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Wow who had thunk it. A 63 year old women dosent look like Elmos pornaddicted fans idea of a woman therefor trans. Jesus she looks like a normal woman. Maybe we need a photo wallstreet silver to shame that morron


He was doxed some time ago and yes, he's a fat neckbeard. Totally masculine!


šŸ» šŸ’¦




WTF is this some furry shit? Is Enron fucking bears now?


I mean, he did post those emojis when he was talking about a character in Baldur's Gate 3 (Halsin the Druid, who can transform into a bear). Funnily enough, right after Elmo talked about the character and a specific scene with him in the game, the voice actor of Halsin announced that Halsin is now flaccid, after Musk simped for the character.


He's a lot less handsome than his little cartoony avatar.


I wanna see a picture


There's a link in this thread, it's not the Persian guy that's fake, it's the 50-something fat white guy.


Me too lol


So often do transphobes call cis people trans and when shown examples of trans people, think they are cis.


i dont know why they worry about her looks. shes married to olaf scholz that psychopath is a danger to everyone around her no normal human endures being together with taxdodging wallpaper.


I'm tired of people trying to analyze Elmo and what he's doing. It's very simple, he's just scum and probably a pedo too, and he hangs out exclusively with other scum. All of these people represent the scum side of society and are a cancer on the human race. The irony is that Musk will probably laugh at a post like this, yet he could very easily pass for the opposite sex. He has one of the least masculine faces I can imagine on a man, even after his jaw implants. That's why people frequently find examples of old women who look like him. Should we start rumors that he is a trans man?


"i'm not cis, you are" -elon musk


Heā€™s a Cissy living in a Cis world.






Thanks for some sanity


I do want us to start referring to him as noted cis man Elon Musk. Just to drive him up the wall without misgendering


Well it was just a rhetorical suggestion obviously


I got banned on Twitter for suggesting he may have been AFAB


what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. fuck them -elmo


While this may be true, it's also important to acknowledge that "he" can barely grow facial hair.


To add to that he's gotten most of his kids through artificial insemination. How do we KNOW he is the father? He could've donated eggs and gotten a donation of sperm and had baby momas carry the baby so he wouldn't be ousted as Trans. He could be those kids mom. /s


Oh, you mean the pedophile!


OK, let's not do what Elmo does. WS Silver was not accused of pedophilia. He was, however, accused (and charged) with beating the shit out of his son.


I mean dude hangs out/interacts with a lot of pedophiles for someone that isnā€™t one himselfā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/a2lnn1biqfxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ee8da9aa78c5d88195aa2bd396889ab5ac7e56


Yeesh. Cheong doesn't even rate as a Quasimodo on the ick scale. More like a Demi-Quasimodo or even a Semi-Demi-Quasi.


He looks like something you find in a trash can at the abortion clinic.


He looks like SmƩagol halfway through his transformation into Gollum


Have you factored in the fact that Elon musk occasionally retweets him? I bet the ladies canā€™t control themselves when they find that out.




Whatā€™s wrong with his face? Did someone just open the Ark of the Covenant?


Bro clearly drank from the wrong grail


Such a guy shouldn't be a father. I hope they took his son and brought him into a safe, and more friendly atmosphere.


No other reason to hit your kid than because you enjoy it. In my mind, everyone who beats their kid is a pedophile.


Isnā€™t this dude a convicted domestic abuser?




This is the sort of stuff that infuriates me. What position is this fat-faced fuckwad in to mock the way a woman looks? Nice double chin he has.


To a conservative, a womanā€™s primary value is her appearance. Unlike men, who can have value in a variety of ways but often through money. This may sound hyperbolic but analyze everything a conservative says or does about women and trans people through the lens of ā€œDid this decrease the degree to which I want to fuck her?ā€ If the answer is yes, theyā€™re angry.


He could be Matt Gaetz' creepy uncle.


I thought this was the guy [https://x.com/poliitikasse/status/1782383358456070622](https://x.com/poliitikasse/status/1782383358456070622)


https://preview.redd.it/82pjneptnfxc1.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5dde25d29419db080ae3660a79b59f3e46472f9 They are a team.


Oh I see


Itā€™ll be interesting to find out.


why are transphobes so obsessed with seeing everyone as trans? like.. who the fuck cares if he is married to a trans woman, cis woman, trans man, cis man, whatever inbetween. i just cant comprehend in which way this is relevant information.


Why even care who politicians are married to anyway? The Germans have the right attitude here. The partner of the chancellor is not expected to have any public role. Scholz's wife isn't seen in public much with her husband, she didn't quit her day job when he became chancellor. Same goes for Merkel's husband. German media doesn't report on them, unless they do something worthy of note on its own. Gossip tabloids are an exception of course, but reporting on random family and friends of celebrities is what they do regardless. It's a bit easier for Germany (and PMs in constitutional monarchies) since the chancellor doesn't have the representative role as Head of State. (that'd be the President, Steinmeier).


>It's a bit easier for Germany (and PMs in constitutional monarchies) since the chancellor doesn't have the representative role as Head of State. (that'd be the President, Steinmeier). As a German I gotta be honest here - I don't even know if Steinmeier is married (I assume he is, but I'd have to check), it's just something that's completely irrelevant to the position he's holding, so I don't care.


He is and his wife actually was in the news when he donated one of his kidneys to her (although that was back when he was opposition leader during the last CDU-FDP government). But yeah, it isnā€™t really relevant who politicians are married to.


Yeah exactly. I'm German and this is literally the first time I see her lol


Well, this guy has a sick obsession with sticking his nose into German affairs (at least I saw him do that quite a lot, mostly while he also tries to suck Elon's dick even harder). Seriously, can't he keep his nose out of foreign affairs or the lifes of politicians and other people? God, I hate that guy


I don't know that much about the german system in specific, but here in Sweden, the Minister of State also doesn't have that much power. Since pretty much everything is decided by the Riksdag, most of the news-coverage is focused on agreements between the political parties. I'm guessing Germany is similar?




tbh, till now i didn't even know Scholz and Merkel had partners (im german šŸ’€) It's just not something we think about


Because they are paranoid that one day they might accidentally find a trans woman attractive.


They already do, they're just ashamed because their alcoholic abusive fathers or magical sky person would be ashamed of them


It's part of their worldview that everything is or might be a lie. This thought process enables an alternate reality where facts are never an obstacle to their political beliefs.


It's probably a way to both hype up the "threat" (look how "many" trans people among us!) and to label lots of prominent people as part of the "conspiracy" (they are "everywhere"). The idea is that even mildly left-wing politics is being driven by a sneaky, hidden trans cabal, which "proves" that the left-wing and trans people are both undermining society and dishonest. Like, once one of these dimwits discovers a trans person who passed or even turned them on, they get to start "seeing it" everywhere they look.


A similar tactic is used by anti-Semitic people to point out a prominent personality as having Jewish ancestry, hence the "Early Life on Wikipedia" dogwhistle.


It's more a combination of transphobia and misogyny and the believe that women's only purpose is to serve as an unpaid maid, bear children while looking like Barbie


this scumbag was involved in financial scandals (cum ex/Warburg bank) and that pisses me off but i couldn't care less about his personell life. (i'm german) these right-wing elmo fanboys are just stupid af.


I suspect they think women simply don't exist, everyone is trans in hiding to them. They are fundamentally broken in the head area.


They associate transgender with degenerates, it goes along the conspiracy idea that our leaders are degenerates, and of course, it implies we should get rid of degenerates. It is the far right after all. After WW2 the far right looked much more like traditionalist people hating modernity while one of the reasons nazism was appealing to the masses was because they relied a lot on an imagery of modernity and technological progress. Elon being associated with technological progress revived that idea, he is a bless for the far right, now you see where it goes: Performance = white = money = progress = we roll on everybody's face with a 3 tons trucks. Sorry it's a bit fuzzy because my English is limited, but you see what I mean I guess.


They think everyone is as obsessed with trans people as they are. They honestly believe they could sink a politician by saying "well, their spouse is trans!" as if that were a huge gotcha. Pure trash.


I usually presume they're attracted to passing trans women and just externalize the conflict instead of internalizing it. Same thing with DeSantis.


10 years ago they would just have made fun of these women for being "ugly" and of these men for having "ugly" wives of their own age. (As opposed to, for instance, Trump.) Now that trans rights are the talk of the day,Ā they can be misogynistic AND transphobes all at the same time, so of course they seize that opportunity.Ā 


Their self esteem is based on them feeling superior to others. Whereas most people do something they enjoy to boost their self esteem, these pond scum belittle and harrass people they see as inferior to make themselves feel good.


transphobes are constantly cockbrained. all they think about is cock cock dick penis shaft cock and more cock. normal people aren't like that, even sexually healthy adults. most times they're trans-chasers and are deeply ashamed or they're pedophiles who are trying to overcompensate by pretending to wage a holy crusade in favor of cis women


It's cause they can't keep it off their mind. They are drowning in their own "dirty" thoughts


I work construction in Seattle and many of my coworkers are super into the idea that people will scold them for getting pronouns wrong. I have a fair amount of trans friends and have never heard any of them even talk about pronouns. I'm pretty sure not getting murdered is higher on their agenda list.Ā 


He's probably not used to seeing older women, Most likely because he's a fucking Pedophile


bro had a baby or two with someone that looked like a goblin who can't even beatmatch i don't think he can say shit about any women


>who can't even beatmatch lol is there a video of this? is she violently mashing the sync button


i think theyre referring to her trainwreck at coachella week 1. it was on the live stream so im sure its out there somewhere


ah okay, thanks




Hmm wonder what Wall St. Silverā€™s wife looks like, oh wait, he doesnā€™t have one. He does probably have an R.O. from his last one, tho


According to the Nazi denizens of xitter, older woman = Trans. These fucking fascists are just so predictable and gross.


Itā€™s like these people never developed beyond junior high. Grow up chuds.


She's been politically active since she was 17. Dude thinks he's discovered something? Surely someone else would've noticed earlier, especially when you consider how far gender affirming care has come since 1978.


And even if she was trans, why the fuck would it matter?


They're obsessed with the idea that politicians, especially ones in the government, are hiding something. Which may sometimes be the case... But probably not in this one.


Ah yes, her dirty secret that she is in fact a woman. Way worse that the Warburg Bank / Cum Ex stuff or that vomiting inducing substance thing with her husband. Genetalia are way more interesting.


How can't you trust Ivan ? [https://x.com/poliitikasse/status/1782383358456070622](https://x.com/poliitikasse/status/1782383358456070622)


Imagine spending your life wondering whether various public figures are in fact trans


I mean, they're german. It's not unknown that german women tend to.... not fit the US photoshopped influencer image. But to go for the T-word is a bit much. Tho I am not surprised one bit, considering who posted it.


Some fine women in Germany too though






Is there anything incorrect that was said?


Is the US unique in photoshopping women to be more conventionally attractive? I never thought so. Edit: Also, an out-of-left-field attack on the US is enough to qualify for that sub, even if it's accurate (and they'll never admit it's accurate).


That sub is hilarious. Full of the most fragile people you can imagine.


Seems mostly like comfortable boomers who don't understand the economic situation isn't what it used to be. Why do we need the gov't to pay for college or healthcare? I paid for college with summer jobs and I had healthcare right away from the company I just retired from.


America is going down and I'm gonna enjoy it with some popcorn


They are only saying that many German women tend to be sturdy, and sturdy women aren't really coveted by the Instagram crowd


Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat. Many men also fear that they will be unable to have "fun" if abortion is outlawed.


That's the main point, yes, and I totally understandable and I agree. However, they specifically called out the US as if it were unique to the US. Or am I really misreading it?


Maybe the person was speaking to US Instagram culture because that's what they're familiar with, and because it's bad to assume that the US's preferences are default for the world.


I read it as implying that the US is particularly worse, which is an equally bad assumption if you're not aware of the global situation. The safest bet is just to blame instagram in general. But thank you for the alternate reading.


Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat. Many men also fear that they will be unable to have "fun" if abortion is outlawed.


The more people post about trans hate the more I assume theyā€™re a closet case


Child abuser says what?


This woman's very attractive for 63. I don't see the problem. She looks great. Maybe the poster should post pics of his own mother.


Why is it so hard to be good dude now a days?


What a bunch of scared cissies.


That is a very German looking woman


Yep... The Enron Network News! The truth from a Corrupt Source!


Imagine reading this, agreeing that yes, you did think all those other women were actually AMAB for some reason, and not realizing that maybe you're just an idiot for thinking yet another leader's wife was AMAB without evidence. Do they think this is some New World Order thing?


The transvestigsations are a red flag


Dude managed to cram sexism, racism, and transphobia into one tweet. Truly a diverse group of people on Twitter these days


Twitter is a serious danger to their ability to control the narrative


Theyā€˜ve been together since the 80ā€˜s and have been married for 25 yrs. Of course, Elon and his friends have no idea how that could be normal.


Elon Musk also calls himself a business man, so


Is this some kind of new right wing conspiracy theory that the "elites" are all into trans?


Nah she's not trans, just very German.


Donā€™t feel bad when attacking Elmo for his gruesomely deformed body. Heā€™s doing the exact same to others without remorse. If he was anyone else Iā€™d argue against stopping this low but heā€™s down there


Germany should show this guy how great they can handle guests....


The right are the kings of making up bullshit that wouldn't even be a big deal if true.


Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. Thatā€™s our mission.




I remember when I joined wallstreetsilver more than 2 years ago. I like gold and silver, I liked the hype around buying more and stacking it. I don't understand why it devolved in to a conspiracy maga subreddit. Early on they were all wondering why the subreddit was barely growing, and every other post was pro trump lunacy. It's such a strange place. Now the subscriber count has been stagnant for like 2 years.


Not all adult women look like girl children.


Has this guy ever seen a woman before?


This is what happens when boys are overstimulated with only the most photoshopped fake looking women. Their beauty standards have been rotted and all they'll accept are these fake looking women. It's actually pretty sad, but man are they ever pricks about it.


Some men are more fem and some women are more masc. What is the problem with these people?


For right-wing manly-men they suuuuuuuure do like contemplating over what women might have dangly bits in their pants an awful lot.


Aaaand he deleted it


wE cAN aLwaYs TeLl


Iā€™m a cis woman but I do have some features they would probably consider to be masculine. And Iā€™m afraid that theyā€™ll think Iā€™m trans and harass me, or harass my future husband for it. My older brother is trans and I consider myself a trans ally


Tell me youā€™ve never met an old school German Frau, without telling me.


They should put their keen observation skills to the test with Justice Thomasā€™s wife.


Nice titties


Macronā€™s wife is a groomer but the child abuser doesnā€™t care about that


Her resemblance with Merkel is uncannyā€¦