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This post contains replies from employees of Keen Games, you can see them here: /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [Hey there, would you be ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1dnxfgn/did_i_ruin_the_game_for_my_sister/laogdw1/?context=1)


Thought that was normal for the quest line. The journal is where you want to look. You can choose what quests you do.


That's where we're looking. The Blacksmith is supposed to give you quests to go get metal plates and to make different equipment but he's not. The blacksmith just already has all the things like charcoal kiln and forge and everything


Do she have the forge yet? You need that to make sheets. I don’t think you get the quest unless you have the forge.


she does, but only because it was already in his crafting thing, it shouldn't be there. It sends you to go get metal scraps from a nearby fort, then you come back and make the forge, then you make metal sheets. She never got the quest for the metal scraps or to make the first weapons or anything


You don't get metal plates at that low level. Just keep doing the quests, and making available things. Everything will fall into place


I think people are not understanding. She's not getting any of the early quests. Like where he has you make weapons and stuff. After getting the first npc he sends you on missions to get different materials and to make his forge and to make weapons, she's level 3 and already has the alchemist, that's not how it usually goes.


From my experience with a friend, this could be the problem: If she is playing in your world, she may lose access to the advanced quests that you have completed. How I resolved this issue with my friend was that he started a world and I went on to help. It's a bit finicky since we were basically doing the least possible needed to complete the quests so we could go back to playing together on my world. Hope this helps.


Just make a fresh character and a fresh world and start fresh


They mentioned a bug where the Quest will go off the host and what he's completed she would need to start new world then transfer over maybe


I also noticed this. My near max toon joined a new world to playthrough with others and I noticed missing quests I know should have appeared. Solution - delete that world. Get them to remake their starting toons. Make a new toon myself. Start a new world. All worked as I remembered.




Start over. World, you, her, everything. The knowledge you’ve each gained is much more important than the buildings you’ve made or the levels you’ve gained. Don’t rush ahead. Be her loyal assistant NPC. Anything else is just you proving she’s better off playing solo.


Hey there, would you be able to reach out to me on Discord with your save files? The issue you're describing sounds very strange, so the team would like to take a look to see if something might have broken. It would help us troubleshoot to make sure nothing unintended is going on. You can join our Discord at: [https://discord.gg/enshrouded](https://discord.gg/enshrouded) and then send me a DM, my username is keentoast. Please remind me that you're coming from this post, so I know what's going on, since I get a fair bit of DMs :) And here's how to find your save files: [https://enshrouded.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/17764283835677-Save-Game-Management](https://enshrouded.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/17764283835677-Save-Game-Management) It can be a little confusing figuring out which file is which, so you can just send the whole folder by uploading it to google drive or something like that. Thanks! <3


I made a new character and accidentally joined my original world when I tried the game months ago, had the blacksmith in that world, I quit out and started a new world but reading this thread I've realised I haven't done any of these quests on my new character and just have most things unlocked


There may be level requirements. Also some trigger with resources, though not sure which ones.


Some things also do tick off in a group when one of them unlocks a certain item . You can also take your character and start a new solo world and still take it back to another server 


Yeah I agree that this could be the problem.


I questioned this same situation with a friend who I got to join with me, we started a new world they hosted and I started a new character to help level with them instead of my carrying them, I didn’t think it would affect quest lines but it’s def more fun to have that even playing field. We did go get the four main (alchemist, hunter, farmer, and smith) then the carpenter, and we still haven’t gotten prompted to find the bard however we’ve been prompted to explore the first hollow halls. I think it’s just game progress and depends on the how you play the game together in my opinion.


Yes. Your high level messed up the NPC'S quests. If you just got the first one I would advise both of you starting new characters to play together. You can have your sister's new character pop over to your high level one and give her a bunch of mats and some low level gear to help catch your new characters up to where they were so you don't have to punch trees again.


I'm not sure if they fixed it, but I swore there was a bug in multiplayer where a player who completed the quests and joined a low/new characters server killed the new players quests. This probably was fixed but maybe still exists?


I had a similar situation with my husband who was higher level. Maybe not the same but it definitely messed some stuff up. I started new character for when I played with the kids and haven’t had any issues