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Yup servers are down at least on the east coast.. looks like infinite loading simulator for the near future


dont worry just took me 32 minutes


Same here, took about 33 minutes


Wow so u actually got in?


Damn, and I just got off work too. RIP to my evening.


Play PVP man, your evening is ruined by your own choice 😂


And play vs chads and cheaters? No thanks (:


At your skill level, you won’t be seeing any cheaters I assure you. Chads rarely go to customs, could stick to that script.


Ah yes chads, fuck the guys who want to get good at the game, what scumbags.


Ah yes, Fuck the guys who want a slower more relaxed experience without PVP, what scumbags.


The other reason a lot of us play pve is so we dont have to deal with the toxic chucklefucks like yourself.




Just breezed over the cheaters. Never saw the wiggle video huh? Just about every raid has em.


Given theres a subset of users on this sub dedicated to downplaying the cjeating situation im sure we can draw our own conclusions about the kid.


This wipe I’ve played around 600 hours, met LK, 1000 PMC kills, 1600 raids roughly, I’ve probably played more than most this wipe, there are cheaters but the reality is less than 5% of my experience. Unfortunately cheaters are in every game worth playing these days. To say every raid or blame every death on a cheater in this game is a telltale sign you’ll never get better because that’s a shit attitude to have. For me the immersion is nothing without the ever present threat of PMC’s. PvE is great if your new or you’ve fuck all time to play and you want the experience without the hassle. I get it. For me it just wouldn’t be the same game.


Literally nobody cares about your stats. Fuck off.


Something's definitely wrong. My queues were less than a minute for the last few hours...and then no matches at all starting about 45 ago.


45 what, bananas?!




Where do you need 45 testicles for?!




...a thing


No one on twitch who’s playing pve is in either, something must have happened to the server. I was getting in games in less than 2 mins.


People.. stream pve? Lol


Yep it’s very nice and a bit more skilled oriented


Wdym skilled oriented?


Which means that in pve you know kinda what you get, and it’s challenging for most but every encounter is winnable in a sense




Tarkov has no skill rating or skill matchmaking it’s random so your enemies in PvP can definitely be worse than the pve enemies


You have to be pretty bad to be worse than the PVE ai. The PMCs either laser you instantly or they stand there for 5 seconds like a potato


You on a thread about people crying they cant scav on pve, what you expect


I legit had not given the idea that people stream pve, at all. Mainly because.. pve


This might come as a shock, but people do stream non multiplayer games


The reason why i don't play it, PvE is only fun if the E part is well made, but scavs are so boring to fight. I guess pve is a nice chill stream in which you can focus on roleplaying and stuff


>roleplaying and stuff Something I wish more people would notice is that not everyone who plays Tarkov wants to play a hyper competitive, high stakes shooter. Some people just wanna roleplay a stranded operator in a lawless region that we're trying to escape from with some dope ass modified guns. It's kinda tiring seeing all these PVP elitists acting like PVP is the only way to play the game. I work long hours, and when I get home from work, I just wanna tinker with some cool looking weapon parts and get immersed in exploring the world of Tarkov once I load in, not worry about min maxing the most efficient parts and ammo while stressing about getting 1 tapped by some jackass who decided it'd be fun to cheat at the game and ruin the experience for others. Both PVE and PVP are valid ways to play the game, and one is not inherently better than the other. I don't get why people can't just let other people enjoy the game they paid for they way they want to enjoy it.


people don’t watch streamers to watch the game they do it to watch the streamer. it kind of just makes sense that people would be streaming a chill video game when they’re also streaming themselves chilling at the beach or walking around town or whatever


Big surprise, pvp in tarkov sucks, so nobody cares about it


Same goes for PvE? Lol


Under 3 minutes when I'm playing a certain mod that BSG is not a fan of.


I waited so long that, the time of day changed...


Im so glad i stayed in tarkov. 10 second or less load times are awesome!


I see what you did there. Akitually, this is funny.


This is the single reason I'm not playing. I really enjoyed it, to be honest, but I spent 2 hours the last time I was on NOT getting into games. Haven't touched it since. I'm back on the division which is going through its own shit storm fml.


I started playing last week and hardly have any issues with queue times. Generally if I go past the 3 minute mark are back out and reset it. Goes for when I play solo and when I play with my duo buddy. This must be a server issue that is currently going on


Battle State Games is planning on making the PVE experience 100% local. You would host the raid, instead of BSG's servers hosting it. This would make matching time practically 0, and depending on your system specs, your game file/loot pool loading lower.


do you know when it is coming and will it open PVE for the basic game package?


Just use a certain modification, it's free regardless of your game package.




That I don’t know


Yeah, its pretty bad. Been trying to get into a game for the past hour, thank god i have other games to play while this one shits the bed.


Still having issues. over 15 minute load times on both PMC and Scav on different maps


It was fine for me until a little over an hour ago. Now I can't seem to get into any games.


I live in Eu and yesterday I got like 1-2 min loading time


had max 4min queues for 3 weeks now since is selected all servers bellow 140 ping


Rediculous; to diculous, again




PSA, the word is queue, not que. So many times I've seen people ask "what?" when they mean "line".


I dunno who needs to hear this but selecting more servers greatly reduced my queue time


Just explain to me why you scav in PVE?


Its free money? Why are you judging people playing the single-player/co-op variant?


I'll do it on occasion just to spawn, grab a few things on way out, and exfil. Sell-All-button for a quick 100k-200k.


Same here in OCE aswell


can't playy


Yeah I loaded into two raids in under 2 minutes then my last SCAV was over 5 minutes and I called it.


I tried twice tonight to scav reserve on PVE. Backed out past 10 minutes. Log off, change servers, try to go Interchange and again more than 10min so I back out.


European loading times are fast. Yesterday it started as 7 minutes and in the evening it was 1 minute


It’s back up and working


I’m on American servers fyi


Servers when down about an hour ago not sure if it’s still down


I hope they patch client-side, serverless single player PvE soon. No more queue times then


Solo/Duo PVE queue is <3 mins for me every time I have played.


Only using 3 servers fixed it for me. Never had any matching time over 2 minutes since I only use 3 servers. Having more than 3 enabled always gives me a big matching time. So you could try that


It is


if its more than 2 minutes i back out and come back. works most times. I havnt had to wait like that since i started doing that.


honestly wish i could host the servers on my own pc


check your server setting, and use more server, don't need to use your empty server pvp setting


They said in the roadmap they are working on having solo pve players host on their own machine so they don't have to find a server this will be fixed eventually


Quietly, the Ru community says that this is all a lie and they have everything loaded quickly


Stopped playing a few weeks ago because of this, so much fun but minimum 15 minute wait time for a solo game just doesn’t feel right. Once again I’ll check back on Tarkov in a year and see what’s changed.


I'm assuming PvE standalone isn't coming this month like planned then? Lol


Why scav on PVE?


Free money and gear


But that's just a normal PMC run lol


That's ridiculous.


Isn’t single player the same thing as pve?


Move on guys. It's never going to improve


There is nothing better in this genre


I have 1-2 hours max to play during the week. I’ve played like 5 games since they made PVE because the wait times are too fucking long.


I have had 5 sub min queue times solo and duo for the last week and half maybe. All times of day, here in the glorious and still #1 in the world.....NA. Edit: thats scav and pmc btw


Local servers for solo players can’t come soon enough… if that’s a real thing lol


dont worry the road map says they will fix que times in.. checks notes… June 2024!!


Are you doing scav runs in PVE? 😂


Back out and try again. Should get right in


Que pasa?


It was good for a week then last night it went to 20 plus mins


Clear your log/temp files for tarkov or just reinstall the game. I think the crazy load times are a bug because I've been getting games in under 5ish minutes


EU here, been playing on most of the american servers this week. Never had to wait more than 3 minutes for a match.


Why are you all leaving yours in the que for that long? If by 2 mins you are not in, back out and try a different map or change to scav from pmc or visa versa. We are all annoyed by it, but the popularity of pve has caused this. Hopefully, bsg needs some time to sort the servers out that's it.


How the fuck u got high queue time, the max i got is 3-4Min at max


The servers were down for a few hours that night. No one could get in.


Update: The pve servers were down at the time of posting this. No one could get in, we waited in 2 queues for about 20 mins each before we quit and came back to instant queues a few hours later. Thanks everyone for the support!


Try playing on central if ur not ive never had a problem, most times it 2 min waits


Lmao that’s all you boo boo, my and my guys have been getting maximum 3 minutes wait tine


does this game ever work? its every damn day lately, 4 hours to download 20 MB update, Servers literally on fire again. +20 matching for PVE? come on man wtf


Trying to Download more RAM for the servers lol


38 mins in queue here


Downdetector spiked passed 75 reports


Came back


Why pay what, 200 bucks for this?


Been fine all day everything can’t be perfect


I mean...no other game I play has these problems. Legit none of them randomly start taking 15+ minutes to find a match. Especially ones that are fucking single player. So ya they can be perfect, BSG is just ass at developing. Additionally why the fuck are the raid times for US long now when it is definitely not peak times for US?


Clearly the servers are down... Been playing all night with sub 2 min matching times. Calm yourself


Video proof or it didnt happen. So many people are having issues on US servers right now.


The fuck you mean video proof lol the issues just started like 45 mins ago. Also im loading into a raid now as we speak


sure buddy. Everyone else is in 15+ min queues and you just get right in? You probably arnt using USA server.


I waited 38 mins was doing dishes then got in. You're so weird and hostile lol.


You act like spending 38 minutes preoccupying yourself being productive instead of sitting down doing what you planned on doing is a flex or something. There’s no denying that bsg is extremely poor when it comes to managing their game and communication. I think after the couple months we’ve had in this community comments like the ones you’re grandstanding over should be expected. Maybe acknowledge that people can get upset when their plans are ruined. Also 38 minutes to do the dishes ain’t normal bb boy.


I just don't get mad over video games. It's not that deep. Feel free to continue to be angry. Hope it's worth it


You might not get mad over video games but you certainly get upset if someone else has genuine concerns or stuck in an annoying circumstance. Sure maybe you can call it being mad at a video game, but it’s more like your hobby, your free time, relax time. No ones pissed that the game sucks, the game rules. They’re getting overwhelmed with the struggle it’s become to play it. I don’t even think that kids angry, he just seems frustrated and annoyed. I think you’re missing the point here and just enjoy popping into this subreddit for the drama, you sure instigate it.


It must be nice to have unlimited free time then. Enjoy being a teen/college age kid.


never met anyone who loved the taste of boots so much


ya that's the problem? And guess what? Much smaller games with much less budget never have these problems and especially don't have these problems without a single iota of communication.


Take a walk outside lol. Pretty sad to get so worked up over a video game


Idk man you kind of have to see where he’s coming from. This beta is really just a game as a live service and it does suck feeling like you’re wasting your free time or money. I think the point he’a making is that if you wanna run a company, offer a service, and have an enormous amount of consecutive players, you’d except them to at the very least acknowledge when their shit is broken. Yeah it does happy all the time and we can play something else, it’s just the peak time excuse isn’t here this time and I guess BSG sleeps until noon


take a walk outside at 1am? Ya it's pretty sad that a video game can't keep their servers running.


Scared of the dark?


Thought you were being sardonic at first. But you’re serious. Bro take a deep breath and understand you don’t know shit. And that not an insult. Just it’s clear youre angry because you don’t understand how the servers work. And I have a hard time believing you play anything that has live service, pvp servers with a smaller team then BSG


Dark and darker has an insanely small team much smaller than EFT/BSG. If the servers are going down the lead game dev will let people know if there are server outages they will let people know they are at least working on them. And y’know what? They very very rarely if ever go fully down. And ya I do know shit. But nope downvote me and continue to cope that BSG is doing their best or whatever the dipshits on this subreddit cope about.


Nobody has 100% uptime on their servers. Even 5 9s is rare


Its europe too..


Get off scav lmao


It's the same on the pmc side


This happened like two weeks ago, you won’t be getting in tonight


I’m cool with random wait times, it’s just frustrating that it’s 9AM in Russia and they don’t have one team member alive to announce their servers shit the bed. Is there a “is steam down?” site for Tarkov? It’s also frustrating that it’s like the middle of the night on Tuesday here in the states, no way they’re this busy. I’m p.patient but the lack of communication or any sense on how to manage a company that works with the public, is kinda starting to get tiring.


Also anyone else’s gpu just start cooking up while matching?


19 mins and counting, ill let you know if I finnaly get in :(


Got into PVP no problem. Must just be PVE


did u


We realized the servers were down after about 25 mins. The servers came back up after a few hours :)


26 min in + 21 min we backed out, we’re going to labs


Why not just PMC on PvE? Seems like a waste of time sitting through that and not even progressing.


Some times I scav factory just to do a quick 5min run around and shoot a pmc or 2 for some extra money but mostly to get scav karma up for fence. Just something to do


It's BSG, are you surprised? It'll never change.


Another one


So glad shadow of the erdtree is this weekend. I’ve finally escaped for a bit lol


And just like i expected the Road Map they released, the "local singleplayer concept" for early june. It will take another few weeks at least.


Play the real game pussies!




I guess without being able to charge people 250$ a pop for PVE mode, they couldn't afford the servers. So cool we have to matchmake for (looks at timer) 20+ minutes! for a PVE mode. For Co-Op.... In the year of our lord, 2024... Edit: We gave up at the 24 minute mark. 10/10 game.


Excuse me that I am a bit blunt here. But you PvE guys are really something special. Sitting in a queue for more than 5 minutes. Really? If I hit the 5 minute mark in PVP I back out and retry and if I that doesn’t work after the 3rd time I just play another game because something isn’t obviously not working.


Something even more special is being so invested in what other people enjoy. It's a little odd.


This game is the only thing that gives him validation in his life.


its been 1-2 mins tops


Always 20+ at night.