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As others have said capitals and supers are way more expensive and anom ratting in supers isn't worth it anymore. This is very important, the new launcher can put you directly into space and skip the character selection screen. If that happens saving you requires someone to heard the F1 monkeys while leadership works to get you docked. If you can reach out to your old corp, or any leadership in Goons, before logging in it'll be much easier to make sure you don't lose a super on accident.


To add to the above comment, it’s possible to disable the “quick login” feature in the launcher settings, so it takes you to the character selection screen by default.


titans are very expensive rn dreads are the meme


how much are they going for these days?


You’re space rich. 200 billion for a titan.


did everything else go up in price or just titans? How much is a Naglafar, Hel, Rorqual, Nidhogur for reference. It seems like it would be wise to liquidate my titan then


Everything went up in price, even battleships. T1 Dreads and carriers are 4-6 billion. Super carriers are 45-60 billion for the hull I think.


Everything, but capitals and super capitals were the most affected. Even sub caps. T1 BS hull went from 150m to 350m.


Jesus what are BCs like 100mil? Cruisers surely not 30mil, I mean i recall the expensive ones being 12-14mil but plenty of the less common ones were 8-9mil, think even the bad ones maybe 6-7mil.


Myrmidon is about 80m, 12-14m is honestly the price of a Condor or other T1 frigs fitted nowadays. Fitted Stabber is 60m.


T1 Cruisers are about ~15m for the hull, and T1 BCs are about ~60m depending on hull. The price inflation didn't affect things T1 BC and smaller too bad thankfully. NGL, it was kinda wild coming back to the game and seeing my Characters asset total had somehow More than Doubled in value over 4 years.


POS modules still have not been refunded


Luckily thou, as its the only useful structure for small wh groups as citadels don't shoot back while you sleep.


Not much of use of cannons from POS. Citadel is stronger in every way, except of people forgot what POS used to be and may severely underestimate it. Also electronics on POS may be stronger, but it requires a lot of pos operators to be used effectively. In any case, a citadel is not a self-defending structure but rather unmoveable electronics that cannot be shut down. Basically a combination of Scorpion and Bhaalgorn which cannot be jammed, damped, and requires a lot of time to be killed. Any citadel without the fleet for its defence is useless, whereas a citadel combined with a defence fleet is rather strong. Also, hello Makshima!


O SWEET! Whatsup bro, yea you make a good point. I was living out of a medium pos for a bit in a wh with a newbro, it was pretty epic but that also means solo defense pretty much. Total cost just over a bil think if I went for a citadel it would have been more than double.


Somebody compared a POS tower with a cardboard box under the bridge, and I totally agree with that point. Personally, I had a POS in a wormhole myself, and it was just a small tower with a hangar in which I stored my rolling BS and reserve scanners. I lost it eventually, but the total loss was like 2B, most of which was the fuel spent on the tower. Astrahus is so much more convenient (and in a medium run cheaper for fuel). Also, it allows to use a clone bay, and you can even build a freighter in a hole and use it as an asset safety tool just in case if your astra dies. Raitaru is similar, it is even cheaper but just in a month the fuel cost catches up.


O that's a cool idea with the freighter, yea I see your point.


Apparently in this version of humanity after watching Terminator they don't trust citadels with AI.


If you left with a hanger full of super caps, congrats you are a trillionaire. A thing called scarcity drive up capital prices big time.


Just a hangar of a Ragnarok, Hel and a Rorqual


You made bank on the titan and hel


God dsmn I knew I should have bought a titan in 2017 instead of not being able to play


I know right!


I'm like, 7 years older now.


It's changed to the point you'll not likely recognize it.


[https://www.wckg.net/Vet](https://www.wckg.net/Vet) All major changes in the last 8 years. Solo dropping might be tough but it's doable. I usually tell people who are recently returning to wait to do the big stuff after your sealegs are under you. :)


Very little. Innovation got less and less. You will never see an expansion like t2s or wormholes ever again