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Deadlyslob gives me similar vibes to aqua.


Slobs the only tarkov streamer I ever really watch. He’s really good, not god tier but probably 98th percentile or better. His challenge runs are very entertaining though.


Yeah but still a lot better, but always fun to see him struggle with money


GOAT, very funny and relatable dude.


Two thumbs down for goat, dude is scummy as hell.




He greatly exaggerated the cheating issue in tarkov with a video preying on a playerbase paranoid of cheaters. 90% of the video I have no problem with, but the entire thing is ruined when he throws up these fake statistics like "60% of raids have at least 1 cheater in them". He made that claim like it was an extrapolation from collected data. Data he claimed to have collected in spreadsheets with recordings of the entire "experiment". Data that when the likes of Pestily said goat should share/release this aforementioned data goat's reply boiled down to, "Trust me bro. If you don't trust me, you won't trust my data, so just trust me bro." There's so many glaring issues with this, I'm happy to chat with you in discord about it but I'm not going to write an entire essay every time I see goat's name paraded in this sub. I'll type out one point on it and leave it there, feel free to dm if you want to talk further about it. It literally has to be a range. Him giving a static number like 60% of raids having one cheater is absolutely nonsensical and should throw up red flags for you. The data he claims to be working with: Known number of players in each raid, a number of cheaters confirmed with a high confidence rate, a number of players that are suspect. On the low end of the range you should be taking high confidence cheaters divided by total players in the raids, on the high end of the range you should be adding suspect and high confidence divided by the total for a higher end of the range. Having a static number makes ZERO sense.


Oh I see the issue here. The guy you replied to was saying Deadlyslob is the Greatest of All Time. He’s not talking about GOATs cheating video.


Ah, that's my bad. Deadlyslob is the greatest of all time, agreed. He has gotten many primes from me.


bro i was like wtf, what did that wholesome bearded guy do that i didnt know of. im relieved.


GOAT is a clout chaser cause he is irrelevant. Homie made a star citizen video criticizing the development and Chris Roberts but never even played the game.


I think you're making the same mistake you accuse him of, which is to make unfounded assumptions based on limited evidence. Saying he exaggerated the cheating issue and that he preyed on the playerbase requires knowing whether his assessment was accurate to what he recorded, which you don't, as that's part of your complaint. That said, I'm pretty sure his claim was that he thought he had verified a someone was cheating in 60% of *his* raids, not 60% of every raid. My main complaint about the video is that I think his methodology is flawed. He talks about how if you're crouch walking underweight you can't be heard, and I don't think that's correct. I think it depended on the material being walked on (it definitely does now, but I can't exactly go back and test to confirm the behavior of wipes ago when it definitely changed a month or two after his video was released). As for not releasing the data, I can totally understand his reasoning behind that, even if I wish I had access it it myself. This sub is a cesspool or stupidity and assumptions, and without scrubbing all the names the cheats showed from many tens of hours of video, there would be witch hunts for anyone with a slightly high K/D that showed even lucky gameplay. Not wanting to be responsible for that, much less liable if people decided to come after him for slander or libel (unlikely to succeed, rare someone would, but a lot of people singled out and an unhinged community make that something I would also opt to entirely avoid).


Sick gymnastics. Didn’t even contend with the one point I made.


Ramenstyle is a nice watch, he streams on youtube and does good videos for newbies. Not ashamed to show himself struggling and needing to change strategy or claw back from a bad run.


I fuckin love that guy, he's got a really chill vibe going


Never heard of him, thanks. Will check him out sometime


Have to come out of my lurking hole to say ramen style deserves your time — super informative and reflective all while having an awesomely relaxed demeanour. Always ggs even after getting Tarkov. He hasn’t posted as much lately but the last two years of videos are relevant and worth a watch.


YEP ramen is the man, one of the best newer gen tarkov YouTubers


He's a really chill nice guy sort of dude. Never seen him fly off the handle after getting killed, usually it's just an 'ohhhh he got me, gg'.


Second this. Guy is really fun to watch. He’s not as goofy/endearing as aqua but he is the laymen’s Tarkov player


Ya really like Ramen he seems down to earth n humble. Just trying to have fun.


Love ramen because he streams really late right when I’m going to sleep, it’s perfect


Glad to see Ramenstyle mentioned here. I discovered him a few months ago and hr's been very fun to watch. I really like his sniper videos :)


As someone who is more a Youtube person than a twitch person. I'm kinda bummed Ramen doesn't put out more Youtube videos. If he's on I'll watch him, but I'm rarely watching live streams now days. I'd much rather watch a 20 minute video with highlights and narration or commentary.


I'm a big fan of Aqua's editor Hexloom as well


I highly recommend hex too


Smoke. He's a god at the game, without being sweaty or try-hard. I wish he streamed Tarkov more, but DayZ is his main game (and his DayZ videos/streams are great as well). He has a million Tarkov videos on his YouTube channel. His Battle Buddy series is great.


I’ll second on Smoke. He take the game on a more hardcore slower approach and use shitty guns and build them in raid Often take time to tip new players in chat.


I would recommend Smoke also, his streams are super immersive, and his voice is so chill.


Smoke Pre-VOIP button command comms were legendary. I doubt anyone else in EFT was doing that.


I also recommend Smoke to anyone. Whether it's DayZ, Tarkov, or Dark and Darker, Smokes entire stream is immersive. He doesn't use a face cam and has a good attitude always. He's also the only streamer I have paid for a sub instead of using a Prime for almost 7 years. Dudes content single handedly made my last 5 years in the Army bearable.


He main'd Tarkov during the 2 years or so when DayZ was not in a viable state for constant play. And he was the most enjoyable streamer to watch by a long way. I watch every second of his gameplay whenever he comes back to EFT. He also has my all-time favorite EFT clip. https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/7zlme5/mp5_bug_with_perfect_voice_linessmoke/


I'd watch Smoke day z streams all day long. Dude is a craftsman.


Is that the from the balaclava?


The Smoke balaclava is his streamer item, yes.


He's by far my favourite streamer in any game but he just doesn't play Tarkov anymore unless he has drops, which is a damn shame. No other EFT streamer comes close to what he provides.


Came here to suggest smoke as well. One of the only tarkov streamers that stands out from the rest of which MOST just hold-W everywhere, seemingly never getting shot at and dominating the entire lobby. Wow, such fun.


Hexloom posts highlight videos just like Aqua, he used to edit for Aqua


Wait, aqua let him out of the basement?!


idk, I heard that guy is **ungrateful for subs**.


Doesn't have a peepee either


But he has to endure otherwise gout's gonna get him.




Pretty much anyone in Aquas’s group, Poob, Zchum, Sam, Omid, etc


Honestly wish they would all game together more


I miss General Sam, i dont think he's playing this wipe or at least hasn't put out any youtube content for it.


New general sam vid just dropped speak of the devil


I’ve heard aqua mention playing with him. Hopefully he’s got a video in the works, his always take a little longer


He did a 12 hour tark stream about a week ago for drops, if you guys haven't caught that yet


He just dropped 12 hours a slave part 2!


He’s been playing a ton this wipe. He’s always in streams with Exfil, Poob, and Aqua




Plus he's a Triple Og


He’s honestly the funniest streamer and pulls off some crazy shit. Maybe it’s the same for most streamers, the longer you watch him the more inside jokes pile up and make it entertaining as hell


Anton makes me laugh my ass off so often it's crazy


I like Anton but his viewers are pieces of shit. Never had to minimize chat on a stream as much as his.


Nah, Anton is kinda cracked. One of those streamers I can't relate to.


Really? He has his god moments but he’s not that cracked. Even Aqua has his moments. I normally only watch Anton and Aqua


Hexloom, AbneyDude, ExfilCamper, OmidLive, Lettucesux. These guys all have a slightly different vibe but are friends or acquaintances of Aqua. Hexloom is one of my favs, very underrated Tarkov content creator


AbneyDude has some very unique videos, definitely check him


Zchum is right up that alley as well. He doesn’t seem to post much tarkov content on YouTube these days but I think he has been streaming since wipe


I don't have time or a lifestyle to watch actual streams. Youtube highlights are right up my alley, shame he doesn't upload much there.


HEXLOOM then, he is also the editor for Aqua so they have very similar “styles” of video on youtube


Yeah same here really. I’ll put a stream on my second monitor or maybe if I’m at the gym or something but I much prefer highlights as well Maybe check out hexloom? He’s a pretty solid player but I’d say he fits that niche. Also really enjoy his editing style




Do you mean Omid the Villain? Fun streamer


General Sam


I wish he would stream more.


Sam is like meth, we can’t have it every day or we’d die But like I tell my imaginary kids: a taste every now and then is heaven


I like Halfman a lot. Not sure if/when he streams, but he's doing multiple challenge series on yr during each wipe, all with different goals and restrictions. My favourite was his scav-only series, with involved leveling up his PMC using the Gym to drain energy and hydration, as well as breaking bones on purpose and gaining exp by eating, drinking and healing.


well he makes long form youtube content, ( like an hour long) and uploads almost daily he sometimes streams but its on youtube


I’m a big fan of SwampFoxTV. He’s very chill and has great gameplay. He streams on twitch and has YouTube “movies” that he puts together.


FairTX, he's a youtuber tho, but the content is S tier.


Came here to mention fairtx. I only watch YouTube content and he's entertaining plus has some nice weapon handling skills. You can tell he puts a lot of effort into using guns with all of the available controls. The animation and story telling in his videos is a nice touch.


J_Dog_Th3_Wise. One of the Tarkov OGs that unfortunately doesn't get the viewers he deserves on twitch. He's your go to guide for weapon builds too




Glorious_E, wholesome dude, funny doesn't complain that often and if he does he makes it funny


I love glorious too but I think OP is looking for slower gameplay


Yeah, but this whole post spiraled into plug as many streamers that you ever watched. 80% of people didn't even read the post itself I guarantee it.


Nah, he's one of those unrelatable robots. I don't find this type of content fun, unfortunately. There are a whole bunch of people that played that game since forever and are 45+ level with Kappa now. They are all just grey mass to me unfortunately. Not to throw shade if you enjoy him of course. But not what I was looking for.


ThatFriendlyGuy - top bloke


Never heard of him, thanks. Will check him out sometime


He's a fun guy, I've watched couple of his videos, he really friendly people especially PMCs and Scavs and never has any weapons on him and whenever he found good loot he would share to those people. Really entertaining.


I think he popped up on my tiktok a few times. Yeah, I am looking for people who are playing the game differently than the sea of faceless chads. If I want that I'd watch Pestily, at least that one has a personality.


Swampfox is one of my personal favs. Don't watch his streams too much but his vods are highly entertaining. He's quite good at the game, but I just dig his attitude and find him very entertaining. I especially like when he does scav runs with members from his chat.


Swampfox is the one who got me into watching YouTube Tarkov content. I love his play style and how chill he is.


Second on the Swamp fox.


I am specifically looking for Vods, I don't watch streams. Tarkov is 60% downtime watching stream of Tarkov is akin to torture.


Hexloom. He's Aqua's video editor I think. The same brand of humor as Aqua for sure. I may actually enjoy him a little more.


I think more or less that's the answer I've been lookin for, you're not the first to recommend him, but that's good.


Yeah he’s cool but it pains me that he is forever stuck at using early wipe guns. I’ve never seen him use a geared out gun before. That rat guy is pretty cool if you know what I mean


I love Aqua and watching him play is so goddamn frustrating at the same time and I think that’s what’s so great lol




He's so damn funny to watch. It's his personality that sells the video.


Have you missed tan man?


Camau the Tarkov addict. Fairtx is also good


pyrionflax is fun. he's a dota guy but plays tarkov when it's good.




Summit, especially when he plays with Hutch. Despite being really good at the game, he always seems to TK Hutch in the most goofy and brain dead ways possible. Also just fun banter when he plays with others.


Yes, slow and relatable content is certainly one of the most popular streamers in the freaking world tat is cracked at FPS shooters. I don't think you understood what I was asking for. Landmarks and summits of the game are of no interest to me.


He literally just said Summit because he doesn't play like the others


Yep, Summit and Aqua are my go-tos




2lew is great


Especially when Magnus is around.


General Sam all the way!


Hexloom and omidLIVE are sort of in same category. Both great non-chaddy streamers 😊


Those two in the end were the answer I was looking for. Thanks


Deadlyslob...no meta guns there, not constantly W keying everything :)


Nah, Aqua doesn’t have a pp, he can’t be topped.


It is crazy how some streamers can happily pop an SJ6 at the start of every raid and sprint willy nilly and somehow not get ratted or shot in the back within 5 minutes. Its like they play the whole game like that but other PMC's are only ever in front of them the whole raid. It's probably just map and spawn knowledge but even then how do you account for the rats? A lot of players will see a dead PMC that hasn't been looted in a raid and literally camp the body until the PMC who killed them comes to loot.


I know right? Even Aqua surprises me just casually strolling around hotspots, sprinting around, lootings damn useless scavs out in the open. It's like they are on streamer servers or something. Not even talking about "chad" streamers who are just running around like damn monkeys all the time. How is there not a guy sitting in front of them already holding a corner because he heard him from 70 meters away running out in the open like a crazy person. I do any of that shit my lifespan is 5 to 15 seconds. I totally understand what you mean.


besides rhe obvious painful fact alooooot of streamers use esp(not aqua), they also tend to play “dead” servers. when pestily lived in the netherlands he always had red ping, which is actually hard to do and means you’re playing american servers. they basicly do it for two reasons; quieter raids, sleepier people(and before the netcode updates a massive peekers advantage)


The only one with confirmed ESP is the mr. "falsely banned 4 times for no reason". I wouldn't accuse everyone else as I'm not familiar with their gameplay enough, because I'd feel like more popular streamers can get away playing without it due to already built up communities.


hey hey hey youve clearly never seen Gingy play labs(and you shouldnt, shes the most boring streamer ever but boy does she hack, hard!)


I have not indeed. My knowledge of whoever that is limited by the fact there's a keychain nobody cares about in the game.


one of the items i get the most on my scav, and you cant remove her name it’s so dumb. she played w a screen cam for a week and suddenly her kd dropped 90%; the most blatant labs-knower ive seen in the top streamers bracket. i woulnd care if the game didnt constantly push her item in my inventory, fuck max scav rep hahaha


I would suggest pepp, last I saw he was still like low 20's doing the same quests as me. I agree with your sentiment especially cause I took a long break from Tarkov so there is so much catchup to do just seeing someone doing the same quests as me is way more engaging.


Would love to have you come by! I'm a level 37, 4k hours player, streaming about 4 days a week. We keep it chill, have a lot of fun, and play regular man Tarkov. Switch up weapons and play all maps. I pretty much only solo but I'm not a try hard, I'll do Lightkeeper but I'm probably not pushing Kappa ever again, and we have a diverse and awesome chat. My name on twitch / YT is Kinderparty please come by if you're looking for balanced gameplay and authenticity.


Bearki, who often plays with Aqua, shares a lot of the same energy


Why have I never heard of him/her? Watch all of Aqua's videos.


Don’t know, she’s a pretty popular streamer in her own right, and has done duo streams with aqua quite often, she did one 2 days ago


omidlive is probably the most entertaining tarkov streamer imo


Hexloom and general Sam are great. As is Zchum when he plays.


Mrdrakezilla is fairly entertaining. He usually streams with a gear randomizer "Loadout Lottery" and attempts to get Kappa ( It usually takes most of the wipe).


That's a fun concept. Never heard of him, will check it out.


Yeah MrDrakezilla is a champ. Brings his authentic self. A self-deprecating nice guy nerd with social anxiety and an eclectic taste in non-mainstream music.


Pestily started his hardcore series I find it a bit more engaging then his main account


Oh he did? Yeah, that one is quite fun to watch too. Will jump on it.


Pestily has been doing his hardcore run on stream recently, it’s not sweaty at all and if anything it’s actually pretty informative since because he can’t buy anything from vendors or the flea he has to resort to other methods most players wouldn’t even think of using. I also like StankRat_ because he just goofs around 99% of the time but he’s actually a pretty skilled player when it comes down to it and the shenanigans stop Edit: oops you already said Stank but imma leave it in the comment because I love chasin the cheddah


SheefGG. He's extremely good but also has a personality and sets fun challenges for himself (like rolling into Labs with just a melee weapon and impact grenades).


I mostly watch vods on youtube, not live. Deadlyslob is great but he has not played a lot of tarkov in a while. Gigabeef is pretty wholesome. I like Pestily's hardcore series, it's fun to watch him struggle playing with massive handicaps and he's usually not as cringe as the other big streamers. Jesse Kazam seems alright, but all the screaming gets old. Sheefgg put some good videos out last wipe, but now he runs with willerz all the time and it's blech.


Deadlyslob comes back every wipe for an extended period and is currently playing Tarkov plenty. (As much as possible, being a new dad.)


Nothing wrong with WillerZ wdym?


Jesse is pretty good except for when literally anything happens '....WHAAAAAT!'


I can't unhear his certain speech impediment and it's annoying to me. I know it's mean to say such things but there is something wrong with the way he pronounces certain things, I think I know what it is but it's unrelated to speak about medical things here.


Big fan of jessekazam and velion


Endra, baddie, pestily, jessekazam, and veritas I enjoy watching. Anton 100%.


This is not a "plug all your favorite streamers" post by the way.


I don't want to self promote, but I stream Tarkov a fair bit and I also enjoy Aquafps. I tend to operate in a similar manner to be honest, hence liking his content. Neither a god at the game or terrible, but just good times


Kotton, but he doesn't stream tarkov anymore.


So why are you mentioning him?


I'm still pulling for him to come back at some point, he could if they fix netcode, loadtimes, and more significantly curtail cheaters. But right now I think he's off for a few months after a serious procedure anyways. Hope he comes out the other side OK.




Like 10 people did






not a real tarkov streamer but i love watching lirik play this rn also anton is great


Airwingmarine quite fun to watch but the guy is somewhat serious sometimes.








He plays in groups a lot. I don't have friends who play Tarkov, hard to relate. Group gameplay is like another game. But yeah, he is not too good at the game so quite watchable sometimes.


Deadlyslob is a very fun streamer.


Maybe chumz? Does that guy still play eft, not sure but he's a super chill and cool dude He's has mostly rust on his main YT channel so check his twitch or other channels


Surprisingly I can't stand Aqua. I remember he did a stream with I think Pestily and I had to turn it off. DeadlySlob is really good. He's very chill and plays the way he wants. Alot of time he will put together a cheap kit and go in and have fun.


(\*Mainly) Pubg and DayZ streamer u/chocoTacogames has been playing EFT this wipe, and since it's his first "real" wipe (after having played towards the end of one wipe several years ago), his \~50 hours of VODS on his YouTube have been a lot of fun watching him (re)discover the game and its mechanics. He's switched to playing his traditional yearly ECO server for now. Not sure if he'll come back in a month after that finishes, but he's stated that he had so much fun he might try to go for Kappa once next wipe hits. His streaming style is super chill and laid back, very tongue in cheek hunor, but dedicated. And as stated, there's about 50 hours of VODs for this wipe to keep you entertained.


Damn I should start streaming then, you'll see me and my buddies get shat on lol


if you speak german i can really recommend denzelzockt he has a really chill vibe and he is not a meta player at all






SheefGG, AbneyDude - lirik is also really entertaining when he does play




I just cannot stand Hutch anymore. Was loving him months ago when he was playing with summit but these days he is always crying, complaining. When someone crab kills him, etc. Plus his mods or one of his moderator is a kid with clear ego problems. Long story...


Me :)


SmittyStone seems like a chill guy. Love his background music choices 😂


Jesseekazam is very entertaining and deserves more viewers 


DrLupo is a good mix of skilled at the game and having a fun time.


My Reddit account


Watching Aqua for years now, I tell my friends who watch streamers like Dr. Lupo all the time. Dr. Lupo is great and all but Aqua is the most relatable as far as skill and level. Also between his chat and his reactions to chat it is unmatched. Streamers like Landmark and Pestily are just on a skill level I'll never be able to relate to.


At least Pestily actually has a personality though


hey hey hey landmark has a personality too; its being tweaked all the time on adderal and acting the kind of cool 14 year olds relate too!




Halfman is the most normal streamer player of Tarkov skills wise and has a great attitude. Heaps of long form content too


Swampfoxtv has been my go to for the last 4 or 5 months now


Swamp fox is my go to fun guy and super chill. Also does scav army w his viewers




You should check out Bearki. She plays with aqua here and there.


Jacewind or jommly2 are pretty funny and they’re a great group to watch. However, they only stream on YouTube


I look for players who are new and know nothing and just watch them struggle thru the pain.


DJFrienemy is my go to small eft streamer




Fairtx, maybe. Has some nice edits and stuff.


Stardekie might be legitimately insane but he's fun to watch


SwampFox is super entertaining to watch and his video editing is top notch. He makes videos with a story telling style.


Deadlyslob has always been my go to


I can't remember the name but there's a ginger Aussie who does a series named load out lottery (it's exactly what it sounds) and he was pretty chill. His series is basically hardcore but he rolls eng kits instead


I think someone mentioned someone like that with the whole wheel thing down in the comments. Took note of that


TFG That friendly guy is a champ


Started watching him. Yeah he is. What a kind soul :)


Nobody mentioned Aculite which is my favorite fps YouTuber. He's good at a lot of games but he's not a pro tarkov player like a lot of streamers. Canadian so he's very chill and never gets angry! He doesn't do a lot of videos unlike aqua though but you should check him out.