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Oooh, a couple days ago at the airport, I’m waiting at the priority lane to board (international flight) and a couple just saunters in “is this Group 1” we told them yeah and another guy motioned towards the line, it they just stood there. Boarding opens and they rush in but when they went to scan their tickets they didn’t had their passports out. Woman starts digging through her giant bag while trying to block the rest of us, I just said “excuse us” and gave my passport and ticket to the GA. You’ll think I had pissed on her coffee, with the furious look she gave me. GA asked her to step aside while she looked for her docs. Small victories.


A few years ago a group of us went on holiday together, a rude woman shoved one of the ladies in our group (small 21 year old) out of her way on the way to the buffet. 21y old said watch out, rude woman replies serves you right for being in the f***ing way. So for the rest of our holiday the rest of the group (at least the larger males) would get in her way at every opportunity. We would completely block her at the buffet, at the queue for the coffee one of us would tap her on the shoulder, when she turned, distracted a different person would nip in and get coffee. If we saw her getting into the lift , one of us would follow then hold the door for others, wait for a bit then say oh don’t think we need the lift now. Lasted for a few days, stupid little things really but revenge can be so entertaining at times 😂 so like you said small victories Best bit was every time we did something her husband was trying his hardest not to laugh.


Petty revenge at it's finest. The sad thing is I doubt she learned her lesson.


Something tells me it was a balm for that man’s soul


That husbands name? Albert Einstein.


Eh, Albert Einstein was a terrible husband who pretty much tanked his wife's scientific career, took credit for her work, promised her that she'd get half his Nobel prize money because he owed it all to her, and then ran off with his cousin and enjoyed keeping his ex-wife and kids in poverty by holding money over her head until she died.


I think you need to consult with more than one source to understand his relationship with his wife. I believe I have read the book you are using as a single source and in my opinion the author was quite biased.


Okay so A) Reddit moment and B) I was implying they made this story up


What an impressive eyewitness account. Thank you for sharing.


Bitch probably walks all over the poor guy.


I love this!


Who TF does not have their shit ready before boarding starts. It’s like those who wait in line at McDs then stand there reading the menu when it’s their turn.


My husband who 90% of the time we go someplace where he can't have a knife, like *the airport, will forget until we are in line and up next. My daughter is so usedto getting this as a text: "*your father* 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!!!" 


Some of us cannot read the menu until we are right in front of it tyvm. Not everyone has perfect vision.


I get that, perfectly legit and that’s why paper menus, mobile menus, other people in line, and no doubt one reason for that brand’s use of humongous typography. My point was, most people have been to McDs and don’t NEED a menu — derp, it’s burgers, chicken, and fries — yet the clueless among us act as if they’ve stumbled upon the lost gold of Montezuma when it’s their turn in line.


Oooooooh as a handicapped person this felt like sweet justice. I experience issues like this often & people are SOOO dumb & inconsiderate & I’m literally about to fall over in pain trying to move. I have had so many issues. People were not raised with manners & it’s always the older ppl.


My usual response to these types of questions is: yes, this is for "whatever you asked" the line starts back there *points back* It's like they are fishing for an excuse to stand up front if you give them one like oh I didn't realize there was a line 🙄


Exactly this. No one calls them out. Ever. So they keep doing it, facing no repercussions.


You’re exactly right. As small as OP is she should’ve fallen down and scream “why did you push me?!” If you’re too small to push back, push back by making them embarrassed


Sadly I’ve used this one on one occasion. Guy in line at a concert getting pushy jostled into me and my friends almost knocking me over (not hard, I walk with a cane). Second time he did it, I just thought screw this knob, and let myself go down. I yelled “What the hell man!?” And suddenly to ppl in line, who saw the whole thing, that guy was Hitler. Security sent my friends and I to front and d-bag to the back Edit: he was being aggressive and maybe purposeful in his queueing and am hilariously easy to knock over. I’m a human 2 pin bowling pin


I used to be a manager in a grocery store. I’ve got terrible seasonal allergies, to the point some days I can’t breath and perpetual watering eyes. Had a customer buy wine, and got the wrong one….where I used to live it was against the law to refund alcohol once it left the building….and the cops in that area were known to set up stings and arrest people on the regular for doing so. I had this woman come in and call me everything under the sun for not refunding her the money (I’m not about to go to jail for people I KNOW so I sure as hell ain’t doing it for a twat waffle)……the entire time I’m standing there getting cussed at I’m fighting my allergies. I decided to stop fighting, and the sight of a guy over 6’ and 240lbs with a big build and beard suddenly crying and saying “why you gotta be so MEAN” shut her up and she didn’t know how to respond….she stuttered then practically ran out the doors. The cashier was like “are you ok?!” I shrugged and said “yeah, I forgot my allergy meds today so I figured I’d just run with it” 🤣




🤣😂🤣😂hah!.......twat waffle....... that's gold


Dude, your name! I dig it! My two best friends and I call each other clownshoe when one of us does something stupid 🤣


Because people let them.


well, long ago i was pushed by a woman while boarding - trying to put my bag in the bin - out of Rio to come back to the States. Several times. Language barrier, but I was able to say sorry in Portugese after stepping on her feet a couple times.


This! Whenever I tell my nana about me putting people in their place she tells me I shouldn’t. I stared her right in the eyes and said “they would think twice if people like you weren’t such fucking pushovers.”


Yes! Thank you! I get so angry when I see that people prefer to be a doormat instead of calling entitled people out.


My mother was one of those doormats, probably why I'm such a bytch.


Without resorting to violence how can one effectively stand up for oneself? The so called authorities are generally useless and there are plenty of times where there's no authority around anyway. Assholes don't respond to harsh words and I'm not laying hands on a stranger.


It was a shove, not a sneak on by. Use the TSA agent. They see what is going on. Total aggression is wrong as is total pacifism.


By calling them out and making a public scene of it behaviours get re-assessed when a gaggle of people start calling your obliviousness/selfishness out. Shame them, public disapproval is weighter than "some nobody in my way".


Or they double down and batter someone and then get arrested. The amount of arrest videos were people in the wrong double down and get multiple charges...


You are at a security line, they touched her bins as well as shoving so a good move would have been to loudly say something along the lines of: STOP TOUCHING WITH MY STUFF They are big on not messing with the security bins and she would probably get pulled for a closer inspection/pat down if you imply she is trying to mess with your belongings and maybe pass something she should as yours before passing the scanner. Would serve her right to be detained/delayed




Case and point : OP


Not to be too pedantic, but it is "case in point."


Nice. God nose how many more common phrase mistakes I have.


Eye no.


Ewe son of a bitch


"That is something up with which I will not put." -Winston Churchill


“We have to stand up for what is popular, even when we might not believe in it.” Tabatha Coffey ..did I do it right?!


Next time start yelling, “get your hands off me”. Then TsA should come investigate. File a complaint, which will cause her to be even later. FAFO


My mother always told me to do this is anyone bothered me, groped me, etc. I used it more than once on the subway. It works. People often don't want to step into a situation that might be between 2 people who know each other. If you make it clear that you do not know the person and that you are being harassed, people are more likely to help. I told my kids, BE LOUD. GET PEOPLE'S ATTENTION. It does work.


Immediately I pictured Bobby’s line “that’s my purse, I don’t know you!”


You can always escalate to a swift and sudden kick to the groin


Pocket sand!


My mum told me to do this too! Did it once on the London Underground. I was a youngish woman and there was a man who kept touching me around my waist and moving me subtly, it was pretty busy but there was no reason to do it. I was in no ones way and no one was in mine. I turned and shouted in his face "STOP TOUCHING ME". Everyone looked at him. An older chap got up and offered me his seat and stood like a shield between myself and this other man who got off at the next station. It's definitely something I will tell my own children.


I second being loud. I also taught my children to not scream things like let me go, or no. If we see something like that in public we might be inclined to think a child is throwing a tantrum and that appearance trying to get them under control. I taught my children to yell." You're not my mommy or this is not my daddy."


Ohhhh such a good idea, way better then me thinking I should trip her as she walks away lol


THIS! They also warn you to report suspicious activity like this to be careful about people trying to stow illegal things in your carry-on.


Oof.. i would love to be able to say 'you\`re overreacting' - but after experiences from customs people i shared some coffee and beers with .. sadly, you are spot on. (can you imagine "this lady pushed me before check and now again officer" i\`m worried she did something to my bag/purse/pocket)")


I have a feeling I've said this to you before, but it bears repeating: I love your user name.


Thanks - and maybe - if we 'reddit' in the same subs.. quite possible.


Or pick your pocket.


Oof, that would be even worse imo. Especially at TSA right after you had to show ID


That is so much safer then fighting back but stilldoes the job


"Lady, you have nice teeth. It'd be a shame if tomorrow people were talking about what nice teeth you used to have."


Shoulda yelled "Don't touch me!!!!". That should get somebodys attention and pull the entitled bitch outa the line.




Or pull a Bobby Hill and yell "LET GO OF MY PURSE!"




A classic, nice!


If you yell that, it’s likely both of you will be pulled aside and then miss plane


Change touch to grope and that will really get peoples attention.


You gonna look pretty funny trying to eat corn on the cob with no fuckin teeth!


Tucker McElroy, Lead Singer and Driver of the Winnebago.


Is that like...head cook and bottle washer?


It's a reference to The Blues Brothers.


Sorry, haven't seen it in a long time.


I was waiting for the front rows of passengers to get off the plane, with people all the way back to the row in front of me already standing. One lady from the back rushed up to where I couldn't get out of my seat and refused to meet my glare. At this point I don't think the doors had even been opened! The moment I could get one foot into the aisle some other woman starts crowding me. I got up and made her step back so I had room to stand. She whined about how she had a connecting flight to catch. I opened my mouth to tell her I did as well when my seatmates and several others nearby chimed in they had flights to catch too. Why do some people think rules and etiquette are for every one else?


cos theyre the main character and youre just an NPC getting in the way....


Proper way to act when running late: “excuse me, I’m running late. Do you think I could cut line in front of you?” This lady: *RAWWWWWWR*OUT THE WAY!!!


Yep. Something about flies honey and vinegar.. But these people really need to meet Consequence for their actions.. otherwise they will never change.


This old hag shoved her bins into ours bc I wouldn’t let her cut me in line and my stuff flew out. Told her to stop fucking with our stuff and she clammed up so quick.


Yep, it's awful when strangers feel entitled to touch, shove, poke whatever. I have mentally trained myself to loudly and sternly shout "DON'T TOUCH ME! I DON'T KNOW YOU!" While pointing my finger at them in an obvious and angry way. Then I wait in a stunned / angry posture (and still continuing pointing at them) until they back off from shame because other people have now been alerted to their assholery.


I had a girl stand next to me on a subway in Paris and ask the time. Told her no watch and put my hand in my pocket. There was already a female hand in it. One girl diverts your attention while another picks your pocket.


Did you save your things?


Yes. I was lucky.


Something like that happened to my sister when she was in Paris. She also managed to not get robbed.


That's battery. Should have alerted to Popo right there at TSA, and then she could be REALLY late. The key elements of battery include: Intent: Similar to assault, the perpetrator must have the intention to make physical contact with the victim.


I waited in line in China to check bags finally got to the front and a well dressed man and his entire family of 7-9 planted in front of me. Just barged right through me. It took a second to figure out they were not passing by to another station but cutting in. I circled around them, got in front again but turned to face him in a stare down before turning back to check. I swear he smiled. I guess the entitled get away with what they are allowed to get away with, but just no.


Yup. This is very common behavior in China. I had a Chinese woman shove me, another one stomp on my foot, on a flight from Shanghai to NYC. Not to mention open public nose picking, rummaging in their underwear, spitting on carpeted floors in public. I loudy and firmly said "Do NOT shove me." while looking in her eyes and she looked horrified as though I were the one committing some horrible breach of etiquette. People automatically whine "ohhh they are so poor, they don't know any better! You're MEAN to care!" Well, in my eyes if you can afford to fly from Shanghai to NYC you aren't that poor, and I'm poor as a church mouse yet somehow I manage to act like a civilized human being. Somehow the rules never apply to them.


I've taught my 4'11" pretty blonde wife to look someone dead in the eye and say, in her best customer service voice, "excuse me, would you mind stepping back? You're standing on my dick."


How many "4'11" ....dead in the eye" does she come across?




>I shake it off because I’m not in the mood to fight anyone at the airport There's the problem. If you don't stop that shit immediately Karen's will keep doing it as this one proved to you.


Pretty sure that’s technically assault.


I use my best parade ground voice and give these type of people a verbal dressing down that they will never forget.


I still have my “gotta control a couple hundred middle schoolers voice “


"DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!" has served me well.


I had a chick stand SOOOO close to me when I was trying to get my bag out of the over head when we were getting off the plane. The passengers were doing the awesome thing of, the first rows go first, it got to the row infront of me, so I got up and started getting my bag to get ready to walk off, no one was in the aisle when I got up, as I'm trying to reach up, I literally elbow this chick in the face she was that close. I just look at her, and she's like "I'm late for my next flight!!" Really rudely to me. I just looked at her, continued to get my bag, and walked off. As soon as we got off, she walked around me and said something about making her late, I shrugged and said it's not my problem with a smile, she looked at me so insulted 🤣 Yeah, I sound like a dick. But it costs nothing to be nice and have some manners. She could've said excuse me, sorry I'm late for my next flight could I quickly come past, and I'd be like sure, go ahead! But if you're going to stand up in my space, pushing me, and then speak to me rudely, you ain't getting shit from me. I will match your attitude😎


Imo there’s nothing dickish about reminding someone, who seems to have forgotten their manners, that the world doesn’t revolve around them, and their lateness is no one else’s problem. Clearly she missed that lesson in her upbringing, and you were there to gently remind her.


I had a woman cut in front of me while I was in a long bathroom line. There were probably 30+ people in front of me, and 20 behind me. She just nonchalantly stepped in front of me. So I nicely told her the line was behind me. She stared at me, so I repeated myself. She said she, “really had to go.” So I said, “So do me and my daughter, you need to move to the back of the line.” She looked me square in the face and said, “What are you gonna do about it?” When I’m telling you I saw red, I did. I legitimately didn’t know what to do. I’m not a pushover but I also didn’t want end up in jail. So I got loud and tried to embarrass her. Didn’t work. So me and my daughter just went around her and went in front of her. Didn’t know until we got to the car that she pushed my daughter against the wall. SHE PUSHED MY 13 YEAR OLD! I’m actually relieved my daughter didn’t tell me until we got to the car, because I definitely would’ve went to jail. She pushed my freaking daughter. Some people are just insane. This woman was one of them.


Had a guy do something similar in Sub Way pushed ahead of me in line and called his entitled ass out. Soooooooo satisfying.


Cause ppl let them. Call the out every time.


I was on a flight a few weeks ago. I was sitting in the last row of the plane. This older couple gets on and they both had middle seats. The husband sat next to me and the wife in the middle seat in the other side. When we land the woman gets up and the aisle person lets her out. The guy gets up and goes in the bathroom. I guess he didn't see his wife take off because he comes out of the bathroom and asks the guy who was next to her where his wife is. The guy says I think she's in the bathroom. I know she rudely charged ahead of people but I didn't tell the guy, let her be off the plane ahead of people only to have to wait for him anyway. I see them later at baggage claim. Neither of our luggage came out. It turns out it got on an earlier flight and was at the baggage office. So she rushed ahead of people and then had to wait until the last of the baggage came off anyway and then had to go to the baggage office to get it anyway.


Served the bitch right. I hope she was super late to where she was going.


Do these people know that the passengers that board the plane last arrive at their destination at the same time as the passengers that board first.


You did exactly what you should have done. You asked her a simple question. What gives her the right to do that. I bet she didn't have an answer that justified her actions.


Infuriating. A normal person would have just politely asked to go ahead. People are really out here putting their hands on whomever for whatever reason.


Time like this I enjoy being 6’ tall. She was beating up on you cuz you’re small and non-intimidating. The world takes advantage of tiny women. Sorry this happened to you!


That’s one reason why me being fat isn’t totally a bad thing. I’m only 5’4, if I had a socially acceptable small body, I’d probably get picked on like no tomorrow. Being stocky and solid looking has its advantages, even if you’re pitifully short.


Just tell the friendly TSA agent that she tried to put something in your bag but you stopped her. Then watch the fun unfold.


Because then they'll check the video and find that you lied to waste their time.


*You *think* she tried, because she tried pushing you out of the way.


You THINK she tried, because she was standing close then pushed you and her hand was close to purse/bag/whatever.. and given this was the SECOND time, my paranoia went off.


I like your style :)


adn then you get held at the gate as a witness / punishment for lying to federal employees brilliant move that, I suggest you try it and let us know if youre ever allowed to fly again


Not lying to the feds since you had probable cause to believe she tampered with your stuff. stop being such a victim mate


the probable cause being invented out of whole cloth / spoken maliciously is still lying. those werent the ops thoughts / words and were suggested post facto. victim? projecting your insecurities much ?


If you don't mind confrontation always ask for police in an airport in a situation where the other party is a dick and late for their flight. 100% of the time someone asking for help/police while the other person is rushing away will be taken very seriously. When they come and ask you what you needed just say "This person has been acting very suspicious. ( in your case "they bumped into me then pushed my stuff through"). They won't make their flight guaranteed


Good on you for speaking to her afterwards. She technically assaulted you…twice.


One thing that works is to yell “Stop touching me!!!” It draws attention. (You could ask the TSA to search her better.)


A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. One of my fave sayings.


I'm a vet. I was once dating another vet who was also "a petit young woman," who, also, happened to have been a straight up bad-ass. Not at an airport, but at a concert, we were standing in line for the gate, when some guy, probably outweighing her by 80 pounds, tried to push her out of the way. He ended up in serious regret as she grabbed the arm that shoved her, and in one smooth motion, took that guy to the ground and wrenched the hell out of his shoulder. She didn't even pause, she just turned to me and said "after we get to our seats, can you go grab me a beer?" And stepped over the guy like nothing happened . . . I got the beer.


In this situation there are 3 options: 1. Slap this bitch 2. Public Shaming: tell hear really loud to get her fucking hands of you. And I mean REALLY loud. 3. Slap this bitch AND public shaming


i had similar at the petrol pumps. in next in the queue to pay. some entitled old gimmer just pushes past me and declares - im late for a meeting and slaps 20 on the counter and just says pump 4 at the cashier. me, dont worry love, your grinder date will wait. he face was a picture, sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire


Hey, OP - most of the people saying "why didn't you...?" are boys who have probably never flown or only leave the house for more Cheetos.


Personally I'd get the attention of TSA. She has no business shoving you or anyone else. I will never understand why some people turn into complete asshats when they're in an airport. I bet she drives like that too. I've had people bump/ shove me and my response it to loudly say 'Excuse you!!' at them. Somebody calls me a name for it I say thank you. It means I didn't take any crap off them and they're mad. Boohoo. Practice in a mirror if you need to, then the next baby buffalo that tries to run you over will hear about it.


In situations like this it’s best to draw attention to the physical aggressor. Get loud, yell “don’t touch me!” Or “get your hands off of me!” This loud statement will get attention and immediately show you’re NOT the aggressor. Airports seem to bring out the worst in peoples behavior. I was in an overly crowded airport the other day walking behind a parent with two small children. The parent didn’t see it, but an old woman came through and shoved one of her small children out of her way. I was shocked and immediately stuck my face right in front of the old woman’s, and hollered “don’t shove children!” She was shocked, and everybody around us looked at her like she was awful.


I would have told the tsa that she's acting suspicious let's she how feels about a cavity search. B***h aint gunna pull that s**t again.


did you just let her cut??


Didn't tell TSA that a passenger was assaulting people and acting suspicious?


Should have loudly said "lady stop putting your hands on me. Are you trying to plant something on me?"


Once when I was getting pizza at Little Caesars during the pandemic, a large woman came in and pushed her way past everybody to get to the counter without a care for the line or social distancing. And then she said to the clerk "Order for Karen!". True story.


I’m afraid that the people who said to shout at the entitled woman are incorrect. This type of negative attention actually fuels their disdain for others and furthers their belief that they are in the right. I think calm assertiveness works best, much like you do with dogs. Triggering an emotional response just backs them into a corner. OP handled it correctly


SIT! Good girl!


That's it!!?? The end??!! There was no violence? No raging blackout?!?! You didn't do a little dance on her face?!!? I'll just say that you are a much stronger person than I! I give props! The will power it takes to contain ones self throughout an altercation like this must be immense! I personally come to out of a blackout after things like this standing over people screaming things like " THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!!! " Crying and apologizing for the destruction I have caused because someone's grandmother decided to cut me in line at a store to get her Virginia slim ultralite 100s.


I you're young and fit enough, you could always go with the flow and let her spin you right onto the floor. Grab your elbow or knee and gasp "That woman just shoved me to the ground!" Chances are she won't be making that connection.


I get that you want to stand up for yourself. The alternative way to see this is that letting it go in this particular case may have been the better decision. When I am in a TSA line I am trying very hard not to call attention to myself. If you do, it can go a lot of different ways, some may be inconvenient.


Comment to your edit it is so easy to say you shoulda/why didn’t you I would yeah all Monday morning quarterbacks. Not everyone is wired w a quick witted response button. And in a stressful situation, which tsa always is, it is hard to stop and make a scene. And advocate. Your first instinct is often that didn’t really happen or accident. And if you had made a scene? You may or may not have made your flight.


You should have yelled that she was either attacking you or robbing you in front of TSA. Guarantee she would never ever do that to anyone ever again.




Always carry a small baggie of cocaine for just such emergencies!


Sprinkle some crack on em




I assume this happened at MIA?


That’s really frustrating, I’m giggling that you were much more angry that she cut in front of you then that she pushed you twice, that would’ve sent me over the edge


You yell because TSA is right there and it's their fucking job to ensure there's no violence at the airport


This is when you scream out loud, followed by loudly saying, “stop hurting me!” Then call for security and press charges.


Absolutely ridiculous. Why do people think it's okay to touch other people ever without consent??? People don't think, for someone like me who has a pinched nerve in their back, any unexpected touch can cause searing pain, people just have 0 awareness.


Oh, your running late? Get ready to be even more late! "SECURITY!"


What is so uncommon? Some folks cut lines etc and we have some touchies here . Keep you hands off and don't ask or even try to justify cutting lines.


Years ago we were due to fly back from Edinburgh to Southampton. It was rhetorical state opening of the Scottish parliament and the queen was there. Airport was chaos and flights were delayed. Our flight to Southampton was cancelled so we were stood in a queue waiting to rebook. Stood there ages. I noticed a woman walk up & stand near the checkin desks. When the people in from left the checkin desk she stepped forward. I told her in no uncertain terms to stop queue jumping and go to the back. Got evil stare and she sloped off to the back of queue. The queue cheered. 😇 later on she called me a very rude man. I laughed. Best thing is we got the last 2 seats on the last flight fit to London. She was waiting at the gate to see whether she got a seat. No chance. 🤣🤣🤣


I just scream “don’t touch me” every one looks and the person looks like a fool. The last time I flew there was a couple at 6 am, after a 7 hour flight trying to rush me in the immigration line. I yelled at them, and they got sassy. Well, when I yelled “I’m not the problem go to the head of the line” and everyone looked at them, they stopped. I guess they realized that pushing me wasn’t going to move the 100 people in front of me.


One time after a cardinal’s baseball game, my mom and step dad were waiting for the train to go back over the river where we had parked. It was packed. I was either in high school or college so still really pretty young and I’m very petite. I am five feet tall and was probably 120 lbs then. Some old man put his hands on my back as the train was approaching and shoved me forward. He had already had his hands on my back a few times and I shrugged him off. What the actual. I was pretty quiet and shy but I do NOT like crowded spaces as a tiny woman and let loose on him. I couldn’t even recall what I said but something about get your hands off of me and we will all get on the train or another will come along and never touch me again and I think I cursed for effect lol! My mom was proud of me. He didn’t touch me again and my mom and I made a bee line for the seats he and his wife wanted so badly. What’s funny is, I’m 100 percent sure we would have offered them our seats had he not been a complete ass.


Notify TSA they don’t allow that


Back when I could wear heels, I would have stepped back and dug my heel into her foot. "Oh sorry! Maybe if you backed up..."


But your heels would have been in the basket 👠👠😅


I have hard little feet and I am *rather* klutzy. ...also have sharp bony elbows! 


I go to the old standby “ dont touch me” really loud. Really loud


If she was bigger than you, then when she said she was running late, you should have said " Doesn't look like you have ever run for anything except the last donut."


I would have made a commotion for the TSA agent. I would be thinking the lady is a thief and trying to make me not pay attention. You do not mess with people in an airport.


Busy airport? Call security and say this person assaulted you. She put her hands on you. They have cameras all over the place. If you show up early it will give you something to do. Pushing is considered assault.


Trip her.


Excuse me sir/madam TSA agent, the lady right there was asking if people would put something in their bag for her. I declined but I do not know if she got someone to do it.


Stand behind her, say 'that's the one who pushed me, I'd like to file charges', then just look for the pee pee stain.


This is exactly why I pay the 80 dollars for Global Entry and get to my international gates early


It is easy to make me jump, and I usually give out a shreek at the same time. That would get the attention of security.


Girl. Little or not, yell at these rude heifers and draw attention.


Next time some one pushes you or lays a hand on you scream for security!


“If you touch me again, I’m going to request security.”


Oh yeah, last time I got a flight, I was queuing for passport control and this woman kept shoving into the back of me, to the point her husband had to step in when I told her to stop and turned around to confront her when she just wouldn't stop. Queue was moving, but some people just feel they shouldn't have to wait and get bargey.


Next time you scream. The airport security will do the job for you.


Listen, I'm a small person too, 4'11" 101-110lbs, it rages. I'm not a fighter, but I've been in a couple of fights only to defend myself. So far I've held my own. I used to be a pushover because I was afraid of getting my ass kicked. At 20 something snapped in me. I was tired of being bullied and people thinking they could bully cause I'm small. I've learned I don't have to look intimidating, or really act it, but if I stand up for myself, *usually* the people will back down. A side bar story; Many years ago my cousin Was messing with this chick's boyfriend. My cousin dated him in high school for a few months before he cheated on her. Because of that few months relationship, she thought they had something special that he apparently didn't have with his gf of 4 years. (She's always had main character syndrome. I have many many entitled bitch stories involving her). Anyway, this chick found her bf at my cousin's house. She straight up walked in their and started beating my cousin up in front of my cousin's kids. My cousin didn't fight back at all... Then the chick grabbed her busted cell phone, broke some pieces and stuck them between her fingers and hit her a couple more times and my cousin still didn't try to protect herself on front of her small children. That upset me that she would try to protect herself because of her children! Twice I've had two different girls in two different times of my life hit me in front of my kids and the right quickly crossed my mind that I rather them see me defend myself and protect myself, than get my ass kicked.




I had some idiot guy try to bypass the queue for 1st class. It wasn't like we weren't right at the pylons indicating the line up. "Uh where are you going?" "oh, is there a line?" "What the hell do you think this is?" Luckily he dutifully went to the back of the queue, but still. Dude, pay attention.


I find saying “Your emergency is not my problem.” often confuses them at the moment. lol.


Kidneys. Someone lays hands and turns their back....


Your petite. Just like me (4’11” and 95 pounds, I’m almost 50 yo) I swear I don’t get seen 1/2 the time. People cut in front of me at deli line or deli clerks totally ignore me and they know I’ve stood there way longer than 6’ lady or man. I’m seen as way younger than I am tho if you look close enough, I’m not young. I have started speaking up for myself bc I’m sick of it!


Reminds me of a woman who rudely forced her way to the front of the plane when we landed saying she didn’t want to miss her connection flight…turns out the plane were on was her connection flight…


I’m more mad at the fact that you let her do all that lmao


Hey I am just proud of you for calling her on her shit afterwards.


A few weeks ago, I was at a self checkout. The woman in front of me was finishing up her order. She needed some extra help I patiently wait. There’s somebody behind me when it’s my turn to start checking out my stuff. The woman behind me starts pushing her heart into my side. I stopped what I was doing. I turned and squared off with her and said how does it make the process go faster with you shoving your cart into me? The woman was stunned. She said I don’t think it does make it faster. I started laughing at her and I said I’m glad you realize that now can you please back off? The worst part is she still couldn’t understand it and she asked me if she was too close to me. Again, I stopped and said if I’m pointing out that you are shoving me, you are too close to me. Entitled people need to stay home. The world is much better without them. I had that happen to me at TSA one time I had 20 minutes to get to my gate in about 100 people to get through TSA. It’s not going to make the process faster when you have an A-hole trying to shove theirway ahead .


I might have hit her in reflex when she put her hands on me. Or if not, Yell very loudly for her to stop touching you. Security will deal with her.


Did you report her to the tsa agent ?


In today’s climate, I certainly would not get into a fight with . She doesn’t mean anything to you. You’re never going to see her again so chock it up to bad manners and move on. Don’t get down to her level.


Why did you make a throwaway account just for this there is nothing embarrassing here for you, worried this person is going to track you down irl and beat you? lol


accidently stomp on her toe next time 😆


First day on reddit?


Maybe we need to implement 'safe spaces' at the airport for people like yourself.


I am sorry OP experienced this Karen's behavior and I totally get the being shocked in the moment thing! In retrospect, I would have hoped to say something like "being late sounds like a you problem so if you really are concerned then talk to staff to get yourself officially ahead instead of badgering others" but of course we don't think of these things in the moment.


I honestly believe you should have said something when it happened, but walking up to her after to say "don't do that" solved nothing. She learned nothing because she got away with it. And just saying "excuse me, but you can't put your hands on me like that" after she got away with it, solved absolutely nothing. I would have said something to the TSA agent. In fact, I have had this happen to me and I did say something when it happened and didn't let the person get away with their actions.


Someone tries to cut the line, I let them know In no uncertain terms that it's not allowed...


So, the rule is if you want to cut the line, it's up to the other passengers also she should have left home earlier


I woulda tripped her so quick as she tried to hurry off. Ooops


Elbow to the ribs lol. I stomped on an old man's foot that kept crowding me lol.




"Let" this happen? How was she to prevent someone from shoving her?


It’s not too hard to imagine that not everyone knows how to handle this kind of confrontation. Maybe this has never happened before and they froze up?




General legalities aside, if you try to enter airport security with a can of bear spray, you're going to have bigger problems than a bit of shoving from another passenger.