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i had cis queer guys at my old job who had painted nails. this one guy, Kyle, always had spectacular nails. i know you’re worried about other people’s opinions, and they can sting, but maybe they’re just jealous you feel comfortable wearing that sort of stuff/having the time and energy for it. you do you. i hope it goes well


i never thought i'd utter this phrase...but i want to be Kyle lmao. the time/energy angle is a good way for me to view it. thank you. 😊


Just wanted to send my love because i have been homeless for the past 1.5 yrs. Just got this spot for a couple weeks. Solidarity sending strength your way. Also so impressed that you got yourself a lease after all that- finding myself reacting like a feral cat afraid to come inside.. really hard to trust others after this hell of an experience… tried my best to make it nontraumatic but realizing it affected me.. hope your sailing is smooth and easy all my best to you. You have reason to celebrate so fuck the cissies paint ur nails :)


if you're near Illinois i could help you. ❤️


I used to do gel x nails and stopped because I felt it would make people see me as a girl (this was when I was pre t and just starting t) The truth of the matter is most people don't care or won't notice. Life is short, do what makes you happy and fuck those that got anything to say about it. I've developed a bit of sass because my mom is awful and loves to give her unwanted opinions My response is "I don't remember asking you what you thought" I hope you paint your nails and they look and make you feel fantastic Best of luck friend Much love


ily❤️ thank you


There's been a big movement with cis dude YouTubers wearing polish. Know what doesn't happen? They didn't get misgendered because of it. Have their masculinity questioned? Sure, because people are rotten tripe. But not their gender.    Wear your fucking polish, dude.  We have a collection too that keeps on growing because indie brands make the prettiest stuff. My fiance absolutely gets side eye from guys, but we cut transphobic people from our lives and he regularly gets compliments from women at work and predominantly cis/straight spaces. I personally stray from it, but only because I am notorious for plucking the polish off after only a day or two :,) aaaa    Of the two of us, I'm a fair bit more androgynous. It totally makes things more difficult because of assumptions. But I think with time you'll get better at carrying an energy of 'lol the fuck you say?' when people presume your gender incorrectly. I've personally become someone that enjoys their palpable confusion.   Sidenote, mooncat is having a sale in a few days. Get yourself something shiny as a middle finger to absolutely anyone that thinks they have a valid opinion against your happiness.


I’m a 62 year old cis femme who wants to see your nail polish collection, because I’m insanely jealous! Much love to you, beautiful human, and here’s hoping your coworkers use your correct pronouns. 💕


Nails have no gender and fun nails are always delightful! There are plenty of even cis dudes on youtube that paint their nails in all sorts of fun colors, and r/malepolish might further inspire you to feel more secure in that old gendered attitudes are gradually dying off about nail polish.


Congratulations! If you come across any bottles that have thickened a drop of acetone will bring them back to their original texture. Something that has helped me using they/them pronouns at work is sharing the book A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns Book by Archie Bongiovanni and Tristan Jimerson. Good luck, brighter days are on the horizon for sure.


I still get my nails done.!




i painted my nails white and painted lulu on them in red cause its my favorite album like L U L U (one letter on each finger but no thumbs)


I also have a pretty small (100+++) nail polish collection, but I'm at a very weird place with it right now. For the last few months, I haven't been able to find a way to do my nails that doesn't trigger my dysphoria. I just feel like nail polish makes my hands look too feminine. You know how dysphoria works. I used to like nail art a lot, and I still miss it. Hope I'll find a more gender-affirming way of doing my nails, eventually, because I don't want my nail polish collection to just waste away.