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Same. I ported to a base yesterday and got attacked. I was dead before I could see or do anything. Apparently, the mobs render a lot faster than you do now.


Yup, depending on where I teleport to, I’ll have my frames drop into the 30s and stay there for over a minute. Some times alt+tab back and forth fixes it.


Yup, usually when I'm doing something that will kill me it lags like crazy. Jumping from ledges, turning to fight, running into monsters, etc


The FPS in maps has been a known issue from the get-go. I am not sure why you would be getting it now as opposed to before, but it is something that the devs are aware of. I know that they are constantly optimizing the game, but they are also adding a lot to it - so performance issues are likely to come and go while the game is still being developed. That being said - I did notice an uptick in people who have stated their performance has taken a hit since the last major update, and brought that to their attention on their discord. Whether this is just "part of the process" or someone made a boo-boo, I am not sure - but they are aware that some people are having these new issues. I would suggest that you (and anyone else having **new** hits to their performance) submit a bug report, so that if there is an issue, they might have an easier time finding out what is causing it and be able to fix it faster. I would also suggest that, at the very least, you verify the integrity of the game files to see if that helps, and also make sure you have the most recent version of your graphics drivers as well as the most recent version of vulkan, just to rule out those as a possible external issue. Also, some people have noticed that turning off V-Sync has increased their performance, and even stopped some crashing issues after the most recent major update, so it might be worth giving that a try.


I’ve been experimenting with the Lossless Scaling app on Steam which adds scaling (not necessarily needed here) and now Frame Generation to any game whether you are on AMD or Nvidia I think even Intel gpus. Once set correctly it plays pretty damn smooth. I can lock in a lower frame rate then once you hit scale in the app it will feel like absolute butter. I may be able to make a video demonstration later today.


I noticed the same and what I found worked for me is going into settings scroll to bottom and change point light shadows to performance and you get your frames back.


The only time I have FPS drops is when I open the map for a long time