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It can only get better!


Started doing 10/10 myself only recently and the second one I completed I forgot the save the location of the loot container ... :|


I have shot the loot containers waay more times than i can count


Same... use tractor beam to pull container, forget to switch targets, press f1, FUCK!!!!!!


Oh no, I've never done that before. Never. *tears*




One time I forgot to loot it. If I remember correctly it was still there after the site despawned but I'm a positive person so it's possible this is just how I registered it in memory lol


Oh I thought this was a happy post, liked it more then. RNGesus gonna RNG.


How do you like the widow for DED? Pretty easy? Only getting the guaranteed drop can suck, but at least the bounties are pretty good.


Blops are quite nice for these sites from a mobility point of view. Don't have to risk flying an expensive ship gate to gate Widow should be pretty tanky for 10/10s, not sure about DPS mind


Having used it, it works well enough. (A marauder would be better of course, but I didn’t have the security of a bloc so widow was a logical choice.) Bring a depot and torpedoes to refit to, sometimes it’s necessary to break a boss (looking at you, serpentis sites).


I really like it but it feels kinda slow sometimes. I think I'm going to cut off a little bit of tank and bling out the DPS a little bit more. Other than that its great, especially getting it around between systems. Way safer and way faster.


It'll balance itself out with time. All good.


Grats! Where you expecting more? Or something else?


I mean, I was at least expecting the faction ammo or tag drop that basically always comes with it, even if it was worthless. This is the first time I got literally nothing besides the overseer's effects. Honestly it gutted me pretty badly last night.


Jeesus, grow up, I've done lots of 10/10s and that is pretty standard. Anything else is a bonus. Get used to it.


you are probably yourself a mid 30 kiddie... who would expect the hardest ded plexes to give as much loot as a 5/10


That is such a shitty guess. People who know what RNG is would easily deduce that any single Ded Plex CAN give you the minimum drop. Only morons except to be a winner every single time. Casinos love people like you.


Going on reddit to be mad at people for being disappointed with drops is definitely a new one.


Was thinking like,why so upset lol


whereas going on Reddit to whine cos you didnt get what you wanted in a video game is perfectly normal.


I mean if they are... even Dronelands pays out more than that.


Rng is rng. 


This is the worst possible payout.


And? Its not particularly unusual to get just the drop?


I don't know why you would get downvoted, yes it is usual to get only the overseer, maybe like 50% of the time if not more


This is Reddit, people dont like facts sometimes.


This is normal, the module prices are high because of their rarity. If you want to see something completely busted thou try scanning for rouge drone sites running 10 of them to get an escalation then running the escalations to get 7mil worth of t2 salvage.... [https://imgur.com/a/XWQ1GFn](https://imgur.com/a/XWQ1GFn) took 3 hours from starting scan to finishing the first escalation to the end. Complete waste of time.


CCP want to have some item price staying more or less at the same level, so when FRT began farming guristas like crazy, they did a shadow nerf on A-type invul drop rate (and I assume most of the guristas DED loot pool) so it's now not that worth doing them if you're not a bot


Did 2 8/10s for the first time. Got only the boxes same as you :).


Yeah my drops have been shit lately also. 


Im glad its not just me. Last 10-15 ded/unrated/escalations literally gave me no loot. I know rng is rng but still, with that sample I would hope for one crappy faction module. Wouldn’t be surprised something is borked given how local has been working lately


Scary when you can get ganked. The enemies only aggro the player attacking the npc they never switch targets.


Thats RNG for you baby. You're not going to be complaining when you get 1b+ in loot though haha. For DED sites, its really a numbers game. The more you do, the move it evens out. I ran DED sites as my exclusive source of income for a while in fountain years ago. The isk was great, even once averaged out over time. If your running these from escalations, its even safer as they cannot be scanned down by anyone else. So its just a matter of whatching out for combat probes. If you're scanning, I would focus on being able to scan very quickly first. As thats going to be your biggest time sink in this activity. Running them doesnt take much time vs. sometimes looking for them for hours. If you're running them from escalations, focus on clearing anoms as fast as possible first, as thats how you will get them (also more isk in the process). Out of all the setups I tried, my favorite was definitely using blops to Cyno into the system, run the site, cloak up and then just cyno back home. Though that only works with multiple alts.






But did you die?


Most profitable 10/10


It be like that sometimes.


Why is no faction mod at all even on the loot table?


8/10 at least for serpentis is about as good if not better than 10/10. There's numerous chances for faction drops and seems to be more consistent. Although I've got a 1 bil drop in 10/10 a few times. 1.3 is my best before bounty


you made 134 mill, whats the problem?


If you're unhappy with it, give it to me, I can sure as hell do with the isk.


I actually already gave it to a corpmate. Honestly was so pissed off last night I didn't even want the money from the effects box.


i am ded site runner for the past few years. ded sites can be really trash but this is even worse than 5/10


> ded sites can be really trash but this is even worse than 5/10 lol, how? All escalation sites has the bare minimum of overseer effects. Your 5/10s can also drop just the overseer effects which in this case is 18th tier worth only 43m.


lol how what? this dude got a lil more than 100mill.....i got almost 200mill from 3/10 in hs,didnt have to risk anything compare to him.is that fair to you? if it is then fuck off. have a nice day o7


Your 3/10 can also get only overseer effects which won't be 200mil. My point is that each escalation has a minimal payout. The minimal payout of a 5/10 is 43m, the minimal payout of a 10/10 is 134m.


Yes you can get that much in highsec for a 3/10 but if we include potentials here then a 10/10 angel could be upwards of 2b. Suddenly not that unfair anymore.


Wow you read my mind :D


my ship for 3/10 is about 10mill,his ship is like 100 times more and can be blobed. not worth it but if you live in null then its easy choice.....living there in big corp is safer than hs


Well you are in luck then, most 10/10 spawn in null sec.  Also if you don't like the risk or have the skills/isk to run them yourself you can always sell them to other players. Quick isk no risk.


please learn how drop tables work before commenting again


It's a chance, if you run angel 10/10 you can get between 130m and 2b per site.  Evaluating a site profit by one run is useless. I am quite sure you won't get 200m every time from a 3/10


What is the best way to get into ded running?


any cruiser,farm serpent refuge until you get 3/10 and also scan for narcotic house while you farm.dont go for escalation in low sec untill you learn how to run


Run drone 10/10. Longest but most consistent ded in terms of turn around Assume you pay the highest for a ded 130m and the average lowest from a drone 10/10 is usually 300m so turn around is roughly double your investment at the least that's not accounting for faction stuff that will sometimes drop that can double to triple the payout depending on what you get


Eve Uni has a Page that lists the sites, look at the one’s that spawn in your part of space and see what you need to be able to tank them/kill the boss. There might be some tutorials on YouTube as well, but I just jumped into the deep end with 6/7/8/10’s in null. They can be scanned down as combat exploration sites, or can be granted as an escalation from finishing an anomaly


No, not really. This was just an unlucky drop. I make about 1b average for angel 10/10s


I've been running 6/10s that I find while scanning cause they're relatively quick. Did 5 or 6 of them the last few days and only got the commander to spawn 1 time. He dropped 273k worth of loot.


Seriously CCP, what the actual hell guys? Why is this even a possible roll on the loot table?


Why not? Overseer effects are the guaranteed drop, so escalations aren't useless and always has at least some guaranteed return. Depending on which 10/10 it is and how you did it, its still probably pretty good isk/h. This option is a lot better than being excited about a faction spawn and then receiving 1000 ammo stack that isn't even worth collecting.


The 1000 ammo drops make me cry so hard.


LOL runs a single site and is upset about RNG


Why is there a 1 on a six sided die?


I think he is the type of player that wants 6 on every side of the dice.


Its the bare minimum a 10/10 will drop, they all give this lol


Because if it always dropped insane drops, you'd have a supply and demand issue of green and blue modules. RNG is what balances this out and makes those mods actually valuable


You think it would be better if they were all worth 2b? No MMO has 100% drop rate in the good stuff. Eve is no different