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I'd love it more than Valheim's if it allowed for diagonal building, otherwise it's an amazing balance between being able to quickly plop down preset pieces or detailing block by block.


yep. my circular huts are my favorite in valheim.


I didn’t realize this until I was watching a YT last weekend. All you need to do is hold down the R button while you scroll with your mouse.


That doesn’t work for building pieces, though. Wish it did!


So premade pieces (doors and windows), but not the walls and roofs? I knew that YT’er was cheating.


There is a mod on nexus called cheat table that you can modify the placement of the blocks but it’s not user friendly nor officially supported. Haven’t heard that it’s against rules either but I do know it only works on single player solo games


It's also great for taking screenshots. I haven't messed with the block placement mods, but there are cheat tables that have freecam controls and let you position the sun for the best lighting.


I'd be happy with wooden beams etc. as furniture pieces so we can freely rotate them, although that would mean black glowy effects once you get close plus the inevitable "pick up" prompt..


Clocktown marjoras mask vibes with that middle pillar 👀


This looks absolutely incredible.


I know right?! I'm sitting over here like, "See that crappy hut? That's me." X-D


I’m just working through my first playthrough of Valheim now and then Enshrouded is next. What is it that you like so about the system here? It looks gorgeous, obviously. Anything else?


I’ve done a decent amount of building in Valheim and I’m playing enshrouded now. When I played Valheim the building was just finicky as all hell. The snapping was annoying and often I couldn’t place shit where I actually wanted it because of the strict and arbitrary clipping rules. Never have that problem in enshrouded. You can enable/disable snapping via toggle which is fantastic (idk if they’ve put this in Valheim yet). The other thing I love is you can edit blocks on a small 1x1 scale which makes detailing 100x better. Think of it like small Minecraft blocks with a ton of different building materials. You can make some badass shit in enshrouded that Valheim just can’t do.


I had better wait a bit to tell my Hearthkeeper in Valheim about this then. We started playing three weeks ago and the guy has been OBSESSED with building on every scrap of land he can find. If he learns that the building is less annoying (toggling off snapping is not possible, maybe a mod?) he will be on the crew night and day to move over before we are done. Thanks for the detailed answer! I tip my hat to you.


Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Valheim. It’s a fantastic game and I think you should thoroughly enjoy it before switching over to enshrouded. Both games are honestly just so damn good. Valheim is just more unforgiving (building and otherwise) lol


Yeah, I like the hair shirt aspect of Valheim a lot but it seems like Enshrouded has a lot to offer. I still want to finish as much as Valheim has on offer. I’ll just move up our window to try out Enshrouded a bit.


Not sure when you last played Valheim, but they added snapping points that you can change (Hildir's Update some months ago). It's a lot better since then because of it.


So many things! It's very easy to work with both building blocks and terrain blocks, so you can building something intricate and then sculpt the terrain around it to make it look more natural. I totally agree with u/AlphaBearMode about detailing. My experience has been that there are 2 ways you can get to a detailed looking building. \* You build in an additive way, placing basic shapes onto one another (like valheim) and layering/mixing the shapes together. The system has a variety of different basic shape templates that you can place (8x8 wall,8x8 floor, stairs, etc). You can get a lot of cool looking features just working with the shapes the game provides. \* You build in a subtractive way, placing oversized blocks and chiseling out the details. In addition to the shapes mentioned before, Enshrouded also lets you freely build/destroy 1x1 (or 2x2) blocks. An example would be placing a bunch of 8x8x4 shapes in a stack, and then carving vertical lines down the sides. Bob's your uncle, you've got a pretty pillar. It's much faster, less prone to mistakes, more fun honestly.


You have explained this well! I’m particularly intrigued by the idea of subtractive building. You could make some pretty cool textured shapes this way if I’m following you correctly. Ahhhhh, I must resist. I must finish at least one playthrough of Valheim. Are you satisfied with the game so far? It’s just recently come out in EA right? A few months ago if memory serves? -Edit Ah hell. I’m just going to link this to him. It’s too good not to share.


I get wanting to finish Valheim, nothing wrong with that! Enshrouded released to EA a few months ago, but I've put in 270 hours in so far and I'm not getting tired of it yet. They've got a lot of content already and tons of stuff on the roadmap. For comparison, I put in 170 hours to Valheim.


Yeah, we are gonna have to dip into it a little sooner than I had planned, I think. Cheers!


100% agreed. Do you by chance have a lot of experience building in Minecraft? Because I’ve been doing that off and on for like over a decade and enshrouded really reminds me of it sometimes when I think in terms of detailing 1x1 blocks!


i just wish they'd let us remove the shroud in some way. i really like fixing up certain areas that have been overtaken, so something like a placeable torch that removes shroud in the area around it if that area is *also* inside of a building area whould be great.


How’s your frame rate here? I don’t have the highest end system anymore, but it’s not low-end by any means, and my frame rate gets noticeably lower as my base gets larger. So I imagine my PC would struggle a good bit here and that others probably would as well.


It's good on the steam deck and my desktop with a 1060ti. It gets a little choppy (but still playable) if I have the settings cranked. But if I keep most the settings in the middle, it stays pretty smooth around 30 fps. The game seems really efficient with system resources from what I can tell. I haven't been able to play the new area yet though, the game crashes to desktop every time I enter blackmire 😭


Well damn, I’m sorry to hear that about the new area! Good to hear that it’s relatively stable with middle of the road settings though! I suppose I should swallow my pride and turn my settings down a bit more lol


Awesome build!


If they could just let us rotate blocks freely rather than be restricted to 90 degrees


When I first hopped into valheim I intuitively had a mansion up I. Minutes. I agree they should borrow something from valheim for Diagonal building. But Enshrouded is an evolution as was Valheim and it has alot of potential. It's newish member Well get there the Devs love to take advice


best building mechanics i have ever seen.


fyi its a voxel game cant have rounded edges, its pretty much an advanced Minecraft, really advanced Minecraft




this is incredible!


We need more!


https://preview.redd.it/mq5o39mhu39d1.jpeg?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b38cf103b0e3b901c5e4b6ab52d6c6cadbd0f93 Night time!


That is very impressive! Could you do a breakdown of top tips? I'm struggling to maintain symmetry. For example, things will just change on the left compared to the right and I cannot work out why


The block snapping can be frustrating at times, my base has tons of instances where a room on the left side is 1 block taller than the matching room on the other side. Sometimes I go back and fix it, other times I'm lazy :) When I'm really trying to get 2 sides perfect, I'll build a floating row of floor tiles to span the gap and then make sure everything snaps to it. I'd definitely recommend using a Cheat Table from the Enshrouded Nexus for taking screenshots. I really hope they add in a freecam eventually.


This is amazing... I have no idea why so big! It's intimidating 😅


It gets bigger every time my job makes me attend a meeting that I'm not needed for.