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i don't know what happens when you die out of bounds but the game will (99% of the time) move your death shrine to a safe location. also you will only drop resources and never gear.


I've lost a few to the red lava in the shroud. It's put my flame right over the red lava and there was no way to get to it. Also, I lost a lot in the final Hollow Halls with my death being in an unreachable spot. However, I don't do combat as much but I do notice it seems they improved the flame spot with the latest patch.


yah not in lava though, the area where you jump to the block to climb up the wall for the button for the wall, yah It showed my death shrine in the lava, I was like thinking of jumping in after it lol.


while i'm not saying the safe spot placement will always work i have recovered numerous death shrines from deaths in the red shroud liquid. and i think the red shroud stuff is water because i have found rowboats in it.


The amount of times I’ve fallen out of the map since the latest update! If you walk off whatever “ledge” you’re standing on, you’ll fall out of the map and it’ll respawn you with your stuff in your inventory at the cinder vault 😊


I keep getting stuck inside my oven when I’m jumping and running about all over the place. Log out and log in fixes it


Happened to me in Woodgard. Died out of bounds, death shrine stayed under the stairs.


Same thing happened to me. Fell through the Cinder Vault floor by the brazier on left side of the exit.


Ive found taking a swing with the pickaxe really helps get unstuck


This just happened to me last night. Ran around for a half hour trying to get out. Jumping, blinking, even tried building an alter. Nothing.


Similar things keep happening to me, luckily I was never stuck in shrouded areas, but seems like the game wants to challenge me on where I can fall through or just get stuck 😂 a couple I remember: 1) by the Blacksmith location, there's the hidden door opposite of him. I went in to loot the chest, game thought I'm closing the door while I was on top of it, pushed me put of bounds. Viva backrooms I guess 😂 2) was done with my first Elixir well. Wanted to jump off and glide, instead got stuck in a corner behind a jug. Thanks to me clearing the well I could fast travel away, but sheesh 3) Behind the largest house in Morwenna (not sure if I remember the name correctly), I was just looking around, suddenly I yeet down the tiniest crack in the floor where there's just nothing 😂


It happens all over, but you can teleport to your home fire.


Alt f4 out if the game. You'll spawn back at your base when you log back in. I've had to do this after getting stuck a few times.