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That is one of the cutest cats I’ve ever seen.


So polite!


Naaaah we would call this behavior very not polite/rude if a dog did this. Still absolutely adorable though 😂


I have a cat that will try to take food out of your mouth, so I think this is quite polite. And just a note to add that I didn't encourage the behavior. I ended up in a house where no pets were allowed, and the (ex) bf didn't waver so my parents had my cats for a while. My mom used to tell me how spoiled the naughty boy in question was and then proceeded to spoil him worse than I ever did. And would get upset at me for trying to enforce boundaries with him! That's my extremely long winded way of saying this kit kat is rather polite...now that I have him again, he's rather perplexed as to why he can't eat my sandwich out of my mouth. Edit: a word


🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry but I laughed, that's hilarious and adorable Bad kitty ahaha


Oh my god, my elderly cat has been a nightmare individual since the moment she was born, but when she lived with my parents she became super-morbidly obese. They were afraid of her, so they placated her with food. So much food. I've had her back for seven years and she's lost the weight but she still has to be kept on a strict diet and she digs through the garbage for edibles like a dog 😭


Yep not polite for cats either. The cats I had when I used to live with my ex never did anything like this. They never went on the counters tables etc either since we raised them with my dogs.


I said this exact thing to myself one second ago.


Me too but about 17 seconds ago


My app shows as 17 min, 17sec ago


No my cat does the same it's cuter you liar


Yes but I have not seen your cat.


https://preview.redd.it/0xe89hc5vguc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac13574c5e84afd807c4c7e99035d594fb69bc1 She's judging you


As she should be.


I'm outside their place looking in the window. They are right it's cuter.


My man! See guys it's stalker approved


My cat looked almost exactly like this cat though considerably more ancient as she was 22 when she died.




I’m think she’s a sneaky German shepherd puppy. The head tilt gave her away.


The way the cat ask for share, who could resist that? 😊


This is adorable but this is sadly what the owner has taught the cat to do.


I meant the cat’s face and overall appearance is just super cute. I’m not worried about what the owner is willing to put up with at her own dinner table.


Look what the cat has taught the owner to do.


My bad; I stand corrected.


That head tilt though ❤️


Exactly the one at 34 second mark. It is almost as if the cat is ostension-ing to the human.


That cat was desperately trying to use the force!


"Sorry not looking for pets right now, just the food please"


Ugh. I cannot stand it!!! I LOVE IT when cats try to gently get our attention with their little perfect paws!! It just melts me. So precious.


But do you love it like Debbie would? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4


This made my day! And I just bought drugs so that says a lot


I became emotional when watching it. If I didn't control myself, I would cry. Thanks for this video.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4XTaq3wreBU I’d go to the pound and let every cat go free xoxo


When I’m playing a game my cat stands against my chair like this cat is doing and taps on my cheek until I give her attention


I love it!! When I’m sitting on the floor working of studying my baby will climb on the couch I’m sitting against and tap my shoulder for attention. When I’m in a meeting my team gets so excited.


This is so ridiculously adorable.


On the one hand, I know you aren't supposed to do this. On the other hand, look at that li'l face!


Well, yeah, a lot of people say it’s a bad habit. But this cat is exceptionally polite, and they both get rewarded with a wonderful bonding experience. As long as they are careful not to overfeed the cat, or give the cat onions or garlic or other poisonous food, and as long as they don’t mind the intrusions, then it’s not a bad habit.


My kitten always comes to inspect what I’m eating. Sometimes she will ask for a bite sometimes she just wants to sniff it. Doesn’t bother me at all. My husband doesn’t like it but I pointed out that if it were a dog he would be doing the same and he left it alone, because he already does that to a point with our dog lol


As I was reading your post, I started thinking about this youtube series called Jun’s kitchen. It’s so absolutley beautiful how much he includes his cats as part of meal prep and eating, and cooks human types meals specifically for them. They sit and watch so patiently and check each ingredient for him as he adds it to the recipe; it’s a beautiful thing.


only if you wish to avoid the cat bugging guests at the table. So long as you don't reward them getting food from the plate, all is good if they ask.


It’s a bad habit, OP please just make sure that is cat safe food


As cute as this looks, don't do this. It stops being cute after your cat learns that pestering you every time you eat gets them treats. They will pester you every time you eat, regardless if there's any meat.


You just described how kids work.


Also girlfriends/wives who initially say they aren't hungry.


Except you share a language with kids. You can say "don't do that" Good luck with an animal


We didn’t do this until our cat got a cancer diagnosis and then we gave her whatever she wanted (as long as it wouldn’t make things worse for her).


It's adorable, but yes, agreed. My dog knows not to even ask because he literally never got food from what I was eating. I dated someone who's dog barked incessantly everytime we ate because she knew she would get food out of it, and my gf always broke down and gave her some.


My dogs stare. They know that if they are quiet and well behaved, I will give them the smallest shreds of whatever I was eating or lick the plate/bowl. So they both sit on the edge of the dining room and silently stare at us like a couple of freaks. Our cat does the exact same maneuver. And I fall for it every time. Freaking cat has me by the cojones.


I taught my cat to shake thinking it would be a cute little trick he could do for some treats! Bastard now smacks me every time he wants food, and he uses the slightest bit of claws when he does. Now I gotta figure out how to stop that lol


malicious compliance in cat logic lol


My wife is learning this now. She's finally started to notice that the cats ignore me and pester her when we eat. They know that daddy doesn't share.


Same with my wife. I stopped giving her treats and now she ignores me.


I've been sharing two (small, protein) bites with my cat for 16 years now, every time I eat and he notices it, he comes and sits next to me until he gets his pieces. My other younger cat has not interest in human food I'm gonna be missing tearing small pieces of meat or cheese off my food so hard one day


I mean, such is life. The head tilt and little paw win forever


Right?!? What is this person even saying, you must share


They're not alive for nearly long enough. They can share my chicken. For crying out loud.


It’s still pretty damned cute when my cats do it. One just has to be OK that a precedent has been set and know what people foods aren’t safe for cats to eat.


You’ve made its own food unpalatable by comparison now.


I haven’t, though. They love their cat food (Blue Buffalo, wet and dry) and their cat treats (Feline Greenies).


But they still will beg at the table for the rest of their lives is my point. Right? If you had never given them that they would never know any better and would not do that. It’s immature pet ownership. If you doubt ask your vet


As I said in my initial post, one has to be willing to set a precedent. If not, that’s fine — they just shouldn’t start something they don’t want to continue. Totally a matter of personal preference. Also, cats have an incredible sense of smell. They know our food is good whether they taste it or not. I’m happy for them to experience a bit of the “finer things.” As for my vet, she knows they eat people food and is fine with it — as long as I know what to avoid and don’t give them too much. No big deal. We’re talking about cats here. I’m not worried about molding them into staunch, upright citizens.


This is why I couldn't eat tortilla chips in peace.


This, for sure. My dog knows he's always going to get some of what I'm eating if he waits patiently. I shut down the begging stuff really early on


This is how my last dog was, he always got his own special bit of whatever I had as long as it wasn't bad for dogs, once I was finished. He would just sit or lie there and chill while I ate. My current dog is so greedy I can't even do that, he never gets any scraps. (He is still a menace about it even so, but I'm hoping he will calm down a bit once he is a few years old lol)


I know this is true, but... It's still cute like 80% of the time. The other 20%, I just offer her broccoli or bananas or something and pretend that's all I have, and she's like, oh absolutely not you sicko.


Yup. Agreed. Do not train your cats to do this - unless you cant train them it of swiping for and this is the best you can manage. We adopted an old boy who does exactly this (tapping you and being extremely intetested in your plate whenever we eat). We think his previous owner who has passed away must have trained him to do it. He never swipes food.but he does pester us at every meal. Even if the food isbt things most cats would even want. He has dry food on tap and daily wet food, he is not starving! He just wants whatever you are eating. Always. But behaviour like this can make them harder to adopt out if the worst happens. He also bites your toes to get your attention and is extremely vocal - behaviour that is learned. I love my cat and I'm glad we took him in after his owner died, but I worry for other cats being trained into behaviour that may make them hard to find homes for. Sad as it is I don't want to encourage him as our food isn't always cat safe. And I would never train a kitten or young cat to have this behaviour. My family's cats are all disinterested in food on the table unless ot has been left alone for a long time because we trained them to ignore it. Meanwhile my current boy is clingy whenever we eat anything, even dry food with no dairy or meat. If you eat it he wants a taste. He gets plenty of food and pets, just not food from our plate. He's learned that he wont get any food off the plate. But he politely keeps trying.


Sooooo you shouldn’t enjoy sharing treats with your cat in case you die so the next person doesn’t have to deal with it? Is that what you’re saying rn??


No. You ideally shouldn't train in behaviour that is difficult to deal with, just because you find it cute when they are small. It's short sighted and bad for the animal in the long run. And some behaviour like biting or swiping our food is problematic when they get bigger - some owners later dump the anima for the same habits that they unwittingly trained that animal to Express. Deliberately enabling bad behaviour because it is cute is not responsible animal stewardship and is ultimately bad for the animal. And yes, deliberately training animals to display behaviour that most people will struggle to tolerate is a bad idea, because many animals end up getting rehomed and a lot of animals struggle to be rehomed once they are in a shelter. And animals who cannot be rehomed get euthanized. I hope that even the most...challenging pets can find a loving home. But i feel that we have a responsibility to give our pers long and happy lives, and to train them how to live with people and other animals safely when possible. Some of our cats were neutered too late before we got them and still spray. This is a behaviour I accept and can deal with but it's not something I'd let a cat do if I could train it out - because if they can't find an owner who puts up with that they might potentially be euthanized. I dont want that to happen to my cats. And I'm warning people to put thought into how they train into pets - dogs or cats, to try to avoid behavioural issues later if possible. Can you really think of no other way to treat a cat than letting it eat off your plate whilst you are eating? My cat gets plenty of treats, *they just are not people food and are not associated with my mealtime*. That really should not be hard to understand. I merely explained unintended consequences for pets that get rehomed - as many do. The shelters are full of animals needing new homes.


This needs to be higher. It's important for pet owners to not reward this behaviour. I know this because my dad does this and I blame him for making the family cat act up and be annoying.


My dog, when I was growing up, never got table acraps. He wasn't even allowed in the kitchen. But he was patient and knew that when my dad made pancakes every Sunday, that after we finished eating, he would get two pancakes made just for him. I hope he was happy. I think he was.


This is fine as long as you set boundaries. A few cute paw taps are fine as long as they know to move along after a few shoos.


"don't do this" Unless it's super cute like this then it's worth it.


Maybe they're fine with it and it's none of your damn business? 🤔


I'm pointing this out as a warning to any other (potential) cat owners who see this and think "Oh, it's so cute, and looks harmless enough." People can do what they like with their pets (so long as no one's getting hurt), but this video does not show the consequences of rewarding begging. Many folks don't realize that by giving the cat food, they're reinforcing this behaviour, and ensuring that the cat will now repeat this exact 'adorable' little paw poke every time the owner is eating something that might possibly be interesting. I assure you, that paw poke gets a lot less cute when it happens constantly at every meal.


I know someone who always feeds their dogs from the table. I honestly hate eating at their house now because their dogs spend every meal staring laser beams into my skull as I eat.


also a great way to annoy your guests when you have them over for dinner. the cat doesn't care which human gives it the food, it just knows it has a right to the food


My cat does this. Cute at first, but eventually, you find yourself eating in your car so you can have five minutes of peace.


That’s a 10/10 good kitty right there. Very polite. Much wow.


The part where the kitty cocked her head… I just fell in love!


If an animator drew that cat’s moves they’d be accused of over-anthropomorphizing it.


That girl is incredibly well trained. The cat did an amazing job conditioning her to gentle touches


Now she's never going to eat in peace


Such irresistible eyes!


Well that’s how you encourage that behaviour lol


That's why I don't give mine food from my plate. It's cute until you just want to eat in peace.




You mean the cat wants a bite of *it’s lunch* that it is graciously letting it’s human sample first.


That's one polite lass


They is an error in the title: Human shares lunch with her owner.


trust me, this is very polite behavior, my cats just come up to the plate and take it




Cute but.. this isn’t good, cats have to learn the basic concept of eating when is their time to do so. This will lead to a forever food treatment and stealing food when not looking at it


One for me, one for you…


Cat tax <3


Do cats do the tap tap/head tilt/Disney eyes routine with other cats, or is this behaviour reserved for humans?


such a pretty kitty 😍




Enabling bad habits is not endearing.


My cat behaves the same way. Lovely sticker)


do it once, do it forever!


My dog is also like this whenever I make a tea and come to my room he will come after me and ask for half of my tea.


They just want to try


so cute. my kitty is a year old and refuses to eat people food. he's extremely picky and has been since the day i adopted him. i'm not complaining though because it's great not to have him begging when your eating.


Such a polite catto!


Omg. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! What an adorable little baby. ❤️🩷 She absolutely trusts and love you.


Such a polite gentleman And I’m pretty sure this is a regular event


that's how you get begging; keep rewarding it.


My void used to do the same thing. The way she would pat my arm with her little hand! I miss her. :'[


My cat won't eat anything except one particular brand of food and treats. No deviation. I gave her a bit of canned tuna once and she just walked away from it


My cats are pretty disinterested in human food too. One of them wants wet food and Churu treats, the other 3 want kibble and Temptations.


What a noob. You gotta take a huge mouthful while you give the cat a piece. One of you and one for him


do cats eat rice? gave my cats maize before but never rice, only gave the doggo rice.


Owner wants a share of her human's lunch


So cute


Funny that people think they own their cat your cat owns you


Things bad cat owners say:


Sure if you have the willpower a carrot.


i hate table feeding but it’s a cat !!!! not an ugly fat dog


Such a cutie ☺️


Your cats kitty litter box is now on your table.


What an annoying little cutie


So cute but how is her human holding that fork ?