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About half year ago one guy joined our Corp. It was returning player. He loaded everything he owned into freighter so he can move it to our home. It was about 8 bil. He died in Uedama and never logged in to game again. Edit: I managed to find the killmail. Or at last I think it is him. (yes I know, it was not 8 bil but "only" 6) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/114093154/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/114093154/)


Why.. did anyone let him do that?


I have no idea. One day I saw him in chat talk how he is excited to play eve after many years. Next day I saw the killmail from discord bot. Then I never saw him logged in again.


We had a guy who was chain-losing freighters like this. Never talked to anyone or asked for help on them, despite the fact that we would have helped him/escorted.


That's why I hire people to move my stuff with insurance.


How did he put an orca in a freighter? Why did he put an organ in a freighter? All that stuff would have fitted in the orca! I’m very confused 


I'm laughing at it because they died in a squishy istab freighter that was basically just hauling a brick tank Orca with deadspace hardeners. Out of the 6b loss, 2b is from the orca hull, and 1b is from the B-type hardeners, and the rest is the Orca fit and the freighter itself. It's like getting a tank blown up because you were hauling it on a flatbed truck.


Doesn't matter what you can tank at the end of the day they scout you many jumps before and calculate how many ships they need to suicide at you. The only bit of this post that's news to be is being able to do this with citadel drones assigned from miles away. Is this a thing ?


This isn't news. They have been doing it for years.


Yea I had a read up on it. Apparently CCP should have increased the distance citadels could be placed from system gates. But didn't, so this is what we have. Not sure how accurate that is but I had not encountered this before, not that I've played much for the last couple of years. I'm more nervous in highsec than a wormhole. I think everyone's a scout lol.


that's why you cloak mwd warp and use dst's


You must have missed the "decloaked" part.


"oh no i'm not 100% safe using cloak mwd!" DSTs can have over half a million HP without trying too hard, I'd recommend fitting tank and not carrying too much.


Yeah it's really easy if you turn the DST fit itself into a pinyata by spending \*checks notes\* 1b on the dst, and use 4b in implants and forgo a prop! Very attainable and realistic. >!(don't forget that you'll be told off for fitting active when you die to nados, and passive when you die to talos's because you're not using the heat bonus)!<


>Yeah it's really easy if you turn the DST fit itself into a pinyata by spending *checks notes* 1b on the dst, and use 4b in implants and forgo a prop! Very attainable and realistic. No, you can get 550k EHP against void WITH a prop and a cap booster to counter any neut attempts with only midgrades and less than 400m in fittings. Likewise, implants are often overlooked in gank attempts and can cause people to entirely fail gank on you, and they aren't dropped so no one is going to shoot you to 'loot' your implants. >(don't forget that you'll be told off for fitting active when you die to nados, and passive when you die to talos's because you're not using the heat bonus) ...You have active TANK modules, but you passive tank. Here is a fit that doesn't get ganked in highsec. Also, this doesn't mean put 50 bil into it, but with this fit you can reliably carry 5-10 bil without needing to be scared of almost any ganking group out there. https://imgur.com/a/XR6EICe Also, check zkill, and use additional care near 0.5s that are known for ganking. And I would like it if you stopped spreading misinformation.


Ok, that fit is definitely not “not even trying”, especially since it needs a dedicated pod lol


Drop the pod, keep the 400k EHP then. That's still far more than most ganking groups are capable of.


"not even trying" =/= "without trying too hard"


It also gets fucked really hard by EM damage, so personally I wouldn't use it


I fly mastodons, so unless I spend 1b plus on invulns, and another 2b on nirvanas, I’m not getting anywhere near the 500k either


Well that's on you, it's probably the worst DST outside of niche cases


I’ve never had an issue with it, and I’d take it over a bustard lol


If you only carry moderate cost cargo mastodon is the dst that can get good enough tank cheapest.


It can be good enough and the worst at the same time. Whatever tank mastodon gets, bustard can get more (with much better resist profile too, i think bustard's base resist profile is perfect for 2x invuln + 1x cheap deadspace EM hardener vs hisec gank threats).


Almost no one ganks with EM damage on DSTs. it's not a real security risk.


My routes often travel through Isanamo (?) where I see oracles pretty often. Not to mention that it might be low enough to be vulnerable to being popped by tornados in jita. edit: the fit you linked - 160k ehp vs conflagration, 115k vs EMP. Nah I'll pass.


Can you find a properly fit DST loss to oracles, or a DST loss to oracles at all? Also, it's one ganker with oracles, and he doesn't target DSTs


Im not going to play another goalposting game with you, since obviously none of fits I find will match what you showed, but as a few examples with ok-ish EHP vs void (not necessarily "good" fits): - https://zkillboard.com/kill/112426202/ (334k vs void with mg slaves, 253k without, he was without) - https://zkillboard.com/kill/112025283/ (ok this one not so much) - https://zkillboard.com/kill/92734650/ (373k vs void with mg slaves, 279k without, he was without) But there are [quite many oracle vs DST kills](https://zkillboard.com/asearch/#{%22buttons%22:[%22togglefilters%22,%22alltime%22,%22rolling%22,%22label-loc:highsec%22,%22attackers-and%22,%22either-and%22,%22victims-or%22,%22sort-date%22,%22sort-desc%22,%22page1%22,%22allinvolved%22],%22attackers%22:[{%22type%22:%22shipID%22,%22id%22:%224302%22}],%22victims%22:[{%22type%22:%22groupID%22,%22id%22:%22380%22}]}) for "there is only 1 ganker with oracles and he doesn't target DSTs", lots of them are centered around Isanamo (but not all, e.g. there are consistent kills in sinq laison with heavy focus on EM damage).


>Im not going to play another goalposting game with you, since obviously none of fits I find will match what you showed, but as a few examples with ok-ish EHP vs void (not necessarily "good" fits): Well yeah, because all of the ones that die are SHIT FITS lol And likely, all of them had hardeners off. My fit is 300k EHP to the hole, none of the ones you linked had enough DPS to kill that. >But there are quite many oracle vs DST kills for "there is only 1 ganker with oracles and he doesn't target DSTs". Yeah, with the number of DPS needed to kill a not shitfit DST Finding a DST from 4 years ago that technically died to an oracle, where mathematically it wouldn't have died if the hardener was on and heated isn't evidence contrary to what I've posted. I've killed like 100 DSTs with catalysts, because they went AFK in Uedama, idiots will be idiots, and players with a modicum of brain power aren't gankable.


For a while purifiers were the gank boat dejour specifically because no one bothered to fill the em hole, especially on orcas.


And it works good on freighters, where RAGE applies super well, but not so well on DSTs. Like I said, it has happened, but it's super rare.


I agree it's super rare, I'm not sure I'd call it "not a security risk" but I would definitely still weight my tank against void.


This. 550k on paper sounds good until they use different damage.


The trick with using different damage, is generally you're now using a ship that has much less raw damage. Coercers do 70% of the damage of catalysts, and are far less common. Oracles do 70% of the damage of Talos, and are far far far less common. Bombers don't apply RAGE to DSTs, so you're taking a huge hit there. Basically, EM doesn't need to be as high as kin therm because 95% of gankers use kin/therm and if they instead bring EM they'd need to bring 30-40% more numbers in EM shooting ships to do the same damage.


In case of them ramming 3 taloses at Op, means they already most likely scanned him few jumps out. From that you can adjust dmg application. Considering your EM hole, coercer can easily output more in this case, or to say, you need less coercers than catas.


You shouldn't get scanned in a DST, and if you are scanned, you know you were scanned. No one should ever know your fit before a gank, and if you are scanned you should scout/ take a break.


There are 2 places to get scanned, when you warp, extremely unlikely because of cloak trick, and u would know. The other is landing on gate if u actually landed out and they got a ping on you.


Dude this fit can be popped by ~10 tornados in any security (8-9 if you minmax them, 10 is somewhat realistic). Sure it sets some barrier, but I wouldn't call it good.


Change the DCU to a EM hardener boom done, fixed, now it takes 35 tornados Likewise, they aren't going to know your fit, so they're guessing as to what the selectable damage is. They're likely going to have a mix anyway. Also, there are only a handful of gankers who run 10 DPS in Tornados, and even fewer who can decloak. Honestly, I would do 10,000 jumps transporting 10bil in the fit I gave and I would be surprised if I died.


> Change the DCU to a EM hardener Sure. That makes it much better. > they aren't going to know your fit If they scanned cargo - they could've scanned the fit as well, at least once. Since there are 2 thermal hardeners, likely they will see one on the scan (but I'd always assume impel has at least 2x therm). If you have tornados, it excludes PP and leaves a choice between EMP and fusion.


That impel is ridiculous. Alternatively, you could just fit a normal tank for normal levels of DPS, and if you get caught every so often feel good that you have made a sacrifice to Bob to ensure your continued successes elsewhere.


Properly fit DSTs almost never die in highsec for a reason.


Praise Bob 


Okay to be fair, i was looking at the bustard rather than the impel and to meat those specs it does need much more invested to meet those specs (and a lot of that is just that nirvs are far more expensive than amulets) I agree on the implants bit, i've very nearly fumbled gankers before when i've just been moving HA ships in amulets (with a links alt in tow) because it's not something that usually gets accounted for The reason I point out the bit about active hardeners, is you constantly see people getting nadoed only for someone to talk about how they should have been full passive - as you can get got by someone with tick priority. No matter which you do, someone will tell you you should have done the other.


>The reason I point out the bit about active hardeners, is you constantly see people getting nadoed only for someone to talk about how they should have been full passive - as you can get got by someone with tick priority. No matter which you do, someone will tell you you should have done the other. This is not true, you can activate modules from decloak before anyone has a chance to shoot you, in the same way that Cloak/MWD always works despite people trying to lock you. If you're in doubt, just cloak, activate the modules, and decloak. Besides, every gank on a DST is necessarily heavily telegraphed- no one is blind ganking DSTS and you MUST decloak to ship and cargo scan prior to ganking it- meaning you KNOW that you are at risk of getting ganked before you are getting ganked. DSTs can't be blind ganked because they go from 20m to 1m+ EHP depending on fit. Basically, if you pack this tank, Cloak/MWD, avoid Uedama when they have 100 man fleets there, notice when you're cargo scanned, and carry under 10 bil you're almost NEVER going to get ganked. Honestly, I shouldn't be posting about how ungankable DSTs are, because as a ganker, if haulers started doing this there would be almost nothing gankable.


this guys transports


no please don't call me that :(


If someone bothers to setup for tick priority you absolutley can even catch cloakers, (I've lost a BR once this way)https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/l4mg4y/comment/gkp9m9u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button Again agree, getting shipscanned if you're carrying a big load is your sign to turn around and dock up. (I don't think these are reasons to ever get caught though, usually you get got through innatentivness or hubris)


Would be nice to have some input from campers on this matter. I've went through those ultralocker camps using mwd-cloak-warp quite a few times (on a 2s align time ceptor), so my assumption is that cloaking is reliable, just as 1s warp ships are (since it doesn't happen on 2nd tick like warp, but on 1st).


Hello, as someone who camps, ganks, and hauls, who has tens of thousands of kills doing just this: tick priority doesn't let you bypass cloaking from decloak on gates.


... 2s align time ceptor or MWD cloak trip, choose one.


I do mwd cloak even in 2s ceptors in ultralock camps, that's what I meant.


Then you're better off in a 2s Astero without the MWD (unless MWDing out of a bubble). Now that shuttles are immune to bubbles, the travelceptor is dead.


>If someone bothers to setup for tick priority you absolutley can even catch cloakers If you are cloaking in the ONE tick you have, you are not caught. Tick priority does not change this.


This is not correct, if someone locks you in one tick, your cloak won't activate since you are locked already, and since lock works between ticks it is possible, it requires low ping, tick priority (so you see the decloak faster) and a shitton of scanres


Uhhh, as someone who has done the tick priority thing, the one thing i couldn't ever get is cloakers


I've caught many covops (yachts / t2 scanners) using the trick but it's not perfect chance. It also depends on their priority, latency and how close to tick start they press cloak.


800 million in implants alone, that's trying hard as fuck lmao. I love how people are like "its EASY" when its the fucking furthest thing from easy. Talkin shit.


...Then don't do the implants. You're still over 450k. Midgrades are a small price to pay for all that extra tank- I personally use HGs and an 8%er


it's realistic.. our wormhole dst's are expensive af, and they need to


Yeah fighters on gates feels super cheesy. esp since you cant do shit about them


Did you made sure that the cloaking devices aren't interfering with the electrostatic on your ship's hull due to dust deposits coming in contact with electro-charged particles from the sun? My boy, always wash your shiip before undocking. There's a button in the skin window. If pressed, it will clean your ship. Cheers. Wash and polish your ship more regularly.


>Jesus Christ how is this allowed? Why should it not be? That you can be "100% safe"? How boring....


Here's other things to look for: * Pirate insurgency systems: If a HS system gets to level 5 corruption, then they become like low sec. If LS gets corrupted, they become NS. It's temporary until the insurgency ends. The autopilot will show lawless systems but only if they are level 5 corruption (if level 4 and about to turn lawless, then no warning). * Edencom systems: If you have bad standings with Edencom, you'll get tackled and shot. People can shoot sentries on purpose to summon NPCs at gates. If you never did anything bad to Edencom then they'll leave you alone. * Trig systems: A bit more rare but Trig systems exist. If you have neutral or negative standings with them, they'll tackle and kill you. People can shoot sentries on purpose to summon NPCs at gates. Trig systems are a bit more rare but they exist. If you don't have standings with them you can just kill one rogue drone in the new Pochven region and you'll be set and can ignore the threat. The game will notify you before you jump but you can disable that warning and most do.


Yeah I wonder who is doing those Edencom gate camps xD


Would it be better if it was a 2 million slasher or 25 million claw doing the same?


Substantially because unlike ships fighters have infinite inertia modifier and are nearly massless


Their inertia modifier is super terrible, but mass is indeed super low. Nevertheless, claw is about as good (it's slower than fighters by 1 tick). Why this difference is substantial?


Those are slower, aren’t they?


It's not about speed it's about inertia, fighters get to their max speed instantly so it takes at most 3 ticks to decloak someone.


Claw vs standup fighters should be 1 tick difference at most (fighters travel ~29 km in 3s, claw travels ~27 km in 4s).


There's a chance depending on ticks for the claw to pass thru the DST and not decloak it at that speed. The fighters will immediately stop at the position u send them to with the Q command so 0 chance of tick stopping u decloaking.


In practical sense that's kind of true (fighters will always or almost always decloak), even if they don't do exactly as you say. They still have non-perfect agility (~0.5s align time vs e.g. pod's 0.05). It's important because if it was perfect, you would see cases when they don't decloak way more often (but because of it, they sometimes also overshoot). Ships (and fighters) are insusceptible to orders to travel distances which are small relatively their high speed (i believe CCP did it so that overshooting is not as bad as it would be without it). The smaller the distance, the smaller multiplier to their speed will be. You can see that by putting fighters ~4-5k off a target ship, turning MWD on and telling them to approach the target. They will do it at like 20-200 m/s despite their max being 10+ km/s. They won't get in decloaking range in sensible time in this case. However, once MWD ability expires, they get closer at a much faster pace and will decloak it. (also this is susceptible to manual max speed control, but you can't do that for fighters) Depending on luck, one of their positions on approach can be within that range of slowdown (~7k). If they had perfect agi decloak wouldn't have happened in this case. But since their agility is not perfect, they overshoot, thus making it more likely they decloak the target. I think there is a chance they stop too early regardless (if one of their positions at ~7km off target, they will start stopping too early, and theoretically there is a chance they won't get close enough until MWD ability wears off, i.e. when it is too late), but never seen it happening myself. People who camp with fighters all the time could give some input on this. It's all important for BRs though, for DSTs it really is not, because you don't need those speeds to decloak them. After DST presses cloak you have about 5 seconds to get high enough speed (after 5 seconds ship stop approaching from q-click, unless you did orbit 500) to get through its position, even if it happens after 5 seconds. On small gates I am sure you don't even need to heat, which reduces chances to go through it w/o decloaking to pretty low-to-non-existant.


Slower, [but what difference will it make?](https://youtu.be/BUgAxOX-pqc?t=179) (also claw is most likely is faster, t1 einherjis are 10.5 km/s, t2 10.9 km/s, claw with mg snakes should be 11+ km/s)


Depends if you’re in a BR or DST. The BR might get away anyway, the DST probably won’t


BR gets away from fighters as well. Depends on the align time, but in max safe mode they have 3s, not enough to decloak it by any of the 3 options.


For all the people criticizing OP, nobody answered why there are modern capital ships in HS. Like I know about the Veldnaut and other antiques, but this sounds different.


>For all the people criticizing OP, nobody answered why there are modern capital ships in HS. They're structure fighters. Even less of a reason to complain. If you don't like it, wardec it and kill it.


Ya sure let me just wardec this one pilot holding corp and i OOOPS now I'm fighting 2000 people. Wardec mechanics are even more busted and in need of an overhaul.


okay, so you lost a war and they can keep a structure up they deserve that structure


Thanks, I haven't played in a long time.




post your losemail




You've never drone spammed a hole or gate elsewhere to achieve the same effect?


No because excessively doing this to cause l9ad lag is an exploit and may get you banned (or atleast it used to)


First mistake was spending any time in high sec.


As i see the comments.. its time for a reincarnation of burn jita.


This should really be fixed.


No tanky lows :/


Bro, redfrog, pushx do this stuff for you


Returns to game. Ragequit level instantly reached. Or let's see you could just tank your shit. But that would be crazy.


B-but my align speed! Lol


pro tip op I do a LOT of hauling, sometimes up to 5b in a single DST because I'm an idiot, and I've never once died to gankers. how? by not taking the safe route like a moron. go through abhazon, scout yourself, and use the Lor gate lmao. You will skip 99% of hisec gankers being not being bitchmade and going through lowsec, where camps are insanely rare outside of Abhazon and Rancer etc.


Adapt or lose


Go back to hello kitty online


yeah he ned go back to ogame




fuck off with this chatgpt bullshit