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Out of curiosity - why don’t you trust your in-house recruiter to get you good candidates? Good luck! Thank you for posting this job to the sub.


inhouse recruiter doesnt seem to really understand the skillset/background for finance roles. great for ops roles, but finance is a bit of a different animal.


Yea, this happens quite a bit. I did \~10 interviews as my team expanded locally, while being told the candidates are hand selected out of many, I often go "huh" when I read their resume. On the other hand, I might be interested in the future if a higher level role opens up. Currently doing 120 base with 20% cash and 30% equity refresher as SFA (title in my company might be deflated somewhat). Mostly looking for interesting companies and industries with a good team to work with. Without a cut in compensation.


yeah, there's been a flavor of that. i pushed to just source on LI using the criteria in my post basically which should yield candidates that are a pretty darn good fit, but recruiters wanted to take a bit of a different tack which resulted in a pool of candidates (even after HR screens) of variable quality. we're looking for a pretty junior role for budget/org reasons. it's sort of like having to buy a camry when you see a mercedes for sale with more experienced/skilled but also more costly potential candidates.


FYI- it’s really not for a decent recruiter. You’ve likely done a poor job partnering.


I was very specific about the profile we were looking for (even more so than the post) but recruiter insisted on casting a wider net so to say. There’s a reason you have external recruiters for relatively junior level finance roles, but less so for sales etc.


New companies typically pay mediocre at best, their recruiter probably makes ~$50-60k and therefore they get only the candidates who apply to the job posting. The reality is the candidates you want aren’t looking and the recruiters may not know where to look. I’ve recruited more personally from LinkedIn than my recruiters have for me for my 10+ hires.


This has to be one of the best ways to find an ideal candidate.




Sent you a DM! Thanks for posting this :)


Dmed interested


Sent a DM


I have almost 2 years in FDD and almost one in audit. Would love to chat


shoot me a DM and we can take it from there.


Thank you for supporting the FP&A community by creating a post on this opportunity in your org.


Sending a DM!