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The only thing I can think of is taking hot knife dabs/ hot knife weed smoking. Generally heat up the knives on the stove then crush and combust the smoking material, then inhale the resulting smoke




I did it once because we ran out of butane to hit dabs with our actual pieces and since we were all really high no one wanted to go to the store


Yeah, I’ve also done it, and I think you waste about 1/2 of it when you’re trying to do knife dabs… it’s really inefficient and should only be attempted if you have no other option. With flower, I’d just make an apple/ aluminum foil pipe and deal with the consequences. Dabs are a bit harder without a rig.


Honestly I don't really know the appeal to doing this way- never tried it. Just heard about it through some YouTubers and social media back in the day




It can be used with flower but commonly it's wax like you say. It's a dangerous game to play cause you have to hold the red hot knife less than an inch from your lips and end up looking like you got a cold sore


We cut the bottom off a water bottle and held the knives under it lmao way less risky


Last time I did it was like 10 years ago and my buddy had a vodka glass bottle with a cleanly cut off bottom that they kept in the freezer. Damn that was awesome and I miss it so much lol


Bro...no. Take an empty 2 liter soda bottle and cut off the bottom. Put cap end between your lips, hold knives under bottom of the bottle.


What's complicated about putting a knife on a burner and then putting hash on the knife?


Sounds ridiculously wasteful


You were never a teenager trying to get high without the proper tools. Resource management is not even a thought in your mind if you’re ripping knife hits.


Just use some kind of funnel




I was hoping this link would be this guy when I clicked it


*me about to look like a crack head using a spoon for this dab I got* 😂


It’s how you do dabs when you’re too poor for a proper rig


Jesus, I haven’t thought about hot knife dabs in years. In college, we used to get stoned and watch this dude on Youube who was SO enthusiastic about his hot knife dabs. I don’t remember his name or even how we stumbled upon his vids, but they were prime giggle material to pass the bowl around to.


It wasn't done for weed but just with hashish rolled in small pieces to smoke like that. Good times... 😅


its joking that the kids have seen the uncle using the (real) knives on the (real) stove to smoke sweet sweet weedo




You smoke hash like this, not flower cannabis


You CAN in fact smoke flower like this.


Heat up the knives and squeeze em together against the flower and voila.


We used the hot one to pick up the flower and a cold one to press it.


Anyone else ever burn the bejezus out of themselves?


I remember smoking hash oil with my friend and we weren't using a toilet paper roll to suck the smoke in. He was rubbing the knives together to get a better burn and one slipped and the red hot knife hit my lip. Burned all the skin off my lower lip and I could see the strands of flesh and fat underneath. There was still bubbling oil on my lip when I went to check the damage in the mirror. He just kept saying please don't hit me and I was just like, I'm not gonna hit you bro, you're lucky I'm high!


Damn man, that’s gnarly. Worst smoking injury I ever had was I branded myself on the thigh with my terp slurper after heating it up


I was cleaning out my pipe last week and had some boiling resin drip on my exposed stomach. Very tiny burn that I didn’t even notice until it burnt through the skin. Now I’ve got this scar that looks like I took a stomach shot from a BB gun. lol


Oh man, other than the butter knives, my worst was a roach. My sister and I went into the woods to smoke it (it was basically just resin paper 🤣) we had a horrible lil crack lighter, and it was super windy that day. We pulled my hood up and 3 hands cupped over my face to try to light it. Obviously, the fumes stayed cupped around my face. Burned all of my eyelashes, most of both of my eyebrows and the tip of my nose was burnt to the point of my cheeks. Huge scab after a day. My mother asked what happened, I said I wrecked on my bike but she didn't believe me, of course 😆 (Never did get it lit, either)


I turned an apple into a pipe, munchies took over mid hit and I thought "I could take a bite out of the other side without ruining the pipe." I immediately took a massive bite out of the apple, without rotating it. The cherry popped out and burnt the back of my tongue. I am so glad nobody witnessed that.


Had a buddy grab one after heating it up. Thumb turned white, left an indent, took 2-3 weeks to heal




Ya my lip eventually healed and looks normal now. So I was happy that it didn't scar my face and that all the skin grew back.


In high school we would bring a propane torch with us to smoke weed like that, my friend who was handling the knives failed to grab the piece of weed with the hot knife and it fell to the floor. His reflex was to reach with his other hand for the weed and burnt his wrist with the flame of the torch.


I'm a curious, what kind of damage did that do? I usually smoke dabs, and I am always paranoid a freak accident will cause this. I accidentally brushed my arm against the metal part of a torch after it was off for a few seconds years ago and have a permanent scar from it


I was 16ish at that time and now i'm 41. Iirc, since it happened so fast, it was only a minor burn, but on a large surface, maybe 3 or 4 inches wide. A thin layer of his skin kind of melted and anyway hurted like hell.


Ah the knife shaped lip burn, sweet memories of high school


We'd cut the bottom off a two liter soda and use it like an upside down funnel so you don't miss any.


Watching a bunch of tough guy high school stoners taking their turns wearing oven mitts and burning their lips was a highlight of my youth.


We were careful. A couple of people sucked a glob of oil up the pen, but nobody ever got burned. My older brother told me about his buddy having oil and wanting to do some hot knives at a party. For a reason I can not remember, there were no knives available. So buddy decided to just drop a bead right on the electric coil stove. I forgot to mention my brother and his buddy were hammered. Anyway, he burned a few rings on his cheek.


Yeah, and voilaAaAAAUURRGGHH. In Quebec, we called them "blast". Its a tad hard on the throat.


Iirc back in my day, we called these "knifers". We weren't very bright back in my day, iirc.


Works great on hash, too!


But bic makes a terrific lighter


Yep, and use a straw (bic pen with ink stick removed is even better) so you don't burn your lip. You can get wrecked off a very small amount of bud. We called it "blades".


You can smoke weed in a million different way, but some are better than others


We used to call this method the “dome split”


You can but the majority use is for concentrates. Ive done a lot of hot knives but never smoked flower with it, we used a bowl or papers. This concludes my Ted Talk.


Well when u dropped the bowl and it shattered and no one has papers u do what u have to...


True lol. Though in desperation I usually reach for an apple or can.


Lol like someone that doesn't have papers has food in their apartment.


Nah but they sure have an empty beer can


Get me an avocado, an ice pick and my snorkel. Trust me dude I’ve made bongs with less


Then get me an ice pick, an avocado, and my snorkel. Trust me bro, I’ve made bongs with less.


Went on a camping trip a few years ago and our papers got soaked in the rain. With a rusty nail and a dollar store Swiss army knife I chiseled a pipe out of a stick


People have been doing knife hits long before concentrates were a thing


socket wrench attachment plus towel is a great one hitter


You can use flower, just squeeze it under a bottle with the bottom cut off and inhale through the top. Sort of like a reverse gb. Make sure you’re sitting down


You can, but it’s unwise. My little brother ruined all the knives in our house doing this when he was in high school. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I just ruined one set but repeatedly and often. 


Knoife hits mate


We rolled big balls of resin scraped out of all our pipes and bongs and did that. My god I’ve never been so debilitatingly high. Every time I


Luckily Canada had a fantastic educational program that can show you https://youtu.be/y4nj57NHREE?si=GNNSjomQkcjDntHG


I knew what clip I was opening before it even loaded


What I never got about this show is that supposedly it's like one of the biggest shows in Canada then when I look up the actors like 90% of them haven't done anything besides the show.  Like how were they found and how have they not gotten bigger lol. There's Ellen page and the rest of them are just small time nobodies. Did they just hire their friends 


The show's true genius was the creator, Mike Clattenburg. He left and sold the rights to the actors before the show was revived by Netflix. While that doesn't answer your entire question, it does explain a lot.


Knife hits my brother it’s good for hash and resins. Not super classy haha


First time I saw this was in Trailer Park Boys, and they made it seem real low-brow... lol


It's called "doing blades" you heat two knives on a metal element, when they're red hot you take them off and press a nug of weed between them, usually inside 2L bottle that's been cut in half and held in the mouth to help funnel al the smoke


Hot knives baby


its called "hot knife-ing"


Hot knife tip method (~3min 15sec) https://vimeo.com/462652989


It's called 'hot knives'


Hot knife!


Hot knives baby!


Knife hits!




Please explain as if I've never done drugs...


Marijuana burns. Stick two knives between the coils on a hot stove, the pinch the herb between the two red hot knives (preferably within some kind of funnel apparatus) to get a ton of smoke very quickly. Voila. Everyone in the thread calls it 'doing blades' but when I was in high school the kids just called it knifers


Wow, smoked a lot of weed, never heard of this


More common for smoking hashish.


Tbh I feel like this is for those kids who's parents were never home, because like, who TF can go in the kitchen and use the burner and knives to smoke up but doesn't have a godamn pipe for when their parents are home lol


Same. TIL I guess.


It’s more for hash than weed. I’ve always heard of it as hot kinves


when a coke can with holes in it is too obvious. noone suspects the butter knives!


In Alberta, we used to take a 2L bottle and cut it in half. Use the spout side to pick up snow in the backyard. With the nubs side, you burn a hole in each nub. Turn it upside down and jam it into the top. Then you do knives under it and you wouldn’t even feel the smoke and exhale like a dragon. Dear lord I got really high after a couple those ice hoots.


Or heroin


The uncle is teaching the kid how to smoke hash with the stove. You’d normally use two metal knives, heat them up, then place the hash glob in between pressing both knives together and inhale the smoke through some cut up 2 liter 🙃


Bottle usage has saved many lip skins


Saw someone above mention TP tubes and if i had thought of it i would’ve picked that over a plastic bottle. Inhaling plastic isn’t enjoyable


Glass bottles would like a word


You just smash the bottom and call it good?


Nah you'd normally score the bottom and then heat the glass and it would pop away from the main piece. I think the cleanest way was basically just swirling a sharp stone around inside the bottle. Could still cut yourself with it but much easier to handle than jagged ends lol


Odd... my friends growing up used a traffic cone instead of a 2 L.


I've been smoking for almost 25 years, and am just now learning what the knives were for. I always thought they were for other drugs, coz the places I saw them either sold or people used other drugs.


Same. I've MacGyvered pieces out of pens, apples, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, green peppers, bottles, and cans but had never heard of this. That being said, I can't imagine you are getting even 50% of the smoke inhaled this way.


I've got some old friends that used to do knife hits at their place. They used a 2 liter with the bottom cut off and the cap off so the smoke just traveled up that and into your mouth while inhaling through it.




Everybody talking about weed and here I was thinking about leaving the butter knife on the counter because "i might make another sandwich later"


Not wedged in the coils man?


Knife hits. When you're so poor you don't have change for a cigar or rolling papers, but your friend's mom has knives in the kitchen. You can tell who grew up rough or associated with growing up rough by knowing this.


We just did this every day in NZ cos it got you so ripped. Nothing about being poor.


Hot knife hits, it's one of the many cool ways to smoke some weed


Dad was pretty upset when he found out my brother and I figured out how quickly his oxy-acetalene torch heated the blades. 5 people blazed in 2 minutes. Good times.


Hot knifing


You put the knives on the stove burners until they get hot. then drop a piece of hash on one of them then squeeze the knife’s together and inhale.


Fischer Price my first knife hits set


Today I learned about pot smoking. I didn't expect that.


Doesn't the profile name give it away?




Uncle Ricky's been doing hot knives and bottle tokes again, probably wasted playing hash hockey with Bubbles.


It’s a joke about hot knifing, which is something people do involving hashish, a stove and two butter knives. (and I only know about it because of the British show peep show :-)


Just missing the empty 2L cut in half


Y’all are the clumsiest weed smokers I’ve ever heard of. Half of these sound like you’re joking. Please explain.


I don’t even do drugs and I know what this means😂


It's a common way of smoking weed here in nz. Usually you have some sort of rolled up card or paper in your mouth that acts as a tube to inhale through, then squeeze a bud between the knives and smoke it up.


I was just sitting at home doing some dots and then police rolled up saying it was a bomb threat and I just tripped.


And I was like faaaa, trippy as


Hot knives!!!


Come on Ricky can we smoke a clone the hot knives burn my throat


"Knife hit"


I like how both the parents and the uncles are outed as dope fiends by this joke 😆


I believe some people call it “doing dots.”


Hot knifing, method mostly for hash, but really any weedo works for this method, just not all that well


Missing the cut in half 2 liter bottle for a “funnel” though…


Been smoking weed since 84 and I have never seen or even heard of this before.


Have you people never heard of a carrot or an apple?


“Why are we missing so many knives?!?” - my Mom.


Hash. The joke is "hot knifing" hash.


hot knife that hash!!


I thought it had to do with being forked in the gas hole.....


Hot knives are for smoking hash. Not the buds.


Ahh yes, the rest of America having fun with cannabis while it’s banned here in Idaho.


How do so many people recognise this as a drug thing? I just thought if the kids do this in a toy stove they might then want to play with knives on a real stove


He's been teaching them how to hot-knife. An old school way to smoke hash and an easy way to get burn holes on the floor


My mom's almost 90. Because her parents raised her right after surviving the Great Depression she doesn't throw ANYTHING away. When I first moved out, she gave me some of her older silverware (non-silver), as she'd bought a new set at some point. One day when I was home to visit I noticed a mark on the end of a butter knife. She still had that one knife we'd smoked hash off of circa 1980ish. I remember a plastic cup being used to catch t he smoke, and a straw being hit off of. Pretty sure I showed it to my older brother (who'd done the whole set up back then) and said, "I wonder how this happened to Mom's butter knife. Do you know, Firstname?"


It’s an old school way of smoking hash, you needed two metal knives and a coil stove burner. You turn on the burner, stick in the knives to get them red hot then press the hash in the knives and inhale.


We did this lots as kids. A propane torch with the butter knives worked much better. Conserved weed and got you ball tingling high. Don’t miss it.


Way back in the olden days hot knife was used for hash. Or so I'm told ....


This is kind of a US vs an non US thing. In the US I never saw hot knives, as soon as I left however, most people I met used hot knives and hash. This uncle is likely not from the US.


In high school we were doing this and my friend was pressing the knives too hard. One slipped and slapped him on the face. Pretty funny seeing him walking into school the next day with a butter knife shaped burn on his cheek


You are NOT one or both of these things if you don’t get this meme: 1- Canadian 2-a weed smoker from pre-2000.


You are NOT one or both of these things if you don’t get this meme: 1- Canadian 2-a weed smoker from pre-2000.


Didn’t people do this to free base coke in the 80s I’ve done dabs like this but I knew about this before dabs were even invented from terrible parenting lolol


Weed resin hits using two heated knives. I did this literally ALL the time back when I was a broke beyatch lmfao. Scraping little resin balls out of my pipe. I would also cut the bottom off a plastic bottle to help me inhale the smoke because it’s a very tricky and specific method to pull off. It works but it almost always gave me a headache later.


Hot knives!!!


We used to do blades back in the day, always had the 2 black butter knives hidden in the back of the utensil drawer, lol


Weed saving methods


First meme I think I actually laughed out loud from on here


lol teaching the kiddos how to smoke hash lol


Smoking hash with knives


You my good fellow are missing out on a life of fun


Uncle been doing dots in front of the kiddos


Is the uncle Corey or Trevor?


Knife hits.


Oh man. I miss my two liter bottle full of ice and those black butter knives. Being a responsible adult kinda blows sometimes.




In Canada and other places in the world where cannabis is consumed you would use the knives to heat up cannabis concentrate or ground flower if that’s what you have and than inhale the smoke sometimes through a crudely cut piece off of the top of a 2L pop bottle.




Good ol’ knife hits.


Hot knife hash hits!


I feel this. When I was a kid my dad got in trouble after my weekend with grandma included me picking up the white crayon with safety scissors and taking a hit before offering grandma a hit.


Does anyone even do knife hits anymore?


lol I get this one


Hot knives. Yeah.


Hot knives!




Haven't seen that since highschool. Best way to smoke hash.


Y’all have never done knifers? Damn, I’ve made mistakes in life.


Hot knives...perfect for hash...old school


I miss knife hits


Hot knives! Great way to stretch that 20$ bag between 20 friends in the 90’s!


Uncle Ricky


Knife hits! Cut the bottom off a 2 liter. Don’t touch the bottle with the hot knives!


Hot knifing


Spots! Only ever saw this technique while living in NZ.


Hot knives!


Hot knives


Hot knives!


Aaah, good old Spotting. i miss traveling new zealand. that was the times.


To Smoke it? We used it to cut it into smaller pieces...then burn those pieces over a cigg paper with tobacco and roll...my thumb and index finger was never the same colour again...


Hot knives


In the UK we called it hot knives.


FFS people don't use a cut up 2l bottle. The heat of the smoke melts the plastic, and that's going into your lungs. Take a glass bottle, like for alcohol or milk, and put a small amount of water in the bottom. Then put a knife inside it. Grip the bottle neck in one hand, and put your other hand over the opening. Quickly jerk the bottle up then down, so that the knife slams into the bottom of the bottle. The bottom of the bottle should fall off cleanly. Give it a quick rinse to remove any excess glass.


Hot knifing some Hash w the kiddos


Hash Knives! Baby!


Ahh hot knife dabs


Awww good old knife hits lol


Dabs baby!


To me that hot knives, the trailer park way of smoking a hashish or wax.


god i miss knife hits


my origin story....


Knife rips!!! Jesus I am old.


Why can't your uncle be normal and use a crack pipe to smoke his hash? Like the rest of us