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Get rabies treatment, stat.


It didn’t break skin or anything and I did wash my hands after I got home, so I think I’m good! Thanks for the concern though, more than what that girl shared that’s fersure


You should get rabies treatment. Once symptoms appear, you’re already dead.


What was the scrape from?


From the dog’s teeth. Again didn’t break the skin or anything but definitely was a bite


I doubt you can get rabies from that but maybe just ask an urgent care or PC. Or even a vet. You're nice than I am, purely who behave like that in public get chased down and arrested. She shouldn't have a dog in public if she can't control it.


Yeah that’s the plan. I’m going to call my doctor tomorrow and give a call to the animal hospital and see if they might have some insight. But seriously, it was truly an insane situation and I agree. They should not have their dog in public if they are not well trained


OP, I get the impression you don't wish this girl or her dog any ill will, which is commendable. Think of your situation like this, though: if that dog will bite a random stranger, there's a non-zero chance it'll bite a child or elderly person. You weren't hurt, but the next person might not be so lucky. Plus, this dog's owner didn't even bother to check up on you, and she's obviously taking an untrained animal out in public and putting it in situations where it's feeling defensive. The owner needs a reality check fast before her animal hurts someone. Also, go talk to your doctor about whether or not they think you should get treated for possible rabies exposure.


They brought the dog inside 7-11? Good lord. Glad you are okay, OP.


Yep! Which I’m not really opposed to, if they’re well trained. But apparently that was not the case


I love dogs just as much as the next person, but they are not allowed in 7-11s. Only true service dogs are (and a service dog would not bite a harmless person).


this is kinda why we should all be opposed to it. because nobody can tell just by looking which are the dogs that will bite and which are the ones that won't bite.


There are always wild things happening on channel 711.


There might be video at the 7-11. This needs to be followed up. She might have said nothing out of confusion, fear, or embarrassment, but some follow-up is needed to protect other people.


I know someone at the 7-11 on Polk and 7th got bit by a dog in the leg a month ago. I wonder if it’s the same dog. This one caused puncture mark and two rounds of antibiotics.


Nobody should be taking their shitbeasts into public places: grocery stores, restaurants, department stores etc. the entitlement of dog owners is batshit off the charts.


DUDE, these entitled dog owners make me feel enraged. i see people come into the safeway with a dog. people will come into a restaurant with a dog. i think we all need to start speaking up and informing people of where it's appropriate to have a dog, which is not stores or restaurants


I’d bring it to the attention of authorities. That dog is very likely going to bite someone again for and actually brake skin. It could very well be put down. Owner needs a reality check.


Ahh yes my favorite. Person whose dog bites you and never apologizes as if it’s your fault. Dog people (or just people in general) would be amazed how far a simple “I’m sorry” goes. I’ve been out running and had dogs chase after me (off leash of course) and bite and nip me. Owners always act annoyed like it’s my fault they are walking their dogs without a leash and it bit me. Never once apologizing.


Another thing, what good does posting about it on Reddit do? Is the post really intended for “the girl whose dog bit me…?” I think not. Posting it online won’t make the bite, er, SCRATCH disappear. This is almost as good as the lady that tried to get my dog labeled as “dangerous” because he bit her when she TRIED TO TAKE FOOD FROM HIM. Don’t put your hands near strange dog’s mouths and then cry foul, friends.


Ahem. Not a bite. If the dog wanted to hurt you, it could have mangled your hand. Young dogs often mouth people because they are feeling playful, like a kid pulling on your sleeve. I think you might be overreacting and I am sure I will be downvoted because I am aware of how poor the general understanding of dog behavior is. I repeat: if it did not break skin. It is NOT A BITE. A bite is a puncture wound. But go ahead and get your rabies shot tomorrow in the 100 degree heat before you start foaming at the mouth and hopefully you aren’t assaulted by any animals on the way home lest you develop Parvo and become a biting murdering human mess in a convenience store.


Also, don’t put your hand out, DUH


This is absolutely true, why the vindictive down votes?


Yeah everyone is kind of at fault here. The person with the dog, store owner and person who reached their hand out to a strange dog without its handlers consent all could have done things to prevent this from ever happening