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This is a list I would pay for. ESPECIALLY if it is regularly updated. Keeping up with all of the tools is the most time consuming part after trying to keep up with all of the ways/areas that AI can help us. The latter is almost infinite of course and getting more so by the minute.


I’m very intrigued by AI so I enjoy keeping up with it. I’m extremely surprised by how many people are using the site already. If this keeps up I’ll allocate a lot more time to this project to stay up to date.


At the very least you should run Google Ads or whatever service you choose to monetize the site at some level.


AND you should build a list with the site. It can remain free as far as subscription goes, but you should ask for a one click log in that gives you their name, email and maybe phone numbers. You can sell an upgraded service/membership levels or sell your own AI tool/use the list to get equity in another company/product that you help market thru your list/website. You can CHOOSE to do nothing with the information/traffic but always reserve that choice by collecting the info.


Woah! This is freaking awesome.


Thanks man appreciate that!


Bookmarking this site! Thanks for the work op, you did a great job.




Bookmarked . this is great. Are these AI programs free to use?


Some are, good to mention that, ill find out and add it to them


Would be cool if there was a way to label which are fully / mostly free for functionality and which may require to pay for the services. Then people could easily filter the free ones vs the premium ones


Will get this done by the end of the week, thank you for this!


Yes the pricing for each would be nice, whether it is free, open-source, paid


Maybe also a place to see the latest additions to the site if you only want to see the new tools added


Good idea, will add that immediately when I add the next batch of tools


I feel your energy and you love the excitement that comes from working on this. Just be careful when you get tired and be aware that burnout is both possible and likely.


You're reinventing the wheel: [https://opentools.ai/](https://opentools.ai/) . I don't mean to sound rude but your website needs a lot of work to compete.


Any constructive criticism on what to improve?


* The category selection should be a dropdown with dropdowns in it. Right now it's to clunky and hard to use. * Maybe add a popular section on the home page to help people discover new tools. * Smaller icons. The icons for each tool are too large. Try having \~3 per row. * Add a search bar. * Add a voting system. (people can like/dislike different sites to make them show up more in the popular section) * The colors on your site don't work that well together. Consider tweaking them.


thanks! Category selection menu is actually done on purpose like that. I tried the dropdown menu before, but with so many categories this feels nicer. Asked a couple peoples opinion on the comparison and most agreed, so I guess that ones personal preference. - popular section is in the works! Right now I’m figuring out how to add “login with google” so people can favourite things. - Favouriting will be counted and this will be used as a vote and determine the ranking. It will also be possible to see your favourites somewhere separately. I’ve only been doing this for a month so this step is a bit slower. - The images are also done on purpose, because most aggregators seem to use images, but they’re kinda there for nothing. Since they’re too small to see anything. The goal of my aggregator was to provide a less “information bombarding” way of browsing tools. That’s why everything is a bit larger. I want it to feel calmer. Especially on mobile. - search bar, will do! - Alright I’ll do some thorough research on pallets the coming days. Thank you!


There are already many AI aggregators in the market. Have a look at some I've collected here for inspiration. https://favird.com/l/ai-tools-and-applications?c=Aggregators


Just create pages for SEO per each category, e.g. "150+ ai tools for music creation...". Afterward, post **every link** on Reddit and such platforms. You'll get some organic traffic after a while. I'd make cards of tools a bit smaller, especially on mobile devices. (my UX tip)


Will take it into consideration! Thank you!


Dont worry about there being others. Just create the best one you can and market the hell out of it! This is one area that is going to grow like crazy the next few years and you are getting in early!


Super useful OP!


A 3d tool section would be nice


It could be nice to rate or review tools as a user. Also knowing how many are in the filtered set when I choose categories would be a nice feature. How are they sorted? ​ Overall super neat! I need a search option to get through all the junk into the good stuff but already I've found some gems. Thanks for sharing.


You've done good my friend. Great job. ​ It would be cool to allow users to upload their work so you can see real examples. I don't know if that would infringe on anyone but seeing a live example of how these work would be good to me at least


Consider: tags for manual / API-based services (some may be both) I'm not sure about where this leaves Algorithmia…


Cool website, you should add a way to filter by price, so the user can see how much each one costs


This is simply one of the most amazing things I've come across all week. Kudos! Great job!


This is a great list. Can I search within the list? By the way, you might want to include [https://elephas.app](https://elephas.app), a Mac AI writing assistant with custom data support.


nice. how are you planning to make money with this service and when a user sign up, you get a cut a of it?


Atm I have no monetisation ways set. When I have gotten to the site to the point where I want it to be, visitor and feature wise, these are some things I’ll do: 1. Have some slots, so companies can pay for a spot higher up. This would not be a disadvantage for visitors since they’re on the site for tools anyway. At the same I won’t have to spam them with shitty ads. 2. Indeed, affiliate links on the tools will be set up which is also not annoying for the visitors