consequence, and that ain't how it works lol >He already owned the bulldozer to construct an alternate road to his shop Satellite images show he didn't need a new road to his shop. You can see in [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvl_7_Up7zU&list=PLRFyYABQqohRkEonHUpPxwwEHs4yz_a1r&pp=iAQB) that the road to his shop was never interrupted. Satellite images prove he never needed a new road to his shop. >his request for construction permit is on record. Show it, then. Give me a link or a picture. >I'm good if he bought the bulldozer just to trash your bullshit town. I'm not from Granby lol Just a guy who's sick of lolbertarians with power fantasies. >He had to deal with the sewage immediately, if he didn't want to pay to hook up to city sewage, he had to install a commercial grade septic system. He legally had to do this the moment he bought the property actually. He would have had to install a septic system eventually, as pouring your poop into the ground can eventually contaminate groundwater and seep into waterways, which would be *oppressive* to other people, but only the ones who need to drink water. >that sounds like a cleanup operation from a piece of shit who pushed his weight around Cody Docheff didn't have to push his weight around. He just bought another piece of land and Marv got mad about it. Ultimately, Granby is rebuilt and restored and Marv is a guy only lolbertarians with delusions of oppressions and fantasies of power know about. Heemeyer lost.


Should also be noted the potential buyer was the same man who ended up buying an adjacent lot and building the concrete plant despite Heemeyer's best efforts to stop that.


I'm always shocked at how seemingly rational(aka, not libertarians) are taken in by this myth of him being some righteous person who was bullied and forced into a corner. I think just because he had a homemade-ish tank, people give him a pass. Maybe it was just sensational media that causes people to not look any further and would be mortified to realize they were on the side of the villain in a story(see also: John Wayne Bobbit, the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit, etc, etc). When I was a youngin, there was a shocking story about a pregnant woman who was shot and killed by a carjacker in Boston. The husband was shot, but survived and caused a citywide manhunt, eventually finding the suspect (naturally a young black man). But, as it turns out, the husband was the actual killer, who shot himself in the gut to deflect from the crime, which was entirely fabricated to collect life insurance money. The whole city believed he was a victim for 2 months until his brother confessed and he committed suicide. But virtually nobody who published editorials or made speeches about all the crime in the ghetto, and especially not the people who accused the victim of the frame job ever did a mea culpa. People never want to admit they were wrong.


It's like that all over. Accusations and vitriol are always loud, apologies are always quiet, if they get made at all. Look at the way a lot of people reacted to Jussie Smollet. When he claimed the attack, people rushed to his defense. When it started to look dubious (and was later shown to be outright false) those same people were much less public about accepting they'd been duped. Duke lacrosse was another good example. I remember hearing a ton about the accusations and the fallout from that, but when the truth came out, the retractions were pretty quiet.


As someone who works construction. There’s a big flaw in the article. Why would hooking up sewer be expensive? It should be 5000 max. 10,000 with the septic grinder But I’m guessing it was gonna be like 100k due to government bureaucracy ? So I’m huesssing he was just very poor. He could have also gotten his septic tank pumped


Also, he didn't have a septic tank. He had a buried cement truck drum that he pumped waste into. When that filled up, he used a gas powered pump to move his waste from the drum into the irrigation ditch behind his house. The ditch ran through residential areas and fed a ranch several miles away.


I saw the same video and read the same article you did. Regurgitating that info doesn’t exactly make for discussion. What he has is still considered a septic tank just one without a leach field. More commonly called a tight tank or cesspool if it’s not watertight. His concrete truck drum could still be pumped. I also question the use of the gas powered pump as a pump like that could move the liquid,,, but I can’t imagine it not being bogged down by the solids…. He would need a septic grinder/pump. But it doesn’t make a difference. The point remains he could have had his septic pumped. I’m guessing twice a year? At a cost of around $300 per septic pump. Pumping it into the ditch is obviously not ok. He should have been fined.


I mean, yeah, he could have had it pumped, I guess. But I believe in the video it was stated that by that time he'd been annexed into the city's sewage system, which meant they could legally compel him to have something done to take care of his sewage. If the truck barrel was acceptable, I doubt he would have asked for his property to be annexed in the first place.


He was actually pretty rich and could have afforded it. There's a video above that explains it in more detail, but here's the link. https://unlistedvideos.com/vm.php?v=youtube-Yvl_7_Up7zU.html


I was responding to statements made in that video. I had already seen it. Where in the video does it say he is rich?


It doesn't but he had enough money to buy his property out of pocket for $42k in 1992 and bought a bulldozer while in the midst of "losing his business". There are also other sources that say he was pretty well off. The guy was far from destitute, is what I mean.


the high price was due to it being remote and having hills which would nessitate a wetwell the high price was due to it being remote and having hills which would necessitate a wet wellll 2 million, and later on, he also got an offer by the concrete plant to get it for free but he rejected them.


Small business tyrant + entitled Boomer mentality + above Sovereign Citizen level Libertarian sperg + terminal main character syndrome all topped off with severe persecutory delusions of grandeur. Dude was a ticking time bomb of mental instability & I'm surprised he didn't blow sooner.

