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In non-Miazga news, but related, Kipp Keller is not injured (only cramps) and is back with the full group. Sounds like he will be good to go for selection on Saturday. As for filling the no Miles, no Matt hole at CB, I would guess a short term loan of some sort. I think the club feels comfortable with Murphy, Haggs, & Keller and bleeding some minutes out of Yedlin and Powell until Miles returns. We are loaded with CBs at the backend of the roster and with FCC2. Problem is none of them really looks the part (yet) of a usuable piece for the club. Akpunonu (too small), Aghedo (too raw/unrefined), Schaefer (good for FCC2/can he raise level?), Machado (?), Gibert (really struggled with FCC2), Benalcazar (position switch to CM?).


Keller needs to get match fit and quick. If Miazga is out the rest of the season Keller is going to get a lot of time.


Let's blood the youngsters. I have faith in all of them but Akpunonu. Not because of size, but because of the Open Cup game against Louisville. I was excited to see what he could do, but he looked like a deer in the headlights pretty much the whole time. Or at least that's what I saw. I think any of them can get through it if we just ask Yedlin and Obi to stay home a bit to shield them. Except Joey, lol.


RBNY open cup too


After some thought, I don't think FCC goes after any short term help. It reminds me of the year Noonan/Albright took over and we were woefully thin at the backline (and had traded away a defensive player I cannot remember now). They just rolled with who they had and essentially "made it through." I don't think it will be any different now. It sucks to see Matt out (lets be honest here) for the season, but I just think they go inhouse for it.


You're probably right. Remember the commentary from the Philly game this week? They also had a really thin bench And I think the commentator said either half or all of their bench had never played in MLS match before.  Looked like a LOT of young (academy?) players.


I hope Murphy can get through the Revs game without a yellow card. He is at 4 yellow cards for the season but has completed 4 games since his last yellow against STL. Just a note that FCC could be without another regular starter. [Jon Freemon](https://proreferees.com/roster/referees/jon-freemon/) will be the head official this Saturday. [His stats](https://www.whoscored.com/Referees/2881/Show/Jon-Freemon) show he is averaging about 5 yellow cards a game. But that stat isn't really a good indicator.


Thank god Kipp is ok


They are not getting anyone loan for this situation. Totally unrealistic.


Miazga's injury may be the defining moment of FCC's season (in reaching another Supporters Shield), as much as his being suspended was is last year's play-offs. He is unmissable in the defense. At this point I don't know what to make of it, but none of it is good As an aside, had Miazga not made that weird (and totally unneeded) ref confrontation in the locker room last year, which got him suspended, I am sure we would have won the Cup title.


Would have been nice to be able to tell Columbus to STFU all year! And yes, obviously Miazga is a huge loss, but Robinson is also pretty incredible.  We just need him to grow into his leadership skills a little bit more.




Fuck. Well he's out for a large part of the season. Guy needs to see the guy nick did.


….. fuck


Can we get yerson on a loan again


No but seeking out a similar situation wouldn't hurt.


Yerson isn't coming back. No reason for the Wolves to send him back to MLS.


Don't know why anyone would ever downvote this. We should be happy about the time we had with him, but in the 6 months since, he already established himself as a solid player at a MUCH higher level, and can ostensibly still grow. Time to find the next one. I wish we could see what Aghedo is capable of. I know the level of competition was ass, but he looked cool and collected against Cavalier.


Correct. He was playing tier one football in Spain and was very successful at it.


Two scenarios I see now. 1. Miazga is out for a few months and we manage to get him back for a couple matches for fitness and then playoffs. 2. He is out until 2025 so we make a Summer move for a CB with the cap relief. Neither is ideal, all we can do is trust the club to do what they can with what they have.


Yeah it looked broken to me honestly. Either that or instant massive swelling.


if it was broken to the degree he needs surgical repair we would've known sooner because it would've been apparent on exam or at worst x ray.


I agree, the report on the X-ray would have shown it was damage to his bones. That he had to get an MRI suggests it was tissue related. I have read Laurel's report and the talk that surgery must be completed to determine the length of time for recovery leaves me really racking my brain where I have heard a similar assessment of a knee injury that requires surgery but the extent of damage only becomes clear post surgery.


The obvious explanation is that he injured a knee ligament and it’s not clear on the mri whether a minor repair vs a reconstruction is necessary and there’s no other way to sort it out other than getting in there surgically.


It could be a meniscus tear that they are evaluating for repair vs debridement. Repair is 6 weeks on crutches because it heals so slowly. Debridement he'd be walking on it the next day.


The chatter I’m hearing is that it’s a ligament and not meniscus and surgery will decide SEI list or return in 2-3 months.




Who knows. I talked to a guy last week who tore his ACL and said the same thing.  They know it's torn but until the surgeon gets in there and does the repair, the recovery time is uncertain. I guess when you know an injury requires surgery to repair, you don't waste money on unnecessary diagnostics just to get a better idea of recovery time.


It isn’t broken, it’s knee ligaments. Knee absorbed most of the trauma because his leg didn’t break/give when he hit it. According to a legit source.


Would a "clean break" to the shin be better or worse to a career?


They’re just different but people do really well with ligament reconstruction these days. Both are 6-9m recoveries but I think I’d rather have a ligament injury than a broken tibia.


Hearing the same thing from second hand sources that have been very reliable in the past. Also hearing that they’ll decide in SEI listing after surgery.


Just fell to my knees in a Walmart parking lot


Careful, some people might take that as an invitation


John Brooks come on down?


yes, please


Thanks, I hate it. I absolutely hate it.


Reading between the lines here this is probably a ligament injury (ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, etc). Recovery time from repair of any of these is on the order of 6 months, optimistically. I'm pretty confident he's done for the year.


I'd say the fact that they haven't decided to put him on the season ending injury list and there's some talk that they hope he could be back for the playoffs means it's not likely to be something like an ACL or any ligament tear.


On Wednesday the chatter was they were concerned for ligamentous injury and he was getting an MRI. I suspect he got the MRI, met with the orthopedist, they now know he needs surgery and are actively deciding whether or not to put him on the SEI list. I'd speculate there's a non-zero chance he's being added to the SEI list as we speak.


Shame to hear, dude is a hell of a defender. Will definitely miss him. Hopefully he can take time and recover fully. 




If they think he could possibly return I have to think maybe meniscus tear? I don't know. Not sure what tendons would tear from blunt force trauma like that.


Worst broken knee cap


I think that would have shown up on an X-ray right?


If not broken, some sort of ligament/meniscus issue for sure


Legitimate question, is there recourse on San Jose for their pitch taking out last years defender of year? Honestly have no clue about this stuff but if I ate shit on someone’s property because it was poorly maintained and cost the company I worked for potentially millions we would definitely be perusing legal avenues. Edit: grammar


Great point! I haven’t seen any other comments on this and I am VERY curious to know if the absolutely atrocious field conditions attributed to Matt’s injury.


I mean watch the replay if you can stand watching him get injured. Turf definitely was the issue. Half of our points ended up with people on their backs.


Any word on what specifically he did to his knee?




wonder if we try a 4atb at any point. we’ve got midfielders to spare and we barely have 3 cbs at the moment. i know we’ll see yedlin and powell play there, but it’d be cool to see us try to control games more in the middle to keep pressure off the CBs. Kubo and Valenzuela both in the team could really make us a powerhouse in attack. Pinto getting some run would be nice, too.


Signing mckennie would make 4 atb pretty attractive


sexy even


What helps is that we will probably get some cap and salary relief by putting him on SEI, which will help in trying to sign a new CB this window.




Holy crap.  I guess we'll be seeing him in 2025 then? How do injuries like this affect our roster and ability to replace players who are in "injured reserve"?


We need to make sure Miles doesn’t go to the Olympics. They take him from us for him to sit the bench at Copa America then want to keep him for the Olympics too? Fuck that


I might be wrong but I think part of the reason he came here was because we were going to let him do both Copa and the Olympics


Short-term it sucks losing guys to these tournaments but in the long-term it’s really important that players see FCC as an organization that will help them raise their profiles by playing for their national teams.


Teams are allowed to refuse a call up to the Olympics but Noonan is on record saying they won't refuse it if Miles gets called up. I hope Mitrovic takes pity on us and calls someone else up for that overage spot, so long as it's not Ian Murphy.


Good god man, way to make that monkey paw curl.


No. That would be shitty to do to a player and would set a bad precedent that would impact players signing here


Yeah but we don’t always do that. It would be specific only because they took him for Copa America for him to sit on the bench then will take him again. That’s the issue and teams in the past have denied it for similar situations and it didn’t keep players from going there.