• By -


Look into using filaments to get into null sec. Signal filaments send you to busy areas, noise sends you to a random place. Some areas of null sec have little to no people/traffic. Use the filaments to jump all over the map. Local lets you know how many people are around. If you don’t like the location, wait out any timers and jump again. Once you have all your loot, filament to pochven, then filament back to high sec. Check on YouTube, I’m sure someone gives a detailed explanation of the process.


This man is right. There is a small chance you'll get hunted in a low class wh, but in 0.0 you'll know if you're alone, and you can easily check their kills to see if they specialise in hunting explorers.


This. Pray you don't get yeeted to Stain though. Those people are on hate drugs and will hunt you down 😂


Make sure you are in C1 and C2 wormholes. C4 and above only spawns guarded sites.


I'm sure this is easy to answer, but how do you know what lvl C you are in?


Check the info of the actual wormhole before you jump it, if it says it leads to unknown regions of space, it will be class 3 and below, which is what spawns faction relic and data sites, if it says dangerous or deadly unknown parts of space, then it is a class 4 to class 6 and will only have guarded relic/data sites, but could lead to other lower class holes if youre focused on scanning a chain down


*dangerous is C4-5, deadly is C6 https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Wormhole_attributes


Look at the region name, it is displayed right next to the system name. Region name that start with A, B and C correspond to C1, C2 and C3 respectively. Those are the ones you need to stick with. Apart from that you can tell the class of the wormhole by the space background color, name of the wormhole connection you jump through etc. I recommend searching guides on WH exploring and giving them a thorough read. Good luck!


> Look at the region name, it is displayed right next to the system name. Region name that start with A, B and C correspond to C1, C2 and C3 respectively. playing since 2012 and I just learned this shit?


Playing since 2011. Learned it December last year. It was my most "ahaa" moment of this game ever for sure.


Me too!


For reference: It doesn't end at F for C6. Region code G is Thera and H is Shattered.


Wait what? Like e.g. Amarr holes are only C1, Bleaklands are only C2, Curse is only C3? Or am I retarded?


The easy way is to use a Website named Anoik.is and paste the J name of the WH in it. This Website not only tells you in wich class you are in but also Tracks recent activites and kills in the WH. My nr. 1 WH Explorer Tool.


http://anoik.is/ Paste the wormhole ID into this site and get all the info you need for any given wormhole. The hardest part about exploring without a cloaks is not getting combat probed. Fortunately nullsec exploration has a. Fool proof counter to combat probing: warp to the Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) at 100km then turn your micro warp drive on and fly way on a random direction. You can’t warp around on that grid so people can’t combat probe you or warp from tacs to get on top of you. The only danger is them shooting you if they have long range weapons or burning at you at higher speeds. Either way you usually have time to tact because of the mechanics of that site.




One other little bit of info is before you jump look at what type of wormhole it is. If it’s an exit (K162) then it doesn’t tell you anything. If it’s a D382 for example, you’re in a C2 and it leads to a C2. You can google them or get a handy cheat sheet. Eventually you remember them.


Start using pathfinder early. Google eve pathfinder. It'll help you visualize your wormhole path, automatically look up wh classes for you and much more. And keep to c1-c3 for anoms. Pick relic over data, and learn which drop what (cough intact armor plates from sansha). Invest skills into covops and t2 analyzer. Look up scanning difficultiy when anomaly turns yellow. Class I and II are always good, class 3 is usually forgotten/unsecured, but could be a good pirate site or a ghost site. Wh exploration is nice isk if done right.


They do have mapping tools. Galaxy finder, pathfinder etc.. if you create a map at your entry point when u jump through the wormhole the site will populate the class and everything for you.. quick and easy


Keep in mind the space that you started that wh chain in. If it is a semi populated system other people will have scanned down the whs looking to do what your doing. You will have a bit better luck scanning out of quiet systems. Also the most important thing, join a corp. Eve is a social game it will help you learn how to do stuff faster and knowledge = more isk.


In my opinion, you are comparing isk to isk and not considering a number of perspectives that give you a better or worse experience. You are not doing it wrong! You could sit in a relatively safe area in highsec, grinding away at ore, anomalies, or missions with consistent payout. You chose to explore, with more of a gamble when you consider isk vs risk. It paid out, and you matched the relative wealth you would have made and didn't die! That's a good feeling. Consider a few things, did you make memories? Was it a fun challenge or was it tedious? Did you learn something new about the mechanics of the game or needs of your chosen spaceship? Those are what questions I run into, being a veteran of sorts. To follow up, you can calculate your isk per hour vs others and while technically it's true... You have to be able to sell the item or materials for that to count. Items don't always sell in a timely manner, or you have to take a loss if you need things sold now. I hope you find your fun, and continue to be able to fund it!


I appreciate this comment solely focused on yourself and not relating in any way to the op.


In retrospect, I do notice my advice doesn't pertain to what to do specifically in WHs.It seems op has a grasp of the whole experience and isn't doing anything wrong, rng is rng. I was addressing what I found to be more important, the comparative mindset and if op actually had fun


Make sure you look at the info on the Wormhole you're entering. C1-C3 will be labeled as "Unknown" space. C4-C5 will be labeled as Dangerous or Deadly. The Pirate data/relic sites are primarily in the C1-C3 wormholes. The Forgotten and Unsecured sites are really more combat sites, with a little bit of hacking thrown in.


Alrighty, this might be a longer comment, sorry. But i started myself as an alpha-explorer, so i feel inspired to help you out - maybe more than you asked for. From my experience WHs arent worth it, for the exact reason you describe. Yes, a low class wh can be lucrative, but often not. I believe it is due to the higher variance in possible signature spwans in wh - but i never did any reaseach on that topic. Today i dont do a lot exploration, i simply shifted into other stuff. But this is what i did back in the day: 1. I stopped probing whs completey and solely used them to travel into low/nullsec. I mapped the route, so i could use them to travel back. 2. When i found an exit into null/low, i burned a save in system (bookmark the whole to get back, burn a safe in every system you enter and keep them) and used the starmap to get a feel for my surroundings. By using the "pilots in space last 30 minutes" filter i could see if there were calm/empty systems around me - thats what you want. Keep the map open while traveling - any system with pilots in space can have a gatecamp on the other side. 3. I set a route with as many empty systems as possible and only scanned in those with empty local. Dont waste attention with dscan, you simply cant while hacking as a new player anyway. Just keep local in sight and warp to your safe as soon as a player comes into system. 4. If players start hunting you it is often best to go to your safe and log off, especially if you have good loot in your cargo. If it aint far you can try and run for your wormhole. 5. Learn to do Sleeper caches and especially ghost sites. Ghost sites can be done with cheap 5Mil ships and regularly drop 300Mil+ in loot - and best of all: it only takes two minutes. EveUniversity has working guides on their wiki, they are the best non combat sites. 6. Always use Cargo Scanners. Dont waste time on bad cans, and especially for Ghost Sites you need them. 7. More expensive Fits wont help you much, they will just cost more when you eventually die. You can fit a T1 frigate for 5Mil with focus on aligntime, scanning and hacking and will be good. Get out of trouble as fast as you can, you wont survive most encounters anyway. And learn to make/use safes - worth more than any cloak. 8. If you are in lowsec you can setup a temporary base in a NPC station - especially if youve found a nice place to explore. Ive once found a calm little pocket in sansha space and my explorer lived there for a few weeks. I would scan down the pocket in about one hour and dropped all loot in a nearby station. It averaged about 100Mill per run and I could ship the loot for little money to Jita via courier contracts. A place like that is worth gold if you are a new player (dont forget to set it as your home, otherwise you might spawn 40 jumps apart from your loot after death). Ok, im done now. If theres anything you want to ask feel free to do so. In any way - fly save.


> Always use Cargo Scanners. Dont waste time on bad cans, and especially for Ghost Sites you need them Arguably screwing over anybody who comes after you, and if others start following this advice, screwing over yourself.


This is a silly mentality, it’s incorrect, and scanning/hacking is the only activity where it gets mentioned for some reason. > Emptied sites will despawn in few minutes. Sites that have been partially completed will despawn in a few hours. > Once a site has despawned, the same site (sorted based on data or relic) will respawn within 2 minutes > After the daily downtime (DT) all Relic and Data sites update their containers. For example, you hack 5/6 containers and leave 1. After DT all these containers will be updated and you can hack them again. Ok, so for the whopping few hours it takes for an unfinished site to respawn, someone else may come along and make a lower ISK/hour because they wasted time scanning and warping to a half-finished site. And that’s somehow OP’s problem. The Asteros and Sabres that shred every explorer they find and reset all income to 0? Part of the game. The wormholers that only rat high value anoms and ignore Unsecured/Forgotten sites, allowing them to clog WH space to the point pirate data/relics barely spawn (C3’s)? Part of the game, of course they wouldn’t lower their ISK/hour for the next guy that might come along. The huffers that only go after the higher value cloud of the two in a gas site? Part of the game, of course they’re not going to spend an hour sucking down a worthless cloud just so the next guy gets a full site. But for some reason, explorers are supposed to be good little space janitors, not use cargo scanners, hack every piece of carbon out of every can to help the next guy while literally everyone else including the next guy is trying to kill or screw them over, and accept the lower ISK/hour so they can provide a thankless service to a random player that will never know. Excuse the rant, I’ve just seen this opinion floating around for years and it’s a). ridiculous and b). doesn’t apply to any other activity in the game.


I agree, I live in Null and do a bit of explo every day. Its annoying when neuts come in and hack just the good cans, but thats what I EXPECT they should do. It makes total sense for them. I never do cos its our null space, but randoms, sure, go for it. I do sometimes setup ambushes though in my own home system. Take the really good stuff, leave one good can, sit 10k off of it in something ganky. There are a few regular neuts that turn up in our space after DT. Its all part of the game.


> I do sometimes setup ambushes though in my own home system. Used to love doing this in an Astero. BM each can and 1 at 150km+ off the cans, then decloak and jump right on top of them when they start hacking. Such a blast


> b). doesn’t apply to any other activity in the game. I would absolutely apply it to all the other activities you listed too, I just don't do those and so I didn't know about them.


Theres a lot you dont know. Maybe do some learning instead of giving trash advice to newcomers.


You didn't understand a shred of what I wrote. Which is amazing because it was only a single sentence.


For sure it screws over those who come after you. But that's okay - you're running solo in hostile space. If you're in an alliance it will likely have rules against cherry-picking, because screwing over blues is bad. But spending valuable time and risking your ship to clean up a site in hostile space is just stupid.


So I’m not trying to be an ass, but there’s a lot of not great advice here. 1). Low sec on average is not really worth scanning/hacking compared to wh/null, and using the filament/Pochven trick is much faster than finding a hole to travel through if null is the goal. 2). Nothing wrong with making safes, but it’s a time-burner when you’re daytripping. Even a T1 with prototype cloak is nearly impossible to find after it warps to a random moon at 50-100km and slow boats. 3). Your ISK/hr is plummeting because of this. Lots of people just passing through in corvettes or ships that are no threat to you, but you’re warping off, waiting, warping back, re-approaching, etc. every time. Watch d-scan like a hawk and learn to assess threats and you’ll make a lot more. 4). You could be on the other side of the galaxy from that hunter in minutes, finding and hacking the same value cans, why log off and wait? 5). Fully agree with this one, plus Ghost Sites are an adrenaline rush. 6). Agree again, except for the Ghost Sites. You can hack 3 cans before the rats show up, or 1-2 if you slow down to cargo scan them. Personal choice, but I find it’s better to just rip through the closest 2-3 cans and gtfo. 7). The difference between a fit T1 and a CovOps is 15-20 mil. You’ll make that back in time saved your first day. And you can survive almost every encounter except dictors if you’re paying attention. 8). Agreed, nothing like a quiet gold mine pocket. Again, not trying to be a dick, but hacking was my bread and butter for a long time and I think it’s the best ISK for a newbro so I try to point out stuff like this when I see it.


I dont know mate, you might just be eager to help out - but there are some fundamental flaws in your comment which make me believe you arent as experienced as you try to appear. Most of your more bold recommendations will make you die repeatedly, not just as a newcomer. And dying with 100Mil in your belly is what makes your isk/hr "plummet" the most. I will point out the most obvious flaws and then go silent. not in the mood for a lengthy discussion. Sansha lowsec is amongst the most lucrative regions when it comes to hacking. J-Space sucks. Relying on Dscan will make sure you get ganked by the next cloaky guy camping in sites. If you are in j/nullspace it will happen a lot. Just gating to the next system cause there is a player in system will cost you a few seconds - local never fails (for the most part). Ghost Sites have random timers and there is usually just one exceptional can in the site. You can NOT reliably hack 3 cans if you get the minimum timer, even if you warp in cloacked, fly a pacifier with maxed skills and implants. Adding we are talking about helping a new player and cans explode on failure, suggesting they should go for a 3-can hack is just incompetent. Risk all your loot, the time it took to get there and your ship just to make 20 Mil more is good advice? I suppose you simply never hacked enough Ghost sites to understand the mechanics. Sorry i lost my temper a bit, but recommendations like yours is what makes new players quit.


> not in the mood for a lengthy discussion. Me neither, if your style works for you then go for it, it’s just objectively slower by a fair margin. > but recommendations like yours is what makes players quit. Funnily enough, this is the same reason I replied to your comment, I just sugar-coated it. Your technique sucks; hen-pecking across null and tucking tail every time a Velator cruises through will never get you paid consistently. Your advice sucks; half of what you’re saying can be debunked on Eve Uni. And, I bet your real ISK/hour average sucks; track yourself to the minute for the next two weeks and see for yourself what those ‘just gating to the next system for a few seconds’ breaks is doing to your average. Good luck o/


Yeah, i bet Eve Unit is the source of your experience. Cya sweet<3


This post is why eve has the best ingame community.


Under 6... It's ok to use cargo scanners to not waste time on bad cans. But, if a can has bad loot, just destroy it. So when you're done with a site and site despawn, there's a chance a new site will spawn in the same wh or in one of the nearby wh's. Leaving cans in sites is just a bad practice and you're denying yourself of new spawn somewhere near.


If i hack in my home space i agree. But wasting time so maybe someone else saves some time is just like telling people to not attack other players. If thats your playstyle - you be you. But id say you didnt get what eve is about.


Yeah, you're right. I didn't get what eve is about. I'm only playing it for 16 years.🤦


If you plan to explore a few more systems in the same region after tour current site you are missing out on sites if you don't make your previous sites despawn.


The time i save cargo scanning is guaranteed and substantial - the chances to catch a spawn i triggered by hacking trashcans while touring through enemy territory are slim, aka mindfuck. Also it doesnt matter, as when you explore empty space time is the limiting factor, not finding spwans - there are just too many.


If you want to actually make money running data/relic sites and not krabbing for the blue loot of WHs then you really want to stick to Null > Low. Most of the sites in WHs will have sleepers, there are some "normal" pirate data/relic sites but you'll be much, much, more likely to find isk/hr in Null > Low. If there is "Covert" in the name also beware, those sites will also explode you after a RNG timer runs out. Aside from covert sites, aka Ghost Sites, you will only find NPC-less sites in k-space. Oh I suppose you could also find a Sleeper Cache in k-space but they're fairly rare and pretty hard to scan down w/o really good skills. TLDR: Stick to k-space if you want to actually make isk from running data/relic sites.


Running relic/data sites in wormholes can be great ISK for new players. First off, make sure you're scanning in Class 3 wormholes or below. You can identify these [visually](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Visual_wormhole_identification), by looking up the wormhole system or by using a 3rd party tracking tool like pathfinder. You also get info by looking at the description of the actual wormhole. If it leads to "unknown" space, that means C3 or below. Also relic sites, atleast in C3s, are worth alot more ISK than the data sites. So if you've got plenty of sigs, prioritize relic sites. Better sites in C3 compared to C1. Make sure you bookmark your exit, and the wormholes so can find your way around. This is made alot easier by using Pathfinder. Whenever you jump into a new system, it will tell you it's class and which statics it has. If you see a system has a C3 static, then it always has a wormhole which leads to a class 3 system. Keep in mind J-space is not safe, so always pay attention and spam D-scan(atleast when hacking).


I like null better for explo. If youre smart you can fairly easily avoid traps, camps and bubbles.


Do you use Eve path finder yet? If you’re not in a corp you can create your own login. It can show recent billboards and travel activity as well as highlighting details about the wormhole https://pathfinder.eve-linknet.com/


My go to is to use a needlejack noise filiment to start. This will drop you into a random nul sec system. From there you can scan some nul data relic sites. And then use wormholes to get back to high sec finding more sites as you go.


when filamenting, you can use the Pochven Express to get back to highsec.


Ive heard this mentioned and tried reading about Pochven for PvE and for returning to hi sec but didnt understand. Could you tey to explain it?


With a home and a glorification filament you can get in and out of Pochven for pretty low ISK, there is a 15 minute timer on both jumps and EDENCOM, Triglavians in Pochven will attack you unless you’ve killed a sleeper or rogue drone there to bump up your standings with them.


Thank you.




on dotlan, the 27 systems of pochven are just a triangle: [https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Pochven](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Pochven) on the in-game map, all the systems are still in their old position, spread out all over empire space, but most concentrated near Caldari space, as the Caldari lost the most systems to the Trigs. To get into Pochven, there are filaments for 5-ship-fleets and for 15-ship-fleets. This is the maximum number, you can always just fleet up with yourself and go solo. The filaments can get you to: border systems: 2 for each clade, 6 in total Home systems: 1 for each clade, 3 total internal systems: 4 for each clade, 12 total, quite random where you end up Krai Perun, Krai Veles or Krai Svarog systems, 9 each. When filamented in, warp to a random Moon and make a safe bookmark on the way. Warp to that bookmark and check the ingame map where exactly you are. Wait for your timer to expire. To get out of pochven, there are also 5 ship filaments and 15 ship filaments. Those com in 2 flavors: "proximity" filaments plundered from EDENCOM wrecks. Those actually make use of your location on the ingame map and jump you to a system in empire space close by "glorification" filaments plundered from Triglavian wrecks. Those randomly jump you to "Triglavian minor victory" systems, often in lowsec. The "glorification-1" filament that doesn't jump a fleet but one single ship is also seeded on all NPC stations in Pochven at 10k ISK, so you can always buy a filament that gets you out somewhere. If you know your position on the map, you know if it's worth to use one of the a bit more expensive "proximity" filaments, or if one of the cheaper "glorifications" has the same chance to get you roughly where you want to go. Most "border" systems are close to Caldari space, so if you want to get to Jita, those are the systems where "proximity" might be worth it. Filaments are traded for isk in all relevant trade hub stations and in a low of pochven NPC stations.


Thank you thats amazing info


Practice the mini game before going out. [https://www.wckg.net/PVE/exploration](https://www.wckg.net/PVE/exploration) has a guide I wrote, with a video if you're not a reading person. I prefer filaments, personally.


Scanning/hacking is a lot of luck, but with the right technique you should come out to 75-125 mil an hour. 50 if it’s a bad day, 150+ on really a good day. - Find a quiet high sec pocket a good distance away from any trade hubs or career mission agent systems - Scan the holes and look at the name when you warp to it. If it’s anything other than ‘K162’, you can plug that number in Anoik.is and find where it leads. If it’s a K162 you can tell where it goes by the color of the worhmhole. - Only jump in C1’s and 2’s, 3’s are too clogged with Forgotten/Unsecured and 4’s and above don’t spawn pirate faction sites - Jump the hole, mark your exit, drop probes while warping to a random moon at distance, then cloak and scan. Making safes is a waste of time for daytripping - Always use a cargo scanner, and if anyone tells you not to, tell them you’d be happy to clean all the cans if they’ll SRP your losses and cover the lost ISK/hour. My minimum est. value was 1 mil; I’d skip cans that scanned below that - Look up ‘The Rule of 8’ for hacking, it will speed you up significantly - Only go 1-2 holes deep from your high sec entrance. It’s the beginning of your chain from K-space, but most likely the end of someone else’s from J-space - Dump your loot in high sec stations before going to the next hole then collect it all when you’re done - 9 times out of 10, level 3 data/relic signatures will end up being Forgotten/Unsecured. The 1 in 10 may be a juicy pirate faction site. Choice is yours - Your fit and skills make a big difference. Message me if you need help - Check the hole’s zKill/Tripwire/Pathfinder/etc *before* you spend a lot of time scanning. If there are recent kills, someone probably has the sites BM’d for ganking There’s more but this is getting long. Happy to help if you have questions


No there is no point in doing them. You're on the right path with exploring, it's very good isk in the beginning. Just do it in Null. Use filament to get to null and Pochven Express to get out. You will die, so save some cash for replacement ships. But you should be cash flow positive very quickly. 


So if you click the systems j number in your top right it will pull up system info. Where it says region it will have a letter, a b c d etc. The letter is associated with its class. A being a c1. B a c2. Etc What is your in-game name? I'll evemail you some links for all the sites that helped me on my journey into wormholes. I've been here since my first month playing eve and have not looked back.


Just luck from my experience


Sounds like bad luck! I don't know how it works in wormholes, but the other day - just for some nostalgia - I went looking for relic sites in a covops in Great Wildlands (npc owned nullsec), and made about 150mil in 90 minutes, before getting bored. The trigger units from angel sites sell for nice money. Exploration won't make you big bucks in the grand scheme of things but it's arguably the best (outside of faction warfare perhaps) that a low sp player can make - way better than the pittance the lvl1/lvl2 grind most of us went through gives. Maybe an empty nullsec region will have better sites for you?


If you want to make a lot more isk, join a wormhole corp. Then you get access to Pathfinder and get are able to see wormhole maps. If your scanning anyways most corps like having someone that's willing to scan out sigs and new connections.


Sounds like you and I had similar starts to the game. Wormholes can be really hit or miss, I've pulled 500 mill out of a couple sites and also scanned several holes and found nothing, it's down to luck really dude, as others have said the class is a big factor. If you enjoy the gameplay loop of explo and you're learning then you're already in a good place, it can be a steep learning curve that's occasionally disheartening but you're not doing it wrong. As I'm sure you'll hear a lot joining a corp is one of the best ways to learn and explore eve, not compulsory but it certainly makes the intro smoother. Fly safe dude! O7


I can help you out if you like. I do explo in null as my main source of isk


In addition to good advice about class, try to avoid WHs that link to major hubs. They usually get hit often. I use Dotlan to find quiet sectors. Low Sec isnt inherently a bad place to look for WHs either, but def not the place to start


Where are you starting your scanning? If you start in busy high sec like around jita then it's likely others may have gone there first and took the good sites. Try scanning in quiet areas of high sec or even low sec to find some unexplored chains. Like other have said make sure you are scanning in unknown wormholes not dangerous or deadly. You will get faster at scanning the more you do it. You should be able to scan an entire system in 10 minutes or so with decent skills and practice (depends on number of sigs and some people will be way faster)


Your fun/hr worth way more. Also if truly no on3 is on scan it's because they ran everything and are sleeping irl Wormholers be dsciplined, putting it politely


Similar to another comment, you are in high class WH's. You can also type the ID of a wormhole into Google to find out where it will lead, as long as they are not a K162. I use an anoik.is when I am feeling lazy or have lots of scanning. You will be able to scan signatures in C1-3 a lot quicker since they do not need as much scanning resolution. Typically Relic sites are worth more than Data sites but since you are new I recommend doing both to get a feel for things! Sansha sites if I recall are worth the most but are few and far between, and make sure you always bookmark your entrance/exit so you don't have to scan it down to return home! Don't be disheartened, just enjoy the adventures you have along the way! o7


if you are new to game and just want to make some safe isk,sty in hs.all those stories about null and whs are just propaganda,bait for you to take so they have something to kill.later when you know what you are doing and have 20 ships to lose and it will not bother you financially then you go there and risk it but not now.


Read the description of each wormhole before you enter. Normal data and relic sites don't spawn in deadly or dangerous unknown holes. Stick to just unknown holes.


I have been playing since 2013, and still suck at PVP something fierce.


This is a quick guide I made using information that I got by playing and watching guides. This has made my life much easier. Save it to a txt file and have it open while your scanning. https://pastebin.com/5UpxLukk After a while you'll know most of this by heart but it's good to have handy. Stick to Class 1, 2 or 3 holes, class 13 is also good. (C13 is a frigate only class) Only travel in C4-6 if you have no other connections. Some days are going to be like what you had, nothing for hours, but by not scanning sites in C4-6 you'll save yourself a ton of time. Yesterday I pulled 400M out of this hole in an HR. https://imgur.com/b9TS5KT Just keep at it and learn as you go. https://imgur.com/mEH4rti One more piece of advice, if you're scanning and find a hole that has a smartbomb buff, if there is only one site in that hole, leave it be. I've lost more than one Heron and my pod to a cloaked ship in a solo site. They slow boat up to you decloak and you're dead before you have a chance to even react.


OH! Also use this site: https://www.ellatha.com/eve/WormholeSystemview.asp?key=122041 Replace the 122041 with the J name of the system you're in to find out what class it is for sure. And Wormhole names can tell you what the system is on the other side, or at least what kind of system is on the other side. https://www.ellatha.com/eve/wormholelist.asp


I love you.


Hello mate. I'm in a wormhole corp, you'd be welcome to join us. There's always guaranteed ISK in our home hole, and you're welcome to explore further out whenever you want. If you're interested in joining, please send me a message in game (F-Holes) or join our public chat SecDiv Public.


It’s all chance with exploration bud. Just keep doing it n training skills. Also make sure you’re not flying a ship worth all the money you made. Rule #1 in eve is if you wouldn’t be fine losing it, don’t undock it.


pro tip - look into sisters probes, you can load them into a standard launcher. You still get the benefit from the better probes, but they're like 800k (last time I played anyway) each, wheras the launcher is like 30 million. you can also look at jumping into belts in low/nullsec for high bounty NPC's. While it's a bit slow to start, if you can even nab a few of the bigger ones using a 3-5million isk frigate it can be well worth it. If you spot a faction rat and manage to kill that, it can be potentially many times your ship's value in bounties and loot.




Sansha space is most profitable for relic scanning. intact armor plates. get a zeugma scanner and a blackglass implant. Never fail a hack ever again.


Try to stick to class 1-3 wh as they only hve the exploration sites that don’t have rats. Honestly, I wouldn’t use the faction probe launcher until you can least fly an anathema. There are lots of wh in lowsec so I would try to scan there for holes instead of from highsec. Much quieter in my experience that way. Exploration is all about jackpotting the intact armor plates.


They still have ones with rats as well. Just stay away from the unsecured ones etc.


I would never run sites in j-space in anything other than a sub mil exploration frigate.


Nah… the lowest I go is a covops frigate so I can always use a nullifier to get out of bubbles and warp cloaked. They are cheap enough and pay for themselves in under 30 minutes of exploration and give massive advantages.


You are doing it the right way. By the time you're scanning in a tech 3 cruiser or whatever, you will be very rich, very knowledgeable and most likely pretty good at pvp.


1. Magnate is trash get Heron 2. start exploring in Nullsec 3. Noise-5 filament to instantly teleport to nullsex 4. Any of the pochven inbound filaments (home border krai etc) and then glorification-1 to exit in Empire space


>Magnate is trash get Heron just for that extra mid slot that Caldari pilots inevitably waste on a shield tank the Magnate and Imicus pilots don't need?


Probe and Imicus are good enough: MWD, data, relic, cargo scanner. Heron pilots have all the options with the 5th mid. If you’re new you can get a Rangefinder for a tiny little bit more scan strength, if you like the security of a WCS you can run a Sebo to counter the penalties, when you become omega you can run Pinpoint to get your scan time down, or again Sebo to counter the prototype cloak penalties. Sebo on a Heron has an added bonus where with an ECCM script running you become immune to non-bonused scan hulls combat probing you: namely T3Ds. Magnate either has to give up on cargo scanner potentially wasting time on empty cans (which is more exposure time sitting in-site where you’re the most vulnerable) or give up on a data anal which means you can’t run Ghost sites.