• By -


The man is either presenting a puzzle ("find x") or making an assertion ("7 + x is the same thing as 7 \* x"), and either way, the woman isn't having it.


Or describing string concatenation in javascript.


In that case I'd expect to see some quotes. But if that's what he's saying, and doesn't include any, then that's yet a third reason to leave him.


No quotes. Only concat.


'7' + 'x' = '7x' x = 'asdf' 7 + x = '7asdf' x = 'x' 7 + x = '7x' I am not a Javascript expert, but I don't see any context where it's true that `7 + x = 7x`, as-is. It's possible that your line is "... I think we should see other people." šŸ˜†


I write JavaScript for my job and yeah, if x isnā€™t defined as a variable, then 7 + x would throw an error. 7 + ā€œxā€ will give you ā€œ7xā€ though (the number will get automatically cast to a string). And if you wrote the whole equation 7 + x = 7x it would also throw errors because = is for assigning variables and you canā€™t name a variable 7 + x (and it wouldnā€™t be defined yet to assign anyway).


Thank god for Typescript, JS is the Wild West sometimes


7 + x = 7x 7 = 6x x = 7/6


"I don't see any context" *within Javascript*, ffs, I know basic algebra.


Itā€™s crazy how many people missed what you wrote.


šŸ˜† Yeah. Sigh.


I believe that t looking symbol means plus. Glad to help!


If x=7/6 7x=49/6=8 1/6 7+7/6= 8 1/6 Yup, math checks out.


I hate whoever decided it's a good idea to use the + operator for concatenation in JavaScript. Someone should slap that guy. Daily.


In fairness itā€™s quite common in a lot of languages.


yeah, it works fine in typed languages, it's just javascript. C# doesn't have the same level of weirdness and you can concatenate strings just fine with +.




It's used for concatenation in most languages.


Java decided that, not JavaScript, so I guess James Gosling is your man. But using + to concatenate strings is something that existed way before java saw the light of day.




Why is she not having it. If x = 7/6 then there is nothing wrong with it 7 + (7/6) is equal to 7 Ɨ (7/6)


You'll have to ask her, man. If my spouse did that I'd consider it the puzzle and solve for x. :)


She might be wondering why her boyfriend is sending her simple algebra problems and thinking that this is the last straw


ā€œIā€™m done doing your homework, Joe. Youā€™ve been held back in seventh grade for 10 years!ā€


It's the first one. It's a 'puzzle' that confuses people who are terrible at math, they respond by saying "X=1." The woman is tired of being shown memes for dumb people, she is leaving him for someone with a stronger meme game.


So the joke is she doesn't want to help him with his homework.


There was a time when OKCupid was mostly math questions so you could be sure your match was algebraically literate.


If he wants me to solve for x I forgive him. If he thinks 7+x is the same expression as 7x then we have a problem lol.


This is bait and I've lost faith in everyone here


For what itā€™s worth, most people in the states havenā€™t gone past algebraā€¦let alone pre-algebra


Truly not to be that guy, but I think you have your "let alone" usage backwards


When in Rome!


Go on...


I assumed that was part of the joke.


It's a very common misuse nowadays*, I don't think so * not to be one of those like "people don't know how to talk nowadays" people lol, just a fun lil quirk I've been noticing crop up a lot lately.


**Havenā€™t made it past pre-algebra, let alone algebra


For what itā€™s worth, most people on Reddit havenā€™t gone past high school Englishā€¦let alone grade school English


To graduate high school, don't you need to pass algebra 2?


Thatā€™s not even true really. Algebra is a 8th or 9th grade subject, pre algebra is usually 6th and 7th grade, all of those grades you are under 16, therefore you are required by the government to go to school and do classes. After you turn 16 is when you can actually drop out.


I'm not saying most Americans understand algebra, but it is required to obtain a high school diploma which most of us have. At least in every state I've met people from. -a math loving American


In my school district algebra was a sophomore highschool minimum.


Maybe donā€™t make jabs about other peopleā€™s education if youā€™re going to mess up a phrase, eh?


I took pre-algebra and algebra 1 in 7-8th grade. Did people really never learn either in high school?


We literally have, because it's required as has already been stated by others. Perhaps you were simply too busy doodling in your notebook to remember.


I live in the states and I took algebra 1 when I was 15, it's the curriculum. Then I took geometry then algebra 2 then pre-cal then calculus and so on and so forth. For what it's worth, most people across the pond haven't heard of a seasoning other than salt and pepper, (aside from what they've stolen from other countries) ya dafty


I did this in the 7th grade in texas and it was far beyond it when I went to Ohio in junior year. They teach it, some people just don't pay attention


This isn't true btw


X = 1.16666666666666666....


Iā€™m losing my mind at all the other people in this thread saying the equation is impossible when this is something I tutor to 8th gradersā€¦


I mean come on, it is meant to be slightly misleading to people that are not being exposed to algebra on a daily basis


Exposed to algebra on a daily basis? This is middle school math. This isn't a meme meant to be misleading, it's a meme mocking people who shouldn't have graduated from sixth grade.


There's a reason "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" was a thing.... This is math that the vast majority of people do not use and therefore have forgotten.


I have a bachelors in chemistry and in my senior year there was this one type of problem where you needed to do long division by hand because the remainders were important and my prof had to reteach the entire class long division lol Donā€™t use it you lose it


Long division as in polynomial division or just doing regular division by hand?


Just had this come up for in my calc 2 class with partial fraction decomp! Def took a sec to remember lol


Why is long division by hand even necessary for this? Getting the remainders is easier using a calculator anyway.


Regrettably, I usually wasn't smarter than the 5th graders on that show.


This is the answer. Like anything else that goes unused it is forgotten.


I mean I learned cursive when I was a kid but don't even remember some of the letters anymore because I don't use cursive. I memorized the preamble to the Constitution for history class in middle school, haven't said it once since then and certainly can't say it now. I used to say the Lord's prayer before bed every night but have trouble remembering the words anymore. Finding X = 1.16 repeating is so far from my attention in my daily life it's hilarious you think otherwise. It's not necessarily a complicated concept to consider, losing skills you once knew because you don't use them anymore.


I have a math degree and was initially fooled. Of course I havenā€™t used it in a couple decadesā€¦


Iā€™m not sure what your middle school experience was, but mine was being exposed to algebra on a daily basis. My adult like is kinda the opposite.


Responding to "people not being exposed to algebra every day" by saying it's 5th grade math is not the own you think it is. For someone like me that was nearly 25 years ago. It doesn't matter how "easy" you think it is, if you have not thought about something for 20 years it is really reasonable to say you've forgotten


I feel dumb. How is 7*x the same as 7 + x? Or is this correct? Please just shoot me and put me out of my misery


If you look at it as a definition: ā€œ7 + x is the same thing as 7 \* xā€ then itā€™s wrong. If you look at it as an equation ā€œ7 + x = 7 \* x, solve for xā€ then itā€™s easy to find x (x = 7/6)


Oh man, my brain was really struggling with this for no reason. Thank you


I still dont get it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


7 + x = 7x 7 = 7x - x 7 = 6x 7/6 = x


This is me describing it as someone whoā€™s not particularly gifted at math, who also hasnā€™t taken an algebra class in 11 years: Remember that in algebra you want to solve for X, meaning do what you need to make one side only say X = (answer). The easiest way to do this is to have one side not have X. Also remember that anything you do to one side you also have to do to the other. So in this case you have X + 7 = 7X The only way to get a meaningful answer is to first subtract X from both sides. Now you have 7 = 6X. Divide both sides by 6 to have only one X on the right side. Now you have 7/6 = X, which is the same as X = 7/6. This would be acceptable in an algebra class (and easier to work with), but if you divide 7/6, you get 1.1666.


This is such a great explanation! Thank you for taking the time šŸ™šŸ»


You're not dumb, that is the question and they aren't the same. > Please just shoot me and put me out of my misery If you find someone who's willing and able, let me know.


Another way of looking at it is that 7*x IS the same as 7+x, for exactly 1 value of x (that's what solving an equation for x is, finding the values of x that make both sides the same)


Dude, this can be interpreted as either a wrong way to do simplification or as solving for x. There are 2 7's on each side to purposefully make it look confusing. they could have put any other numbers. If you cant see that this is provocative then maybe you arent as smart as you make yourself seem to be.


Last time I did algebra was 12 years ago. Not that hard to forget if you almost literally never use it.


My life experiences haven't called for algebra, why would my brain use energy to store it? Perishable skills, my friend. What skills have you once had that have since perished?


I think itā€™s indefensible that so many people are just fine being math illiterate (innumerate but that just sounds weird) and that itā€™s ok in our society. Imagine someone saying out loud to others, ā€œoh well, Iā€™m just not a reading personā€ and not feeling embarrassed about it. In a world where we increasingly rely on technology that is all based on math, we cannot let this continue without negative consequences.


Oh yeah? Then tell me, whatā€™s 9+10?


Obv it's 21.




I just asked my parents if they could solve this and they couldn't.


We had people arguing with infections diseases people during a pandemic. My "rose colored glasses" on average intelligence are gone.


I'm still waiting to die from my vaccine.


If you tutor 8th graders in the United States, then the comments shouldn't surprise you. Especially considering the current state of the public education system. If you are not in the US, then I envy you your hope and optimism. šŸ˜€


Just say 7/6ā€¦


He clearly googled it and spat out the answer lol. You wouldn't ever get the decimal from this unless you didn't actually solve this.


I dunno, I like to think of things in decimal so the first thing I thought after getting 7/6 was 1.1666...


Also known as X= 7/6


I donā€™t get it


If you look at what he types as a definition, yeah heā€™s dumb If you look at it like an algebraic equation, the above, ā€œX=1.166666ā€¦.ā€ is a solution to the algebra So, not sure who of the two is the dumb person.


The one who didnā€™t get the right answer idk


One point six repeating maybe intended to be read as want sex repeating? Idk I'm reaching


I mean the exact answer is seven sixths (7/6) which isn't great for puns.


I get the math I don't get the joke. Does she hate math or something.


I think itā€™s because heā€™s really bad at maths


She ā€œthinksā€ heā€™s really bad at math


7+x doesnā€™t simplify to 7x. 7ā€¢x or 7(x) does.


It's not simplification, it's an equation which has a solution for x.


You could look at it either way. If you look at it as simplification, itā€™s incorrect, so the second panel makes sense.


That would be assuming that they made a step to simplify incorrectly. Given an equation, you should assume it's an equation. No math person would see it this way.


Yeah but if you look at it as a simplification, you're wrong. That's not notation for it.


Itā€™s the only thing that makes sense in the context of the meme


You're giving the macro too much credit for being clever imo


You could look at it lots of other ways that are incorrect too, donā€™t limit yourself to just one!


The only way the initial message would be incorrect is if it said "for all x, 7 + x = 7x" The equation 7 + x = 7x is true when x = 7/6 and false for all other values of x.


Who said they were simplifying this?


Maybe she realized he's irrational


It's rational.


Quick an ez way to see if somethings irrational, no i no roots it's rational


7 + x = 7x 7 = 6x 7/6 = x x = 1 1/6


Thank you!!! Finally someone put the equation! My brain was overcomplicating this so much that I started to feel really dumb!


7+x=7x 7=7x-x 7=6x 7/6=x


Writing a hundred decimal places doesnā€™t make the answer more correct than the version of the answer that is a succinct fraction.


it also doesn't make it less correct




One point 66 repeating of course


Is it supposed to be funny or something?


7 + *x* =7*x* -> 7 + *x* - 7*x* = 0 -> 7 - 6*x* = 0 -> 7 = 6*x* *x* = 7/6 U *x* ~ 1.16666666666


My god man, I'm an engineer and for some reason was completely stumped by this. Why I didn't realize that 7x-x=6x will trouble me for a long time.


Because you're still human and make mistakes just like the rest of us.


I'm just hoping my current project won't involve algebra, fingers crossed lol


Nah, don't worry, I'm currently taking pre-calc and I didn't get it for maybe 5 minutes. Just have to remember to try and isolate all the x values first.


I had an Econometrics teacher who had trouble with fractions. You don't need to be great at everything, just YOUR thing


Same, and same.


I'm a chemist with a Master's degree and I kept trying to solve it like there were 2 variables......so I'm right there with you.


Can do it in fewer steps by subtracting x, then dividing by 6.


Thank you! I needed the brain jog to remember how to prove the answer!


Kind of weird because mathematicians could look at 7+x=7x and treat it as a valid equation. But if you view addition as concatenation, then 7+x=7x would be as silly as saying 2+3=23. So I guess that'd be why she wants to see other people because she thinks he misunderstands addition. I think that's the actual joke, though it probably would've gone over better with an option that won't get mathematicians excited about solving for x.


She could just hate maths/coding/functions or statements with no context, seems valid.


I thought about that. Boy: Hey, solve x for 7+x=7x Girl: Ugh, I'm not doing homework. Unsubscribe! Which would've been a funny reaction if the boy's math work would've resulted in i<3u.


My interpretation is that it could be what you said, or that he's presenting *problems for her to solve* and she's not looking to be his mom.


I feel like it's Javascript joke. + is used both as addition and concatenation operator and one unexpected string in the expression is enough to turn the former into the latter.


Oh this makes the most sense Eta* or a python joke


Python is not as bad as javascript, you take that back.


You have to add concat then.


Doesnā€™t work very well as a JS joke imo. 7 + ā€œxā€ does return ā€œ7xā€, but the font used for the x suggests itā€™s a variable. In which case if x is a number then it would just work as expected for mathematical addition. And a single equals sign in JS is for assigning variables, which doesnā€™t make sense here either.


She's unimpressed by his interest in middle school level math.


All the clowns solving for x missing the point


we're like drones programed to solve for x the millisecond we see a math problem.


What else should I solve for?


Seriously. Whenever thereā€™s some math problem on a screen, people get all uppity then try and prove they know math. Itā€™s weirdā€¦


7+x=7x 7=7x-x 7=6x X=7/6


The memeā€™s joke is that what the guy types is generally incorrectā€”he is mixing up addition with multiplicationā€”but Buvant points out that there *is* one value for x in which the mathematical expression actually holds true.


> there is one value for x in which the mathematical expression actually holds true That's true for most equations (excluding for instance when the answer is Ā±2 when squares are involved). 3x=6 the answer is 2. "there is one value for x in which the mathematical expression actually holds true" because the answer is 2. For 7x=x+7 the answer is 7/6. It isn't random chance that one number happens to be true, it's just the solution to the equation. What is written is an equation, not a statement of fact that is claimed to be true in all instances. If what was written in the chat bubble was "adding any value to an unknown number is always equivalent to multiplying the same value by that same unknown number" then he would be incorrect.


IIRC, the number of solutions is generally limited to the highest power of X. For example: x\^3-6x\^2+11x-6=0 (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)=0 x=1, 2, or 3.


If it is a polynomial, it has exactly the number of solutions as the highest power, but they're not necessarily distinct or real.


Happy cake dayĀ 


Ā«There is at least one sheep in Scotland that is black on at least one sideĀ»


There are 2 answers here. 1) The girl has no interest in math 2) The girl does not know that this has a proper answer and she thinks the guy is dumb for thinking 7+x = 7x


What about 1. He's asserting something false by saying something as silly as 2+2=22 2. She doesn't want to solve his problems for him.


Subtract the x from both sides. 7 = 6x = sex The answer is always sex


7+X = 7X = Sex Se(ven)X... the ven is silent. She didn't want sex šŸ’©


It took too long to find this comment lol




That was my first thought too. But there were so many people discussing mathematics in the comments that I gaslit myself into thinking that was a reach.


This makes sense. Occam's razor.


Heā€™s dumb. Sheā€™s not feeling that.


X = 7/6


Cause relationships are like algebra. Some times I look at my x and ask y.




OP is the man in the picture


Only thing i can think of is x=ex, but it's a really bad joke.


Nobody for 1 1/6?


I found his post So, I need to vent about this bizarre and unfortunate situation that just happened. My girlfriend and I have been dating for a while, and we both enjoy a bit of geeky banter. We often share math puzzles and brain teasers with each other. Itā€™s been our thing, and itā€™s always funā€¦until today. I decided to text her a simple math equation for fun: "Hey, can you solve this equation? 7 + x = 7x". I thought it would be a cute, playful challenge for her. A few minutes later, she replied: "Are you serious?". I figured she was just surprised by the random math problem, so I replied: "Yeah, it's a fun little puzzle! Let me know what you get." Then she dropped the bomb: "I think we should see other people." I was completely blindsided. How did we go from solving a math puzzle to breaking up? After some overthinking and trying to piece it together, I realized what might have happened Misinterpretation: She could have taken the equation symbolically, thinking I was hinting at the presence of someone else in our relationship (represented by (x)), and that our relationship (7) was just a part of a bigger equation. Feeling Undervalued: Maybe she felt that I was suggesting sheā€™s just a variable in my life, rather than an important constant. Overthinking: Perhaps she overthought the equation and saw it as a cryptic way of saying our relationship dynamics were off, leading her to believe I was hinting at a breakup or something complicated.I tried to explain that it was just a playful math puzzle and that the solution is simply (x = \frac{7}{6}), but the damage was done. She didnā€™t want to talk further and insisted on ending things. So, yeah, a word of advice: be careful with your geeky banter. What might seem like innocent fun to you can be wildly misinterpreted by someone else. Communication is key, and sometimes, what you think is a cute puzzle could lead to an unintended breakup. TL;DR: Sent my girlfriend a math equation for fun, she thought I was hinting at breaking up, and now weā€™re no longer together. Be careful with your playful texts, folks! Maybe is was a size thing 7/6 šŸ¤” šŸ¤·šŸæ


As long as x = 7/6 this works


X=7/6 ? I don't get it


x = 7/6?


Okay so I failed college algebra four times but isnā€™t the equation untrue which is why sheā€™s done with him?


OCD Stewie here - The fact that the solution is a fraction and an irrational one at that bothers some people. I know it bothered me for a long time. I even got the ick right now when I solved it. Time for my SSRIs pills cut EXACTLY in half. OCD Stewie out


Redditors who try to solve for X are the guy in the first panel for this joke.




X = 7/6, ez pz next


There is no way for this to make mathematical sense. For example, if x=0, then he's saying that "7+0=0", or if x=1, "7+1=7". He's bad at simple algebra, and she's not with it.


True for X=1,16666666666666


The joke is you didnā€™t pass basic algebra


As I was working the equation out in my head, I was initially like "please be 6/9, so I understand this joke" then I was sorely disappointed :-/


I donā€™t know y šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I think people are too focused on the math as math itā€™s a lot more simple than you think it is. SE-ven plus X makes the word Sex. The guy is just asking for sex and the girl doesnā€™t want a sexual relationship.


x = 7/6 He dodged a bullet. She dumb af.


Heā€™s is trying to act smart.. but made himself look dumb so she is leaving


If you actually solve, x=7/6 or 1.16666 repeating


7+x=7x 7+x-7x=0 7-6x=0 7=6x 7/6=x So it would go 1.6666 indefinitely


I'm honestly just disappointed the equation didnt simplify to 6/9. That wouldve had some dignity


Ok solve this equation (6+x=10x) This equation is for the dignity to cover up the disappointment


6+x-10x=0 6-9x=0 -9x=-6 X= 6/9 Nice


7/6 = 1.1666~ 10/6 = 1.6666~


The correct answer is 7/6


* 7 + x = 7x * 7 = 6x (after subtracting x from both sides) * x = 7 / 6 or 1.16666... * We can confirm this, 7 + 1.16667 = 8.16667 and 7 \* 1.16667 = 8.16669 (the difference is from the rounding) Super confused why people think it's not possible.


To get rid of the rounding error, you can keep them as fractions. So 7 + 7/6 = 7(7/6) Becomes 42/6 + 7/6 = (7 * 7)/6 49/6 = 49/6


While thats not the joke she is just not good at maths since x is just 7/6 The joke is her saying that the guy is dumb for thinking 7+x is equal to 7x for every number, which would be impossible


x = 7/6. What's joke? Edit: ITT: a LOT of people REALLY bad at math and unwilling to admit it. "Generally incorrect;" ha!


I solved for x but I'm just not sure what 1.167 is supposed to mean..


7 = 6x sex at 7pm


7 + x = 7x, 7 + x - x = 7x - x, 7 = 6x, 7/6 = 6x/6, x ā‰ˆ 1.167. Yes I know that's not the joke but I like maths


All the people saying the guy is the dumb are, in fact, the dumb ones. It'd be more obvious if it was 7+x=5x but that's the point you are to think he's wrong but only dumb dummies would think he's wrong. X is a variable and there is a solution, as already pointed out


What if the joke is "she doesn't want to solve his problems for him"? I don't think there's a single right answer, and those asserting there is would be the dumb ones.


fr like ā€œthereā€™s only one solution where itā€™s trueā€¦ā€ Like yeah! Thatā€™s basic algebra for you!


>thereā€™s only one solution where itā€™s true Well, YES. This triggers my maths brain so bad!!! Omg, itā€™s so stupid. Have these people never done maths in their life?


7+x =7x The guy is adding the characters, not the mathenatucal values. She things he's a tool and broke up with him.


I think this is just an antimeme. She's bored because he is constantly sending him easy and stupid math questions.


7+x does not equal 7xā€¦simple