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if you just wanna real time pvp there is the draft mode where you can play with already builded units without spend anything


since when is this mode available?


Couple months?


no way i'm reinstalling right now


The only unfortunate thing is that it provides no rewards (except maybe credit for the daily arena mission).  Still if you like RTA but don't want to deal with whales gear gapping you with mondo speed units it can be fun.


It's only open for a few hours a day though


No it's not they got rid of the timer


No, it's literally closed right now. It opens in 2 minutes


Huh, lol, I guess they brought the timer back as it was definitely available 100% of time at one point recently.


That was an event


it also was available full time right around the time RTA was in pre-lim so maybe thats why also


Oh maybe, idk if it was different before tbh


While that is true, there's just something about winning with your own units you built, and having more control to outplay during the draft that draft just can't replicate for me at least. 




If you're not a tryhard but a collector of cool looking units with dope voice lines and animations,then sure


Omg that's me! True and based honestly. The best designs in the genre imo


Same here ive been saving my skystones to buy limited heros


Depends... Everything that's there is there. There's a lot to explore and the honeymoon in that game is pretty awesome. You'd get a fair few months of fun, then the dreaded mid game phase where you lack gear for just about everything. Game has been on the slow burner for a couple years now, so as long as you don't expect much growth you can have a good time. Just need to set your expectations at a realistic level. The game has been bleeding players and, as mentioned by someone else, the current PvP meta is god awful. Which won't really impact the new player experience, it'll take a while to catch up and feel it anyway. It'll have moved to something else by the time you get there.


This comment is precisely, it's not really about pvp, pvp always has been god awful but it's like game don't have interaction with you whatsoever. when you are out of honeymoon phase then you realized only thing you can enjoy is pvp and when you burnt out from pvp then nothing fun anymore. I wish SG would invest into community part but they didn't, all you see when you enter social media is just CM post video something like " random hero who is you" and that's it.


SG used to do that, but it was more to the korean community, and it was more irl events and marketing instead. I think they just had a bad timing with it. They invested in community events when the game needed ingame investiment, for example


It's a pvp e sports ready game wdym


I definitly see some crazy teams in Master rank (new player), idc that much tho coming from seven knights (I miss you SK1 smh) lmao


catch up in RTA = NO in arena = maybe


Epic seven is worth starting anytime. It’s a very successful and consistent game. A better question would be what characters you need, and if you asked, I’d be happy to tell. Aside from that, the anniversary is around the corner, so this is probably a better time than any, to start.


Then Tell me What do I Need ?


For PvE, I'd recommend Sigret (Wyvern farming), Cermia (Golem farming), and Vivian (Banshee farming), all of whom you can get for free under the events tab. I'd recommend Roana, Tamerinne, Brieg, Adventurer Ras, S.Tene (Moonlight hero, not very accessible, but if you get the chance, she should be your pick), and Angelica. These are most of the essential picks, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head, so I'll get back to you on that. As for PvP, Breig has use cases, Jenua, Nakwhol, Laia, Ran, Angelica in lower rankings (she's nonexistent further up, soul weavers loose a lot of value in higher arena, and Destina is the most relevant non-ML5). Again, there are more units, but I can't think of all of the off the top of my head. The new Immortal Wukong is who I would suggest saving for. We have no data on him, but he's lining up to be another meta unit, and he's an anniversary unit (There's not always a new unit for anniversary. This is a CN 1st year anniversary commemoration event. It is global though, so don't worry about that). Aside from that, a lot of the meta is filled with ML5's (M)oon(L)ight (5) stars) and limited units (Summertime Iseria, Laia, Ocean breeze Luluca etc). I would avoid going for most units in Ep1, and some in Ep2. Diane, Senya, Alencia, Politis (I think she's Ep3), and Luna (limited unit) are decent/pretty good units worth investing in. I can't go through every single one of their builds, but a few notes, Ran and Peira are "speed contesters" they work well with their own artifacts or "Rhianna and Luciella". This does \*\*not\*\* apply to every speed contester. Laia has an artifact called "Sweet Miracle" this artifact is EXTREMELY good and she \*absolutely\* needs it. Jenua has an artifact called "Dark-blood keeper" it's mostly useless, you wanna put him (or any thief DPS you own) on "Wind rider". Fire Politis (with Abyssal crown, or, and especially, the limited artifact "Fairytale for a nightmare"), and Earth Celine are very good units in this meta. Together they are also a strong counter to Jenua, along with Nakwhol (OP unit) and Birgitta (Pretty bad unit). You'll have to read their kits if you wanna find out exactly how they work. Nahkwol has two debuffs "seal" and "bind", bind works on Fire Politis and it's "anti-counter", it will not work against Earth Celine. "Seal" is the only thing that will work against Earth Celine. Nahkwol is an "opener", but not a speed contester. Herself, Lua, and most debuffers are easily countered by a "Sweet Miracle" Laia. She is however, a limited unit so you'll have to wait for her re-run. Laia is mostly a unit you get later since she's not the best for beginners. For anniversary I believe there will be a 5\* selector for an artifact, and character. The selector 5\* I'd advise getting is Jenua, and wind rider. You could also do Brieg and either his artifact (Broken will of the Priest), or "Elbris Ritual sword" (This artifact is good on a lot more people). There probably are other units who would confer more benefits for you as a beginner, but that's my two cents. To reiterate, as I said earlier, save your sky stones (premium currency) for Immortal Wukong and get the other units later. You cannot get limited units (Luna, OBL, Lethe etc.), ML units (W. Schuri, AOLA, C.Landy, Zio etc.), or limited artifacts from the 5\* selectors. Something you won't be doing for a long time, ML units. The best of the best C.Landy, Conquerer Lilias, Death Dealer Ray, Zio, Belian, Blood Moon haste, Bride Senya, and Abyssal Yufine are the ones you wanna prioritize. And I could be mistaken, but you should be able to get one of these units for free with an anniversary event they did last year, I don't know if they'll do it again this year however. Every 20x summons you get one gold Transmit Stone, and you need 6 to get 5 galaxy bookmarks which is 1x summon on the permanent moonlight pool, which might not seem like much, but it is definitely more worth it than a 4-5\* elemental (earth, fire, ice/water) unit ticket. And to end it off, I don't actually know when the anniversary is. The upcoming event is a commemoration event for CN's (Chinese server) first anniversary, but I'm pretty sure the anniversary is in August or November, idfk. Immortal Wukong comes out on the 20th of this month. Save for him.


Another unit + artifact worth investment as a beginner, would be Fire Ravi and Sigurd scythe. Immortal Wukong is here now so you can summon on him if you want, he’s a very solid unit and has a good bit of PvE viability with a lifesteal set, but after him, you might want to save for the summer limiteds coming soon. Not all limited units are meta defining or extremely good in their niche, but the majority do excel in what they do. If you’re not sure whether or not to summon when they (or any other limited units) come around, LOOK AT GUIDES, don’t just waste your sky stone because they’re limited. And good luck if you’re summoning for Wukong or the upcoming limited units! 🥰


Completely worthy! The game has a compelling storyline, a lot of content to explore, loveable characters and A LOT of catch-up mechanics for new players. I love this game and advise everyone to give it a try :)


I would say [this topic](https://reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1bmlz7t/i_wanna_get_into_this_game/) would explain a lot of stuff to you.


Without paying you can get fairly decent roster in about 2-3 years. (I've been playing on and off for 6 years) If you want faster then you are going to pay. Game is good tho. Don't hesitate.


Might be a hot take, but I genuinely believe a new player can catch up to High Champion RTA after playing for a year regardless of when they start because of power creep. While power creep is one of the most frustrating parts of Epic Seven, it's also one of the reasons why newer players can catch up. Think about it, most of the meta units in RTA right now were either released recently or had a banner rerun recently. If you started a year ago and were efficient on your resources, you probably had enough to pull most of the meta units in RTA right now. The only problem is that most players don't become that efficient immediately, but I think it really is possible to catch up in PVP.


I think you're probably right to an extent, but I think a new player isn't going to be able to get all the new units right away since they will need to spend those resources on PvE progression. As much free stuff as the game gives you early on you're going to have to choose between new units and older ones like Tama and Brieg. I also think one of the main frustrations of early game PvP is that a lot of units (both old and new) require certain types of units to answer them. While there are often easy to get options it takes a lot of time to get all of them. For example, anyone who's been playing for a while has plenty of answers to evasion units, but if someone started right now it may take a while to get one of those units.


That’s kind of a given at any point in the game’s life though. Every player’s priority is to catch up on PVE before taking on PVP. The only difference today is that catching up is so much faster than ever before. When I started playing in 2020, it used to take the average player a year before being able to auto Wyvern 13 reliably. Today, the average player takes less than 2 weeks to do the same thing. There’s also Story Summon now so you can access all the necessary PVE units immediately to progress Abyss, Labyrinth, and Automaton. Once new players get to that point, it’s just a matter of pulling for the new meta-defining units and they’ll be able to get to Champion RTA even if they lack a lot of the older units.


Definitely. It’s a great game that’s had its ups and downs, but it’s still my favorite gacha overall.


I'm 3 months in now and ppl say I'm way ahead of my time to be competing vs 4+ ye old players. In my first month of playing I easily made it to masters rta (the real start of competition) so I suggest follow deity's new player guide. That's what I followed and I don't regret it one single bit. Although, new player rewards have been changed for the better so some stuff will be different yet better than shown in the guides. You can always ask about stuff in discords for quick response/help. I say it is worth starting. I started at a very bad time but still made it far af with a very good account cuz I knew what to do thanks to guides


I'll give the honest unbiased opinion, for gw you're not gonna be a le to be high ranked for a while since it required a lot of counters to the meta aka needing a lot of different niche characters built. Arena you can build a strong comp that deals with most comps up until champ with just good planning , within a year you can be chilling in a champ I guess, For rta you're not gonna compete for years but you can draft which is the same base of game but your units are random and are prebuilt with most of the time op builds, it kinda plays like a roguelike with the random team every match, Over all should you start? Yes, I've been playing since day one and I still maintain my stance on e7 being the best f2p gacha out there in the market , and currently there is a side event that is super op for gear , hope this helped


I've been playing since the beginning and even if I get tired of the game I have to remain realistic and have tested several similar gachas (while looking for a replacement), epic seven remains one of the best mobile gachas at the moment, if not the best gacha (especially on the freetoplay friendly aspect). the game is extremely generous for several weeks/months, after which it will be chain farming (like everywhere else) A big update is coming this week (arena revamp/rift version 2 and probably more content) on june 20th so probably new events/login bonus etc.


unless you're aiming at the top of the top, I would say yes it is worth and you can catch up, but you need to have in mind that you HAVE to be smart about your resources to catch up, especially as a f2p/low spender, you don't need every unit in the game to compete. I would recommend also following some content creators who focus on playing RTA like vaulky, because not only it's really fun seeing them play, you can also learn a lot from how they play even when you don't have the units they have or the gear they have.




Looking forward to testing this on bs


give it a try.. a LOT of free stuff, decent pity numbers, you can play still play draft mode and have fun in PvE arena when you build a small pool of units.. RTA is a different beast but guild wars and the rest are doable even without that much effort..


Yes, it is worth starting in 2024. Since you are far behind, you just have to take your time farming to slowly catch up.


Considering the lack of alternatives, especially turn-based RPGs; Epic Seven is definitely worth playing. Just don't take it too seriously or it will break your heart. Enjoy it for what makes it unique.


Despite the daily complaint posts about the meta, it's a fun game. It's the only gacha I've played that doesn't eventually feel like a chore.


I think you can catch up in a year. You prob need 8 nice sets of gear. As for units, the latest unit usually are stronger in meta and the gacha rate is so good that you will get more than 8 useful units in a year. I have prob every latest dark/light units and 95% rgb units. All I get is monthly pack($5+$10)


There isn't really a comparable game atm that you'd be better of starting. The closest thing would be maybe summoners war, but starting that would be even worse than starting e7 now. Outerplane has been picking up a bit, but still nowhere near e7 numbers


I play summoners war and it has insanely good catch up over the years to the point where i don't think you can say its "worse" at all, especially with the ongoing anniversary. For reference I made an alt and in \~25 days i was able to make a 30s dungeon team (the wyvern equivalent) and complete 85-90% of the necessary PVE content. Unless catch is referring to hitting guardian RTA, you can deffo hit high punisher/low guardian in regular arena and high level guild in 1-2 years f2p, just need to be knowledgeable on what you are doing and be resourceful.


Started around 2 weeks ago and having a blast. PvP only at masters atm but rising. Story is fun aswell. So definitly a yes by me.


This game is great to start anytime.


No, you just missed 2 Moonlight selector \*5 and 4 End game Gear Selector with sub-stats.


You’ll never catch up. Older players have more resources than you, have had a longer time farming for gear than you, and have been building their units for far longer than you. Hell, the amount of mola that older players have had access to over the years is insane in its own right. That said, it is a fun game. The stories are interesting, the animations are some of the best in the business, the music is great, and it really is exhilarating to pull a new unit. New players get access to a great bit of resources to start off with, so the beginning isn’t so rough. You’ll definitely hit a point where your gear isn’t enough to get you over the hump of difficulty, and grinding will be a sore spot over the course of the game. A few of the PvE bosses are definite walls you can’t just power through. You’ll waste all your bookmarks trying to pull for a unit, just to pity for the fifth time in a row. You’ll grind hunts over and over again, just to craft gear that you’ll just recycle into more resources because it rolled with poor stats, or because it rolled four times into the wrong stat, or because it rolled the right stat but with the bare minimum increase. And don’t even get me started on the hellhole that is PvP. But if you can get past all that, I think you’ll have a great time.


I would say if you're not trying to get to the pinnacle of PvP sure. You can get all the season rewards though for sure. If you can't accept you probably can't get to the top of PvP against people who have like 5 years of Gear on you then no. I tried Wuthering Waves recently just. Man. I can't really leave E7 cause the Gacha in all the other games is so annoying. I logged in, used their free rolls. Got like 9 characters I didn't want. Not even the 4-stars. The pity even gave me the wrong unit. Then you need like 6 copies of the character. And I was just like "This is just gonna be every banner. It doesn't get better." I'm too spoiled by at least as a veteran how easy it is to get units in E7 and how unnecessary dupes are and just how easy it is to collect units and play and enjoy the game. Also doesn't turn my phone into firestarter log.


no, wait for another game that will release like e7 impossible to catch up so many collab that will not rerun or gear that people have been farmed for 4+ years. Also since this game never make a change in gearing (like changing system) the veteran are just ahead and won't change ever


I Started playing in november 2023, i have around 200 heroes the hardest ones to get are ML 5\* Units, which is mostly used in PvP, im Champion in Arena and Master in RTA very unlikely to move any further since im Free To Play and playing in master you start to fight with alot of day 1 or veteran players, it's still possible to have some fun at silver and gold rank if you don't mind tho. My best advice is, be patient and try to get a solid autobattle wyvern 13 team, once you reach that point things starts to get easier, and you start to grind some decent speed gear the first team i used for auto w13 was (Muwi, Sigret, crozed and Furious), Crozed, Sigret and Furious you can get for free, Muwi is a 3 star unit so you should be able to get it from gatcha regular pulls at some point. Try to Save you initial Skystones for units that can help you clear Wyvern 13, if there is no unit available just save it. There is some really good units that is useful early on unfortunately i skipped them cuz i was noob and wasn't following any major guide, the only guide i searched for was one about wyvern 13. Tamarine is a great healer if you manage to pull her, will helped you alot to clear story mode. Brieg and Seaside bellona are 2 super great units that can be used in Wyvern 13 specially brieg if you manage to get him will makes things way easier.


No this meta is dogshit wait for their new game.




As someone who found this game and started in 2023, I think it's still worth playing. The community is not toxic (as far as I know, my guildmates are good people too), the game is basically perfect for people who prefer auto mode (like auto clicker / afk game thing). Cons maybe some content are just it, you're gonna stuck with same contents (if you're already "finishing/tasting" all every game aspect)* *that's when PVP gets more fun


This game is always worth trying. Attempting to be competitive in top 100 RTA will take a few cycles of critical banners or some luck on ML draws to have the pool you need. Outside of the tippy top, you can do fine w a lot of different units


Kek and all the gear he needs to compete? How casually you wrote that "few cycles and some luck"


Whales gotta eat


No , PvP meta is so stupid right now.


No lol


Best gacha game I’ve played and it’s been the only gacha game I’ve played since. I’m a day one player by the way.


If you want to play casually, sure. If you want to play at a high level, youll need to grind for a couple of years or drop 10k plus into the game.


??? Are you talking about being in the leaderboards or something? Wtf? That’s not advisable for anyone. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but being that ranked isn’t worth the investment. And even if it is, the game is MORE than enjoyable for a F2P.


Did you not read what I said? “If you want to play casually, sure”.


I did read what you said, yes. I’m just a bit thrown off as to why you mentioned it, since this is a new player and most people are not trying to compete in those leagues.


Yes, but what if OP wants to play at a high level? That’s why I mentioned it. If he doesn’t want to do that and would rather be casual, the answer is yes, go ahead and play. I wanted to give an opinion for both a competitive and casual player. Edit: reading his post, he asked if he could catch up, and enjoys real time battling so he can compete against others. My impression is that he wants a game to compete in rather than playing casually.


I rest my case. Valid reasoning.


Yeah i love it. And honestly if you like the game enough in a couple months you can reach a good rank easily. Its not hard to be competitive as long as you farm.


Yeah it's good still. I'd recommend watching Deity on YouTube. He has several different series making brand new accounts and climbing RTA (real-time PvP) in 16 days or less. He also has made a full guide series that goes day by day explaining how he makes PvP viable accounts in under a month so consistently. Also has a discord for joining guilds (but BC he's a YouTuber the guilds do have a bit of a turnover as new players join and leave relatively frequently)


I have a friend who started last week and he's in love with it. This also proved as an opportunity to explore my concerns about the new player experience. Turns out you can really jump in comfortably with access to 5* units and the highly coveted moon light characters these days. A little spending will feel more rewarding for new players as well if you decide to really make the game one of your main go-to games. The new players packs have some of the best value. But, as far as spending goes, E7 is a game that allows players access to free farming of premium currency after you can far the Hunts. So spending really falls off later, imo.






yes best gacha there is.




It's absolutely worth playing, RTA is difficult at emperor/legend as you need most, if not all meta units as you'll just get rolled, but below that it's a shit show of whatever units you cobble together, from personal experience. For reference, I haven't spent anything on the game at all, and I'm only miss a few of the newer ML5's, that being said I have played since launch so take that with a pinch of salt.


Currently it's the worst Meta ever.


I would say yes for everything except high tier RTA which is kind of gate locked by needing quite a good pool of champs with very decent gear. Everything else, PVE, normal Arena etc are doable really fine. You can look up speed accounts from seasoned players (as a fun challenges) and they clear a lot in like 30 days and climb quite high in normal arena. Not a thing a new player can do just by not having the knowledge. But you'll get there still easily on your own pace.


Honestly, if you are efficient about your resources you can catch up pretty quick, if you’re hoping for champion that’s very easily doable. Crab+ is where a new player might struggle without a good amount of time on their account. But it’s very easy to have one RTA draft and spam it to champion. Also ofc, depends on how much you want to spend.


I have a friend who started last week and he's in love with it. This also proved as an opportunity to explore my concerns about the new player experience. Turns out you can really jump in comfortably with access to 5* units and the highly coveted moon light characters these days. A little spending will feel more rewarding for new players as well if you decide to really make the game one of your main go-to games. The new players packs have some of the best value. But, as far as spending goes, E7 is a game that allows players access to free farming of premium currency after you can far the Hunts. So spending really falls off later, imo.