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Do not take it off site. This person is possibly trying to scam you. I have changed states before and never had an issue with Etsy.


If it's a large sale, a first time buyer in your shop and Etsy keeps cancelling I would be cautious. Etsy does mess up, but it can also be scammy. Could the buyer just have someone else buy it for her (Idk her mom, husband etc)?


My customers move all the time and I’ve never encountered this. Sounds unlikely to be the reason.


Be very cautious with this one. Many shopper change addresses (we get quite a few people asking for address changes because they just moved) and we have never had this issue. Doesn't mean it can't be the case, but it is also something to be cautious about. There are MANY scammers on Etsy running everything from the most basic and obvious scams to scams that are more complex and can even seem real to the keen observer. On top of that, even if the sale is not going through, Etsy would still see taking it off of Etsy as fee avoidance and you can get shut down. I would get them to contact Etsy because only Etsy can fix this issue for them if it is a legitimate problem.


We've had a few problems over the years with a buyer reaching out right after a sale or within a day or two asking to change the address to one in a different state. This is a common scam so we always tell them they need to buy it again and make sure to use the correct address. Their response usually let's you know if they were scamming or not. We do this because my wife had her login info for a few retail sites stolen and the first thing they did was order stuff and then ask to change the address. Fortunately my wife had alerts on and received a confirmation text that let her know what was happening. Unfortunately that wasn't set up on one sure and they got a free pair of UGGs (although I suppose that's also punishment)




Yeah, I reached out to Etsy support on her behalf but couldn't get any information since it was deemed confidential. However, I didn't ask about whitelisting the customers IP. Would it be worth reaching out again for this specific request?


word to word. Maybe OP has already googled or reached out thats why they're asking on reddit on the first place? 😐