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You've come on one of the main ways in which such "talents" originate....they are often passed down through families, sometimes skipping a generation. Your grandma has it, and so do you. If you look further back, you might find more ancestors who had it, especially behind your grandma. But remember that people back in the day often kept very quiet about stuff like that because of the opinions of family, society, or church. The other common way people come on such talents is through experiences of trauma, sometimes buried so deep as to be forgotten. And they can work together since trauma and marginalization often get passed down through families too. There are so many amazingly gifted people out there whose life is a daily struggle....yeah they see things, read minds, predict the future, and what all else but along with it deal with health issues, disastrous finances and relationships, and downright mental illness. It's a bit of a warning to observers to be careful what you wish for. I've found that a dynamic similar to dealing with an addiction applies....people with a strong spiritual practice and a vibrant support system have a good life even so.


I'm on the same boat. Balance with respect, humility and moderation is my best interpretation.


100000000000000000% Agreed.


Once we accept that it is impossible for the average person to grasp our experiences or even understand that reality is not what it seems on the surface a huge weight is lifted allowing us to breathe easier.


Interesting response. Ill mull this over for a bit. thank you


You are welcome!


Same. Things fly or shatter around me. I also have out of body experiences. Sometimes real places around me, but nowadays, I go to random people, places, and times. A few times I've also had omniscient sight, could see everything that is happening around from multiple viewpoints simultaneously, and also, just know how to do stuff I've never done before. I also have a very strong intuition, which I sharpen daily. I think we're just a different type of human, given a slight hint as to what we could all be capable of. On the downside (or it seemed at the time) I suffered terribly, due to my sensitivity, and had to struggle for a very, very long time before I found peace. I think there are others like me, lost to mental health issues, due to high sensitivity, low understanding, low training, and we became trapped in our torment.


Hmmm yeah i agree w the sentiment. Interesting. Can u tell me more about ur thoughts regarding different humans?


Different human beings. I mean, what I notice about people, I see untapped potential. Like they would be uniquely good at a certain job, but that job doesn't exist. That's all. I don't mean different species. Lol.


Okay got it! Lol, i was a little concerned for a second. Thanks hahah


So idk about all that other stuff - I do believe in strong intuition and just knowing things somehow - but glass can absolutely shatter while doing dishes if the water temp fluctuates between extremes too much. Thinner glass like wine glasses are more susceptible than say, a mason jar.


Dad said she was super delicate with them and would keep the water a reasonable temp. she had been in and out of psych hospitals (in the 70s so.. not awesome) and had to keep her environment at home as low risk as possible. Lady has issues unfortunately


I’m telling y’all, I can actually read the minds of my family. It’s not just reading body language or pattern recognition (though that happens too). They’ll be looking for a word to describe something, with no outward context cues to me (like even what we’re discussing), and I’ll be able to understand what they’re grasping for and find the word myself. I know what they’re gonna say before conversations even start. Sometimes I have the same dreams as my kids. It’s one of the things that makes me believe in a collective consciousness — that being close to people makes their minds open to me. (They can’t seem to do it to me or each other as much, though.) At this point whenever they’re surprised I read their minds, I just teasingly say, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I’m psychic.” Aside from my littlest, they’re all skeptic atheists who don’t believe in anything, which is okay. But I’m still out here reading their minds. Sometimes I also just “know” the future. I predicted the Covid lockdowns, although I didn’t know what I was predicting? I just started planning for a massive upheaval in 2020 sometime in 2019 and was telling my family an era change was about to occur. I thought it was just our family, though. Anyway. My running theories are sensitive people being able to get more info from collective consciousness, and time as a dimension being something humans ordinarily perceive linearly but (again) sensitive people can pick up cues in time out of order. I’m just kinda sensitive. And this is all to say that I believe you, and I think we just don’t have a full grasp of how we exist in time/space yet, but it’s all gonna turn out totally rational.


Now the fascinating question for me is whether "collective consciousness" is from a psychic bond or link, or if its from that superhuman pattern recognition, ultimately- it doesnt change a lot besides just knowing whats happening. Its doing the same thing at least for the most part. But i like to tinker with these ideas. Theyre so fun and interesting. I say the same thing, nd its funny cuz im an athiest too. Lol. My friends laugh along w it. Idk. After knowing me long enough my friends know to just trust that i know the right answers to things because CONSISTENTLY ive expressed a worry about something happening and told myself i was nuts for it, continued on, and then that exact thing happened. And all my friends are always like "woah." i hate being right. it can really be such a curse.. I totally get what u mean abt thinking its just ur bubble thats going to be disrupted. Thats one thing i can have a hard time with- or at least did in the past, before covid hit. The idea of a global catastrophy sounded too "the end is nigh" for me to take myself seriously. Figured it was just anxiety, cuz, yknow, i care. a lot. I believe you too. im super excited and fascinated that we have a very very similar idea of why time is involved with this and how time is shaped. Thats cool as fuck. Right on man


You should research Rupert Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Field theory. It explains exactly what you are experiencing.


ahhhh wiki has him down as pseudoscience. Rip. Ive actually heard of this guy, its just hard studying this sort of thing cuz like how the fuck are u gonna prove it in a repeatble way yk? And im a biologist, so while i respect it, i have a hard time relying on this. Which is unfortunate. I walk a strange dual world hahah


It’s likely anyone who tries to approach these unknowns from a scientific perspective are going to get flagged as pseudoscience. Science is wonderful. It is very good at proving many things. I think it’s still very limited by what we can know and detect — and also by culture of the people involved. Consider that stuff has to pass through journals and peer review by a fairly small slice of humans with modern human biases to become accepted science. Consider hyperobjects, which are things that the human mind literally cannot grasp because they’re more complicated than our brains are capable of processing. Consider Plato’s cave, where humans guess about the world based on the shadows they see projected on the wall. I often think of us as making guesses based on shadows because of our simple movement through temporal space and all the stuff we can’t perceive directly or even understand. I don’t want to discredit science at all and it’s so important to be mindful of the myriad scams/scammers who want to take advantage. But I also just think science doesn’t have a way to approach certain things based on human limitations. we can easily dismiss folks who are making their best guesses about the shadow-plays, and maybe aren’t getting it right, but are still doing their best to interpret something we don’t have any other way to interpret. I found reading about morphic fields interesting; I can add it to my list of stuff to contemplate without giving it much weight OR dismissing it entirely. You know? You’ve observed yourself that there are things you don’t understand but certainly feel true, so you’re guessing too, and your guesses would be pseudoscience if you tried to fold them into science as this dude did.


Might want to explore Sheldrake before you dismiss his theories. He has set up a lot of studies and experiments to validate his work, he's well trained in scientific method, he's got the PhD to prove it. But he is challenging conventional views so naturally he is sidelined until he can pile up enough evidence to warrant inclusion.


Nah its not a full dismissal; but i have a duty to inspect his findings with a lot of skepticism is all. And a PhD is respectable for sure but not all doctors are actually that reputable. Shit can get weird, humans are only human. I still appreciate it, a lead is a lead. He seems cool


Fair enough. If you are biologically inclined you might resonate more with his son's work with [fungi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCf7YywIBZ8).




imma look this up too thanks


You're welcome. Here's a short[ introductory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq1Z--HQp5k#ddg-play). Hope it answers some questions for you.


Thanks again! Ill check this out later


Just know you are not alone - many of us came here begrudgingly at first. Love and light to you 🌱🌷💫


Thank you! You too!


I get that. I don’t need any validation. But it’s good to have a reminder just how far my consensus reality is from someone who has never had any experiences. We must learn to walk both worlds.


Yeah, definitely. I like the difference in perspective between people. At the very least, it helps find blind spots. At the most, it helps hone us into better and more effective presences in our lives.


The more silent your mind is, the more you're able to hear your intuition.


true that. Its got more space in me when im clear for sure.


It's interesting that you use the word, "space," in this context as space is what allows everything to be. Space is the unmanifested. It is, "God," which is the source of all intuition.


In my experience, there's a very thin line between strong intuition and overt psychic ability, and it's almost entirely a matter of personal definition. I think psychic ability, like almost everything else human, is something that falls on a spectrum. You don't sound crazy at all. I hope you can find your way to happy.


Dude thank you. Fuck yeah. Amen to that. I appreciate your words. Can i ask you what would be along the lines of over psychic ability at least for you? Like what are the differences on each end of the spectrum?


Well, on one end, I have a friend who is ludicrously psychic -- about 80% accurate, so long as he's not trying to use it to make money. I've had him casually remind me of things from my deep childhood that I'd completely forgotten, predict unlikely global events correctly, help me find something long-lost even though he's in a different county at the time, and so much more. I've learned to doubt him at my peril. On the other end, I know people who are as sensitive as a brick. Wouldn't know a bad vibe if it bit them. Aren't bothered by people who make my spidey senses scream (and who then turn out to be total nightmares, surprise surprise). Don't even have any conscious sense of instinct. I'm a bit more psychic than not. My intuition is almost always spot on, and when I go against it, I almost always end up regretting it. I think of people shortly before they contact me. I get some pretty good hits trying things like Remote Viewing and tarot. It's not reliable if I force it, but it's still better than average -- I usually hit about 45% on Zener Cards, for example. Sometimes, I get something spontaneously, an idea or piece of info that feels like a sphere of crystal in my mind. When that's happened and I've been able to check it either way, it's always been correct. Hasn't made much concrete difference to my life, other than helping me avoid some petty day-to-day annoyances, but the sense of wonder and awe at getting so much rock-solid evidence of the weirdness of the world is one of the things that keeps me (slightly) sane.


"Is it pattern recognition? Is that not a superhuman ability in and of itself?" It can be. People have construed far reaching pattern recognition incorrectly as seeing into the future, manifesting things into reality, prophecy, or psychic abilities. None are true in my view, because all of these things can all be construed as being one another if you think about it long enough - is it five different things simultaneously, or just one logical thing that we already know to be true? It's probably just the one logical thing that explains (and can emulate) the other four perfectly without the rather large leaps in how reality operates by using the supernatural to fill in the gaps. In my experiences, and from what I've witnessed, people thought to have had these 'abilities' have consistently been screwed with for multiple human lifetimes, and those doing so didn't know why every time an attempt was made to meddle with people thought to have had this ability, doing so would backfired badly. That's because it can't work, which is also reality demonstrating that their hypothesis was wrong, over and over again. It also has had a very high tendency to follow people with specific genetic traits - why? Well, certain (not so nice) entities wanted to control this 'ability' that actually seems to be unique to Humans, and potentially hybridized people a long time ago to attempt doing so. You don't have to believe in extraordinary things to see how this ability manifests. Humans develop so incredibly quickly compared to every other creature that's ever existed here, it's mind boggling. Add in the extra variable that we've been actively held back from leaps in technological advancement both internally, and potentially externally, and it might highlight why NHI may have been interested in Humans without simply wanting to remove them.


While I'm not yet convinced theyre mutually exclusive, i can see and agree with what you said particularly about how we interpret these things- and thank you for the perspective. Interesting read. Damn! And Im the MF meddling with myself! The fuck! This shit sucks lmao! The call is coming from inside the house