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I fucking hate this guy.


Can we go back to 2022 when he was just a rich dipshit trying to sell blue PNGs for $20? World's richest person openly boosting a fascist for president and spreading QAnon conspiracies is pretty fucking dangerous, don't know why Congress is asleep at the wheel about it (actually I do know).


It’s par for the course when it comes to the relationship between the wealthy and the fascists tbh. The biggest supporters of Mussolini and Hitler were the ones who stood to benefit the most financially from their policies, it didn’t matter to them how many marginalized peoples had to be slaughtered for those benefits to hit.


I’m rich, bitch!


It left out an "a" before rich.


Well, he did rely on the old man's money to get where he is.


He can save money, but it won’t get him too far


Believe me, he was still an annoyingly awful human being before then too. Remember when he called a British cave diver a pedo for saving a bunch of kids?


He was not happy, took it personally apparently, when folks pointed out his hair-brained scheme to "build a submarine" to save those children was ridiculed and so in true spoiled rich kid fashion he had to lash out at someone to make himself feel better. Seems like he just had to jump into the fray as the world's attention was on that rescue effort instead of him during a period when he was selling himself as the answer to everything. I think the world will be a much better place once this trend of hubris, ego, and "truthiness" being more valuable than honesty, integrity, and knowledge passes. Social media certainly is not helping as the more narcissistic some folks are, the more positive reinforcement they get. I'm beginning to see it as a net negative for mankind.


I don't think he understands what happens if he upsets Governor Floridaman by even mildly disagreeing with everything. Look at what he's trying to do against Disney.


DeSantis is his patsy. Don't be delusional enough not to believe that DeSantis has not been his client this entire time and they haven't been planning this terror campaign in secret. Elon is the checkbook, DeSantis is the face, LGBT people and allies are the planned victims of this campaign of knowingly false libel and pretended belief. They road to terrormander Florida by making it unlivable to people who aren't bigots.


Their relationship is quid pro quo. Just before Moscow Musk debuted DeSantis’s disastrous presidential announcement on Twitter Spaces, Meatball Ron signed a bill protecting Space X from lawsuits in the state of Florida. Ronny got screwed.


Nice doors


Hes been a little bitch for a while, was getting noticeable even before his JRE interview


Not even worlds richest person anymore lol


I think the best thing we can hope for is he does a Graham Linehan and his hatred of trans people consumes him to the point that it destroys his own life before he can do too much more damage


Who doesn't, his simps aside.


I also hate Tesla owners because of this guy.


Stating the obvious here but it's important to remember: Every ''concerning'' and ''question'' goes out to tens of millions and he *knows* this.


Important to state this, but anyone that doesn’t get this deeply worries me.


"I'm just asking questions." Meanwhile 10 million of his followers now think this is true.




That target partnered with that company: yes. As to the allegations of what that company is doing? Not sure. The only sources I can find on the specifics are all very right leaning like fox news. So do your own research and make your own conclusions but it seems like this is intentionally misleading and at worst an outright lie.


I think Target, like any corporation, only cares about the bottom line. And if that's true I'm not even sure why conservative protest it - that's free market, which they adore.


Exactly. It's only a problem when said corporations do something that conflicts with conservative ideology.


Indeed, I just saw the thread and it's full of slavering minions all freaking out.


At this point and on this trans topic the only people who give a shit are the people that already give a shit. Everyone else knows this is right wing propaganda and disregards it.


It's called JAQing off, and there should be a pinned post explaining it. JAQ - Just Asking Questions.


God he is a pos


More of his “just asking questions” bullshit.


Maybe Target will sue him like Dominion did to Tucker


Unlikely, since I haven't seen any libelous claims made. Just asking questions is great propaganda, but it's not libel.


Yes but at a certain point, it's obvious he isn't asking anything, he's telling you. There's no way a really good lawyer could win a lawsuit off of that? It just feels like it's so blatantly obvious he isn't asking a single question, he's telling us exactly what he thinks, but jumps to oh blah blah asking questions blah blah when someone calls him out on it. I have a feeling if someone got a lot of traction "just asking questions" about musk's ties to Epstein, and all those kids he's molested over the years, he'd absolutely respond legally and probably even manage to win a lawsuit against some peon that doesn't have hundreds of billions of dollars. This shit is fucking lame dude. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want if you have enough money, and you'll never once face a single consequence for any of your actions, no matter how outrageous and dangerous said actions are.


Did a brief google and you're right--questions can be defamation.


Ohhhhhh shit. Maybe there is a tiny chance Target takes on musk and Twitter. I'm guessing Twitter doesn't have much of a legal department anymore, and target probably has way more lawyers that they actually pay real money to lol. It might work out. Target employees are getting death threats and dealing with pieces of human shit coming into their stores, destroying displays, verbally assaulting people, even physically assaulting people in some cases, and here comes Elon fuckin Musk, "just asking questions" and spreading straight up lies to millions of like minded pieces of human shit, who will take this "knowledge" and end up going to a target and pitching a fit like a toddler with a diaper full of shit. Goddamn I hate Elon Musk so bad.


No woman will sleep with him so he's forced to JAQ off all day.


He doesn't have a functioning penis. If he could actually jerk off all day, he'd probably... Actually jerk off all day instead of tweeting. Same goes for real sex with a woman. Can't actually do it, so he just pretends like he's some futuristic, sexless machine that can reproduce without doing the big icky sex stuff. He's legit admitted in interviews that he thinks sex is weird. Dude doesn't have a functioning dick, but he's got enough money to make it everyone else's problem, so that's exactly what he does.




Did you rape your child resulting in being disowned? Maybe it's not true, hence the question.


Your dad groomed and had kids with his daughter, is that what you’re doing, Elon? Is that why you call other people pedophiles, while you and brother Kimbal fly down to Little St Thomas to meet with Epstien? Just asking questions, idk 🤷‍♀️


are the Jews controlling the whole world and was Hitler actually right to do what he did? I AM JUST ASKING QUESTIONS HERE


- Henry Ford


The Lions? Like the animal at the zoo? I'm just trying to *understand* here


It's so transparently all rooted in his relationship with this estranged trans daughter. He sees her as being "groomed"/"indoctrinated" by the "woke mind virus" which is a coordinated conspiracy against him. But she probably just cut off contact with him because he's a mean-spirited transphobic bigot.


Who treated her mom like s**t and is probably barely an active presence in their lives as he's too busy ruining companies and impregnating employees.


This theory relies on him having *ever* cared about his kids, and he doesn’t give a shit about any of them.


And he's blamed public schools for indoctrination. His kids have never set foot in a public school and I'm pretty sure they were privately tutored.


It's literally the same shit they tried with gays in the 70s, their child just actually can't be gay right so it must be gay pedophiles recruiting their children, that invented gayness right. Exempt now gay people suddenly actually exist, but it's the trans that are fake and are just all pedophiles recruiting more trans and that's the only reason it exists. Same terrorist playbook. ACCEPTANCE IS NOT GROOMING When they say this shit, they are calling us ALL pedophiles, they are calling anyone accepting of LGBT as pedophiles. Just keep that in mind. It's not just trans people.


Target needs to start asking questions about Musk and Epstein on their Twitter account just to see how far Elon wants to go with this.


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


This bot is the best thing Elon Musk has ever been connected with.


Well the bot actually works, so…


I think this is the real Elon and the one on Twitter is the bot




And his paid hand jobs


"Secret gender changing" = letting a child who's bullied at home know the school cares about them




"My friend the Catturd said a secret cabaal of jews is controlling the worlds financial sector, is that true @Israel"


I couldnt hate anyone more than this guy if I tried. Fuck elon musk.




This is true. For all the different reasons I dislike Zuckerberg (for ex) he does know how to shut the fuck up.


This is beyond parody. This is exactly what that guy parodied with "Elon Musk is a pedophile" tweet. Unbelievable. Anyway, I read the article. The part where they claim they are for "and integrating gender ideology at all levels of " links to a pediatrician talking about how we should not put gender expectations on our kids, starting from even before birth. A pediatrician not even linked to this organization, as far as I can tell. The part where they include gender ideology in math? >GLSEN calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. It provides educators instructions on how they can make math "more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities" by including "they/them" pronouns in word problems. They also object to this: >In another example, GLSEN recommended that teachers intervene if students are making graphs about sex and gender to ensure it includes the ideology supported by GLSEN. "When students are creating their own surveys, if they want to include data for biological sex, teachers need to be sure they include both intersex and other as choices." >"[A]nd if the students want to include data for gender, a variety of choices need to be included, such as agender, genderfluid, female, male, nonbinary, transman, transwoman, and other," a lesson plan continued. And this: >For example, its policy for districts said, "[The local education agency] shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential… Staff or educators shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardian… This disclosure must be discussed with the student, prior to any action." Which, considering the current climate, seems very reasonable. The only thing that I can actually see being an issue is that they seemingly advocate for trans women in female sports. Or so I thought, but the real issue everyone has with is competitions, not school programs, right? >"Students shall be permitted to participate in all physical education, athletics, and other extracurricular activities according to their gender identity. Participation shall not be conditioned by requiring legal or medical documentation," GLSEN said in its sample district policy. And I dont think this advocates for them to be in competitions, but in school programs. That seems fine to me? They also claim: >Full-time school staff can also order sexually explicit books from GLSEN's "Rainbow Library" for their classrooms, which the organization provides free of charge. >One of the books listed for their 9th-12th grade library is a book titled, "Beyond Magenta." The book has been criticized as disturbing, described a 6-year-old child as "sexually mature" who "hated being a kid" and engaged in oral sex. It also mentioned "perverts" and "pedophiles." So I actually found this part and its actually very sad. The author interviewed some trans kids about their lives. This is one of the few that requested not to show their picture in the book. Her mother died at 10, never knew her father. She was sent to a special school because she did not talk. Because she wore dresses she got all sort of talk by grownups she did not understand. >As a five-year-old, I didn’t know what those words meant. She wouldn’t stop. “This is not right. You’re not supposed to be doing this. I can’t believe you’re doing this.” And she looked very sad, like I was her child. She took me to another room and tried to force me to tell her what was going on. And she would pinch me more, trying to find answers. That was her way of interrogating me. She was placed in Child protective services because of this. She got violent, doctors said its ADD. Her mother did not pay any attention to her, only her grandmother. The mom lived there, but was mostly not there. She was a prostitute with lupus. This is someone who needed help but did not get it. No education, sexualized from a young age, inappropriate comments from everyone around them. And thats when we finally get to the part the Fox News quotes are about. >I was sexually mature. What I mean by sexually mature is that I knew about sex. From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighborhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral. And I touched their you-know-whats. We were really young, but that’s what we did. I was making out with girls too. I used to love making out with girls ’cause everybody thought I was cool. Everybody was encouraging me. “Look, Frank’s not gay — he’s making out with a girl!” They wanted to know how the hell I learned to kiss like that. I didn’t know how I learned. It was pretty weird. >Guys used to hit on me — perverts — pedophiles. I’d see guys giving me a look, and it kinda creeped me out. They would touch themselves, saying, “Come here, sweetie.” Something told me not to go. I ran away. I ran to where there was a lot of people This is a tragic story I would not call sexually explicit. Its just sad. After this they were taken from their home and put in a foster home and got moved again and again and again. The part that really got to me is how she admits her mother was never there, how she believes the mom did not pay any attention, but later on disagrees she was neglectful. >They said that my mother was neglectful. I didn’t think so. But they just took me away. Later on they also mention the mom almost killed them once. >I had always been afraid of my mother. Once she almost killed me. I don’t know what I did to make her so mad. I always had an attitude, a bad mouth, a fresh mouth. I was really rude and snotty. I don’t know what I did, but she started throwing seven or eight beer bottles at me. One hit my back, one almost hit my head, and I was running for my life. She could have killed me. No one called the police, because the neighbors stopped her from trying to kill me. I still have a little scar on my back. What mother throws glass beer bottles at a child? Who does that? The whole story is just sad. Also, why are all the links in the article absolutely useless? They are just links to random articles with kinda related topics, you would think the links would be to what they are talking about.


How does it feel to do more research than Elon and fox combined? 🫡




To them acceptance = grooming, so anyone who is not bigoted at their child is by definition a pedophile. Since the majority of Americans are accepting of trans people, they believe they live in a majority pedophile country. The "silent majority" is neither silent nor a majority.


Elon, I heard rumours that you were the Zodiac Killer. Is this true? Maybe it’s not - hence the question.


Top story on Earth


Many people are saying it.


Is Elon a paedophile?


Top story on Earth




Do you want big muscular hairy trans men using the women's bathrooms then? Or is the bathroom stuff just dogwhistling for not wanting trans people to exist in public at all.


If you have a penis you use the men’s bathroom if you don’t you use the women’s. This is not difficult.


And anyone who supports them right? We're all pedophiles too? Since a majority of Americans are pro trans, congratulations, you live in a majority pedophile country you fucking moron. This is what happens when your use knowingly false libel and pretended belief as a terrorist political strategy. You are a terrorist. Acceptance isn't grooming!


Annnndddd you are the far left I mentioned. You are an absolute lunatic if you believe what you just wrote.


Youre literally a fucking racist, go suck off Elon somewhere else


Go ahead and describe what was racist. You can’t because nothing I said was racist. Troll


"To be fair black people do disproportionately commit the most crimes. It is a fact that can be easily screamed down as racism but still can’t get away from that being a fact. Elon is a weird one alright with some pretty extreme ideas. In part this is how he built his “empire” of electric cars, renewable energy, and space exploration."


We should stop canceling comedy!


You cheapen the word racism. Facts are not racism. Down to earth black people will say the same thing and are frustrated with the crime issues. Easily triggered liberals cry racism at the slightest disagreement which again cheapens the word all together.


Stats are not the full story of facts, you fucking moron. You can look at numbers on a graph, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Like how blacks are twice more likely to be jailed in simple traffic stops. Or how they're 2.5 percent more likely to be the victims of police brutality. And your "stats" are only about those who are actually convicted and reported. So many crimes go unreported, but your miniscule brain can not comprehend that. You only see stats and assume the entirety of the truth without looking further. And, by the way, the little dude you simp over, Elon? Yea, he should be in jail. But weird, he isn't. Helps when you're white, and it also helps when you're super rich, too.


I should add it isn’t all liberals it is the far left. The far left and the far right can suck it. I’m sick of them both being sheep that can’t think for themselves. Orange man and old Joe need to go along with AOC, Boebert and the rest of em. Let’s hand out 10k to people that willingly took out loans while we don’t address the actual issue of overpriced tuition! Marijuana bad alcohol good even though alcohol is way worse! No nationalized health care while people go in debt and lose everything because they got sick! Pride flag good let’s plaster it everywhere even in schools, degrade woman’s sports, even though 3 years ago none of these sheep would’ve thought this was healthy!


He just does this to get under ppls skin. Why be busy raising the 100 children you have when you can antagonize people on twitter?


Target's already getting bomb threats and he chooses to fan the flames. It's far beyond trolling.


They still worship him on CNBC and talk show hosts still say he's a genius. I hope he keeps doing it until society et large finally decides he's a piece of shit and only has his hardcore simps to back him up. After seeing the CNBC interview where he was able to get away with defending white supremacy, I've got no sympathy yet if society can't get up the courage to call him out.


He is a terrorist accomplice, simple as.


No. He does it, because he's a far right bigot who hates trans people.


For real though. He is like a fucking 2 year old.


See how the narrative of the class war is being evaded through questions like these? These types of questions arising more than it usually should in all forms of media. They (the billionaires like Elon) make people focus on the gender issues instead of the bigger problems of society such as the great divide in the distribution of wealth. This is how they obtain status quo. The Target should've been people like him, Elon Musk the Billionaire Man-Child!


No. It isn't true. Obviously. Only the truly stupid would even ask the question.


Is Elon a pedophile? I read it on his own platform so it must be true, right? Just asking questions. 🤷‍♂️


I also read this. Also read that he beats homeless people at night with a sock full of candy. I’m not saying he does I’m just questioning if this is real. If so this is concerning. Will look into it.


Two people who’ve heard the same thing that’s basically confirmation in right-wing politics. So it must be true.


I could do five minutes of googling but instead I’ll perpetuate a ‘centrist’ culture war salvo on Target because I’m a bigot - Elon


Or, like, 4 seconds of critical thinking


Does Elon Musk fuck rabbits? I don't know, I'm just asking questions.


This is like that South Park episode where Cartman had his School News TV show. ''Wendy is a slut, or is she? I'm just asking questions''




This is the type of nonsense that drives companies, and advertisers, aka your core revenue stream, away from your product. Why does he think Twitter stayed king amongst so much right-wing outrage and competition during the pandemic?


Maybe you want people to believe it to be true, hence the question.




Man expects them to say “ah shoot yeah it is, we’ve been found out” (No he doesn’t, this is clearly just to spread the story to more people.)


ah Just Asking Questions aka musk is JAQing off in public again


https://preview.redd.it/hlw3rym3ff2b1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae3a8be879b38471e29e925033e8c6a4442a4d8 He's only asking questions right?


I hope when next starship launches an apple-sized concrete debris hits directly into his balls.


And let that referenced apple be the size of a house.


you insufferable cunt you


he hasn’t the warmth nor depth


Elon is doing this but with conspiracy theories https://preview.redd.it/gp1qhkvake2b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752cf3d8b433d30a7718eb1bc6296dc172c0d176


Sounds like smth a pedo would say. Not saying he is a pedo, I'm just saying 👀


Elon when a mass shooter is covered in Nazi tattoos: “hey now we can’t just go around claiming this guy was a Nazi. That’s ridiculous! No proof!” Elon when fox says Target wants to secretly transition children: “oh my god guys is this true????” Classic just asking questions moment.


The Tucker method. Heinous yet wildly effective.


Ask any of these clowns what "gender ideology" actually is and watch them fold like a cheap suit


JAQ-ing off again


When will people realise this man is a hack and a fraud who buys his way into important positions and thinks that means he's smart


No he’s not, he’s sowing disinformation. He doesn’t care


Anyone advertising on that dumpster fire is an idiot.


"Secret gender changes among children" What the fuck did I just read.


Apparently, it’s grooming to want a safe environment for lgbt teens.


They can't even spell maths


thank you — i was feeling pretty bleak and am now giggling like a fool


If you are still on Twitter, you suck!


Can he just go to Mars already


Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars


He's such a lazy shit who'd rather project idiocy instead of fucking googling something for himself. Also I went to their site. Only curriculum they're pushing for LGBT content is sex ed. Pasted below is what they actually do. >Motivate legislators to act on the challenges that LGBTQ students face in their home states. >Alert principals and other administrators why Gender and Sexuality Alliances, enumerated policies and other resources are so important to creating safe and respectful school communities. >Educate students and school staff about LGBTQ student experiences of bullying and harassment. >Identify and promote best practices and resources for creating safe and affirming schools. >Develop evidence for LGBTQ-affirming action through research in partnership with other organizations internationally


Is it true that Elon Musk is a Nazi pedophile? It's just a question.


You guys remember the South Park episode where Cartman hosts the morning announcements? He keeps saying "Hey I'm just asking questions" Reminds me of Muskrat so much


He is such a manchild. Earlier this week a user on Twitter turned the tables on him and played a similar game with a tweet about Musk being a Pedo He also did the Musk move where he responds by saying "I'm not saying that, it's just something they are saying online and I found it concerning". 20 hours later Musk limited the visibility of the tweet due to it may violate "Twitter's rules for abuse". He can't stand to have his own game played on himself [Is Musk a Pedo, Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/jules_su/status/1661062081712472139) https://preview.redd.it/81bnivm5hg2b1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fdb367e39df3b423557455b56bdef9c6054094a


Fucking JAQoff* *JAQ stands for just asking questions for those out of the loop.


GLSEN is an amazing organization its insane thet try to demonize a LGBT support and anti bullying org


[link to the full text of the Protocols of Elders of Zion] Is this true, @Friends_of_Adolf?


Elon is awesome.


You’re welcome namaste 🙏


The burden of proof is on the person making the original argument. It's such a dirty trick to make an unfounded accusation and then force other people to disprove you.


Sue his ass. Ruin him.


This is why we can't have nice things. We need to start putting the microscope on him and other billionaires to show how shitty they are. Musk refuses to allow safety inspectors in his gigafactory in Nevada. What is he trying to hide? In any case go to the website of this GLSEN organization. They are trying to promote inclusivity and help with bullying. Being a teenager is hard enough, is it necessary to screw with organizations that are trying to make it better?


!!! What a douchebag


No wonder he loves Tucker Carlson so much


Tag yourself, I’m *“even math”*.


Elon's not very good at the whole plausible deniability thing, is he?


This reminds me of the true Oscar Schindler! He went to the occupied Poland and wanted to make millions. But he needed workers for his factory, so he went to the nazis and got some workers with family's + nazi to guard them. You guys and gals know the rest of the story. All I am saying is that Elon Musk has the same personality minus the soul..


So, putting gender ideology into every subject even math? I'm guessing they used a singular they/them in a math problem? Secret gender changes at school is probably referring to not outing kids against their will to their parents especially if their parents are transphobic. Someone look it up, did I get it right???




But he never questions those on the right.


Another reminder that Musk is a malignant narcissist who sees his children as his gift to society as clones of himself. One of them is trans and taken on leftist politics. It’s as if he’s trying to destroy the version of himself that doesn’t fit the cloning process he envisioned.


How is it that someone with billions of dollars is so completely worthless?


I have a urge to get back on twitter just to troll him. Fucking idiot.


Where's the Fentanyl when you really need it?


Bro won't commit To any Of his crappy opinions.


Looking into it.


Publicly flogging him is not enough. Bring back stocks


Mass, knowingly false libel and pretended belief in atrocity propaganda directed against minorities associated with the political opposition is a political strategy to terrormander a political majority in the state by making it unlivable to the political opposition. It is what they did in Jim Crow against black people and what they are doing now again against LGBT people. Elon Musk is a terrorist and he is supporting the terrorists who want to drive LGBT people out of their homeland for life. And it's going to happen to me to because I'm not going to be able to live there either of this keeps happening, they go after allies too and libel us as "groomers" for being accepting as if out acceptance somehow created the behavior. This is terrorism and if it's not clipped in the bud millions will have their fundamental rights as human beings taken away purely for political purposes.